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两千多年前,古希腊思想家亚里士多德曾说,人们来到城市是为了生存,人们居住在城市是为了生活得更好[1].城市让生活更美好的基本条件之一就是这个城市具有良好的生态、宜居的环境.十二五期间,城市环境建设不仅关系到市民生活质量的提高,而且关系到城市竞争力的提升.  相似文献   


Much work on school bullying focuses on developing our understanding of the various factors that contribute to bullying and its management. This case study focuses on the possible connections between parts and offers a metaperspective of one mainstream secondary school. Demonstrating that bullying and its management is embedded within the network of relationships which together form the school system, a range of issues and dilemmas relevant to all schools are highlighted and discussed.  相似文献   

品牌班次建设是当前干部培训机构应对竞争的策略选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
时代的发展变化为我国的干部教育发展带来了机遇,也带来了激烈的竞争.干部教育培训机构要在竞争中求得生存和发展,必须不断地提升自身的核心竞争力,以自己的教学品牌参与竞争,以自己的特色吸引学员和社会公众.干部教育的品牌班次建设,必须从实际出发,围绕自身的功能定位,依托自身的优势教学资源,认真设计班次的课程体系,以优质课程为支撑,以高素质的教师队伍为保证.  相似文献   

正Can China-U.S.relations remain stable despite tensions?Chinese President Xi Jinping is expected to make his second trip to Washington in less than a year in late March to attend the fourth Nuclear Security Summit hosted by U.S.President Barack Obama.During his state visit in September 2015,President Xi and his counterpart had reached an agreement on a number of important issues,such as climate  相似文献   

Managing Risks     
After five months of discussions and the soliciting of public opinion, China's central authorities issued a new guideline on asset management products and services on April 27, aiming to ensure the stability of the financial market and prevent financial risks with tightened regulation targeting the elimination of regulatory arbitrage in the sector.  相似文献   

文章认为,隋文帝在其执政的短短20多年间,就能一统南北,把隋朝建设成一个颇为强盛的封建王朝,除了与隋文帝所进行的内政改革致为密切外,与其所推行的“无隔华夷”、“文轨攸同”的治边思想、“远交近攻”、“离强合弱”的治边方略和“严防边塞”、“清边制胜”的治边措施亦不无关系。  相似文献   

吕耀怀  杨璐 《湖湘论坛》2007,20(2):80-83
计划经济时期以"单位管理"为主并辅之以"街居管理"的基层社会管理模式,是当时历史条件的必然产物.在社会转型期,计划经济条件下适用的"单位管理"及"街居管理"模式已不再适用.于是,西方国家的"社区管理"模式被介绍到中国.但当代中国社会不能简单地模仿西方,而应当立足于本国国情,在借鉴西方经验的基础上,创造出具有中国特色的社区管理模式.从社区发展的终极目标--社区自治来看,我国现有的社区管理模式应该也必须逐步走向完善.  相似文献   

正The stability of China’s currency is dependent on a number of factors For the last two years the renminbi has been plagued by depreciation pressure.It has,once again,become a hot topic since October.Although the renminbi’s depreciation has not roused market panic,the instability of the current international political and economic environment signals the need for caution when dealing with the  相似文献   

Recently,I had the chance to attend the Ehbor Cup Tour of Fuzhou,which was a three-day,three-stage cycling event open to professionals and amateurs alike from all over Asia.Unfortunately,I wasn’t a competitor.I’m not quite fit enough to make it up a mountain at my own pace,let alone when trying to beat more than 100 other people.I’m not sure I’d want to see myself in spandex either.However,it was from my comfortable,and physically un-strenuous,position on the sidelines that I had time to reflect a little.  相似文献   

正Wu Xiaoqiu,a Beijing resident, clicked the submit button when he finished the questionnaire about the topics on the 2012 sessions of the National People's Congress and the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative  相似文献   

正Internet financial products have enjoyed huge success,but will they change the landscape of China’s financial sector?Wang Kang,27,works for a Beijing branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China(ICBC),a major state-owned commercial bank in China and the largest bank  相似文献   

China needs to ensure the security and profitability of its assets China is the world’s largest holder of foreign exchange(forex)reserves, which reached $3.31 trillion in 2012.The annual growth of its forex reserves alone would still place China  相似文献   

The U.S. officially abandoned the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces(INF) Treaty on August 2. Although the Donald Trump administration announced the withdrawal last October, the substantial implications are becoming visible now that the announcement has gone into effect. The unilateral withdrawal from the treaty will have sign ificant effects on in ternational strategic stability and cause wide-ranging harm to U.S.-Russia ties, regional security and global nuclear stability.  相似文献   

正For many years, Western countries have criticized China for its military modernization and for a perceived lack of transparency. The West's nitpicking over China's military transparency aims to contain this emerging power.But it also shows that Western countries have blind  相似文献   

Strategic View     
Malaysian prime minister's visit opens up new prospects for China-Malaysia cooperation china and Malaysia seem poised to advance their bilateral relations by building on achievements in the past  相似文献   

正Rather than trying to pressure and defeat China,U.S.should find a way for peaceful coexistence By Tao WenzhaoSince May,many US.senior officials,including President Donald Trump's National Security Adviser Robert C.O'Brien and Attorney General William P.Barr,have spoken on China-U.S.relations,relentlessly talking about China'sevil doings.Secretary of State  相似文献   

Strategic Ties     
Over the past seven decades,diplomatic ties between China and Russia have gone through an extraordinary journey.Since the disintegration of the Soviet Un ion,China-Russia relations have made a smooth transition,becoming more stable and mature.China and Russia have carried out pragmatic cooperation in various fields based on equality and mutual benefit.This has achieved win-win results,benefiting people in the two countries.Some in the in ternational community are reluctant to see the two come closer and have tried to sow dissension,propagating that the ties would inevitably deteriorate and that the friendship is not in the actual interests of the two countries.  相似文献   

Optimizing your workforce's salary structure Other methods of salary structuring Payment of a relatively large annual bonusis a tax-efficient way of compensating staff,  相似文献   

段凡  叶海平 《中国发展》2007,7(4):27-31
竞争构成了市场经济的基本要素,成为市场社会的主要运行机制,成为日益深入人心的重要观念。竞争的内涵随着时代的发展而变化,和谐社会并不排斥竞争。和谐社会里不仅离不开竞争,反而更加需要竞争。但是这种竞争已经不是竞争最初开始阶段的内涵,在伴随着时代的变迁与社会的发展后,竞争概念的内涵已经被赋予了更多的内容。  相似文献   

正Transportation network struggles to cope with Spring Festival demand Big crowds and foul air on the train, frighteningly long queues and fierce clashes at the station...these are common scenes during China’s Spring Festival travel rush. The annual travel peak is known as the world’s biggest human migration. This year’s stampede is still ongoing. Lasting over 40 days,  相似文献   

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