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陈东 《贵州民族研究》2007,27(5):110-115
岷江上游自古是一条民族迁徙通道,在公元3~6世纪有不少胡人入据这一区域且十分活跃,但目前学术界对岷江上游的胡人活动的史实尚重视不够。本文通过对相关史籍记载的分析,系统梳理了魏晋南北朝时期胡人在岷江上游地区的活动,认为胡人的入据对当时沟通西域与南朝陆路交往的"岷江道"的开拓起了重要作用。  相似文献   

从土地储备与投融资机制设计角度,阐述长江隧桥工程在建设中建立土地储备与投融资机制相结合的意义、原则和可行性,设计土地储备与投融资运作机制方案的思路、优缺点和前提条件等,提出土地储备与投融资方案的流程设计,旨在探讨将上海土地储备机制与重大工程建设投融资机制相结合,从而使得政府在重大工程投资中带来的土地增值效应纳入工程建设投融资机制。  相似文献   

路红艳 《中国发展》2012,12(3):24-29
内陆现代服务业基地是国务院对两江新区“两个基地”定位之。该文认为,两江新区要明确“一基地三中心”的战略定位,建设令囤最大的云计算产业展地、长江上游地区金融中心、西部地区旧际商贸物流中心和西南地区国际会展中心;分析了两江新区现代服务业发展已具备的基础和比较优势以及制约发展的主要因素,提出了推动两汀新区内陆现代服务业基地建设的政策建议。  相似文献   

随着我国对外开放政策的逐步深入,长江三角洲地区成为亚太地区最具活力的经济增长极和中国融入世界经济竞争的最具实力的中心区域。但是,沪、苏、浙等地方政府行为的选择与长三角区域经济一体化的战略目标是相矛盾的。文章基于区域经济发展的视角,分析了空间统筹布局、基础设施建设、跨区域的环境综合整治、土地资源协调和产业发展协调对地方政府积极融入长三角一体化协调发展进程的作用机制和影响,并在此基础上以江苏省为例提出了地方政府所应该选择的正确行为。  相似文献   

正How China tamed a 1,000-plus-year-old sand land in seven decades It needs two adults to fully wrap their arms around Shi Guangyin's first tree, which stands on the southern edge of the Maowusu sand land, one of the four largest sand lands in China. Shi, China's first state-level hero fighting desertification, planted the tree back in 1984. "I love it very much; it's like my own child," he told Beijing Review.  相似文献   

该文总结了上海市松江区泖港镇不倚仗工业闯出新农村发展道路的基本做法和经验,提出保护农业首先要保护环境,发展农业首先要反哺农业,服务农民首先要解放农民,建设农村不能过度依赖工业等建议。  相似文献   

Major Economic Figures in February 2010 CPI and PPI The consumer price indes(CPI),a main gauge for inflation, grew 2.7 percent year on year in February, nearing the 3-percent  相似文献   

Floodwaters are released from the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River in Yichang,central China’s Hubei Province,on July 20.The dam,China’s largest flood control project,acts as a buffer for the worst flood-ing in decades as it blocks more than 40 percent of upstream water.The peak influx into the Three Gorges Reservoir topped 70,000 cubic meters a second on July 20,the highest level since the dam was completed last year.The flow is still 30,000 cubic meters below its designed capacity.The discharge has been kept under 40,000 cubic meters a second to help flood-fighting efforts in downstream areas that have been plagued by weeks of heavy rainfalls.The Three Gorges Reservoir has a capacity of more than 20 billion cubic meters with a maximum water level of 175 meters.  相似文献   

Netizens have collected several ar-ticles about the flood-control capacity of the Three Gorges Dam. In these articles, its capacity was differently described as tackling flooding "once-in-10,000-years" "once-in- l,O00-years" or "once-in-a-century" Can you give the specifics of the flood control capacity of the dam?  相似文献   

Over the past 150 years few Western and Chinese scholars have examined the nature of the environment in Hutiao xia (Tiger Leaping Gorge) and its various inhabitants. However, as a unique geographical and geological feature, one of Asia's deepest gorges, part of the headwaters of the Yangtze River, and a common destination for tourists, the gorge has taken on greater and greater significance. Americans, Chinese literati, Party Cadres, and others have commented on Tiger Leaping Gorge. This essay will examine both the local environment and local environmental practices related to the gorge. Considering historical and contemporary land use practices, the gorge and its changing status can act as a microcosm of western China's various kinds of land development strategies, their implications for local and larger concerns, and land use ideologies of various sorts. Through discussing soil composition, water management, natural vegetation patterns, population growth, and recent developments in tourism, this essay will discuss the human impact on the natural environment of Tiger Leaping Gorge between the 1870s and 2002. It will not only demonstrate patterns in environmental degradation based on both natural and human processes, it will also show that depending on the form of institutional authority and local management practices, the environment in the gorge has been most effected by the political and ideological changes of the last half-century in comparison to earlier times. However, despite increasing challenges in the face of various human factors, some recent environmental practices have succeeded in helping to minimize elements of local soil and vegetation degradation.  相似文献   

北部湾产业布局优化的对策与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵禹骅  张家寿 《桂海论丛》2010,26(4):103-107
从级差地租理论出发,讨论国家政策对区域经济的影响,在此基础上,结合《珠江三角洲地区改革发展规划纲要》,从区域产业地图和产业园区两个层面上,讨论《广西北部湾经济区发展规划》和《国务院关于进一步促进广西经济社会发展的若干意见》引起的广西产业布局变动,分析产业布局变动过程中存在的产能优化、生态优化、财政优化等问题,从产业规划的角度提出北部湾产业布局优化的建议。  相似文献   

中国发达地区传统的经济增长方式转型是牵引中国经济持续发展的主要动力。从对外贸易的角度审视,尽管长江三角洲地区外贸总量快速增长,但加工贸易增值系数和经济效益不高,在全球产业链中处于低端。以往依靠税收优惠和稀缺土地资源进行的招商引资,在带动地区经济规模的扩张和外贸粗放增长的同时,也产生了成本上升和资源无法支撑外贸继续发展的副作用。频繁遭遇的各种贸易壁垒,则从国外市场的需求和生产技术国际标准方面,构成了对长三角地区外贸发展模式的倒逼机制。增强自主技术创新的能力,积极探索引资方式的创新,稳步推进“走出去”的多元化战略,建设和完善高效应对贸易摩擦的机制,才能实现经济持续、稳健、快速的发展。  相似文献   

由建勋 《中国发展》2007,7(3):70-73
计划经济时代沿用至今的模糊的农村集体土地产权制度,使得土地一级市场征地与二级市场供地之间形成巨大利差,诱导地方政府乐此不彼地过度行使征地权。在国家作为土地权形式上的管理者缺位,农民又无权维护自身土地权益的制度安排下,造成了耕地资源流失的难以遏制。对此,及时进行土地产权制度创新,让农民能真正维护自己的土地权益,成为从源头上保护我国有限的耕地资源的最佳路径选择。  相似文献   

张洪 《思想战线》2000,26(2):41-43
城市土地优化利用是解决我国城市发展与耕地保护矛盾的重要途径.但在我国,城市土地市场尚不完善,土地优化利用研究未能与土地市场化结合.根据我国城市土地市场的特点及不足,优化城市土地利用的措施最主要的是完善相关政策法规,尽快推进土地利用的市场化进程.  相似文献   

Zhibin Lin  Zhang Lixin 《当代中国》2006,15(49):637-650
This paper aims to demonstrate that China's land policy and land law are altered in social interactions between different actors. Such social processes have led to the gendering of rural land tenure practices, but also a highly heterogeneous situation with regard to land tenure. This paper aims to demonstrate that the combined effect of marital relations, kinship, social network and low political representation of women in the community often results in the deprivation of women's land rights and many women are becoming landless. However, our field research shows that there are also cases where women are able to get access to land if they live in communities where land is still subject to redistribution or readjustment, or where women have political representation and gender-awareness training.  相似文献   

农村土地制度改革是城镇化与农业现代化发展的客观要求。该文通过深入分析中国城镇化过程中的城乡土地利用格局,阐述了古今中外农村土地制度设计的基本原则,提出应有限度地放开农村土地市场,以满足利用市场机制有效配置土地资源的要求,但必须以保障农地生产功能为前提,严格防止土地过度资本化可能带来的弊端。  相似文献   

Many reporters and scholars outside China advocate the privatization of land ownership in China as a necessary step for the transformation of China's agriculture system into a modern, large-scale, market-oriented and technology-intensive one. Chinese scholars advocating land privatization, for their part, typically argue that land privatization would better protect farmers’ rights and interests. We present a contrarian view to these calls for land privatization. Under China's current system of collective land ownership and individualized land use rights, agriculture has modernized rapidly in China in a way that has avoided privatization's many downsides. Land privatization, by contrast, would only exacerbate class inequality and social tension in rural China and further weaken farmers’ positions in dealing with more powerful actors. Through analyzing six dimensions of this issue—increasing investment in land and agricultural productivity, promoting scaled-up modern agriculture, protecting farmers’ land rights and preventing land grabs, enhancing rural livelihoods, and facilitating rural migrants’ integration into cities—we maintain that strengthening the current system is superior to privatizing rural land.  相似文献   

This paper studies the present land disposition (requisition and acquisition) and land use rights transfer system in China with emphasis on its marketization and its institutional arrangement concerning the central state and the local government. China's current land property right system is first described. It finds that although the communist government gained full control over the Chinese Mainland in 1949, it had never constitutionalized the state ownership of land until December 1982. Since then, the State owns all urban (nonagricultural) land and the rural collectives jointly own agricultural land. Only the user rights of urban land are allowed to be transferred. China's land administration system, its historical evolution, and its institutional configuration are then studied. Institutional difficulties associated with this system are also discussed. This paper proceeds further to study China's land requisition approval system. The role of the local government in land transactions is also discussed. The rest of this paper inquires into the marketization of land transactions in China. Discussion on the trend of China's land market development, suggestions for its improvement and remarks for future studies conclude this paper.  相似文献   

该文通过对河南、山东、河北、安徽四省的实地调研,阐述了小麦主产区农村土地流转现状,即土地流转能使农民收入迅速增加,且流转价格在不断上涨,非经济因素阻碍农户流转出土地,经济因素阻碍农户流转入土地。同时小麦主产区农村土地流转也存在一些问题,土地流转周期短,难以实现规模化流转,承载土地流转的主体缺失,缺少中介服务组织,农业补贴主体混乱不清,“非粮化”程度严重等。  相似文献   

该文综合分析了安徽省参与泛长三角区域合作与发展的现实基础,认为安徽仍存在发展层次低、财力弱、潜力挖掘不够等问题,提出了将安徽省纳入“长三角地区区域发展规划”、从国家战略层次全面推进安徽参与长三角区域合作等建议。  相似文献   

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