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A case of fatal caffeine toxicity due to suicidal ingestion of a "look-alike" illicit drug is reported. Caffeine concentrations were determined by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) with the brain having the highest level reported in the literature to date. Also, the blood concentration of caffeine was one of the highest among the cases reported. A literature review of caffeine fatalities is presented.  相似文献   

A 16-year-old girl was admitted to the emergency department for sexual assault. The forensic examination revealed genital lesions of an age that were incompatible with her statements. She also presented extragenital lesions that resembled self-inflicted lesions. The reports of false rape allegations in the literature have all dealt with the motivations of the false victims. This case report is a reminder that an allegation of rape can be considered only on the basis of proof and not on speculation.  相似文献   

A fatality due to ingestion of flurazepam is reported. Flurazepam is a benzodiazepine, a widely prescribed hypnotic drug for use in sleep disorders. There are only few documented reports of the disposition of flurazepam in deaths due to overdose. A 68-year-old woman was found deceased at home with no evidence of trauma or asphyxia. Toxicologic analyses were performed and drug levels measured by means of gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. The flurazepam concentration in each specimen was as follows: heart blood 2.8 microg/mL, bile 323 microg/mL, and urine 172 microg/mL. Presence of flurazepam into gastric content was observed too. Based on the autopsy findings, patient history, and toxicologic results, the cause of death was determined to be acute intoxication of flurazepam and the manner, suicide.  相似文献   

A case of mummification occurring in northwest India (Chandigarh) is described. A middle-aged man developed an abscess on his back and was treated by a mystical man who did not allow him any food or water. After a few days the patient died. On the advice of the mystical man the body was kept in a room which was made hot and dry. The police discovered the body after 2 years. A postmortem examination was conducted and findings are reported.  相似文献   

A case of accidental dichloromethane poisoning by inhalation is presented. It is of interest that carboxyhemoglobin levels were within the normal range, suggesting that the narcosis and respiratory depression were due to the direct effect of DCM on the central nervous system. The accidental death was attributed to improper ventilation of vapors in the working area.  相似文献   

A case is reported where the death of an individual resulted from the ingestion of diflunisal. Diflunisal was identified by a combination of liquid chromatography, UV spectrophotometry and colorimetry. Diflunisal was quantified in blood (260 mg/l), bile (71 mg/l), kidney (350 mg/kg), liver (400 mg/kg), stomach contents (34 mg) and urine (78 mg/l). No previous literature references discussing diflunisal related fatalities were available.  相似文献   

Penile strangulation with a strand of hair, acting as a tourniquet, and perforation of the eyes with a knife are uncommon accidental injuries in children. In such a situation, a mistreatment must be evoked. We present a case of barbarity and torture involving a young boy 3 years old. He was a victim of penis strangulation and perforation of the eyes, performed on previous surgical and infectious lesions. The mistreatment was performed by his mother's boyfriend. The perpetrator used the previous lesions to hide his misdeed. This amazing case of mistreatment points out the violence of the wounds and their being performed on previous lesions.  相似文献   

The Punjab State has witnessed quite a large number of explosions caused by terrorists for more than one and half decades. Conseqently, any incident of an explosion in the state gives the impression of having resulted from terrorist activity. The authors examined the scene of occurrences and carried out laboratory examinations. The quantitative estimation of the aerosol mixture formed from the LPG leaked from the cylinder and the volume of space available is within the critical limits of explosive forming mixture, has substantiated the explosion due to the leakage of LPG.  相似文献   

Penile strangulation or entrapment is an unusual entity that requires urgent treatment due to its potential complications. Several cases have been reported in the medical literature, some of them describing serious injuries such as necrosis, gangrene, and amputation of the penis. However, as far as we know, no fatal cases have been described before. We present the death of an adult male secondary to the complications due to penile strangulation with a plastic bottle neck. The time of incarceration was unknown, but according to a witness it could be about 10 to 14 days. The findings of autopsy were penile strangulation, necrosis of the penis, acute pyelonephritis, and bronchopneumonia. The subject's refusal to ask for medical help was the cause of this atypical evolution.  相似文献   

An outwardly mummified and inwardly badly decomposed body was found in a garage. At autopsy, no injuries were detected. Apart from coronary heart disease, with an old myocardial scar and a hepatic steatosis, the most striking finding was a large intracranial epidural hemorrhage situated at the left frontal lobe. As a relevant traumatic genesis could be ruled out, we deemed this a nontraumatic epidural hematoma. This finding is extremely rare. Several underlying disorders have been discussed as causes of spontaneous epidural hematomas. In this presented case, the authors discuss possible etiological factors.  相似文献   

Investigation of sudden death in infancy is a vital function of the medical examiner's office. Surveillance of these cases may lead to recognition of new diseases or new manifestations of previously described diseases. Human herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6) is a relatively newly described virus that has been recognized as a cause of acute febrile illness in early childhood. While most cases are apparently self-limited, seven fatal cases have been reported. We present a case of a seven-month-old Latin American male with recent otitis media and vomiting who was found dead in bed. Autopsy revealed interstitial pneumonitis with an atypical polymorphous lymphocytic infiltrate in the liver, kidney, heart, spleen, lymph nodes, and bone marrow, associated with erythrophagocytosis. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue was positive for HHV-6 and negative for Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and cytomegalovirus (CMV). HHV-6 was also detected in the atypical lymphoid infiltrate by in-situ hybridization.  相似文献   

We report a case of a 75-year-old hypertensive, diabetic man who presented to the emergency room with symptoms and signs of nausea, acute intoxication, significant alteration in mental status with rapid neurologic deterioration, and blunt impact injuries sustained during a recent altercation with a 36-year-old female companion-caretaker. He denied a history of ethanol abuse or other recent toxic ingestion and had not been diagnosed with or treated for depression. Hospital laboratory tests revealed a metabolic acidosis and a negative urine toxicology screen. He was diagnosed with toxic encephalopathy with metabolic acidosis secondary to metformin. Despite treatments including hemodialysis, he expired after approximately 28 hours of hospitalization. A postmortem anatomic examination revealed recent blunt-impact injuries and cardiac and renal pathology. A subsequent histologic examination revealed the presence of calcium oxalate crystals in the kidneys and brain, in addition to cardiac and renal pathology. Comprehensive forensic toxicologic testing was performed on antemortem and postmortem samples and revealed lethal levels of ethylene glycol. The cause of death was as a result of acute intoxication by ethylene glycol with another condition of multiple blunt impacts to the head, trunk, and extremities. The manner of death was ruled as homicide. A trial by jury, involving the female companion-caretaker, resulted in her conviction, and she was sentenced to 23 years to life in prison. In this report, we present an unusual case of homicidal ethylene glycol intoxication in which legal proceedings have occurred.  相似文献   

We report a case of sudden cardiac death in a 12-year-old boy after rapid ingestion of a frozen slurry drink. The cause of death was determined to be a cardiac arrhythmia secondary to a previously undiagnosed cardiac rhabdomyoma with associated myocardial scarring. Ingestion of cold liquids has been associated with syncope, but not sudden cardiac death. In this case, bradycardia induced by cold-induced vasovagal reflex may have precipitated the terminal arrhythmia. Ingestion of cold liquids should be considered a potential trigger for fatal cardiac arrhythmias in patients with underlying heart disease.  相似文献   

A case of lethal orphenadrine intoxication is reported. Included are the anatomical and toxicological findings. Most conspicuous histologically was the centrilobular necrosis of the liver.  相似文献   

While lying down, a 23-year-old man detonated an improvised explosive device placed behind his head. The posterior neck and shoulders were singed, and much of the brain was avulsed. Death was due to laceration and partial avulsion of the cerebrum, midbrain, and brain stem. The injuries had a directional nature. Facts derived from the scene investigation and gross dissection, including nature, distribution, and extent of the wounds, in conjunction with preceding medical and social history, allowed for a reasonable reconstruction of the circumstances.  相似文献   

In Southern Africa, human body parts are sometimes used for medicinal (muti) purposes. The human body is seen as being very powerful. Although ritual killing for this purpose is not common, some cases have been reported. This paper reports on an unusual muti murder, where the remains of two individuals were found in a medicine man's house. Three pots were found, two of which were constructed around human skulls. Various objects, such as coins, bullets, stones, human and animal bones were found inside the pots. They were decorated with beadwork, whistles, skin bangles, etc. Osteological analysis revealed that the human remains probably belonged to a young, white adult male individual, and a juvenile individual of Negroid descent. All associated objects probably have ritual significance, and some of these are discussed.  相似文献   

The contrast between legal and clinical perceptions of reality, characterized as discrete versus continuous in nature, generates dilemmas for both professions. Individuals in conflict with either system are especially vulnerable to the philosophical serrations at the interface between psychiatry and the law. A case example, which serves to magnify the gripping impact of these diverse and powerful institutions, raises various issues for examination and discussion.  相似文献   

Microprocessor-controlled insulin pumps designed for continuous delivery of short-acting insulin analogs into subcutaneous tissues offer several important potential benefits for diabetic patients. The delivery of other substances using these systems is technically feasible. We present a case of homicide involving lethal doses of etomidate and atracurium injected via the victim's insulin pump. This unique situation could be encountered by homicide investigators more frequently as the popularity of these systems continues to grow.  相似文献   

The first reported case of simultaneous sudden infant death syndrome (SSIDS) in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, occurred on February 27, 1998. Two-month-old black fraternal twin girls were both found dead in their crib at the same time. After an in-depth death scene investigation, police investigation, toxicologic analysis, and complete autopsies, a specific cause of death could not be identified. The deaths of the two girls were therefore ruled simultaneous sudden infant death syndrome.  相似文献   

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