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When a body is discovered in water, it is difficult to conclude whether the cause of death was drowning, even today. Although diatom testing by the digestive method is classical, we hypothesized that aquatic bacteria, as well as diatoms, might be detected in drowned bodies, and conducted temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE)‐targeting 16S rDNA. DNA was extracted from the site water, and from heart blood and liver samples from 27 bodies concluded as drowning deaths by autopsy and subjected to TGGE after amplification of 16S rDNA by polymerase chain reaction. We observed whether the feature point of each 16S rDNA from the site water and blood or liver samples matched. Considerably higher correspondence was observed in drowned bodies, and the rate was higher than that achieved with the digestive method. Moreover, TGGE is safer than the digestive method. Our study suggests that this method can aid diagnosis of drowning.  相似文献   

A number of biological and chemical tests have been developed over the years to determine whether a person was drowned. This study focuses on the potential of a microbiological test for detecting common bacterial markers of water faecal pollution such as faecal coliforms (FC) and faecal streptococci (FS) as possible indicators of drowning. A promising previous study was carried out on central and peripheral blood samples of 42 drowned victims (20 cases in saltwater and 22 cases in freshwater) and 30 not-drowned bodies. To improve the accuracy of our previous results and also in order to investigate a possible cause of a false positive due to pulmonary passive diffusion and subsequently endogenous or exogenous bacterial invasion of the blood in the post-mortem interval (PMI), the FC and FS test was applied to bodies submerged in water but died from causes other than drowning. In the present study, blood samples collected from the left ventricle (LV), right ventricle (RV), femoral artery (FA) and, femoral vein (FV) of 10 drowned victims (5 cases in freshwater and 5 cases in seawater) and 3 not-drowned individuals with bodies submerged in water for a while after death have been analysed. Preliminary results are in agreement with other reports dealing with diatoms and marine bacteria that suggest to exclude the hypothesis of a passive penetration of sufficient quantities of drowning medium into circulation after death or during the agonal period. Based on our results there is also no evidence of a relevant dissemination of endogenous micro-flora from the gastrointestinal tract affecting the FS and FC test. There are still several other factors that could influence the applicability of post-mortem FS and FC cultures for the diagnosis of drowning and they need further investigations. The present article provides only a glimpse of the potential of the FS and FC test as bacteriological method for the diagnosis of drowning.  相似文献   

We previously applied our method of detecting marine or freshwater bacterioplankton (bacteria) in the blood of immersed victims as a marker of drowning. However, we did not confirm the absence of post-mortem bacterial invasion during immersion. Here we examined the nature of bacterioplankton in blood samples from 21 immersed and 4 non-immersed cadavers. We found only freshwater bacterioplankton in the blood of two victims that were retrieved from the sea or an estuary inhabited by marine bacterioplankton even though one victim was highly putrefied. The results of diatom testing suggested that these two victims had drowned in fresh or brackish water with low salinity and then flowed out to the estuary or the sea. Two others were submerged in water, but representative bacterioplankton were undetectable in their blood although one victim was highly putrefied. Autopsy findings and the results of diatom tests did not indicate that the cause of death was drowning. As in previous studies, we identified freshwater bacterioplankton in the blood of seven other victims that had drowned in freshwater, marine bacterioplankton in the blood of four victims that had drowned in seawater and none in four victims found on land that had died by means other than drowning. Bacterioplankton in the blood of drowned victims appears to reflect the type of water aspirated and blood does not become easily contaminated with bacteria post-mortem even in decomposed bodies.  相似文献   

目的 研究溺水死亡者肺、肝、肾、骨髓等器官淡水硅藻检出率可能存在的季节性差异,为法医学解决水中尸体死因鉴定提供技术帮助与科学证据.方法 收集2009~2011年1、4、7、10月沈阳市浑河中溺死尸体每月(组)各5例;45只家兔分相应月份生前、死后入水组及对照组,分别于当月发现水中尸体后第2天入水,取人及兔肺、肝、肾、股骨骨髓及现场水样备检,应用酶消化法检测各组器官中硅藻数量、种属并与现场水样比对.结果 各组溺死尸体肺中均检出多量硅藻且种属与现场水样一致,春、秋及冬季溺死尸体肝、肾中仅可检出少量体积较小的小环藻等中心纲硅藻,夏季肝、肾及骨髓中均未检出硅藻;各组溺死家兔肺中均检出少量小环藻等中心纲硅藻,肝、肾及骨髓中未检出硅藻.结论 硅藻种群的季节性变化及不同种群硅藻体积的差异可能造成肝、肾等大循环器官中硅藻检出率的季节性差异;仅肺中检出硅藻,肝、肾中硅藻检验结果阴性并不能排除溺死可能.  相似文献   

We developed a novel tool for concluding drowning as a cause of death. We designed nine primer pairs to detect representative freshwater or marine bacterioplankton (aquatic bacteria) and then used real-time PCR with TaqMan probes to rapidly and specifically detect them. We previously cultured the genus Aeromonas, which is a representative freshwater bacterial species, in blood samples from 94% of victims who drowned in freshwater and the genera Vibrio and/or Photobacterium that are representative marine bacteria in 88% of victims who drowned in seawater. Based on these results, we simultaneously detected eight species of bacterioplankton (Aeromonas hydrophila, A. salmonicida; Vibrio fischeri, V. harveyi, V. parahaemolyticus; Photobacterium damselae, P. leiognathi, P. phosphoreum) using three sets of triplex real-time PCR assays and TaqMan probes labelled with fluorophores (FAM, NED, Cy5). We assayed 266 specimens (109 blood, 157 tissues) from 43 victims, including 32 who had drowned in rivers, ditches, wells, sea or around estuaries. All lung samples of these 32 victims were TaqMan PCR-positive including the lung periphery into which water does not readily enter postmortem. On the other hand, findings in blood and/or closed organs (kidney or liver) were PCR-positive in 84% of the drowned victims (except for those who drowned in baths) although the conventional test detected diatoms in closed organs in only 44% of the victims. Thus, the results of the PCR assay reinforced those of diatom tests when only a few diatoms were detectable in organs due to the low density of diatoms in the water where they were found. Multiplex TaqMan PCR assays for bacterioplankton were rapid, less laborious and high-throughput as well as sensitive and specific. Therefore, these assays would be useful for routine forensic screening tests to estimate the amount and type of aspirated water.  相似文献   

Pathological diagnosis of drowning remains a challenge for forensic science, because of a lack of pathognomonic findings. We analyzed microbiota and surfactant protein in the lungs for a novel diagnosis of drowning. All rats were divided into drowning, postmortem submersion, and control groups. The water, lungs, closed organs (kidney and liver), and cardiac blood in rats were assayed by targeting 16S ribosomal RNA of Miseq sequencing. Lung samples were analyzed by immunohistochemical staining for surfactant protein A. The closed organs and cardiac blood of drowned group have a lot of aquatic microbes, which have not been detected in postmortem submersion group. Furthermore, intra‐alveolar granular staining of surfactant protein A (SP‐A) was severely observed in the drowned group than the postmortem submersion and control groups. The findings suggested that the presence of aquatic microbiota in the closed organs and increased expression of SP‐A could be markers for a diagnosis of drowning.  相似文献   

Evaluation of demonstrative value of method based on diatom plankton determination as a diagnostical sign of death due to drowning was performed. Plankton was detected in the viscera in 37% of cases (as a whole 376 bodies of people who drowned in fresh water were examined). Plankton was detected in aspiration type of drowning and its mixed variant. In spastic and reflector types of drowning plankton wasn't detected. According to author's opinion this method is an objective diagnostical test to determine the cause of death of people when their bodies are found in water.  相似文献   

The authors have studied the usefulness of some lung surfactant phospholipids (LSPs) isolated from lung tissues as markers of drowning. Two different groups of rabbits were sacrificed by drowning in fresh and salt water, and their phospholipid compositions were compared with those of a non-drowned control series. For the phospholipids studied in lung lavages (phosphatidyl choline, phosphatidyl ethanolamine, and phosphatidyl glycerol) the proportions differed between the control group and the drowned group, and between the fresh-water and salt-water drowned animals. According to these results, the lipids we have analyzed can be employed as markers in forensic autopsies, where it is necessary to differentiate between death by drowning and postmortem immersion and between fresh-water and salt-water drowning. In lung tissue, only phosphatidyl choline and phosphatidyl inositol showed significative differences. These results also confirm that LSPs are strongly affected in drowning.  相似文献   

Postmortem animal feeding activity may cause considerable damage to bodies resulting in the modification of wounds, loss of identifying features and injury. Certain postmortem lesions may appear inflicted or non-inflicted antemortem injuries. At present, apart from cases in sea water, no data are available about post mortal lesions performed by aquatic organisms. This note that represents the first report concerning colonisation of a dead body by crustaceans a few hours after death, describes injuries caused by the amphipod Niphargus elegans on the face, and in particular on the eye region, of a young man dead by drowning. The lesions recorded in this case are comparable with the lesions caused by ants. The high plasticity in the food choice can allow Amphipoda to colonise drowning bodies in every moment after dead, however the benthonic behaviour of these animals suggests a more important role in the colonisation during post-mortem submersion periods.  相似文献   

Diatoms in the bone marrow (femur) of 16 nondrowned bodies were detected by a modern method of ultrafiltration. The rate of diatoms were found to be in the same range as in cases of drowning. The results deny the proof of diatoms even in bone marrow to be useful any longer for the diagnosis of death from drowning.  相似文献   

微波消解-扫描电镜联用法在溺死诊断中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨微波消解-扫描电镜联用法在溺死诊断中的应用价值。方法收集已知死因的尸体标本105例,其中水中尸体85例(生前溺死70例,死后抛尸入水15例),陆地自然死亡尸体20例。水中死亡案例同时收集落水处水样。分别用微波消解-扫描电镜联用法(方法 A)和硝酸破机-光镜联用法(方法 B)对上述尸体的离体肺、肝、肾、骨髓组织及水样进行硅藻定性、定量检测。结果①溺死尸体的肺、肝、肾、骨髓中及落水处水样硅藻检出率:A法分别为100%、94.3%、92.9%、82.9%、100%,硅藻检验阳性率为100%;B法分别为90%、62.9%、51.4%、28.6%、92.9%,硅藻检验阳性率为65.7%。②两种方法检出的硅藻种类与落水处水样中硅藻的种类均一致。③两种方法在死后入水尸体离体的肺中也检出少量硅藻(<3个/2g肺组织),但在死后入水尸体的其它脏器及陆地自然死亡尸体脏器中均未检出硅藻。结论微波消解-扫描电镜联用法较硝酸破机-光镜联用法对尸体离体组织脏器中的硅藻检出率高,方法灵敏,定性准确。  相似文献   

Investigation of blood samples from the femoral vein of subjects drowned in water and died of other causes (control) was carried out. Penetration of microflora contained in water into the bloodflow of the drowned people was shown. Possibility of using bacteriologic analysis of the postmortal blood to diagnose death from drowning was stated. Ps. putida and Ps. fluorescens. that were not present in the blood of persons who had died of causes other than drowning were recommended as test bacteria. Selective media and methods to isolate the bacteria from the cadaveric blood were chosen.  相似文献   

This study confirmed post-mortem ethanol concentrations in pericardial fluid and bone marrow aspirate in comparison with those in the blood in medicolegal autopsy cases (n = 140, within 48 h post-mortem). The specimens were examined by head-space gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Ethanol concentrations in the pericardial fluid (y) were approximately equivalent to those in peripheral blood (x): y = 0.99x + 0.02, n = 44, r = 0.972. A high stomach ethanol concentration (>10 mg/ml) appeared to mildly affect the pericardial levels. There was no significant interference in drowning cases. Ethanol concentrations in bone marrow aspirates (y) also showed a good correlation with those in the peripheral blood (x): y = 0.77 x + 0.02, n = 20, r = 0.981. A dissociation was observed in cases of delayed death from hemorrhagic/traumatic shock and elderly victims. These findings suggest that pericardial fluid and bone marrow aspirate can be used as an alternative material when adequate blood specimens are not available.  相似文献   

目的 利用绿藻ChlB基因和蓝藻NIES基因,建立聚合酶链反应-毛细管电泳(polymerase chain reaction-capillary electrophoresis,PCR-CE)检测方法,验证该方法的特异性和灵敏度,并探讨其在溺死诊断中的应用价值.方法 针对GenBank中绿藻ChlB基因和蓝藻NIES...  相似文献   

Bodies found in water may cause problems for forensic pathologists who have to differentiate drowning from postmortem immersion or fresh from salt water drowning. The exact physiopathology of drowning is still controversial and complementary tests can not exactly establish the exact cause of death if macroscopic findings at autopsy are not conclusive. We have employed atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) as a marker in an experimental series of fresh and salt water drowning, comparing their results with a non-drowned control series. There are differences between the plasma basal levels of the control series (79 pg/ml) and the levels in animals drowned in fresh water (358 pg/ml, P less than 0.001) and between control and rabbits drowned in salt water (190 pg/ml, P less than 0.001). According to these values, there are also differences between fresh and salt water drowned animals (P less than 0.001). We propose this peptide as a new marker in cases of drowning, with the ability to differentiate drowning from postmortem immersion and fresh from salt water drowning.  相似文献   

Limited data is available on the application of post-mortem temperature methods to non-standard conditions, especially in problematic real life cases in which the body of the victim is found in cold water environment. Here we present our experience on two cases with known post-mortem times. A 14-year-old girl (rectal temperature 15.5 degrees C) was found assaulted and drowned after a rainy cold night (+5 degrees C) in wet clothing (four layers) at the bottom of a shallow ditch, lying in non-flowing water. The post-mortem time turned out to be 15-16 h. Four days later, at the same time in the morning, after a cold (+/- 0 degrees C) night, a young man (rectal temperature 10.8 degrees C) was found drowned in a shallow cold drain (+4 degrees C) wearing similar clothing (four layers) and being exposed to almost similar environmental and weather conditions, except of flow (7.7 l/s or 0.3 m/s) in the drain. The post-mortem time was deduced to be 10-12 h. We tested the applicability of five practical methods to estimate time of death. Henssge's temperature-time of death nomogram method with correction factors was the most versatile and gave also most accurate results, although there is limited data on choosing of correction factors. In the first case, the right correction factor was close to 1.0 (recommended 1.1-1.2), suggesting that wet clothing acted like dry clothing in slowing down body cooling. In the second case, the right correction factor was between 0.3 and 0.5, similar to the recommended 0.35 for naked bodies in flowing water.  相似文献   

We compared the lungs of six drowned and six non-drowned persons over 70 to determine whether there is evidence of acute overinflation in drowning that can be distinguished from senile lung emphysema. All left lungs underwent intrathoracic formalin fixation to preserve their state of insufflation. To assess the effects of lung collapse, all right lungs were sectioned as usual and then immersed in formalin. After histological processing, microphotography and image processing of 12 specimens per corpse, 50 binary images of each specimen were measured by computerized morphometry. Intrathoracic fixation resulted in significantly less tissue area (and more airspace) in the left than in the right lungs of both groups. Comparing both groups' left lungs revealed that the interalveolar septa were thinner and the area occupied by connecting nodes smaller in drowning; these single nodes also tended to be smaller. There was a tendency for less alveolar tissue area per image in drowning than in control lungs and for narrow tissue structures to comprise a higher percentage of both the total tissue area and total tissue perimeter per image. We conclude that there is morphological evidence of acute overinflation even in senile lungs, but this is masked by postmortem lung collapse as suggested by the overlapping values of the right lungs. Support to the diagnosis of drowning among drowned elderly patients can only be available in lungs subjected to intrathoracic postmortem fixation.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of distinguishing deaths by asphyxia from those due to natural causes by comparing morphometric measurements in lungs. The study population comprised 27 subjects: 14 cases of death by asphyxia (hanging or drowning) and 13 cases of sudden natural death. Eighty parenchyma sections were used for each subject. Data were collected by computerized image analysis. Measurements aimed at quantifying, as percentages, pulmonary parenchyma (mean values of positive-fraction areas [PFA] and their standard deviations). Subjects who died of natural causes and of drowning showed a relative internal homogeneity compared to those who hanged. Results show significant discrimination between drowned subjects and those dying of natural causes (mean of PFA p  = 0.01) and between hanged and drowned subjects (SD of PFA p  = 0.04). Attention must be paid to the possible role played by senile emphysema. The method is proposed as a complementary tool in forensic cases.  相似文献   

Diatoms and drowning--once more   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The content of diatoms in 5 samples: lung-, kidney- and liver-tissue plus columna- and femur-marrow from each of four drowned and four non-drowned persons has been investigated. Diatom valves were found in all the samples. It seems, however, impossible to point out any characteristic differences between the composition of the diatom 'flora' in drowned and non-drowned persons. Consequently it will not be possible by means of diatoms to prove that a person died by drowning.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to predict how long after time of death a buried body could be analyzed for opiates in soft tissues and to show the accessibility and suitability of bone marrow as a useful toxicological specimen from buried bodies. Morphine solutions were injected in nine albino rabbits. Doses ranged from 0.3 to 1.1 mg/kg with 0.1 mg/kg increments. One hour after the injections, the rabbits were sacrificed. Blood, urine and bone marrow samples were collected for analysis. After the whole bodies were buried, femur bone marrow specimens were collected on the seventh and fourteenth days. CEDIA was used to monitor morphine contents of the collected samples. All experimental cases showed that the increase in the given morphine doses correlated with the increase in blood and bone marrow morphine concentrations. High morphine concentrations were detected in urine samples, but there was no correlation between the urine and blood or urine and bone marrow morphine concentrations. Statistically meaningful increases in bone marrow morphine concentrations were found parallel to increase of blood morphine concentrations. Seventh and fourteenth day postmortem morphine concentrations also followed this correlation. Morphine concentrations in bone marrow at 7 and 14 day postmortem decreased consistently when compared with bone marrow morphine concentrations collected immediately after death. We conclude that in sudden death when other specimens are unavailable due to degradation, bone marrow can be a most useful specimen. Further experimental research in this area is required to validate bone marrow as an alternative tissue.  相似文献   

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