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In a remote southwest corner of GansuProvince, five hours from Lanzhou, liesGannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. Formany years I had a desire to visit the principaltown, Xiahe. 3,000 metres above sea level, it isa major centre of Buddhism and hence attractspilgrims from a wide area.I visited Xiahe in the autumn of 1997 aspart of a journey I was undertaking along the fa-bled Silk Road.I appreciated the kindness and help shown  相似文献   

At the end of 1995,I receivedthe book Morning Starssent and autographed by Ms. LuCui. Putting aside other things,Iread it through almost withoutbreak. As I closed the book andthought over what I had read, ad-miration of the author rose fromthe bottom of my heart. I looked at the cover photo:  相似文献   

My name is Nyima Tshering.I am speaking on behalf of the China Association for Pres-ervation and Development of Tibetan Culture.Mytopic is Tibetan religious culture.I am a Tibetan monk from the Jokhang Mon-astery in Lhasa of Tibet as well as council mem-ber of the China Association for Preservation andDevelopment of Tibetan Culture.As a Tibetanmonk I feel greatly honoured to discuss Tibetanculture and religions with you.Located in the southwest of China,Tibet lieson the Qinghai-Tib…  相似文献   

HUGH Deane, who diedin New York in June thisyear at the age of 84,was a friend of China forover 60 years - also the dura-tion of our personal amity.We first met in 1940, duringChina's war of resistance againstJapanese aggression. I was trav-eling to Chongqing, wartimeprovisional capital of her thencentral government, from HongKong, where I had been workingwith the China Defense Leagueunder Soong Ching Ling (Mme.Sun Yat-sen). During the jour-ney along what was at that timea fatiguing a…  相似文献   

正USUALLY each city has its own area code,but when I called one of my classmates in the U.S.the display on his telephone showed codes for three cit ies(Changsha,Xiangtan and Zhuzhou)He was puzzled and asked me whether I had opened companies in all three cities.I told him that as a city group the three cities use a unified area code–one of the results of regional econom ic integration.My company is in Chang  相似文献   

正On November 3, 2011 when I attended the experience exchange meeting for human rights institutions held at Sichuan University, I had my first close contact with Teacher Luo Haocai. At the meeting, I gave a speech on the theme of the history and status quo of human rights research and teaching at Southwest University of Political Science and Law (SWUPL). At lunchtime, Teacher Luo went to the restaurant with us to eat buffet, when he specially asked me to his table and further inquired about the  相似文献   

I was quite surprised when I was presented before Pang Chun's paintings!First, I was in surprise with the colors of his paintings: strong, bright and shining. The colors mingle in one picture harmoniously with a brilliant contrast. I never saw an artist who could take advantage of colors so audaciously. The more surprising is that his domination and exercise of colors doesn't make you feel uneasy, on the contrary, you will find them very harmoniously pleavsant to eyes such as his paintings: "Halo", "the King of Trees" and " First Sun Rays".  相似文献   

Having visited Tilanqiao Prison, I began to feel much better, with all the uneasiness and fears with "imnates" and "prisons" gone. On the way to Qingpu Prison I had learned that it is of a new model, quite civilized. The prison is a complex of white buildings surrounded by a wide stretch of garden, If not for the four Chinese characters "Qing Pu Jian Yu" on the gates, no one could guess that it is a prison. It is more like a university. From the production area to the living area, from the teaching building to the medical  相似文献   

On an autumn day in 1964, I stepped into the Foreign AffairsOffice of Shanghai, a short-haired former school teacher,dressed in white blouse and black skirt, apparently with all the verveof a youngster and the nervousness of a student on first enteringcollege. One of the leading officials in the room said to his colleagues:"She is now the youngest among us." This was the scene how I joinedthe staff there.  相似文献   

Mr Chairman, I would like to start by congratulating you, on behalf of the Chinese Government, on your assumption of the Chair of the inaugural session of the Human Rights Council. I have every confidence that under your able leadership this session will be successful. Mr Chairman, The inauguration of the Human Rights Council opens a new chapter in the cause  相似文献   

Yunnan is a province of outstanding natural beauty and home to many colourful ethnic nationalities. These contrasts came home to me when I took the 1-hour flight south from Lijiang to Jinghong. Lijiang is dominated by great snow mountains and is home to the Tibetan-related Naxi people. Soon the mountains were left behind and the land below became a mixture of dense green forests interspersed with tea plantations and groves of  相似文献   

China has far too many people.It's too crowded here.And every-where I go,whether by foot,on bike or in a vehicle,I alwaysencounter a bottleneck somewhere along the line.Waiting to walk through a ticket gate to get on a train,trying to enter the metal gates of my university or even traveling by car and encountering toll booths blocking the road-  相似文献   

The big bus of the Sichuan Tours I boarded set out from Chengdu in early morning, heading for Jiuzhaigou, a world-class natural reserve, to the northwest of the city. The vast Chengdu plain covered with blooming yellow rape flowers presented a sight as mag-  相似文献   

The first time I have learnt the name Wu Qing was in a host show, "Close-Up" on CCTV-4. She is a professor of Beijing Foreign Studies Univer-sity, and moreover she is the daughter of one of Chinese literary giants, Ms. Bing Xin. I was immediately fascinated not  相似文献   

Fidel Castro, the supremeleader of Cuba, is knownto all, but not many peopleknow of Ramon Castro, elderbrother of Fidel, who is our or-dinary but great foreign friend.I got know Ramon in June1988 when the delegation ofthe Chinese People's Associa-tion for Friendship with For-eign Countries (CPAFFC) was  相似文献   

In 1979,I entered the domainof nongovernmental diplo-macy, where I contacted thou-sands of foreign guests differentin profession, nationality andmission. At that time many cit-ies in the United States wished  相似文献   

Invited by Mrs. Harrison, president ofUSCPFA, I am very pleased to attend today theninth seminar on US-China relations sponsoredby the Association. It is of particular significancethat on the occasion of marking the 25th anniver-sary of the signing of the first Sino-US joint com-  相似文献   

For years I have been engaged in foreign affairs, and thus, have a lot of foreign friends. Chester Ronning, the well-known Canadian ambassador, is one of these most unforgettable old friends.  相似文献   

In the days when we celebrated the 50th anni-versary of the founding of new China. I couldnot help thinking about those. both Chinese andforeigners. who had made outstanding contribu-tion to the Chinese revolution. Among them wasYan Feide. doctor and journalist from Austria.On  相似文献   

It was on the third day after Iarrived in Israel at the recep-tion in celebration of the found-ing of the Chinese People's Lib-eration Army in the Chinese Em-bassy that I first met Mr. TeddyKaufman. Ambassador Lin Zhenintroduced me to him. After ex-  相似文献   

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