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Over the past year, the Legal Counseling Hotline opened by the Beijing Aizhixing Health Education Institute has received more than 200 calls and acted as a law agent for 87 cases. Problems covered include the seeking of legal aids for cases of AIDS infection by blood transfusion and the use of blood products and for cases of virus hepatitis, the protection of privacy of AIDS patients.  相似文献   

Sound of the Dragon-Chinese Cultural Rel- ics and Bell Art Exhibition coordinated by theCPAFFC and jointly sponsored by the Paris Mu-sic City and the Institute of European Bell Artwith the participation of the Beijing Great BellTemple Ancient Bell Museum and the Hubei Pro-vincial Museum was held in the Music City in Paris  相似文献   

周珂  蒋昊君  LI Donglin 《人权》2023,(2):237-256
Environmental personality interests based on human rights reflect the multiple values of ecological order, ecological justice, and ecological freedom, and are closely linked to the protection of the right to life and the right to health. They are also related to human dignity and the personal freedom of civil subjects and conform to formal and essential standards of personality rights, which should be included in the scope of personality rights for protection. The construction and application of...  相似文献   

蒋建国  Li Donglin 《人权》2023,(4):749-751
<正>China is an advocate and practitioner of the spirit of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, and actively participates in and contributes to global human rights governance. Over the past 30 years, China has continuously promoted the implementation of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action in China and globally, leading to historic achievements in China’s human rights endeavors. China has pursued a human rights development path that follows the trend of the times and su...  相似文献   

杨盈龙  NI Weisi 《人权》2023,(1):212-226
On November 8, 2022, the symposium on “Deeply Studying and Implementing the Spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and Adhering to the Chinese Path of Human Rights Development” was held by the China Society for Human Rights Studies in Beijing. Focusing on “the leadership of the CPC and human rights development”, “adapting Marxism to the Chinese context and the needs of our times and human rights theories in contemporary China”, “the Chinese path to modernization and the new form of ...  相似文献   

THIS year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Turkey. To commemorate four decades of friendship and cooperation and promote information exchange, China Today has published a commemorative album of articles and photographs entitled Witness the Friend- ship, launched in the Turkish capital  相似文献   

<正>Exchange and cooperation in the i eld of human rights education,between higher education and research institutions in the Chinese mainland and foreign human rights institutions and relevant international organizations,are an important aspect of human rights exchange and cooperation between the Chinese mainland and foreign countries.The China University of Political Science and Law is the first university in the mainland to establish  相似文献   

The "2018·China-Europe Seminar on Human Rights" was successfully held at the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium, on June 28. The seminar was hosted by the China Society for Human Rights Studies and the International Institute of Human Rights, and was organized by the Human Rights Institute at the Southwest University of Political Science and Law and the French ADELIE Language and Cultural Exchange Association. The University of Strasbourg, Vrije Universiteit Brussel and European Institute for Political and Strategic Communication were served as co-organizers. Over 60 experts and scholars in the field of human rights from China and Europe attended the seminar in search of the diversity of civilization and human rights protection, focusing on themes such as "the philosophy of human rights in a Chinese context", "the philosophy of human rights in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its reflection", "human rights theory and practice in a pluralistic world", "human rights exchanges and dialogues under the diversity of civilization", and "in search of human rights consensus in diverse civilizations." In the context of respecting diversity, the seminar sought a consensus to promote trans-cultural communication in the form of dialogues and to strengthen understanding between the academic circles of China and Europe.  相似文献   

It is already five years since the 10-year-old experimental law on the organization of villagers committees adopted in November 1987 by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress was made permanent, ending an intense political debate about how much independence villagers committees should be given to manage village affairs and to what extent villagers should be allowed to choose their leaders. It is five years in which the implementation of villagers autonomy as defined by the law proceeded the fastest and the achievements were the most fruitful. Local laws Over the past five years, all places  相似文献   

AT the invitation of the Nether-lands Atlantic and PacificExchange Programme, the Asso-ciation of Finnish Local Authori-ties and the Association of LocalAuthorities in Iceland, the Chi-nese mayors delegation led bySong Fatang, vice governor ofShandong province and compos-ed of eight members includingBian Qingzu, deputy head of thedelegation and vice director offairs of the Chinese People's As-  相似文献   

The Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) On the fortieth anniversary of the establishment of the CPAFFC, the Federation of Mongolian Peace and Friendship Organizations and the Mongolia-China Friendship Association would like to extend, on behalf of the Mongolian friendly people's organizations and all their members, to your excellency and the friendly Chinese people our heart-felt congratulations.  相似文献   

China became a hot topicwhen Premier Zhou Enlaiwas visiting the fourteencountries in Asia and Africa in 1964. During thevisit, China and France established dip-lomatic relations and sent ambassadors toeach other. This news convulsed the en-tire world especially the western coun-tries. I was working for the China's Em-bassy in Switzerland and attached myselfto some negotiation work. Therefore, Ihad the opportunity to discern the wholeprocess of the establishment of diplo-matic relations between China andFrance  相似文献   

IN northeastern Sichuan Province,diminutive Bazhong City exudes a pastoral sparkle and tranquility.It makes one wish to blend in with its unique natural environment.A walk through Bazhong,it is said,is like a hazy drizzle that awakens people’s memories.The picturesque city,resembling a Monet oil painting,lies inlaid within the southern foothills of the towering and extensive Daba Mountains.Situated at the center of three large cities of Chengdu,Chongqing and Xi’an,Bazhong also sits along the dividing line between south and north China.Covering 12,000 square kilometers,the city combines both the grandeur of northern China and the warmth of southern China,with distinctive vistas of mountains and rivers,as well as places of historical and cultural allure.It has also been a historical channel for cultural exchanges between north and south China,witness to the Qin and Han dynasties,the Three Kingdoms,and the Red Army.People here easily sense the pulse and echoes of history.  相似文献   

正LOCATED at the junction where north meets south and between Beijing and Shanghai,Xuzhou City boasts a long history,rich culture and gorgeous landscape.Its reputation as a famous Chinese historical and cultural city attracts tourists from far and wide.Wondrous Culture of the Chu and Han Dynasties Xuzhou has a history of over 6,000 years and was established as a city about 2,600 years ago.It is the hometown of Peng Zu,legendary figure in Chinese history,the place where Liu Bang,first emperor of the Han Dynasty,was born and the former  相似文献   

The Communist Party of China was founded in 1921 and came to power in 1949.It steered the country through a planned economy operating under trade blockades from 1949 to 1978,and ushered in a market economy under the reform and opening-up policy that took effect immediately afterwards.During this entire period,the CPC also transformed itself from a revolutionary party to a ruling party.Now civic awareness is growing among the Chinese people,and the market economy phase has nurtured an independent and autonomous spirit,which requires the Chinese leadership to promote political restructuring and the building of democratic institutions.  相似文献   

October 1998 marks the 40thanniversary of the estab-lishment of the China-Korea(DPRK) Friendship Association(CKFA) and the Korea (DPRK)-China Friendship Association(KCFA).To celebrate this significantday, a delegation of the CPAFFCand CKFA led by CPAFFC Vice  相似文献   

On the occasion of the 5thanniversary of the inde-pendence of Namibia and the15th anniversary of the indepen-dence of Zimbabwe, a 9-mem-ber group of Chinese Qi Gong(deep-breathing exercise) artistsand magicians sent by theCPAFFC paid a friendly visit toNamibia and Zimbabwe fromMarch 15 to April 25, 1995 atthe invitation of the educationand cultural ministries of the two  相似文献   

LIU HUAWEN 《人权》2013,(4):29-33
In the crucial period of building a moderately prosperous society and deepening reform and opening up,and of accelerating the transformation of economic development,the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,which was held in November2012,made comprehensive arrangements for the undertakings of both the Party and the State,further clarified the goals and grand blueprint for future development in the next period,and left an important and farreaching impact on the development  相似文献   

孙本雄  NI Weisi 《人权》2023,(4):915-933
On June 14-15,2023,the Forum on Global human Rights Governance,jointly hosted by the state Council Information office,the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,and the China International Development Cooperation Agency,was held in Beijing under the theme of“Equality,Cooperation and Development:The 30th Anniversary of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action and Global human Rights Governance.”Participants conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on topics such as“International Cooperation and Gl...  相似文献   

In the 50 years since peaceful liberation of Tibet, thepeople of various ethnic groups in Tibet have advanced fromdarkness to the light, from backwardness to progress, fromignorance to civilization, from poverty to prosperity, andfrom isolation to openness," says Radi, a Tibetan, and chair-man of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress ofTibet Autonomous Region.People often liken the old Tibet to the European MiddleAges, with its monopolization of political power, and owner-ship o…  相似文献   

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