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吕萍 《东南亚纵横》2004,(12):82-86
Chen Shui-bian speeds up “Taiwan Independence” in order to gain reelection in the 2004 Taiwan Referendum. Tne US government has realized that its “Ambiguous Strategy” can not prevent Cross-straits crisis, so the “Double Containment” policy towards the cross-Straits has been adopted. On one hand, to slow down Taiwan‘ s unceasing pursuit of independence , on the other hand, to prevent mainland from solving Taiwan problem in pursuit of arms. This article is the analysis ofthe cause and details of the “Double Containnent” policy and it claims that the US government will carry out this policy permanently as well as maintain the situation of the cross - straits separation and independent governing in order to pursue the utmost strategic benefits. Taiwan problem is increasing Americanized. The US plays an extremely important view in the China, America and Taiwan interaction. However, the Mainland of China must not have any illusion about America as far as the unification is concerned.  相似文献   

霸权国的能力、意愿、合法性和霸权周期性是分析霸权国战略的四大基本要素。进入21世纪第二个十年,美国进入霸权周期的尾期,并处于实力相对衰落之中,但美国的称霸意愿依然强烈,出现实力和意愿的背离,美国霸权的合法性出现危机,美国因此表现出担忧失去霸权的焦虑,并采取相应措施。亚太地区是美国维持其全球霸权整体战略的关键一环。2011年美国提出"亚太再平衡"战略,其目的是通过在战略上限制中国和防范中国,谋求以低成本维持美国主导的亚太新秩序。中国可通过实施"五心"战略化解美国的再平衡战略,避免中美走向大国政治对抗的历史悲剧的重演。  相似文献   

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