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畅通职工群众利益诉求渠道.是工会维权的基础和前提.也是工会组织推进和谐社会建设的一项重要工作,近年来.宝坻区各级工会组织以构建和谐劳动关系为主线.积极探索通过畅通诉求渠道.维护职工合法权益.收到了较好的效果。  相似文献   

2006年全市工会系统推进劳动合同工作,应紧紧抓住维护职工合法权益的主线,积极协助和配合劳动保障行政部门,指导和帮助包括农民工在内的劳动者签订和履行劳动合同,切实承担起工会维护劳动者合法权益的社会责任,圆满完成北京市总工会十一届四次委员(扩大)会议提出的工作任务。一  相似文献   

近年来,淮安市各级工会以维护职工生命安全健康合法权益为宗旨,以强化广大职工对职业安全卫生工作的群众监督为主线,广泛深入推行“1+3”安全监控工作体系,促进了全市安全生产的平稳发展。  相似文献   

铁四院工会顺应时代发展需要,以党的依靠方针为指导,突出维护职能的工作主线,建立维权机制,创新维权手段,凝聚全体职工为企业发展献计出力,促进了企业的持续快速健康发展。建章立制:完善民主管理制度铁四院工会将建立健全民主管理机制作为履行维护职能的重要手段和途径,以制度规范行  相似文献   

2006年全市工会系统推进劳动合同工作,应紧紧抓住维护职工合法权益的主线,积极协助和配合劳动保障行政部门,指导和帮助包括农民工在内的劳动者签订和履行劳动合同,切实承担起工会维护劳动者合法权益的社会责任,圆满完成北京市总工会十一届四次委员(扩大)会议提出的工作任务.  相似文献   

吉林敖东延边药业股份有限公司工会以抓新时代工会工作政治性、先进性和群众性为主线,苦练内功强职能,改进方法重服务,积聚合力助发展,全年紧紧围绕公司所需、职工所急、工会所能,充分发挥工会联系职工的桥梁纽带作用,维护职工切身利益,促进了公司和谐稳定发展.  相似文献   

近年来,西城区总工会自觉把工会工作融入党和政府的工作大局,紧紧围绕全区改革开放和经济建设这一中心任务,以构建和谐稳定的劳动关系为主线,切实履行维护职工合法权益的基本职责,  相似文献   

石家庄金鱼涂料集团是在石家庄市油漆厂的基础上滚动发展起来的集体所有制企业,1994年实行了股份合作制改造。面对激烈的市场竞争,作为一个具有50年历史的老企业,几年来,在企业改革与重建中,我们始终以促进企业发展为目标,以维护职工根本利益为主线,通过建立和规范劳动合同制度  相似文献   

关于基层工会工作定位的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基层工会是工会的组织基础、工作基础和全部战斗力的基础。在基层工会组织工作中,要贯穿一条思想主线,全面贯彻"三个代表"重要思想;抓住一个根本任务,为全面建设小康社会而奋斗;落实一个根本方针,全心全意依靠工人阶级;突出一个根本职责,代表和维护职工的合法权益;依托一个重要载体,深入开展建设职工之家活动。  相似文献   

向市场经济过渡条件下工会理论研究纲要冯同庆一、劳动者、工会及其性质与中国特色的工会理论──起始范畴、研究对象、理论主线与理论特征1.“劳动力──劳动者”是工会理论的起始范畴,也是基本范畴。“劳动力”相对于“劳动者”具有从属性。2.以代表和维护劳动者权...  相似文献   

德国劳动法对于雇员权利进行保护的核心内容,是要保护“劳动关系存续”。在解除雇佣关系时,德国在集体合同和企业协议中如何实行对雇员的劳动权利进行法律保护?这在德国的《解除雇佣关系保护法》以及《集体合同法》和《企业组织法》中作了相应规定,这些规定又几经修改,这对我国的劳动立法可以提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

Beginning with her autobiography, Oldfield traces the impact of her German‐English background on her lifelong anti‐militarism and her own need for ‘life‐savers’ in life, history and literature. Her feminism, deeply influenced by Virginia Woolf, is defined as humanism applied to women as well as men. The thread linking all her biographical writing has been her drive to resurrect the most humane of our forgotten ‘grandmothers’, whether Victorian mould‐breakers or German Resistance heroines. However deeply theoretically unfashionable, Oldfield’s biographical approach to women’s history is rooted in her conviction that the living cannot do without the dead and that it is possible for us to reach them.  相似文献   

The Usos y Costumbres system of Oaxaca, Mexico, is a form of indigenous self-government dating back to colonial times. In 1995, the constitution and electoral code of Oaxaca were amended so as to recognize such system as a legitimate form of municipal government. Since then, less than 2% of all mayors per triennium have been women. By drawing on in-depth interviews with all the 18 women who have become mayors since the CAP system was legalized, this paper describes women's paths to the mayor´s office. The methodological strategy involves a non-predefined typology consisting of four distinctly gendered career tracks. The typology allows to capture the main factors that shape women's access to the mayoralty (marital status, political party affiliation, community leadership and educational level), as well as the combination among them in specific social contexts.  相似文献   

自主性是学科体系和知识体系的内在特性,强化学科自主性是贯穿于改革开放以来中国工会理 论研究的基本线索,是工会学作为独立学科的本质性规定。工会学的研究对象、学科基础和知识疆域有其自身 的独特性,这种独特性是由中国工会的历史传统、价值内核、指导思想、组织原则、结构特征和制度精神等因 素共同决定的,这是设置工会学学科的基本依据。在马克思主义理论一级学科下设置工会学学科,是中国工运 事业和工会工作的一件大事,这对于开辟马克思主义工会学说中国化时代化新境界,推进中国特色社会主义工 会发展道路守正创新,构建中国工会自主知识体系具有重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。  相似文献   


This article discusses established and more recent methodological and theoretical strategies in histories of women’s education. The established approaches to histories of women’s education with which the article begins include networks, sites, technologies of the self and Bourdieusian notions of reproduction. To explore recent approaches that foreground processes and practices, the article then focuses on accounts that trace how gender has been made visible and audible in and through education, and how affect may become durable and thread across a scene, a site or an institution. This is followed by discussion of posthumanist strategies that orient the researcher to how human beings come into relation with one another and with non-human life with consequences for notions of temporality and context. The article ends by calling for dialogue to open up pathways framing the geopolitics of histories of women’s education.  相似文献   


In public archives there are a number of hand-embroidered cloths worked by suffragettes incarcerated in Holloway Prison between 1911 and 1912. Denied political status, some of the embroiderers used the hunger strike as a political tool and were forcibly fed. In this paper the embroideries are reframed as material and discursive evidence of suffragette prison experiences. The material narratives of the embroidered cloths are traced, drawing on a dialogue between critical theory, material object enquiry, practice as research and the work of contemporary textile practitioners. Embroidering by suffragettes is explored as an embodied and situated ‘thread act’ that materialised the making of networks, the need for protection of the body and mind, the powers and dangers of boundary crossing, and proto-political thinking.  相似文献   

Taking advantage of the tumultuous national political conditions during the mid and late 1980s, Filipino villagers launched a wave of land occupations, trying to realize ideas that they rarely dared to express during normal political conditions. This situation is similar to that of land seizures in Russia (1905–18), Peru (1960s), Portugal (1974–75), and Indonesia (1963–65). Other similarities are that villagers had ideas significantly at odds with the elite‐domianted order about how land should be used and by whom, a common thread being that priority should go to those most in need of a livelihood; resistance comes first at the level of ideas and in small, unobtrusive ways; and agicultural workers and peasants mobilized in considerable measure on their own.  相似文献   


The advent of higher education for women, with its emphasis on reason, on scientific thought and on critical approaches to knowledge, constituted a potential threat to religious belief. The stories of male ‘doubters’ are legion but what happened to thoughtful women, confronted with challenges to their belief systems? This article shows that educated doubt was not only a male affliction. Women responded to the challenge in a variety of ways. Some rejected belief, turning their religious impulses to aesthetic or social ends. Others brought scientific reasoning to bear on religious phenomena, hoping to ‘prove’ the existence of spirituality. Some saw in science and reason a further manifestation of the spiritual impulse; in education further possibilities of the life of the spirit. A common thread unites the responses, the search for a voice, an authority which women sought in the new secular institutions of higher learning.  相似文献   

《工会法》是我国法律体系中一部重要的法律,2021 年《工会法》进行了第三次修改。《工会法》 的修改是一项重要的政治任务,此次修法坚持“小修”的思路,体现了依法修法、民主修法的原则。《工会法》 修改的主要内容包括:进一步明确了中国工会的政治属性,突出坚持党的领导;落实党对工会改革的新要求, 为扩大基层工会覆盖面提供法律依据,明确新就业形态劳动者参加和组织工会的权利;将习近平新时代中国特 色社会主义思想确立为工会工作的指导思想;完善工会基本职责;增加工会推动产业工人队伍建设改革的条款; 等等。修改后的《工会法》为新时代工运事业和工会工作的创新发展提供了根本遵循,为坚定不移地走中国特 色社会主义工会发展道路提供了法治保障。  相似文献   

Although there is alarm over the global land rush, many plans for the large-scale transformation of land acquired by investors remain on the drawing board. Based on a study of two land deals in Kenya's Tana Delta, this paper considers the processes by which blueprint designs are amended or delayed through the involvement of local actors. It demonstrates that even top-down acquisition of land by powerful state-linked actors with the support of policy discourse can be stalled by the rural poor, particularly if the latter have strong customary claims and links to wider opposition. At the same time, large-scale land acquisition is not automatically opposed by local people, who may see land deals as an opportunity to safeguard access to resources and to support their development expectations. The paper also suggests that although consultation and the existence of recognised property rights appear to result in fairer project designs, land deals are likely to reflect the decision-making power of an elite that is not fully informed. The conclusion affirms the need for more nuanced, place-based analyses of large-scale land deals, taking into account tenure arrangements, resource access mechanisms, land management discourses and the role of cross-scale agency and alliances in building support for, or opposition to, such deals.  相似文献   

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