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量刑问题是刑法理论的缩图。近年来,社会各界对未成年犯罪人加强司法保护的呼声日益高涨,国际社会对未成年罪犯的非刑化、轻刑化、非监禁化的亦成为主流趋势。而我国由于未成年人刑事立法缺失所带来的未成年刑事案件刑罚适用的不科学、对未成年犯罪人量刑中的不平衡等问题已经成为一个普遍关注的问题。本文拟如何对未成年犯罪人正确量刑的角度作一研析。  相似文献   

对市场经济与民主政治关系的再认识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
市场经济与民主政治之间存在着某种内在的和必然的联系。市场经济对民主政治的形成与发展有积极的作用 ,也有一定的负面影响。市场经济与民主政治并非是一种纯粹的直线型的关系 ,也不是一个过程同时发生的两个方面 ,它们之间存在着一种既密切联系 ,又相互矛盾的关系。  相似文献   

正她出生在哈尔滨一个铁路工人家庭,68岁那年连连获奖。今天的她已经成为让人羡慕的浪漫老太近些年,随着《空镜子》、《东北一家人》、《谁来伺候妈》、《我和老妈一起嫁》等电视剧的热播,演员彭玉也被不少观众称为国民母亲。彭玉是个很有观众缘的演员,也许是因为她塑造的都是一些平民百姓。而和她合作过的导演、演员,对她的评价都是认真、开朗,今年已经80岁的彭玉说:只要一演戏,我什么病都没有了,年轻得都忘了自己多大的年龄。倾情演绎成就大众母亲彭玉1934年出生在哈尔滨一个铁路工人家庭。在师范学校读书时彭玉是班上的文艺委员,经常自编自导自演一些节目。父亲非常反对彭玉演戏,一次父亲在回家路上,碰巧看到彭玉在公园里演戏,她回家后,父亲二话没说就踹了她一脚。师范毕业后,彭玉先当了一年教师。后来由于在话剧  相似文献   

李睦 《工会博览》2014,(27):32-35
近些年,随着《空镜子》、《东北一家人》、《谁来伺候妈》、《我和老妈一起嫁》等电视剧的热播,演员彭玉也被不少观众称为“国民母亲”.彭玉是个很有观众缘的演员,也许是因为她塑造的都是一些平民百姓.而和她合作过的导演、演员,对她的评价都是“认真、开朗”,今年已经80岁的彭玉说:“只要一演戏,我什么病都没有了,年轻得都忘了自己多大的年龄.”  相似文献   

《刑法修正案(八)》第十九条免除了未成年前科报告义务,是对现行刑法第一百条“前科报告制度”的修正和完善,也是对多年来“未成年人轻罪犯罪记录消灭制度改革”的试点经验的规范性确认。“未成年人前科报告义务的免除”严格限制犯罪记录的对外公开,弱化社会公众通过犯罪记录公开而对未成年人进行非规范性消极评价,在消除“犯罪标签”效应的同时,有利于未成年人的再社会化,对于我国未成年人犯罪的治理具有深远的意义。  相似文献   

1645年,一票之差让奥利弗·克伦威尔成为国民会议的护国公,掌管英国。  相似文献   

从亚太区域经济合作的历史演变来看,雁行的经济增长模式和紧密的区域生产网络、开放的地区主义原则、东盟中心性(东盟方式)以及以发展促安全的区域合作观,是亚太地区保持韧性和张力以克服挑战、实现区域合作持续深化的有力支撑。面对美国对华战略竞争加剧给亚太区域经济合作带来的严峻挑战,亚太各国应努力实现《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》升级扩员,高水平推动“一带一路”倡议与各国发展战略有效对接,加强数字经济与绿色经济合作,推动亚太经济转向区域内生产与消费均衡发展的新模式。  相似文献   

李愫生 《工会博览》2010,(10):47-48
小时候,我觉得我和他们是不同的,我是那么不合群。喜欢孤单,喜欢和小路边的野花野草说话,喜欢看马路边成排成排伫立的白杨树。他们只看到了我的安静、内向,却没发现我的敏感和古怪。我对他们是不屑的,他们不懂我,我和他们也不是一个世界的人。我就像我们那里马路边的白杨树,它们都是小树,瘦弱,无力,被经常过往的车辆落上一层灰,灰头土脸的生长。灰尘压不住叶子的绿,它们迟早会长成大树。  相似文献   

<正>20l5年是老挝人民民主共和国成立40周年。40年来,老挝人民革命党(简称"人革党")带领老挝人民不断探索社会主义建设发展规律,逐步形成了一条具有自身特色的向社会主义过渡的道路。老挝人革党对社会主义的认识一、关于指导思想老挝人革党章程规定,老挝党以马列主义和党的优良传统为党的思想基础和组织行动指南,把发扬真正的爱国主义与工人阶级纯洁的国际主义  相似文献   

中国共产党是重视并善于用思想和理论指导工作的政党。党的对外工作作为党的事业的重要组成部分,顺应时代要求、把握形势变化,在不同历史时期形成了一系列指导思想,推动党的对外工作实践不断向前发展。回顾总结党的对外工作指导思想的演变历程,对于深刻认识和把握党的对外工作基本规律,不断推进党的对外工作理论和实践创新,开创新时代党的对外工作新局面,具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

By examining in detail the successes and failures of different development models in one developing country over a four-decade period, this article sketches a development model for small economies in the 1990s as an alternative to the neoliberal model pushed by the International Monetary Fund. It reviews the experience of Jamaica with various development models from the 1950s to the 1990s, with special attention focused on the experience of the Seaga government of the 1980s. It also draws lessons from the successful development experience of small European countries and of the East Asian Newly Industrialized countries. In normative terms, the alternative development model attempts to combine growth with equity and democracy. In analytical terms, it takes account of the constellation of domestic forces and appropriate political strategies, as well as of international economic and political conditions. The main features are a strong role for the state in economic interactions with transnational corporations, in identification of export markets and promotion of export production, in selective protection of domestic industry with an export potential, in promotion of agriculture linked to industrial development, in improvement of human resources and promotion of regional economic integration. Within these parameters, a crucial role is assigned to the domestic private sector and a complementary one to foreign investment. Distribution is to be addressed primarily through distribution of productive assets and access to health care and education. Evelyne Huber is professor of political science at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. She is a coauthor ofDemocratic Socialism in Jamaica andCapitalist Development and Democracy. She is currently involved in research on the changing role of the state in Latin America and on comparative social policy. John D. Stephens is professor of political science and sociology at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He is a coauthor ofDemocratic Socialism in Jamaica andCapitalist Development and Democracy. His current research focuses on options for social democracy and comparative social policy.  相似文献   

Growth records have been employed to argue that authoritarian forms of government are more efficient at achieving economic growth, welfare, and equity than democracies. This assessment is based on imperfect data; World Bank data on rates of growth of GNP in India and China fail to agree with World Bank data on their achievements in terms of per capita GNP. This article, considers the nature of this anomaly and its implications for current assessments of the relative efficiency of these forms of political and economic organization. The comparative records of China and India during 1950–88 are examined within the context of the growth-democray incompatibility hypothesis while focusing on an aberration in the data employed: the contradiction between the high rates of growth experienced by China and the equality of its per capita GNP with that of the supposedly slower growing India. In attempting to resolve this discrepancy, data on standards of living and degree of structural change are analyzed in order to verify either hypothesis regarding these two economies. Overall, the secondary data fail to suggest that both countries performed poorly. There is no evidence supporting equality of per capita incomes; there is an abundance of evidence confirming the higher growth rates reported for China. The overriding conclusion, however, is that the data are flawed and it is premature to employ them for assessing the efficiency of authoritarian governments at achieving growth, equity, and welfare. Vibha Kapuria-Foreman is an assistant professor of economics at The Colorado College and holds a doctorate from the University of Pittsburgh. Her research interests include the history of economic thought, economic development, and economic history. She is currently examining the nature of causality between population growth and economic development.  相似文献   


The First Step Act, a legislative endeavor half nearly a decade in the making and advocated for by President Trump, represented the most significant easing of federal criminal punishment to date. This article discusses the historical antecedents for the prison and sentencing reform legislation and discusses its path through the 115th Congress of the United States.  相似文献   


Scholars have heatedly debated the change of regional inequality in China and policies for intervention. However, most studies on China are based on macro regions and provinces, and have paid less attention to trends and mechanisms of regional inequality within provinces. This paper uses time-series county data to examine inter-county inequality in Jiangsu from 1950 to 1995. We find that inter-county inequality in Jiangsu did not change much under Mao and during the rural reform period (1978-84), but dramatically intensified in the urban-based comprehensive reform period (since 1984). Regression analysis reveals that the institutional structure, agglomeration effects, and human capital are important factors underlying the divergence of inter-county inequality in Jiangsu.  相似文献   

This article investigates the conflict that had been developing since the 1950s in Darfur and which in 2003 and 2004 burst into intense warfare. A 'complex-structuring of violence' standpoint explains the warfare. The argument is organised in two parts. The first section formulates the position by introducing Darfur, next evaluating the prevailing barbarisation perspective's attempts to explicate Darfur warring and, finally, formally presenting the complex structuring standpoint. The second section offers evidence bearing upon this standpoint. This involves information showing that four interrelated structural realms form a causal complex producing the violence. The article ends with discussion of the US government's role in Darfurian disasters of war.  相似文献   

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