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SA8000标准是根据国际劳工组织宪章、联合国儿童权利公约、世界人权宣言制定的。SA8000是全球首个有关企业道德规范的国际标准,其核心是劳工标准。企业若达不到 SA8000标准,产品出口将会受到限制。工会组织应因势利导,推动企业承担起应负的社会责任。  相似文献   

SA8000与工会维权策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
工会对SA8000的策略,是由其内容决定的,也是由工会的两个维护原则决定的。如果把SA8000的指导性原则变成进出口贸易的标准,自愿就成了强制,标准就成了壁垒。如何在保持劳动力价格优势、保障更多就业岗位与改善劳动条件、维护劳动者权益之间取得符合中国经济发展水平的平衡,是工会应对SA8000策略的出发点。  相似文献   

SA8000(SocialAccountability8000),即所谓“社会责任准8000”,是美国经济优先准入权认证机构委员会CEPAA)于1997年8月参照国际标准化组织制定ISO9000的理制定的全球第一个由第三方认证的社会责任国际标准。称,其旨在通过有道德的采购活动改善全球工人的工作条,向各国消费者表明生产商和经销商的生产和销售行为符国际社会对其的社会责任要求,其所提供的相关产品符合际公认的最低劳工权利标准,不存在违反国际道德标准的为,最终使工人享有公平而体面的工作条件。一、SA8000的由来和基本情况SA8000是随着发源于20世纪末期的西方企业社会…  相似文献   

2005年第11期《韶关学院学报》刊有郑宏福《社会责任标准SA8000与中国劳工制度的完善》一文。文中指出,SA8000是全球第一个可用于第三方认证的社会责任国际标准,其主要包括:童工、强迫性劳动、健康与安全、组织工会的自由与集体谈判的权利、歧视、惩戒性措施、工作时问、薪酬、管理系统等项内容。对于SA8000,有人认为,该标准是西方发达国家对发展中国家一种贸易壁垒的新形式;  相似文献   

浅谈推行SA8000标准对调整劳动关系的意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中国加入WTO标志着中国直接与国际市场接轨,企业在追求利润最大化的同时应遵循社会责任标准--SA8000是必然的趋势,在中国推行SA8000对维护劳工权益、稳定劳动关系有着重要意义.  相似文献   

职业教育的发展,在很大程度上与参与职业教育的各方主体的利益博弈有关。按照职业教育与各方主体联系的紧密程度,可以把职业教育的利益相关者分为三个层次:核心层、紧密层和关联层。不同的利益相关者有不同的利益诉求。  相似文献   

在大陆社会工作实践初始发展阶段,不同地区提供了不同的发展版本,珠三角部分地区社会工作发展样本尤其值得关注。为了探索本土化社会工作可持续发展的道路,本文以珠三角某地区社会工作实践经验为基础,对围绕社会工作发展的不同利益相关者展开分析。本文侧重分析社会工作人才、社会工作机构及当地政府部门三大利益相关者的处境认为,相对于“以...  相似文献   

企业道德责任研究论纲   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
"企业道德责任研究"是企业伦理研究中重要的基础理论问题。企业伦理研究应当重视伦理关系与企业道德责任。企业道德责任研究,应把道德责任作为企业伦理研究的主线,立足于企业经济关系和社会伦理关系,以企业道德责任履行为手段,以建立和谐的企业与利益相关者关系,实现企业与利益相关者的和谐共生、协调发展。  相似文献   

多层次资本市场的构建对我国劳动关系的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用“企业利益相关者”的概念和理论, 细分了劳动关系中的一系列矛盾, 并将资本市场作为影响劳动关系的外部治理条件之一, 从有限资源配置的角度, 论证了资本市场的资源配置倾斜程度对不同利益主体的利益实现的不同作用和对各方在利益博弈中的巨大影响, 进而最终影响劳动关系问题的解决。  相似文献   

本文从利益相关者的理论基础出发,分析职工参与公司治理的必要性和重要性,并且对我国现有职工参与治理制度的非效率性,从劳动力特征的角度分析了非效率性的原因。  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(6):746-762

Conflicts in mining fields that revolve around the type and perceived impact of CSR projects seem to be daunting to solve. Such conflicts emerge from misconceptions among community stakeholders’ that lead to a failed company–community relationship. This inimical situation threatens peace, security, lives, and properties at the community level. To resolve the company–community conflicts, it is important to minimize the misconception among community stakeholders’ by identifying their preferences of CSR projects. However, the challenge of identifying these projects in mining fields is yet to be fully explored and understood. The aim of this paper is to identify community stakeholders’ topmost preferences of CSR projects for an effective company–community relationship and propose a path for community engagement. A sample of 604 respondents comprising community leaders’ and local residents’ from three regions which host Gold Mining Firms with level ‘A’ membership from the Ghana Chamber of Mines were drawn for this study. Using a questionnaire made up of close and open ended questions, a survey was conducted. With SPSS 16.0, the data on the close ended questions were analyzed with ranking and factor analyses while the open ended were drawn into teams to support the former. The results of the ranking analysis show that different group of stakeholders’ had a different preference for CSR projects. The factor analysis revealed that for effective company–community relationship both stakeholders’ preferred a Streamline Social Intervention and Improve Stakeholder Economic related CSR projects. Base on these findings, the study recommends that Mining firms’ should give maximum consideration to projects that seek the welfare of both stakeholders’ and have equal engagement with all stakeholders’. Also, managing expectations before, during and after mining should be a shared responsibility of all the stakeholders’.  相似文献   

Youth participation in mental health settings is fundamental to service design and delivery, and is beneficial for the young people involved as well as the organisation. This paper presents the findings of an evaluation of a youth participation model where tiered participation was attempted in a clinical youth mental health setting. To inform the ongoing development and improvement of a youth participation model, an evaluation was conducted consisting of three focus groups with the youth consultants, consultations with management about the implementation of the tiered participation model, and a review of records. The purpose of this evaluation was to identify possible barriers to implementation early on so these could be addressed and a youth participation model that meets the needs of all key stakeholders could be developed. The findings of this evaluation and the way in which these findings informed the model's development are discussed.  相似文献   

This article presents the first empirically-based and theoretically-informed investigation of the effectiveness of the ‘self-declaration model’ of legal gender recognition in Denmark, the first European state to adopt it. Drawing upon analysis of legislative materials, as well as interviews with stakeholders in the legislative process and trans and intersex legal subjects, it contends that self-declaration is not without its limitations. By conceptualising embodiment as an ontological and epistemological process of becoming, and emphasising the institutional dimensions and effects of such processes, it demonstrates that self-declaration may not address the complexities of legal embodiment, particularly concerning restrictions on trans and intersex people’s access to health care. The article’s empirical findings are directed towards the policymakers and activists tasked with shaping reforms of gender recognition legislation in the UK and elsewhere. The analytical agenda it develops may be adopted, and adapted, by scholars working in this area and other regulatory contexts.  相似文献   

This article examines the skills in money and the management of resources that were developed by women missionaries in India between the 1870s and the 1940s. Focusing on the strategies and initiatives of three physicians—Clara Swain, Anna Kugler and Edith Brown—it argues that women disrupted existing patriarchal arrangements by entering ‘male’ domains of finance and administration. Modest ventures were transformed into state institutions through alliances with stakeholders, including missionary boards and donors at ‘home’ as well as members of indigenous elites who provided valuable land donations. Western institutional models needed to be adapted to function within local economies. Western missionary women used an interesting blend of thrift, innovation and indigenization to stretch their material and human resources. Thus, women physicians used their medical work with overseas missions to carve out new roles, which empowered them socially and professionally.  相似文献   

Staff and resource parents in the public child welfare agency and private child care facilities were invited to participate in research in one state to examine the barriers surrounding resource parent recruitment, training and selection, and strategies for achieving more timely permanency. Issues identified included the need for a shared vision among all stakeholders and the need to focus more on developing public and private agency partnerships. Data-driven strategies were then designed to address identified barriers. This process can serve as an example of how systems may use solicited input from the field to develop interventions or modify casework practice in an attempt to improve child and family outcomes as needed.  相似文献   

In 1998, the Labour government introduced legislation broadening British sentencing powers in relation to crimes aggravated by the offender’s hostility towards the victim’s actual or perceived race, religion, sexual orientation or disability. Gender is a notable omission from this list. Through a survey of eighty-eight stakeholders working in the violence against women (VAW) sector, this paper explores both the potential benefits and possible disadvantages of adding a gender-based category concerned with VAW to British hate crime legislation. The majority of participants believed that a hate crime approach would offer significant benefits, especially in terms of the symbolic power of the law to send a message to society that VAW is unacceptable. However, most also recognised that the addition of a VAW category to current legislation would involve major practical and conceptual difficulties, not least those resulting from problematic assumptions about the nature of hate crimes versus VAW, and a general unwillingness on the part of policy-makers to address the socio-cultural inequalities that underpin VAW. Overall, the fact that the majority of participants favoured inclusion, on the basis that the possible symbolic benefits were likely to outweigh the potential practical disadvantages, is significant: it speaks to the power of hate crime legislation to challenge many forms of inequality and discrimination still endemic in British society.  相似文献   

劳动教育在“五育”中具有基础性作用。经过长期实践探索,劳动教育已经成为中国特色社会主义教育制度的重要内容。进入新时代,如何进一步加强和推动劳动教育,事关我国高等教育高质量发展全局,事关培养社会主义建设者和接班人大局。当前,我国高校劳动教育在取得一系列重要成果的同时,还存在师资队伍不全、“五育”融合度不高、主体协同不足等问题。基于此,研究建议:劳动教育应坚持以马克思主义劳动观为指导,进一步深刻认识劳动的内涵及其价值底蕴,把握劳动教育的时代意义;要多元协同构建新时代劳动教育体系;建立贯通“五育”的劳动教育机制;进一步加强劳动教育师资队伍建设。  相似文献   

This paper explores the UK’s legal interventions in the arena of forced marriage. Three key initiatives have been considered in the last 5 years: creating a specific crime of forced marriage; civil rather than criminal protection for victims; and an increase in the age of entry for non-EU spouses, with a corresponding increase in age for sponsoring such spouses. Our key focus is on the last of these interventions and we draw upon a research study conducted in the UK in 2006/2007 exploring the risks and benefits associated with increasing the age of sponsorship and entry. The UK government’s argument is that the increased maturity which comes from being older acts as a protective factor, thus making it easier to resist forced marriage. This view of maturity gains its saliency from developmental psychology. Here, we critically analyse the construct of age and the link between age and ability to resist forced marriage. We illustrate through the accounts of victims of forced marriage and of stakeholders the difficulties of adopting age as a central organising feature of protection for potential victims of forced marriage.  相似文献   

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