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GU CHUNDE 《人权》2011,(2):6-7
I.The Necessity and Feasibility for Developing a Socialist Theoretical System for Human Rights with Chinese Characteristics Development of such a system is needed to ensure success of the social transformation and transition ongoing up in China  相似文献   

LI SHI’AN 《人权》2012,(4):27-29
Values and the view of human rights are the concepts in the superstructure that belong to the category of morality category. So-called value refers to people’s attitude towards the choice between material wealth and spiritual wealth. Specifically speaking, it reflects the interests, demands, psychological and behavioral orientation of certain subjects. it is the inward rule which is used by people to measure the value of things, judge whether they are good or not  相似文献   

The time-honored traditional Chinese minben(people-based) thinking has rich implications for human rights. The concepts of min and minben are much in line with their contemporary counterparts of "human" and "people orientation". Upholding the belief of "people as the foundation of states", minben advocates the fundamental political status of the people, and requires leaders to implement "people-oriented" policies. Its encapsulation of the theoretical foundation and basic requirements for the protection of human rights enabled it to promote the protection of people's livelihoods and civil rights in ancient China. Its sublimation in contemporary China has had, and will continue to have, a far-reaching impact on the development of human rights in China.  相似文献   

The ongoing discussion orga-nized by the Human Rights magazine on building a theoretical system of human rights with Chinese characteristics is definitely of great significance. Theory guides practice. Correct theories can be turned into an immensely great  相似文献   

谷春德 《人权》2015,(2):113-121
Law is the fundamental method of governance and the rule of law symbolizes modern civilization. The socialist rule of law is the rule of law rooted in the Chinese tradition, and designed and led by the Communist Party of China(CPC). It is not only a tool for government, but also a driver of social progress. Meanwhile, the Chinese human rights system is also designed by the CPC. Both concepts—the socialist rule of law and the human rights system——are different from the West in terms of theory, path and systems. Human rights are the fundamental values of and the ultimate goal pursued by the rule of law; and the rule of law is the recognition of and guarantee for human rights. Efforts must be made to advance legislative, administrative and judicial protection of human rights.  相似文献   

刘波 《人权》2012,(6):25-28
The logic of a theoretical system is the inner logical relationship of the theoretical system.Since the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,there have been abundant research achievements regarding the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics,while there has been a lack of systematic research and discussion of the socialist human rights theory with Chinese characteristics.Therefore,researchon the socialist human rights  相似文献   

<正>Constructing an environ-ment for human rightsdevelopment is a large,com-prehensive project as well asa long and arduous mission.Althoughconstructing an environment for humanrights development was not mentionedmuch in the past,in actuality it beganearly and achieved sustained progress.It is a gradual process that is also a pre-requisite for earnestly respecting andensuring human rights.There are fivedimensions to building a sustainableenvironment for human rights develop-ment.First,creating a political environ-ment in which great attention is paidto human rights.With the thriving and  相似文献   

马长山  LI Donglin 《人权》2023,(4):766-774
<正>Under the tremendous impetus of the information revolution, humanity is transitioning from an industrial society to a digital society, and digital human rights have become a prominent global issue. Guided by the strategies of “Rule of Law in China”and “Digital China,” China’s digital legal construction has made significant achievements with distinctive features. This implies that China will also play a more important role and have a greater impact in the field of digital human rights. T...  相似文献   

人权纳入人民警察核心价值观,既体现党和国家的价值理念,又合乎宪法基本人权原则的要求;既反映现代警察的共同价值诉求,又传承我国公安工作的优良传统;既全面体现公安机关职能,又切合公安工作实践要求;既涵盖国家行政机关公务员价值观的共性,又凸显人民警察核心价值观的个性,具有充分的依据和重要的意义。  相似文献   

中国传统文化与社会主义核心价值体系   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
社会主义核心价值体系与中国传统文化联系紧密,中国传统文化是社会主义核心价值体系的重要源泉,社会主义核心价值体系是中国传统文化的升华和创新,弘扬中国优秀的传统文化与建设社会主义核心价值体系并行不悖、互相促进。  相似文献   

The confrontation between the disadvantaged and advantaged groups is eternal throughout the competition for survival. But the human spiritual world has its humane aspect in addition to competition. The concern for and protection of the disadvantaged group is the moral law characteristic of humanity, just as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says in its Article 1: "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.  相似文献   

ZHOU JUE 《人权》2007,6(1):6-9
More than 50 years ago, the United Nations adopted the renowned Universal Declaration of Human Rights. And 40 years passed since the adoption by the United Nations of the International Con-vention on Civil and Political Rights and the International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and we are also celebrating the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration on the Right to Development. Our gathering here in Bei-jing, which is themed on "respecting and promoting human rights and building a harmonious world," is therefore important. May I extend, on behalf of the China Soci-ety for Human Rights Studies, extend a warm welcome to guests, experts, scholars and other friends present on this occasion.  相似文献   

<正>Like most countries in the world,China supports the ideal of human rights depicted and advocated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international documents and agrees with the idea that human rights should be universal.However,China also holds that to better realize the common goals of human rights requires that each country explore and find the best and most  相似文献   

DONG YUNHU 《人权》2010,(4):6-8
Here we are, at this springtime, at Tianjin-based Nankai University for this, the Second NationalConference for Experience-Sharing by Human Rights Studies Institutions. This gathering is an event of great importance to academic studies of human rights in China, highlighting the liveliness and vitality characteristic of our work.  相似文献   

<正>Sponsored by the China Society for Human Rights Studies and the Publicity Department of the Tianjin Municipal Committee,the symposium on building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind and Global Human Rights Governance starts today at Nankai University.On behalf of the China Society for Human Rights Studies,I would like to extend my warm congratulations to the conveners of conference,and  相似文献   

The socialist core value system is an important strategic system of thought proposed on the basis of Marxist principles and summarizing the experience of constructing socialism with Chinese characteristics.The socialist core value system is the embodiment of the essence of socialist ideology.1 It is the internal substance and soul of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics,laying down the requirements and direction for its construction,and guiding human rights development under it.The theory system of socialism with Chinese characteristics  相似文献   

LUO YANHUA 《人权》2008,(2):29-32
Between September 2005 and April 2006, China's national leaders made four significant proposals to the international community on bulldlng a harmonious world,t This shows that China, as a responsible country, is bringing to the intemational community its own concepts and ideas on how to cope with intemational conflicts. This action is a great effort and endeavor on China's part in resolving current intemational conflicts.  相似文献   

<正>Over the course of a wholeday,all the candidateorganizations introducedtheir work and respondedto inquiries from panel members.Theselection meeting was smooth andsuccessful.I was quite impressed by themeeting and gained a lot from it.TheChina Society for Human RightsSociety(CSHRS)every year organiz-es a national meeting so that humanrights organizations can exchange ex-perience,summarize their experienceand present their achievements.Thedifference between this meeting andthe previous ones was better prepara-tion and deeper interaction.My firstimpression was"outstanding."Thecandidate organizations have excel-lent capability,performance and  相似文献   

CHEN YUGANG 《人权》2014,(5):14-15
<正>Building national human rights education and training bases is part of China’s human rights development,which shows the strong will of the Chinese government for promoting human rights and strengthening human rights protection.Such an action is not only a practical measure for implementing international human rights action plans,but also a practice of the Chinese government in respecting and implementing relevant international obligations set by the United Nations.  相似文献   

The International Conference on the International Cooperation in Human Rights and the Chinese Perspective organized by the Institute of International Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, took place in Beijing, China from October 22-23, 2016. Both Chinese and foreign human rights experts convened to exchange their opinions on the new development of the human rights theories and practices, especially from the Chinese perspective. The socialist concept on human rights with Chinese characteristics was discussed intensively during the meeting and new terms such as "the Human Rights Model of the South" and "the Human Rights Perspective of the South" were raised. The participants interpreted and summed up the experiences and features of the Chinese socialist human rights cause. The drafting and implementation of the Chinese National Human Rights Action Plans and the progress in the promotion of rule of law in China were mentioned. They highly valued the constructive roles played by China in the international human rights cooperation field, especially under the United Nations(UN) human rights regime and for the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  相似文献   

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