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税收是国家财政收入的来源,关系国计民生,历来都是政府倍加重视的问题。本文通过考察宏观税负水平的影响因素,分析我国的税收负担的实际状况,探讨我国税负优化的出路问题。  相似文献   

Allers  Maarten  de Haan  Jakob  Sterks  Cees 《Public Choice》2001,106(3-4):351-363
This paper analyses the role of partisan politics in determiningthe local tax burden. Property taxes are the most important revenuesource which municipalities in the Netherlands can decide uponthemselves. Using a new data set on Dutch local property taxes in1996, it is concluded that municipalities with a council dominatedby left wing parties have a higher tax burden. We also find thatlarger coalitions have lower levels of taxation. Finally, taxexporting increases tax rates.  相似文献   

近年来,湖南就业形势总体趋好,就业规模不断扩大,就业结构趋于完善,企业自主经营、个人自主就业机制逐步形成.但同时也面临着劳动力供求矛盾突出,就业需求增长放缓,农村人口比例居高不下,就业困难群体持续增加等问题.湖南省实施就业税收优惠政策已经取得了一些成效,为进一步完善促进就业的税收政策,扩大就业和再就业,我们要调整和完善现行税收政策,发展民营经济和中小企业、鼓励第三产业发展以及实行城乡统一劳动力市场等.  相似文献   

我国土地调控失灵的制度经济分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国城市化发展的直接后果就是大量农用地转化为非农用地,耕地资源日益减少.对此,中央政府加强了土地调控力度,严格保护土地资源.但地方政府有与中央不同的目标,而现有的土地产权制度为地方政府规避中央的调控政策提供了可能性.在梳理现代产权理论的基础上,深入剖析了土地产权的三重分割问题,即土地国有和"全民所有"的分割,所有者与管理者的分割,以及中央政府与地方政府的分割.地方政府实际上获得了管理和经营土地资源的直接权力,而又无需承担相应的长期后果.这一方面激励地方政府超常经营土地的行为,形成所谓"土地财政"现象;另一方面造成土地保护陷入集体行动困境.由于土地管制和市场调节双重失灵,尽管中央政府不断收紧土地闸门和信贷闸门,对土地开发市场的调控效果仍不明显,土地资源的低效率运用未见实质性改观,耕地保护压力仍然很大.  相似文献   

This paper provides estimates of utilization for the Empowerment Zone (EZ) wage tax credit, a subsidy claimed by employers who operate in and hire residents of federally designated areas experiencing economic distress. The EZ credit is currently the largest employer‐based wage tax credit in the federal tax code in terms of dollars claimed, with almost $250 million claimed in 2002. I show that about 6.4 percent (and at least 3.5 percent) of the working age population was claimed under the EZ wage credit in 1999. In addition, I estimate that 24.2 percent (and at least 13.1 percent) of those employed inside of the target area were claimed for the credit. I create these national estimates of use with information on credit dollars claimed from the Internal Revenue Service and population data on the eligible population from the census. These measures of tax credit use are an alternative to the use rate of firms that are presented in the existing literature, and reveal how effective the credit is at reaching residents of the target area.  相似文献   

税收立法权可分成三个层次:第一层次是立法权,主要为创设、废除法律法规;第二层次是对税收法律法规的系统性落实和解释;第三层次是对税收法律法规在既定框架内的具体调整.我国税收立法权的划分现状为:全国人大及其常委会目前享有税收法律和几乎全部税种的主立法权;国务院实际上是我国行使税收立法权的主要部门;国务院税务主管部门是行使税收辅立法权的重要部门;省级人大及其常委会名义上拥有地方性税种的主立法权;省级人民政府可以行使地方性税种少量的辅立法权.我国单一制国家的国情不应成为我们推进税权划分改革的障碍,财政联邦制不是联邦制.地方的税收立法权可以在现有基础上稳步扩大,区分中央税、共享税、全国统一实行的地方税和零星地方税,来推进我国税权纵向划分的改革.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on a continuing concern of tax administrators, which is the selection of the most efficient means of ensuring tax law compliance. The selection of the most efficient enforcement techniques and strategies can reduce compliance costs, enhance revenues, and support a culture of voluntary tax law compliance. This paper reports on a national study of state compliance efforts regarding state motor fuel taxes and motor vehicle registration fees, which are major sources of revenue for state Road Funds. Because of special complexities and unique interstate cooperation efforts, the compliance efficiency assessment focuses on the commercial carrier taxpayer group.  相似文献   

Tax Competition and Tax Coordination in a Median Voter Model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fuest  Clemens  Huber  Bernd 《Public Choice》2001,107(1-2):97-113
This paper analyzes the welfare effects of capital tax coordination in a simple model of fiscal competition where fiscal policy is subject to majority voting and households differ with respect to their labor and capital income. It turns out that a coordinated capital tax increase may raise or reduce welfare, depending on the relative magnitude of i) economic distortions induced by a labor tax and ii) political distortions resulting from the influence of the median voter on fiscal policy decisions. A negative welfare effect is more likely, the smaller the marginal excess burden of the labor tax and the smaller the ratio of the median voter's labor income to average labor income. We also use empirical estimates of the marginal excess burden of taxation to determine the welfare effects of tax coordination; it turns out that a negative welfare effect of coordinated tax increases may emerge in our model for empirically reasonable parameters.  相似文献   

This article explores the implications of acquisition value assessment for homesteaded property established in 1983 in Muscogee County, Georgia. The resulting freeze in assessed values has created sizeable assessment inequality that varies systematically with the value of the parcel. The difference between market value and acquisition value assessments is substantially larger for households with longer tenure and is associated with households with higher income, who are older, and who are white. The freeze has a small effect on the size of the property tax base and does not appear to reduce the probability of a home's being sold.  相似文献   

Herbert Stein 《Society》1969,6(5):38-44

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