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On June 10, the annual Global Summit on Women opened in the ancient capital Cairo, Egypt. The Summit was long called the Davos Forum for Women. Nearly 900 representatives from political and business circles of 89 countries and regions participated in thi…  相似文献   

[Editor's Notes] Global Summit of Women (GSW) is a non-governmental organization based in Washington DC. Founded by its President Irene Natividad in 1990, GSW, also known as "Davos for Women", holds its annual summit in different countries. Aimed at building an alliance of women across the world, GSW encourages the forging of ties among prestigious and influential women from political, economic and other sectors,  相似文献   

Today, the female statesperson, experts and scholars of China and Germany happily gather here to exchange views in depth on women‘s rights, women‘s participation in deliberation and administration of state affairs, women‘s status and role in the economic and social development, women‘s liberation,  相似文献   

AfterthesuccessfulconveningoftheFourthWorldConferenceonWomen熏1995andNon-GovernmentOrganization穴NGO雪ForumonWomen熏Beijing'95熏theissueofwomenhasarousedfurtherconcernfromtheinternationalcommunity.Inthepasteightyears熏theChinesegovernmenthasmadeunremit鄄tingeffortstoimplement″BeijingDeclaration″and″PlatformforAction″tomatchitspromisewithac鄄tion.Asabiggestnon-governmentalwomen'sorga鄄nizationinChina熏theAll-ChinaWomen'sFedera鄄tion穴ACWF雪熏bygivingfullplaytoitsadvantagesoforgani…  相似文献   

<正>On March 9, at the invitation of the Kazankai Foundation of Japan, Executive Vice President of CAFIU Mr. Li Chengren led a six-member  相似文献   

正From June 16 to 18,the 2014"UnderstandingCooperation"Dialogue and Forum on Rethinking Asia,co-hosted by CAFIU and FES and jointly organized with China Foundation for Peace and Development,was held in Tutzing,a beautiful and spacious manor located at 30km southwest of Munich.Nearly 60 delegates from more than 10Asian and European countries participated in the event,including China,Germany,Korea,Japan,  相似文献   

正Founded in November 1987,the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies(WFAS)is headquartered in Beijing,China.It is an NGO which has official working relations with the World Health Organization,and has renewed the working relations 7 times consecutively since 1998.In 2010,WFAS was admitted as an A-liaison organization by ISO/TC249.In 2017,it became  相似文献   

At the invitation of CAFIU, a delegation of South African National Civic Organization(SANCO) led by Ms. Ruth Bhengu, acting President visited China in June. This is the first encounter between the two organizations. CAFIU attached great importance to this…  相似文献   

30years ago , China and Bangladesh established diplom atic relations , w hich opened a new chapter of friendship and cooperation betw een China and B angladesh.Since then , no m atter how the inter鄄 national situation changes , the governm ents and people of our two countries have always respect鄄 ed , trusted , understood and supported each other. W e never intervene in each other's internal affairs but carry forw ard exchanges on the basis of e鄄 quality.O ur cooperation in all fields has …  相似文献   

DistinguishedMr.Chairman,LadiesandGentlemen,DearFriends,Firstofall,onbehalfoftheChineseparticipantsIwouldliketoextendourcordialgreetingstoallthestatesmen,expertsandscholarspresentatthesym-posium.Thissymposiumisheldatamomentwhentherehavebeendramaticchangesinthedomesticsitua-tionofbothcountriesandinthesituationofAsiaasawhole,andalsowhentheSino-Japaneserelationsarefacedwithcertainprominentissues.Underthisnewsituation,itisofgreatpracticalsignificanceforthestatesmen,expertsandscholarsfromChina…  相似文献   

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