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正"Help yourself," gestured the busy hostess Ma Lianhua as she served me tea. She had been in the kitchen cooking, preparing food, and entertaining guests all day. The table was topped with dishes of dried fruit, a selection of desserts, and fried dough twists from Rozah. Agile and competent, Ma Lianhua had greeted me at the door, her short curly  相似文献   

正Born of Ewenki ethnic background, Yimin moved to Beijing from Inner Mongolia with her parents when she was 10. She started to work at Minzu University of China (MUC) after she graduated. Her father is Ewenki,her mother Daur and her husband Tibetan. Her sister-in-law is Mongolian and her brother-in-law Japanese. Her siblings all have inter-ethnic marriages.  相似文献   

<正>Nangang Village refl ects the unique folk customs and traditional culture of the Yao people.Experts say that the Yao stockades here are the largest,oldest and most distinctive in China,perhaps in the world.The village,which has earned the title of"No.1 Yao Stockaded Village in China,"is protected as a national treasure.  相似文献   

正Glimmering lights and appealing melody fill the room at the wedding, and you can hear the beautiful songs of the Ewenki and other ethnic groups. Family and friends are extending best wishes for the Ewenki bride and Daur groom. The groom, Xuejun, cannot hide his happiness marrying such a beautiful and virtuous bride."It's like a dream!" he says.  相似文献   

美国是一个移民国家,现在的美国人来自世界各地四面八方。可以说,没有移民就没有美国,没有移民的贡献就没有今天发达的美国。移民问题在美国占有重要的地位,是一个长盛不衰的话题。世界上没有哪一个国家像美国这样面临着大批移民的压力,面临着边境外数以万计、十几万计的合法的、非法的移民伺机进入。  相似文献   

曹平山,1986年2月生于安徽省肥东县磨店乡一个普通农民家庭,自2005年12月退伍后就加入合肥保安集团押运分公司。  相似文献   

正At Nazarbayev University when President Xi Jinping during a 2013 state visit delivered his keynote on amicable China-Kazakhstan relations, he quoted a maxim of poet-philosopher Abay Qunanbayev,"The world is like an ocean and our time is like strong wind. Waves in the front are elder brother while those behind are younger  相似文献   

正Building the Belt and Road:Philosophy,Practice and China's Contribution Building the Belt and Road:Philosophy,Practice and China's Contribution(in multi-language)is a programmatic document produced by the Office of the Leading Group for the Belt and Road Initiative and published to coincide with the opening of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.The book provides a clear account of the philosophy,the natureh,and the specifics of the Belt and Road Initiative,and summarizes the early results achieved through BR cooperation.  相似文献   

<正>Let us take a moment to appreciate the landscape near Daliyabuyi,where centuries ago thriving oasis cities were situated on the edge of the Taklimakan Desert.Where water was abundant,caravans on the ancient Silk Road would make a stop.There,trade and the passing traffic of people and burdened pack animals would create a local economy.Trading would beget cultural exchange.Ancient cities near Daliyabuyi used  相似文献   

五、坚持各民族平等团结新疆民族众多。据2000年全国第五次人口普查,新疆共生活着维吾尔、汉、哈萨克等55个民族。2008年,新疆总人口为2130.8万人,其中汉族以外的其他民族1294.5万人,占全疆人口的60.8%。截至2007年,百万以上人口的民族有3个:维吾尔族(965.1万)、汉族(823.9万)、哈萨克族(148.4万);10—100万人口的民族有3个回族(94.3万)、  相似文献   

毛泽东、周恩来、邓小平和江泽民等党和国家三代领导人高度重视统战工作,积极同民主党派、无党派人士交朋友,身体力行统战工作,留下了一段段佳话。本刊特选登党和国家三代领导人亲自做统战工作的片段,以期对新时期统战工作的开展有所借鉴。  相似文献   

毛泽东、周恩来、邓小平和江泽民等党和国家三代领导人高度重视统战工作,积极同民主党派、无党派人士广交朋友,身体力行统战工作,留下了一段段佳话。本刊特选登党和国家三代领导人亲自做统战工作的片段,以期对新时期统战工作的开展有所借鉴。  相似文献   

正You could make an argument that music defines a culture because it defines human beings.It separates us from other species.Certainly humans are the preeminent musicians.Even while other species have found ways to communicate with each other through sounds,gestures,and even the color of their  相似文献   

正Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,General Secretary Xi Jinping has made several keynote speeches and given important instructions on the significant issues of ethnic work.These speeches and instructions,especially the keynote on the Central Working Conference  相似文献   

正Born in 1942 in a Kyrgyz family, Brumahan Maoleduo is a border guard in Jigen Town, Wuqia County, Xinjiang, who has guarded the China border daily for over 50 years. At Donggulama mountain pass 4,000 m above sea level, she made the unprecedented accomplishment of preventing any human or animal from trespassing. A patriot on the frontier, she also inscribed the characters for China on stones on the border.  相似文献   

<正>With the refrain,"I have been to many places but the most beautiful is still our Xinjiang,"Uygur folk artisan Kawuli Maimait gave one of his best performances three years ago.While visiting South Xinjiang at the time,President Xi was much impressed by the melody of"Our Xinjiang Is the Most Beautiful Place"played on the Uyghur musical instrument called a ghirjek,and after the performance,he expressed heartfelt wishes  相似文献   

<正>11月1日,中国(新疆)自由贸易试验区正式揭牌。新疆自贸试验区是我国西北沿边地区首个自贸试验区,包含乌鲁木齐、喀什、霍尔果斯3个片区。未来,新疆将立足资源禀赋、区位优势和产业基础,高标准高质量推进新疆自贸试验区建设,为新疆融入国内国际双循环,服务“一带一路”核心区建设,助力创建亚欧黄金通道和我国向西开放桥头堡作出积极贡献。  相似文献   

<正>Work,business,marriage.More than 90,000 residents from 53 nationalities reside in Suzhou.Some are here to work,some are starting a business,and some arrive here to begin married life.Suzhou welcomes newcomers from different minorities,using government programs to help New Suzhounese acclimate to their surroundings in Jiangsu  相似文献   

<正>An artist whose work has been seen on numerous Chinese postage stamps has won the title of National Young and Middle-Aged Outstanding Artist.A Beijing academic as well as a prominent artist whose works are collected by the country's national art museum,Yin Huili was honored on September 15 along with53 other Beijing-based literary writers and artists.The competition is co-organized by the CPC publicity  相似文献   

正Before an appreciative audience in China’s capital,their fiery,vigorous grassland-style performance welcomed Year 2018,and they were mentioned in Chinese President Xi Jinping’s New Year speech.The Ulan Muqir troupe from Sonid Right Banner,Inner Mongolia performed on-stage during Chinese Ethnic  相似文献   

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