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目的通过比较实验来探寻卫生纸上汗潜手印的最佳显现方法,为实际工作提供指导性建议。方法选择市面上常见的四种卫生纸,在每种卫生纸上制作汗潜指印实验样本,分别将茚三酮溶液浸泡法与茚二酮溶液浸泡法、茚二酮溶液浸泡法与茚二酮溶液超声雾化法、茚二酮溶液超声雾化法与(对)-二甲(替)氨基肉桂醛(DMAC)显现纸冷熏法、茚二酮溶液浸泡法与红外加热显现法、茚二酮溶液超声雾化后加热显现法与室温显现法进行两两比较,分析显现效果。结果茚二酮显现的灵敏度和质量均优于其他几种方法,特别是超声雾化后室温显现,既能很好地显现手印又不影响后期的DNA检验。结论采取茚二酮超声雾化室温条件显现方法显现卫生纸上的汗潜手印具有显现效果好、设备条件要求低、操作性强的特点,在实际案件中可以借鉴应用。  相似文献   

目的对京尼平与茚三酮两种手印显现方法进行综合评价。方法用两种方法显现不同遗留客体上不同遗留时间的手印,并对显现效果、显出手印的稳定性及纸张字迹油墨扩散等现象进行考察。结果京尼平与茚三酮有着相似的的显现原理、适用范围和熏显条件,但在显现效果、显出手印稳定性、试剂成本和安全性能方面存在差异。结论京尼平相比茚三酮方法更安全、绿色环保、显出的手印稳定性更强。  相似文献   

目的探索显现潮湿纸张表面油脂手印的显现方法。方法取250枚纸张载体的油脂指印,分为AB-CDE 5组,分别用自来水浸泡不同时间后,用尼罗红工作液显现,并在465nm多波段光源下进行观察。结果 5组的显现率从56%~94%,表明显出率比较高。结论该方法简单实用,可用于案件检验。  相似文献   

目的 提高纸张上手印显现率.方法 采用DFO-茚三酮-物理显影液系列显现法,比较每一显现步骤的指印显现率.结果 每一显现步骤均能提高手印显现率.结论 DFO-茚三酮-物理显影液系列显现法有效提高纸张上手印的显现率.  相似文献   

加热502胶熏显手印的改进方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李季 《刑事技术》2008,(5):49-50
加热502胶水熏显手印,通常需要将客体置于502熏显柜、聚乙烯薄膜罩等密封容器中进行,使用这类显现器材的优势是熏染速度快,数量多,一次可同时熏染多个客体,但现场手印的承载客体千差万别,对一些较为特殊的客体,应用上述密封加热方法,有时存在一些不足:①对体积较大或不可提取的客体,无法在熏显柜、聚乙烯薄膜罩等密封容器中进行加热熏显;  相似文献   

京尼平显现渗透性客体上潜在手印方法研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的介绍一种能够用来显现潜在手印的新型物质—京尼平。方法依据京尼平能和手印遗留物质中的氨基酸或蛋白质发生反应,生成一种有荧光效应的多聚体深蓝色物质,通过自然光或多波段光源下显现观察,并将其与传统的茚三酮、DFO显现进行比较。结果京尼平显现法的显现条件与茚三酮类似,其处理后的潜在手印既在自然光下可见又在多波段光源的激发下有荧光现象。结论京尼平显现法可用于渗透性客体上潜在手印的显现。  相似文献   

近年来,热敏纸作为重要的物证频繁在各类案件中出现,但由于其纸基上特殊涂层的影响,采用传统的方法进行手印显现效果不理想.基于热敏纸的特殊性,采用1,2-氢化茚二酮溶液对其上汗潜手印、鸡蛋清手印进行了显现,有效排除了涂层的干扰,得到了较好的效果.  相似文献   

铝箔纸,英文名:aluminized pape,作为一种工业制造原辅材料,主要用于包装防护、生活用品、建筑等辅助材料,广泛用于各种软包装.供高级卷烟、糖果等食品防潮和装饰包装用.大部分的铝箔纸一面光亮,一面灰哑.因为是金属铝制成,因此具有很好延展性,韧性好,同时由于质地柔软,很容易撕破.  相似文献   

一种改进的碘熏法-碘锌手印显现法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的为解决传统碘熏法显出手印容易褪色、固定困难等问题。方法提出了一种改进的碘熏法-碘锌手印显现法,实验了不同反应物配比、不同客体材质对显现效果的影响;与常规碘熏法进行了对比实验;并考察了碘锌法显出手印的稳定性。结果碘锌手印显现法可以用于常见渗透性及非渗透性客体上新鲜汗潜手印的显现。该方法不必外加热源,携带、存储和应用更加便利;该方法显出的指纹纹线保存时间与传统碘熏法相比明显延长。结论碘锌手印显现法是一种高效、实用的手印显现方法。  相似文献   

目的找到一种显现化学类纸张上汗潜手印的有效方法。方法制作DMAC显现试剂并进行大量比对实验、外延实验。结论用该方法操作简便、效果较好。  相似文献   

3种提取胶带粘面汗潜指印中DNA的方法比较   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
目的比较胶带粘面汗潜指印中DNA提取的方法。方法分别采用硅珠法、QIAMicrokit法、硅珠-QIAMicrokit法提取胶带粘面的汗潜指印中DNA,STR复合扩增,荧光电泳检测。结果用QIAMicrokit法、硅珠-QIAMicrokit法提取胶带粘面汗潜指印中DNA,检测成功率分别为21%和36%。硅珠法检测未获成功。结论硅珠-QIAMicrokit法提取胶带粘面汗潜指印中的DNA比QIAMicrokit法,检验时间更短,检测成功率更高。  相似文献   

When handling ammunition for gun loading, epithelial cells from the hands can become adhered to the metal surface, and this trace is a potential source of DNA. This work aimed to compare the efficiency of three DNA extraction methods from fired cartridge cases from three different types of firearms: a 12-gauge shotgun, a point 40 S&W pistol, and a 7.62 mm rifle. Nine volunteers were involved in this study handling 42 pieces of ammunition overall. The unfired ammunition was handled by a known good donor, and we used this data for comparison. DNA profiling was carried out with EZ1 DNA Investigator Kit for EZ1 Advanced XL automated DNA extraction, QIAmp DNA Investigator kit for a non-automated silica-based membrane column method, and direct lysis protocol for a non-automated in-house one. Samples were collected with 0.5 × 0.5 cm pieces of FTA filter paper moistened with distilled water. Quantiplex Pro RGQ kit and Fusion Powerplex 6C were used for genotyping samples. QIAmp DNA Investigator method resulted in the best number of alleles recovered for both conditions tested, both unfired and fired ammunitions: 77 % vs. 19.3 %, followed by the automated extraction (28.6 % vs. 4.3 %) and lysis protocol (0 % vs. 3.9 %). Degradation data from fired cartridge cases were 27 % for column method, 50 % for lysis protocol, and 87 % for EZ1 kit. Kruskal-Wallis test for mean DNA concentration from these samples returned p < 0.05, and Dunn’s multiple comparison test indicated a significant difference between calibers 0.40 S&W and 12-gauge shotgun from lyses protocol method. We did not detect any other significant differences on the test. The 12-gauge shotgun cartridge cases resulted in a high number of alleles overall (56.8 %). The numerous steps for DNA extraction and purification in the column method may explain its better performance. Although the results obtained indicate that all methods be used for DNA extraction from this type of evidence, the silica-based membrane column method appears to be more efficient.  相似文献   

短波紫外照射对汗潜手印DNA检测的影响初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探测短波紫外灯的照射是否会对汗潜手印DNA检测产生影响。方法由每名志愿者在纸张上捺印4枚拇指指印使每枚指印的脱落细胞量保持基本相同,抽取每名志愿者所捺印的一枚指印作为一组,共有四组,将三组指印置于短波紫外灯的照射下,照射时间分别设置为10min﹑30min和1h,还有一组不照射,然后用磁珠法对所有指印提取DNA并进行定量。结果短波紫外灯的照射会对汗潜手印中的DNA造成减损,照射时间越长,减损得越多。结论尽量减少短波紫外灯对汗潜手印照射的时间(可控制在10min内),以保证汗潜手印有足够量的DNA而能被用于STR分型检测。  相似文献   

This study investigated the various factors affecting DNA profiling from DNA recovered from fingerprints deposited on paper before and after fingerprint enhancement treatments. The DNeasy® plant mini kit (QIAGEN®) was found to improve DNA recovery from paper by over 150% compared with the QIAamp® mini kit. A significant decrease in the amount of DNA recovered was observed following treatment with DFO and/or Ninhydrin. This decrease in yield did not have a comparably significant effect on the quality of the SGM Plus™ profiles. Furthermore, this study found that whilst certain paper types, such as newspaper, magazine and filter paper allowed for the good recovery of DNA, common office paper and white card, strongly interfered with the recovery of DNA resulting in poor quality profiles.  相似文献   

目的探讨汽车内接触DNA的分离方法及遗传标记分型效率。方法收集单人长期驾驶的11辆小型轿车,采用粘取法和擦拭法富集方向盘、变速杆和手刹三个部位的脱落细胞,采用磁珠法和硅胶膜法提取基因组DNA,采用GoldenEye^TM 20A和PowerPlex■Fusion进行扩增,并对检验结果进行比较分析。结果方向盘在基因座分型正确率、等位基因drop-in和drop-out基因座比率、单基因座正确率以及单基因座等位基因drop-in和drop-out率六个方面均表现最好,其次为变速杆,最差为手刹;擦拭法和粘取法之间DNA提取在获得的DNA总量和STR检测正确成功率方面无统计学差异;PPFusion与20A的总体基因座分型比较正确率无差异,但单基因座正确率优于20A,drop-out发生率低于20A,drop-in发生率高于20A。结论汽车内脱落细胞的检测可优先采集方向盘部位,根据载体质地选择擦拭法或粘取法采集脱落细胞,选用硅胶膜法或磁珠法提取DNA,PPFusion和20A两个试剂盒均可,分析结果时需特别注意drop-in和drop-out。  相似文献   

Forensic examiners must determine whether both latent fingerprint development and DNA profiling can be performed on the same area of an evidence item and, if only one is possible, which examination offers the best chance for identification. Latent fingerprints can be enhanced by targeting different components of fingerprint residues with sequential chemical treatments. This study investigated the effects of single-reagent and sequential latent fingerprint development processes on downstream DNA analysis to determine the point at which latent fingerprint development should be stopped to allow for DNA recovery. Latent fingerprints deposited on copy paper by one donor were developed using three sequential processes: 1,8-diazafluoren-9-one (DFO) → ninhydrin → physical developer (PD); 1,2-indanedione-zinc (IND-Zn) → ninhydrin → PD; and IND-Zn → ninhydrin → Oil Red O (ORO) → PD. Samples were examined after the addition of each chemical treatment. DNA was collected with cotton swabs, extracted, quantified, and amplified. DNA yields, peak heights, number of alleles obtained, and percentage of DNA profiles eligible for CODIS upload were examined. DNA profiles were obtained with varying degrees of success, depending on the number and type of treatments used for latent fingerprint development. The treatments that were found to be the least harmful to downstream DNA analysis were IND-Zn and IND-Zn/laser, and the most detrimental treatments were DFO, DFO/laser, and PD. In general, as the number of treatments increase, the opportunities for DNA loss or damage also increase, and it is preferable to use fewer treatments when developing latent fingerprints prior to downstream DNA processing.  相似文献   

Exposure of forensic evidence to either hydrogen chloride or chlorine can result in acidification to such an extent that enhancement of fingermarks with ninhydrin or cyanoacrylate is inhibited. Under these circumstances, pretreatment of samples with volatile bases such as triethylamine or ethanolamine prior to using these enhancement techniques can lead to successful visualization of fingermarks. Alternatively, physical enhancement techniques such as powder dusting or small particle reagent can be used on acidified non-porous substrates, although the former technique is subject to increased background under such conditions.  相似文献   

指甲花醌显现纸张上汗潜手印初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的介绍一种用天然植物提取成分指甲花醌显现渗透性纸张表面汗潜手印的方法。方法利用指甲花醌能够和手印遗留物质中的氨基酸发生显色反应来显现手印。结果显现出的手印纹线在自然光下观察呈紫褐色,并且在540nm激发光源条件下,通过红色护目镜观察还有很强的荧光特征。结论指甲花醌显现法具有安全性高、健康环保、操作简单、显现效果明显的特点。  相似文献   

Due to recent improvements in forensic DNA testing kit sensitivity,there has been an increased demand in the criminal justice community to revisit past convictions or cold cases.Some of these cases have little biological evidence other than touch DNA in the form of archived latent fingerprint lift cards.In this study,a previously developed optimised workflow for this sample type was tested on aged fingerprints to determine if improved short tandem repeat(STR)profiles could be obtained.Two-year-old samples processed with the optimised workflow produced an average of approximately five more STR alleles per profile over the traditional method.The optimised workflow also produced detectable alleles in samples aged out to 28 years.Of the methods tested,the optimised workflow resulted in the most informative profiles from evidence samples more representative of the forensic need.This workflow is recommended for use with archived latent fingerprint samples,regardless of the archival time.  相似文献   

汗潜指印DNA提取方法的初步研究   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
目的建立渗透性载体及非渗透性载体上汗潜指印DNA的提取和检验方法。方法采用C-有-柱法及SiO2法两种DNA提取方法,PCR扩增后310型遗传分析仪检测。结果载玻片上3枚汗潜指印采用2种方法均可扩增出Amel及9个STR位点;纸上3枚汗潜指印用SiO2法检见Amel及9个STR位点,而用C-有-柱法检验结果不稳定。渗透性及非渗透性载体上1及2枚汗潜指印,采用上述两种DNA提取方法,检验结果均不稳定。结论所建立的方法可以检见渗透性及非渗透性载体上汗潜指印DNA,并达到同一认定的程度。  相似文献   

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