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和静钧 《南风窗》2007,(23):90-91
目前看来,美国和欧盟均表示支持科索沃独立,而最可能的独立方式就是事实独立。但美欧并未放弃争取塞科双方达成"协议独立"的努力。至于对科索沃最为上策的合法独立,则由于再度崛起的俄罗斯可能的阻挠而基本无望。  相似文献   

甄鹏 《当代世界》2010,(8):43-45
2010年7月22日,国际法院院长小和田恒在海牙和平宫宣布了关于科索沃问题的咨询意见。法院以10票支持、4票反对、1票缺席的表决结果,认为:“通过(独立)宣言没有违反任何现行的国际法准则。”这是一个出人意料的结论,将对科索沃独立进程和欧洲政治格局产生深远的影响。从科索沃宣布独立,到联合国大会辩论,再到国际法院的法律程序,科索沃案例的法律进程长达两年多。  相似文献   

“科索沃独立”是2008年国际政治中的一件大事,其引发的争议和产生的影响极其深刻。科索沃的独立进程主要由内部动力驱动,但外部力量的作用也不容忽视,欧盟作为科索沃争端的主要调停者,其政策演变对科独立产生的影响尤值得加以研究。  相似文献   

精准扶贫理念是习近平总书记在新时期时代背景下提出的战略导向,也是我国扶贫工作多年的经验总结。然而精准扶贫面临着一系列法律困境,如何解决这些困境,让我国精准扶贫走上法治化道路,是本文笔者的思考。  相似文献   

家庭冷暴力主要表现在夫妻之间缺乏言语交流、不关心对方、拒绝参与家庭事务等。本文简要介绍家庭冷暴力的内涵,重点分析家庭冷暴力危害,并提炼出目前法律规制面临的困境,提出相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

韦晓蕾 《法制博览》2024,(8):157-159
本文以乡村振兴与中小企业法律困境的协同发展为研究主题,分析了中小企业在乡村振兴过程中面临的土地使用权、融资难题等法律困境,探讨了这些法律困境的主要原因,提出了完善土地制度、优化融资环境、实行税收优惠政策等协同发展的路径,旨在为乡村振兴战略的实施和中小企业的发展提供法治支持。  相似文献   

林亦梵 《法制博览》2022,(6):139-141
住房反向抵押作为养老领域的新探索引入我国多年,在解决养老问题方面始终未有显著效果.根据我国老龄化的社会状况和人均住房拥有率情况分析,住房反向抵押在我国具有推行开展的可能性.但首先需要解决其在我国遇到的法律障碍,从"禁止流押"、住宅建设使用权期限、宅基地使用权流转限制等问题出发,提出相应的法律解决对策.  相似文献   

高艳 《法制博览》2015,(8):238-239
小产权房是具有中国特色的事物,它并非近几年来的新兴产物,虽然政府极力阻止其发展,但都没有任何大的改观,甚至有愈演愈烈的趋势。小产权房的发展一方面违反了我国现行法律和政策,另一方面它是体制上的创新,有利于城乡一体化的发展,无论从买方还是卖方来说都有其存在的合理性,这就使它陷入一种合理不合法的法律困境。为了我国经济发展和城乡一体化的进程,保护农民和购房者的利益,如何妥善解决小产权房问题都需迫切而合理的解决。  相似文献   

李红娟  谭毅 《法制博览》2013,(8):24-25,23
网络经济在追求效率和经济的同时,带来了社会经济多层面的问题,使得传统法律规制失范。在网络经济发展过程中,面临商业欺诈、侵犯隐私、网络产权、违反公平正义、知识产权侵权、虚拟财产保护和继承等一系列问题的困扰,这些问题的解决已超出了现有法律所涵盖的范围,如何以最小的成本平衡各方权利需求要求,是政策解决工具选择的价值体现。商业伦理重构为网络经济法律困境寻找新的突破口。  相似文献   

中国老龄人口数量不断增加,老龄化越来越严重,随着社会救助水平提高,人们生活中的关注重点由物质方面转移到精神方面,老年人精神赡养的问题慢慢的出现在人们的视野中,尤其是农村文化水平较低的老年人面临的精神困境亟待解决,本文通过阐释精神赡养的法律内涵,发现并剖析当前农村老年人精神赡养的困境,并依据中国农村现如今的实际情况,参考外国相关法律规定对我国农村老年人精神赡养问题提出倡议。  相似文献   

This article assesses Kosovo's post-independence efforts to reform the civil-service system and establish a merit-based civil-service system. It also provides an overview of the relationship between civil service and other political institutions and asks whether the constitutional choices have—to a certain degree—influenced the existing design of the civil service. Moreover, the article exposes the current trend of politicization and describes the models through which the latter is developing. Finally, the article asks whether the current system of recruitment, promotion, and appointment of senior managing staff preconditions a political civil-service system.  相似文献   

Kosovo, a largely ethnically Albanian province of the Serbian republic, played an important role in Yugoslavia's troubles in the last two decades of the twentieth century. Shortly after Tito's death in 1980, disturbances in Kosovo set the Albanians and the Serbs on a collision course and also polarized the country politically. Ironically, when Yugoslavia began to disintegrate in 1991, and as it fell into four years of warfare, Kosovo remained relatively calm. Only after the Dayton peace, in late 1995, did Kosovo's Albanians opt for a militant policy toward the Serbs. Meanwhile Serbs escalated their oppression of the local population. International diplomatic intervention failed to defuse tensions, and ultimately, NATO initiated military action to stop Serbia. NATO prevailed in the seventy-eight day engagement in 1999, while Kosovo acquired greater autonomy and was put under UN protection.  相似文献   

This article discusses the meaning of self-determination in its historical and contemporary contexts and examines the different options available for the accommodation of contested self-determination claims. Among these, the creation of a new state, arguably, is the most radical of options and one that has significant regional and global implications beyond the territory to which it is applied. Detailing these implications in relation to the case of Kosovo, we make a broader argument that, even if secession is one mechanism to resolve self-determination disputes, this does not do away with the need to continue exploring settlements short of secession as alternatives to changing established international boundaries.  相似文献   

This essay examines the importance of the Hungarian minority issue and the role of precedent in Slovakia's policy towards Kosovo. It shows that the Slovak view was not only a product of its issues with the Hungarian minority but also a response both to the activities of representatives of Hungary and of the ethnic Hungarian party in Slovakia, the SMK. On the basis of Brubaker's concept of ‘triadic nexus’ it explains relations between Slovakia and Hungary based on the minority issue. It also highlights the role of collective rights as presented in the Ahtisaari plan in 2007 and their perception by Slovak officials.  相似文献   

Kosovo is a proxy war with the Holocaust. As such, this war and its outcome will do much to define the West in the next century That it is a war in Europe, for Europe, sets it apart from all the other tragedies from Rwanda to Kashmir. Our collage of comment on this subject ranges from the secretary general of NATO to the leader of the Kosovars in Albania.  相似文献   

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