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摹仿字迹是书写人为达到某种目的,采取抑制自身书写习惯,仿照他人笔迹特征的方法书写而成的文字.由于摹仿字迹形成的特殊性,导致了鉴定人员识别、判断摹仿字迹有一定的难度,摹仿字迹判断失误,被摹仿人受害的案件时有发生.进入八十年代以来,经济、民事活动日益频繁,当事人诉本人签名被摹仿的案件逐渐增多,鉴定人误判摹仿字迹的情况也偶有所闻.本文以“关于防止误判摹仿字迹的体会”为题发一议论,与同行们商榷.  相似文献   

王勇 《天津检察》2007,(4):63-63
最近,我受理了一起笔迹鉴定申请,鉴定的对象是一张“中国农业银行转帐支票存根”,检验鉴定要求是:该“中国农业银行转帐支票存根”用途栏内“刘某某”的签名字迹是否为嫌疑人刘某某所写。经检验发现:“刘某某”的签名字迹运笔,字形、布局、手法均为反常,与刘某某的样本字迹比对发现,两者书写风格、书写水平及单字的写法、连笔动作、笔划搭配比例等特征不同,  相似文献   

当前,在经济犯罪领域有关模仿他人笔迹、冒充他人签名的案件越来越多。由于签名字迹检验存在可供检验的字迹字数少,相同单字、相同结构的文字较少重复出现,以及个人书写的多样性和复杂性等特点,就使得案件中的检材签名字迹真假难辨。还有的嫌疑人为了模仿他人字迹,进行长时间的反复练习,甚至达到连被模仿人都不能确定检材中的签名是否为本人所写。在此,笔者结合检验经验,对签名字迹案件在受理、检验和鉴定三个阶段应注意的问题谈一点体会。  相似文献   

正常笔迹鉴定标准是指:为规范正常笔迹鉴定活动,保障鉴定结论科学、可靠,以正常笔迹所反映的书写习惯为对象,针对鉴定活动中所涉及的检材、样本、字迹是否具备检验条件,笔迹特征的认定、分析、评断方法,鉴定结论的作出等技术问题所作出的统一规定。  相似文献   

笔迹样本是指由刑事案件的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人,民事、行政案件的当事人以及其他与案件有关联的人亲笔书写的,用来与检材笔迹物证上的字迹进行比较鉴别的字迹材料,是犯罪嫌疑人、当事人及关联人(以下均称嫌疑人)书写习惯特征的集中体现。因此,笔迹样本是否真实可靠、充分、具有可比性,直接关系到鉴定结论准确与否。侦查、调查中,即使找准了嫌疑对象,但收取的样本不符合鉴定条件,同样难以作出科学准确的鉴定结论。之所以出现这类情况,主要是因为侦查、检察、审判人员对笔迹样本应具备的条件认识不够,提取方法不当,以致一次送检样本就合格的很…  相似文献   

设计签名作为特殊的签名种类有其特有的书写规范和特征.在设计签名笔迹鉴定中既要遵循一般的笔迹检验技术规范,又要重视和分析设计签名的特点,通过设计者、签名用途和书写条件等特征数量和质量的衡量标准,进而形成更加符合设计签名书写习惯的综合评断。  相似文献   

民事诉讼中当事人利用真实印文、签名伪造证据的情况日益增多,增加了鉴定的难度,本文以实际案件为例,运用系统鉴定法,从纸张、印文真伪及盖印时间、打印字迹、手写字迹、比对样本、重视案情调查了解等多个角度对如何鉴定此类案件做了经验性的总结和阐述。  相似文献   

酒醉后签名字迹检验在文检案件中比较少,这种笔迹是书写人在非正常状况下书写,不属故意伪装,笔迹却反映出抖动、弯曲、停笔等类似临摹的一些特征,在检验中易与临摹签名相混淆,造成误鉴.笔者曾遇到一例此类案件,本文就酒醉后签名的特点及与临摹签名的主要区别,谈谈个人体会.  相似文献   

利用真签名伪造文书的识别与检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通常情况下,绝大多数人认为,签名真伪决定了文书真伪。司法鉴定实际工作中,事实上签名真伪与文书真伪并不是等同关系。利用真签名伪造文书有许多方法。由于签名真是书写人的笔迹,因此在利用真签名伪造文书的实际鉴定中,鉴定人往往忽视系统检验,从而作出不符合客观实际的鉴定结论。在检验中,应充分根据利用真签名伪造文书不同方法出现的不同特点,综合运用案情分析法、细节特征比较法、图像软件分析法、仪器检验法、系统检验法进行检验。在检验过程中,还应注意受理案件时的材料是否为原件;案件情况中双方当事人矛盾的焦点;签名是真签名还是摹仿签名。  相似文献   

通常情况下,绝大多数人认为,签名真伪决定了文书真伪.司法鉴定实际工作中,事实上签名真伪与文书真伪并不是等同关系.利用真签名伪造文书有许多方法.由于签名真是书写人的笔迹,因此在利用真签名伪造文书的实际鉴定中,鉴定人往往忽视系统检验,从而作出不符合客观实际的鉴定结论.在检验中,应充分根据利用真签名伪造文书不同方法出现的不同特点,综合运用案情分析法、细节特征比较法、图像软件分析法、仪器检验法、系统检验法进行检验.在检验过程中,还应注意受理案件时的材料是否为原件;案件情况中双方当事人矛盾的焦点;签名是真签名还是摹仿签名.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2020,60(3):273-283
Transferring theoretical knowledge to practical skills remains a big challenge in forensic science, especially in questioned documents. The examination of handwriting and signatures requires years of practice to develop the necessary skills. While students (and to some extent the general population) often have the impression that it is easy to differentiate handwriting from different persons, in practice, particularly when dealing with simulated signatures, there is a high risk of reaching a wrong conclusion when questioned document experts do not use a systematic approach and/or are not sufficiently experienced (see for example the famous French Dreyfus case). Thus, a novel teaching approach, based on collaborative learning, has been introduced in a theoretical handwriting class to improve the students’ theoretical knowledge, and additionally make them aware of the limitations of their practical skills and give them tools to improve them in their future practice. Through five activities, the students took the roles of victims, forgers, teachers and experts and created their own learning materials (i.e. signatures and mock casework). During those interactive activities, they learned to describe their signature’s characteristics, intra-variability and complexity, and thus evaluate their own signature’s vulnerability (as potential victims). They learned techniques to simulate signatures and detect the resulting forgeries’ characteristics (in the role of forgers). In the role of teachers, they prepared mock casework scenarios and gave feedback to their colleague’s examination of the produced material. As experts, they carried out signature examination as they would in a proficiency test and were exposed to the difficulties an actual expert may encounter in practice. The evaluation of this novel teaching scenario was very positive, as students learned more extensively the possibilities and limitations of signature comparison. They were more active and motivated in their learning experiences. The teaching team also had an improved experience. Some students complained of an increased workload and imprecise instructions. Improvements were tested and are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Identification of individual by signature examination could be improved by the lateral palm print examination. By the use of new technique discussed by the author in this paper, the forensic expert can find out very useful information about the writer of writings even without going into the depth of questioned document/signature examination and without the formal or informal handwriting exemplars. The document expert with little more knowledge of the palm print can identify whether the signature is done by hand/leg/anything else, whether the author is right handed or left handed, the approximate age of the author, whether the signature is genuine or forged. Such information of author would be very much useful in elimination of the list of suspects of anonymous letters. In order to fix the authorship, standard and disputed lateral palm prints can be examined either with photographic superimposition technique or with the statistical study of the outline of the lateral palm print or with the standard method as implied in fingerprint examination. The evidential value of such lateral palm print can be placed at par with the finger prints in the court of law and could be placed right on the top of all other scientific evidences.  相似文献   

Chinese characters had their root some 4000 years ago and, with the growth in population, are used by over 1.3 billion people worldwide today; it is inevitable that document examiners would encounter cases involving the examination of Chinese handwriting regardless of their location. Although there are extensive studies on the examination of English handwriting in the literature, similar studies on Chinese handwriting are relatively limited. We are seeking to explore the obstacles and challenges for a document examiner who is unfamiliar with Chinese characters to apply the principles of identification and elimination of authorship described in the literature to examine Chinese handwriting, and how can these document examiners demonstrate their competency for conducting Chinese handwriting examination. This study provides a review of the literature, compares the methodology and key features in English and Chinese handwriting examination, and describes various workshops and proficiency testing programs organized to assist document examiners seeking development in Chinese handwriting and signature examination.  相似文献   

目的通过实验研究使用写字机器人伪造的签名字迹特征,减小文件检验鉴定中的错判风险。方法以真实书写字迹为模板、使用市面上主流款式的写字机器人执不同种类书写笔进行书写,通过直接观察、显微观察、反射变换成像(RTI)方法观察等方式比对手写字迹和机器人书写字迹的差异,归纳写字机器人伪造字迹的主要特征,总结出有效的检验鉴别方法。结果通过研究发现写字机器人伪造签名笔迹的特点主要有起收笔为顿压笔,笔画出现细微的抖动歪曲现象,整体笔画笔压均匀,运笔生硬无笔势等。结论目前写字机器人伪造签名字迹与真实手写字迹还有一定差异,使用反射变换成像(RTI)方法观察能达到较好的检验效果。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(1):10-20
Parkinsonism is a neurodegenerative syndrome that causes impairment of motor skills in affected persons. Thus, adverse effects may be produced in the handwriting of persons suffering from Parkinsonism. Medication used for the treatment of Parkinsonism is known to subside certain motor defects for specific time intervals, showing slight differences or improvement in certain handwriting characteristics during those intervals on the same day as compared to the ones executed before medication. Certain handwriting characteristics affected due to Parkinsonism may be mistaken as forged features due to poor line quality, which can cause suspicion upon the authenticity of important legal documents. The present research work has been carried out to determine the effects of Parkinsonism and medication used for its treatment on handwriting. Handwriting/signature samples executed before and after the onset of Parkinsonism (both pre- and post-medication) have been randomly collected from 70 participants. These handwritings have been evaluated separately and compared inter-se for various handwriting characteristics with qualitative and statistical approach. The results have demonstrated significant changes in most of the characteristics in both affected writings of majority of participants as compared to their corresponding earlier writings. Thus, forensic document experts should be aware of the detrimental effects of Parkinsonism on handwriting in pre- and post-medication conditions of this ailment.  相似文献   

伪装签名是一种签名造假手段,其目的是通过否认签名是自己所写,非法占有他人财物或逃避责任。伪装签名笔迹貌似正常,但受不同伪装手段的影响,笔迹会发生各种变化,因而检验难度较大。检验伪装签名时,鉴定人要解放思想,客观看待笔迹发生的变化,选用正确的检验方法,客观全面地选择笔迹特征,适时补充笔迹样本,条件具备时还应充分利用案情。  相似文献   

目的本文通过实验对具有一定笔迹鉴定专门知识与不具备笔迹鉴定专门知识的人的练习摹仿签名笔迹进行实验分析研究。方法对两类人在练习的不同阶段形成的练习摹仿签名笔迹特征的一般状态表现,以及对其笔迹特征的形成、变化原因、鉴定价值分别进行了论述,并总结出其变化规律。结果为不同种类的练习摹仿签名笔迹的鉴定提供一定的识别和特征分析、评断的参考依据。  相似文献   

由于签名笔迹字数少、可摹仿性强的特点,长期以来,摹仿签名笔迹鉴定始终是笔迹鉴定的难点。笔者从不同类型的摹仿方法出发,讨论不同方法下摹仿签名笔迹的特点,总结其特征规律。同时要重视笔迹鉴定过程中了解相关案情,为识别是否存在摹仿现象提供线索。在此基础之上,对比摹仿签名笔迹特征的变化规律,并从摹仿签名笔迹特征反映构成方面系统性地进行鉴定,鉴别是否存在摹仿签名的情况。通过撰写此文,以期对摹仿签名笔迹鉴定实务具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Advances in robotic handwriting technology create new challenges for forensic document examiners. In the past, devices such as the autopen were used to replicate signatures of government officials and corporate companies. In today's technology, companies such as Bond utilize robots to create written documents, which mimic natural patterns of handwriting. They generate customizable written samples by simulating pen movements and letter formations. Four forensic document examiners were given various reproduced questioned documents and utilized a modified ACE‐V (analysis, comparison, evaluation, verification) methodology to determine their genuineness. Examiners were able to make a distinction between the human writing samples and the skilled robotic equivalents. Several distinct features that are not seen in natural handwriting, such as even pen pressure and the superimposition of letterforms were observed in the robotic samples. Careful examination of identifying features of the Bond produced documents resulted in an opinion of nongenuineness.  相似文献   

目的 通过电喷雾解吸电离(DESI)—高分辨飞行时间质谱(HRMS-HDI)成像技术建立了 一种新型添改字迹鉴别技术.方法 对10支黑色签字笔书写的"11"被添改成"47"的90个样本用分子成像技术测试.结果 该技术可将84个被添改的原始字迹"11"以二维成像方式显现.结论 DESI-HRMS-HDI技术无需检材预处理...  相似文献   

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