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The barriers to terminating federal research and development vary with the type of program (manpower resource creation, basic or applied research, hardware development) and the functional sector in which it is lodged (defense or civilian). Each has a public/private constituency of sponsors and performers. Some constituencies are much more potent than others. Hence, to kill an R&D program, one must weaken the constituency behind it. Useful strategies for would-be terminators include decremental funding and the amalgamation of competing R&D programs within the same agency.  相似文献   

敬业度研究的进展及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶安丽 《学理论》2010,(13):87-89
敬业度指的是组织成员在工作角色中于生理、认知和情感三方面的自我投入和运用。近年来学者们的主要关注点在敬业度的特征、结构、测量和作用机制与工作倦怠、工作满意度等相关变量的关系,以及对工作绩效等的影响。文章对敬业度的研究进行了较为全面的总结,并指出了这一领域今后的研究趋势和方向。  相似文献   

The differing viewpoints on resource allocation in research and development are reviewed and the criteria for rational planning discussed. The significance of different sets of criteria and their practicability are explored and it is concluded that the application of cost-benefit analysis methods, while imperfect, is the best basis for rational decisionmaking in the present state of knowledge. Society has as yet no clearly defined goals and this poses problems for the analyst particularly since social attitudes appear to be undergoing a particularly rapid change at the present time.  相似文献   


This article examines the increased linkage between domestic and foreign policy that has been a consequence of democratization and globalization in Korea. It argues that while prior to 1987 foreign policy-making saw very little public input, and while democratization did not lead to a weakening of domestic political institutions nor a rise in nationalism, it did open up domestic political space where foreign policy-making increasingly became part of the contentious electoral competition. The globalization policy, initiated with the purpose of raising Korea's international status, which has remained a goal of succeeding administrations, created a complex interdependency which led to a breakdown in the separation between the domestic and international, and that often brought with it a domestic backlash. As a consequence foreign policy-making, in the absence of a tradition of political compromise, increasingly runs the risk of either inconsistency, or even deadlock.  相似文献   

张瑶 《学理论》2011,(35):75-76
中国西部是少数民族的主要聚居区,但是,西部地区有严重的生态问题,而且投入不足,立法也不完善。这些都对西部的经济发展提出了挑战,所以,要实现西部的可持续发展,必须把生态环境的保护和建设放在重要地位,按照自然规律办事,在尊重环境的前提下实行可持续发展。  相似文献   

This article examines the degree to which sponsored private member's bills (PMBs) in parliament can be explained by electoral incentives. Such bills are a peculiar piece of draft legislation – technically simple, topically unimportant and with negligible passage rates. Yet members of parliament (MPs) sponsor them in large numbers. One possible explanation for this behaviour is the electoral context arising out of the variance in electoral district size and electoral list types, which makes a strong personal reputation comparatively more important for some MPs. Sponsoring bills that have no realistic chance of becoming actual regulations could be a form of personal reputation‐building and/or vote‐seeking behaviour. Evidence is examined on the sponsoring of such bills in Finland between 2003 and 2007 and in Estonia between 1999 and 2007 in order to determine if the electoral context explains why some MPs do this more frequently. The results suggest that the electoral system does have an effect. MPs who have been elected under rules where personal reputation is not central in getting elected are less likely to sponsor such bills the larger their electoral district becomes.  相似文献   

作为行政学的一个分支学科 ,行政发展是一门年轻而又充满活力的学科。然而 ,关于行政发展的研究理论框架 ,学术界至今尚未达成统一的共识。本文立足于行政发展的研究现状 ,结合我国的国情 ,对行政发展的研究理论框架作一初步的探讨 ,以期对行政发展学的进一步发展有所裨益  相似文献   

The study of research utilization and administration has been a growing field, but the emphasis in this field has been on industrialized countries. This article presents the results of a pioneering study of the use of research by senior officials in the Nigerian Federal Government. The article focuses first on Federal Government-sponsored research, it reviews how such research was initiated and conducted, how results were presented and what affected the use of the results. The article then describes expatriate-sponsored research, casts light on the conventional assumption about the amount of such research and points to the fact that there was comparatively less awareness of the results. The article not only provides significant information about the administration of research in Nigeria but emphasizes the need to give attention to this aspect of administration.  相似文献   

边贸是一个国家对外贸易的重要内容,广西有“祖国南大门”之称,是中国与东盟陆上最便捷的通道.圩市是农村商品流通的载体,边疆圩市是促进毗邻国家边贸的重要平台。发展边疆圩市有利于边民之间的交流与合作、友谊与团结,有利于边疆地区民族团结与稳定。流通现代化是促进圩市发展、边贸市场升级和转型以及解决边疆“三农”问题的有效途径。  相似文献   

余可 《学理论》2009,(26):221-223
本文根据科学发展观的内涵,从发展、以人为本和全面协调可持续三个方面出发,结合高校财政学教学和研究的实际情况,从财政学教学和研究的内容、方法和利益出发点三方面阐述了在科学发展观指导下的财政学发展方向和演变趋势,并提出了具有针对性的改进财政学教学方式和研究方法的措施,以适应科学发展观对于财政学教学和研究的要求。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to introduce an analytical framework that addresses several of the shortcomings attributed to the federal “model” for managing social research and development and, more specifically, refocuses attention on the importance of the link between the choice of support instrument and the goals of research funding. In so doing, this framework offers a different view of the function of support instruments and assesses the potential role they might play in improving the relationship between the research provider and the public sponsor of social research and development.  相似文献   

Voters that come of age at roughly the same time share common influences because of the specific political context during their formative years. We can therefore assume the errors in a model explaining their political behavior to be dependent. Recent advances in social statistical analysis of age-period-cohort (APC) effects propose the use of hierarchical modeling in combination with repeated cross-sectional survey design to solve this problem. We apply these random-intercept models to assess the impact of the political context on the development of generational turnout patterns, assuming that cohorts that grew up in a highly-politicized context have a higher propensity to turnout to vote despite of any age or period effects.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with strengthening research and development capabilities in natural resource systems, especially systems oriented towards reducing rural poverty. It reviews current planning, monitoring and evaluation (PME) literature and identifies five major areas of concern: (1) the lack of systematic and usable methods for qualitative assessment; (2) the narrow focus of current activities; (3) the failure to address the political nature of evaluations; (4) the lack of integration of PME methods with the practice of research and development; (5) the need for methods that facilitate flexibility, learning and replanning in process projects. Major new approaches for PME in process projects are reviewed and some gaps are identified. The article develops an ‘actor oriented approach’ for strengthening research and development (R&D) capabilities in natural resource systems. This holistic approach identifies major actors in an overall R&D system and concentrates on the determinants of flows of information between actors. Two major tools are presented: an actor linkage matrix and a determinants' diagram. The use of these tools is illustrated with a retrospective case study from the Kavango region of Namibia, and the potential strengths and weaknesses of the approach are discussed. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Unlike social development, community development could not be achieved without participation. Participation is participating in decision making, to choose a community project, plan it, implement it, manage it, monitor it and control it. People can make a contribution to the planning process at the implementation stage, only if they are presented with a well articulated and feasible framework of approaches, objectives, alternative, etc. The paper focuses on the definition of social development, community development and participation in order to elaborate them. Main question of this article is: Participation is a vehicle to achieve development that community members can be involved directly in development process. This is theoretical research that method of data collection is document method.  相似文献   

Quantitative research has been the dominant methodological approach used to study voting behaviour. There is an emerging recognition, however, that there are alternative ways of attempting to understand how voters decide. The academic preoccupation with measurement, reliability, validity and generalisability may obscure some of the findings that are uncovered by practitioners using qualitative research. Practitioners of politics, both in the USA and the UK, tend to utilise both methods when formulating policy and exploring voter attitudes towards these policies. This paper will review the arguments for each tradition and examine the apparent divergence of practitioner and academic political research. Finally, it will look at how both positivist and interpretivist methods can be utilised to complement each other when attempting to build a picture of voting behaviour. Copyright © 2004 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

江旋 《学理论》2010,(25):48-50
科学发展观是同马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和"三个代表"重要思想既一脉相承又与时俱进的科学理论,从历史、理论和现实的结合上,通过对马克思社会发展理论的考察,能够深化对马克思社会发展理论基本原理及其当代价值的认识,也能够升华对科学发展观理论体系科学价值的认识。  相似文献   

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