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对民族地区的行政管理历来是中国行政管理的一项重要内容.由于社会经济发展的不平衡,形成了皇权统治下独具特色的中国民族地区多元行政管理制度.随着少数民族社会的发展,以及民族区域自治行政管理制度的实施,少数民族传统多元结构的行政管理模式已发生根本性的变化,多元行政管理制度模式已为民族区域自治行政管理制度所代替.当前,在计划经济体制向市场经济体制转换的过程中,在政治体制改革进一步深入的背景下,把民族自治地方传统行政制度与现行行政管理模式有机结合起来,处理好现代化与民族化的关系,实现民族自治地方现代化与民族化的有机统一,是民族自治地方行政管理制度改革的基本特点和发展走向.  相似文献   

民族区域自治制度是马克思主义民族理论的基本内容,是中国共产党解决民族问题的根本制度。民族区域自治行政制度是民族区域自治制度的重要内容,其形成与发展有着自身的特点与规律。本文从民族区域自治行政管理制度产生的历史趋势、民族区域自治行政管理制度建构的理论支点和民族区域自治行政管理制度发展的曲折历程及其走向三个方面,对民族区域自治行政制度形成与发展进行探讨,以期促进其健康发展。  相似文献   

论民族自治地方的行政环境   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
行政环境是指围绕行政活动直接或间接地作用和影响行政管理行政行为以及行政效果的各种因素的总和 ,主要是指足以影响行政活动、政府管理的各种环境。民族自治地方作为一个特殊的行政单元 ,其行政环境与其他行政单元相比 ,既有共性 ,又有特殊性。对民族自治地方行政影响较大的一般行政环境主要包括自然地理环境、经济环境、政治环境和文化环境。充分认识这些环境对行政活动产生的影响 ,趋利避害 ,是民族自治地方行政活动顺利运行的重要保证  相似文献   

民族地区特殊的社会生态环境需要差异化的政府绩效管理制度.行政生态学理论为构建差异化的政府绩效管理制度提供了理论支撑.民族区域自治制度、民族地区社会经济发展状况和民族地区社会文化环境为差异化的政府绩效管理制度提供了现实基础.构建民族地区政府绩效管理差异化制度可从价值取向、考核目标和绩效管理指标体系着手.  相似文献   

张彬 《理论导刊》2008,1(4):17-19
中国政府间纵向关系虽然历经多次调整,但始终未能找到纵向权力配置的最佳平衡点.中央与民族区域自治地方的关系在当代中国政府间纵向关系中最为特殊,也最为复杂.中央与民族区域自治地方关系调整的难点主要集中在政治关系和经济关系两个层面.应该按照集分有别、集分有度、集分有序的原则调整纵向权力结构,逐步理顺中央与民族区域自治地方政府关系.  相似文献   

地方政府决策中的行政文化障碍分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
颜佳华  王升平 《理论探讨》2007,1(2):123-126
地方政府决策中的行政文化障碍来自负面行政文化。负面行政文化主要包括官僚主义行政文化、封闭保守的行政文化、片面追求效率的行政文化、个人主义行政文化等,它们影响着地方政府决策的决策过程和决策结果。从理论上看,地方政府决策中负面行政文化的生成源于主体直接与对象物相互作用和社会交往两种方式;从现实来看,它源于行政领域中行为规范体系的不健全,源于社会中一些负面文化对行政领域的影响。消除地方政府决策中负面行政文化的影响有伦理制度化、教育培训、绩效考核等途径。  相似文献   

对地方政府行政管理创新的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在经济全球化、中国即将加入WTO和实施西部大开发战略的大背景下 ,现行的地方行政管理也面临着前所未有的机遇与挑战。其中首当其冲的是政府管理体制。我们只有顺应潮流 ,争取主动 ,加大地方政府行政管理创新、构建新型地方行政管理体系的力度 ,才能为我们更好地参与WTO多边贸易活动 ,在经济全球化和参与国际竞争和分工中趋利避害 ,发展自己。  相似文献   

民族自治地方行政的特殊性决定了民族自治地方政府特殊的行政价值取向,即以自治权为核心、以民族性为导向,坚持社会公平中的民族平等观、公共利益中的民族利益观、可持续发展中的民族发展观、现代文化中的民族文化观。这是我国社会主义核心价值观在民族自治地方行政的具体体现。  相似文献   

云南是一个多民族、多宗教的边疆省份,其行政体系的特殊性就在于其“民族区域自治”机制的成份较重,即行政体系的主观结构系统和价值结构系统较大程度地向地方民族性倾斜,为此,其行政体系的客观结构系统也发生了相应的变化。本文试就云南少数民族公共行政管理体系做一宏观上的哲学分析。  相似文献   

徐文婧  赵玲 《学理论》2009,(7):32-33
面对改革开放以来各种价值观突变造成的行政伦理和道德失范现象,地方政府行政改革的本质应该是自身职能的重新定位。本文根据公共行政伦理理论,分析当前地方政府伦理困境的诱因,认为地方行政机关必须从西方行政伦理实践中寻求切入点.通过制度监督和道德教育并用的方法直面行政伦理矛盾,将内外部约束机制结合起来,并借助民主行政理念.从而得到一条解决地方政府伦理困境的出路。  相似文献   

Agencification reforms aimed at reducing centralised control and enhancing efficiency by creating arm's-length autonomous agencies. This paper examines the creation of District Development Authorities (DDA) in Papua New Guinea (PNG). DDAs are typical agencification reforms seeking to empower local governments with greater administrative and financial authority. Using a principal-agent framework, the experiences of the two DDAs in East New Britain, Kokopo, and Rabaul highlight some of the key challenges and strategies in implementing agencification reforms. Findings of the study revealed that the DDAs in East New Britain adapted the new system while retaining some aspects of the older system, which helped in navigating through the structural changes and the multiple principal-agent relationships. As a key component of agencification process, these DDAs have also started engaging in revenue generation activities. Such economic activities have the potential to shift the dominant principal-agent relationship from the national to the local level.  相似文献   

农村基层治理是国家治理体系的重要组成部分,也是各级政府提升社会治理能力的重要抓手。以“包发展、包党建、包稳定”为主导的联镇包村制度是地方政府回应国家加强农村基层治理的一项制度安排,在制度运行中显现出如下特点:组织高层依赖权威治理,化解政策执行阻力;委派单位依赖代理治理,缓和基层社会矛盾;驻村干部依赖指标治理,提高主体责任意识的科层制路径依赖特性。在压力型体制下,不同行动者的行动逻辑显现出差异化:组织高层由“权威动员”向“参与互动”转变;委派单位由“分利失序”向“合作共治”转变;驻村干部由“被动回应”向“主动服务”转变。这种反科层化的运作方式推动联镇包村制度运行,以此提升基层自治组织的治理能力,进而推动农村基层走向“善治”。  相似文献   

An ample academic literature discusses airports' utility as economic development anchors for metropolitan areas, yet very little is known about the administrative apparatus of these important local government enterprises. To better understand airport structure and management in the United States, directors of primary airports were surveyed. Based on this national survey, the administrative structure and position of airports with regard to local government—i.e., special district or functional department—were examined to determine the place these entities occupy on the local government management landscape, as well as the implications of retaining airport authorities in studies of special-purpose governments. This essay concludes that airport authorities do not follow the conventional form and function of special-purpose governments. Consequently, analyses of special-purpose governments should exclude airport authorities because these nonconforming entities may cloud rather than clarify our true understanding of special-purpose governments.  相似文献   

当前地方行政体制改革的一项重要举措是推行"省直管县"改革。然而,"省直管县"改革不仅是减少地方行政层级、推进地方财政体制改革的操作性环节,还涉及中国现代化道路的选择与各地经济增长点的选择。推行"省直管县"改革的基本"条件"需要展开深入研究。通过采用快速聚类分析的方法,在对26个省区分类研究的基础上,提出:不同类型省区的基本条件存在很大差异,应该依据各自的发展阶段与特点,分类指导,分类改革。  相似文献   

Measurement and analysis of local government efficiency is important; however, it is also difficult. To measure government efficiency, this paper employs the relative measurement method described in the research literature. It develops and applies an index to measure and rank the government efficiency of 31 provincial governments in China (including autonomous regions and municipalities) from 2001 to 2010. This permits a comparative analysis of provincial government efficiency and of the factors that influence it, among China's eastern, central, and western regions. The findings suggest a high association between the degree of economic development and local government efficiency, and in this respect, a large disparity has been observed between central and western regions on the one hand and the eastern region on the other. It is argued that provincial governments in the central and western regions should focus on improving residents' welfare, the quality of regional economic growth, and the level of social development by constantly enhancing government efficiency, optimizing the supply of public services, controlling the size of government, and thus improving residents' disposable income. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Performance management and citizen participation are being used by local governments to improve government accountability and responsiveness. In some cases, local governments are integrating these two trends. One area of local government in which this trend has not been assessed is special districts. This paper uses data from a study of nine special districts in the state of Texas to fill this void. To assess citizen participation in performance management among the districts, we interviewed district managers, analyzed minutes from governing board meetings, and conducted citizen focus groups in three regions of the state. Our findings suggest that although districts may not yet be in tune with the latest performance management trends, they are making efforts to engage citizens in other ways. We recommend ways that districts can build on these experiences and more effectively incorporate citizens in the development, analysis, and reporting of performance measures.  相似文献   

Carrillo  Ernesto 《Publius》1997,27(4):39-64
The convergent forces of democratization, decentralization,the welfare state, and international integration have made Spanishlocal governments similar to their equivalents in other partsof Europe. Nevertheless, local governments are the most poorlydefined part of the post-Franco puzzle of reform. This articletraces the history and development of Spanish local governmentwithin the emerging state of the autonomies, and examines theirambivalent position and uncertain future. Despite the greatertransformative emphasis on building federal arrangements throughthe autonomous communities, local governments play importantroles in establishing self-rule and shared rule.  相似文献   

Phillips  Adedotun O. 《Publius》1991,21(4):103-111
Like most federal systems, Nigeria has a revenue distributionsystem in which the national government shares revenues withstate and local governments. Since the early 1970s, the bulkof revenue has been collected by the national government. Muchof this revenue has been derived from petroleum taxes and miningrents and royalties. Various proportions of this revenue havethen been distributed to state and local governments under arevenue allocation system (RAS) using different formulas. Akey problem, however, is that revenue allocations since 1970have been driven largely by political considerations and byformula factors, such as jurisdictional population and stateequality, rather than by factors associated with economic developmentimperatives.  相似文献   

This article looks at the relationship between the political affiliation of local leaders and the distribution of government funds with the help of a new dataset on local elections from 18 European countries between 2000 and 2013. It finds that central governments are more likely to target regions with high density of local councils affiliated with the parties in government only under certain institutional arrangements. The relationship exists where local councils enjoy little power and thus are less able to claim credit for the funds independent of the central government. The relationship is also present where local leaders are involved in the selection of candidates for national office.  相似文献   

Building on previous work on competition networks and governmental performance among British local governments, this article investigates the diffusion of government quality across subnational regions of Europe through strategic interaction with neighbouring regions or competitor regions more generally. The article demonstrates the presence of spatial interdependence using standard spatial regression models and controlling for common explanations of quality of government. In particular for regions with high levels of autonomy from the national government, there is clear adjustment in government quality to be seen in response to disparities with competitor regions. The article further investigates the intensity of this geographical effect separately in the north and south of Europe in order to estimate the potential for virtuous or vicious cycles of good governance in the two regions, respectively. It is found that while regions in the north develop relatively independently of each other but respond to competitive pressure across Europe, in the south regions demonstrate a higher level of local interdependence, increasing the possibility of virtuous cycles – but also of vicious ones.  相似文献   

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