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高校专利技术转化的评价标准,涉及高校、政府、企业、研究机构、创新资本等环节,面临多元利益的冲突与互动,需要仔细权衡的知识产权制度、可行的激励措施和高效的体制结构。本文尝试构建模型,对现有高校专利转化系统的运转效率进行评价比较,对我国高校专利技术转化的评价标准问题进行初步的研究。  相似文献   

法律并不仅仅是一套法条或规则系统,用以安排、测量和调整社会关系,而且它还是一种社会现象,而这种社会现象附带着法律以外的理想、权力和诸种诉求,法律构成了个人生活哲学与社会理念之间关系的折射镜。当下中国本土秩序问题的存在构成了法学知识增量的前提性条件;法律社会学并不止于对规则功效问题的对策式讨论,它还要求对构成了中国法律发展的结构性基础进行知识反思。  相似文献   

A fundamental assumption in criminal profiling is that criminals who exhibit similar crime scene actions have similar background characteristics. We tested this so-called homology assumption by first classifying, with pre-existing typologies, a sample of arsons (N = 87) and robberies (N = 177) into different crime types and then comparing the background characteristics of criminals who committed the various crime types. Results showed that using pre-existing typologies to classify the crimes into mutually exclusive types was not easily accomplished. Notwithstanding classification difficulties, the homology assumption was violated in 56% of the comparisons of background characteristics between the different arson types and in 67% of the comparisons of background characteristics between the different robbery types. Overall, 73% of the effect sizes for the associations between crime type and background characteristics were low to moderate (V < .3; d < .2). The implications of these findings for profiling practices are discussed.
Brent SnookEmail:

海德格尔的生存空间思想闪烁着智慧的光辉,对于当前美丽中国建设具有重要的哲学指导意蕴。后期海德格尔把时间和空间置于同样本源的位置,由原来从此在追问存在的意义转向直接沉思存在的意义。前空间是时间的第四个维度,它把三维时间聚集在自己的近处,从而形成了一种立体的、敞开的时空之境,即本有。本有是孕育万物的先验境域,它是人类的本真家园,是人们诗意栖居的生存空间。  相似文献   



Tests of social support theory have relied on aggregate crime rates as the outcome of interest, but such a focus ignores the potentially important macro-level processes and effects on individual-level behavior We thus perform the first multi-level investigation of social support theory.


Multilevel modeling is used to explore whether the two varieties of county-level social support - the presence of charitable organizations and AFDC expenditures - are associated with recidivism in a sample of Florida prison releasees.


Results show that while social support explains little variation in individual-level recidivism, a combination of private and public social support may reduce the likelihood of reconviction for drug offenses.


Findings provide mixed evidence for the prospect that social support—whether governmental or nongovernmental—is associated with recidivism among recently-released inmates.  相似文献   

斯腾伯格长期致力于智力问题的研究,先后提出了三元智力理论、成功智力理论,在当代智力研究领域产生了非常重要的影响。三元智力拓展了智力本质的内涵,较好地解决了测验的有效性和公平性问题,是一种横向维度或广度上对IQ的超越。成功智力是一种以“成功”为导向和衡量标准的智力理论,强调了智力训练和开发的可能性,提高了智力对人们未来成功的预测性,更好地描绘了智力的真实结构,实现了对IQ理论的全方位超越。  相似文献   

意识形态领导权既是理论命题,更是实践命题。深入把握意识形态领导权可以从理论、历史和现实等三个角度加以阐释。从理论阐释的角度看:要从国家权力角度认识意识形态领导权,深刻领会意识形态在权力建构方面的极端重要性;在实现意识形态领导权的保障条件上,要重视意识形态国家机器和意识形态斗争的重要性。从新中国70年历史的伟大进程看:坚持领导力、创造力、吸引力、引领力和斗争力是中国共产党建设意识形态领导权的基本经验或原则。从现实建设的角度看:新时代意识形态领导权建设的当务之急就是构建自己的话语体系,牢牢掌握中国道路的国际话语权。  相似文献   

Models of lawyering in separation and divorce disputes are evolving to emphasize interdisciplinary collaboration, problem solving, alternative dispute resolution, and changes in legal education that reflect these changes in practice. At the University of Denver's Resource Center for Separating and Divorcing Families (Center), supervised law and mental health graduate students worked as a team to provide assessment and service planning, mediation, therapy, and agreement drafting to parents. Evaluation results showed client satisfaction, and that students acquired new knowledge, skills, and values in line with a collaborative, problem‐solving orientation. Strengths and weaknesses of the model are considered.  相似文献   

“三个代表”的重要思想为建设高素质的人才队伍指明了方向,它是培养中国特色社会主义接班人和建设高素质人才队伍的思想武器和根本保障;而中国特色社会主义接班人和高素质的人才队伍又是实践“三个代表”的重要力量。因此,我们要以“三个代表”为重要思想武器,培养中国特色社会主义接班人和建设高素质的人才队伍;同时,我们又要充分发挥他们在实践“三个代表”过程中的突出作用,为全面建设小康社会,加快推进社会主义现代化,开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面不断做出贡献。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(3):364-391
Several researchers have found an inverse relationship between welfare spending and serious crime. With few exceptions, these findings have been based on cross‐sectional designs, single measures of welfare spending, and few indicators of crime. In response to these limitations, the relationship between welfare spending and crime was reconsidered using panel data from California counties. Fixed‐effects regressions revealed virtually no relationship between several measures of welfare spending and five types of serious crime: (1) homicide; (2) robbery; (3) assault; (4) burglary; and (5) larceny. The estimates were resistant to numerous robustness checks and alternative specifications. The most plausible explanation for the findings is that heterogeneity was not controlled for in previous studies. Implications for social support theory are discussed.  相似文献   

Agnew’s general strain theory has been widely tested in other countries and has received general support from most studies. To date, however, there has been limited empirical test of the theory in the Philippines. Thus, this study aims to test the core theoretical propositions of the theory that link negative life events (strains) to negative emotions that in turn encourage maladaptive behaviors or criminal coping. The study uses the Global School-based Student Health Survey (2011) data on a nationally representative sample of 5920 secondary Filipino students. In general, the results support the general strain theory: negative life events (e.g., violent experiences, discrimination, sexual harassment victimization) encourage maladaptive behaviors (i.e., suicidality, substance use, and truancy), and this link is somewhat mediated or attenuated by depression. Further, conditioning factors such as parental care and supervision, social support, and engagement in physical activities moderate the effects of negative life events and depression on maladaptive behaviors. Contrary to the theory, however, some conditioning factors intensify the effects of strain on truancy. Overall, the current findings support the theory but call for further research and theory building—delinquent acts are diverse behaviors, and thus, each may require a crime-specific model of the general strain theory.  相似文献   

This research investigates the critical elements affecting the ability of firms in developing countries to cultivate their technological capability through imported technology. The information obtained from forty-five technology recipient Indonesian manufacturing firms indicate that the cultivation of technological capability is affected by several factors such as a firm's technological absorption capacity in terms of R&D activities and availability of technical personnel; transfer channels; government's involvement; and a firm's learning culture. Also, the acquisition of mature technology just to boost production capacity or improve product quality contributes very little to the development of technological capability.  相似文献   

马丽 《法人》2011,(4):63-65
本刊2011年3月期封面文章《前海元年》引起了广泛关注,也成为了广东省、深圳市相关领导的热议话题。2011年3月713,广东代表团正在分组审议温家宝政府工作报告和“十二五”规划纲要草案。分处不同小组的广东省委书记汪洋、广东省省长黄华华在发言中不约而同的表达了“十二五”规划给其带来的感动。“用整个一篇来谈粤港澳合作、谈广东省的事情,这是以前的五年规划从来没有的事情。”黄华华的话解释了二人感动的缘由。  相似文献   

一、信息技术对司法鉴定管理的介入与支撑 2003年在山西省委政法委“科技强警”专项资金支持下,山西省司法厅设计开发了“山西司法鉴定信息网络管理系统”软件,开通了“山西司法鉴定网”,代号“铁鉴工程”。“山西司法鉴定信息网络管理系统”是一套司法鉴定机构管理系统软件,管理终控中心设在省司法厅鉴定管理委员会(省司法厅司法鉴定管理局),由省司法厅统一管理、统一调控、  相似文献   

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