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所谓“人岗一致”,是指流动人口实际的职业、用工单位、工种等要与登记的一致,也可称“人务一致”或“人工一致”。“人户一致”率在派出所基础工作中很难实现高比例,服务现实斗争效果不明显。而在实施“人户一致’’的前提下.推行“人岗一致”则不失为一个有效的补充。它有利于流动人口的活动轨迹分析、研判高危人群、案情,追捕违法犯罪嫌疑人,直接服务侦查破案等。  相似文献   

<正>Figures from the National Bureau of Statistics reveal that the Chinese economy performed in a stable manner and had good momentum for growth in August.In the month,the output of industrial enterprises above the designated size——an annual revenue from their main business operations of 20 million yuan($3.04 million)——grew 6percent in real terms.Moreover,in the first  相似文献   

FENG Jun would not havebeen able to study in theUS without the aid ofXi'an TranslatorsCollege. She failed the Chinesenational college entrance examina-tion, and it was Xi'an TranslationCollege that bridged the gap in herpath to higher education.The Chinese economy hasgrown rapidly over the past 20years, requiring Chinese educationto innovate in order to keep pace.Changes in educational conceptsand methods have been gradual,exerting a subtle influence that isnot immediately perceptible ov…  相似文献   

JU QING 《人权》2007,6(3):24-26
On December 29, 2006. the revised Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors(hereinafter referred to as "the revised Law" for short) was approved at the 25th meeting of the Tenth National People's Congress (NPC), China's highest  相似文献   

<正>Dear Readers,Forum is a column that provides a space for varying perspectives on contemporary Chinese society.We invite you to submit personal viewpoints on past and current topics(in either English or Chinese).yanwei@bjreview.com Please provide your name and address along with your commentsThe Beijing Municipal Government published the regulation on the points system for household registration on  相似文献   

正When Fortune magazine compiled its first Global 500 list in 1995,selecting the top industrial,financial and service corporations by revenue,only one company from the Chinese mainland appeared on it.It was Bank of China,occupying the 207th spot.Two years down the line,the number  相似文献   

<正>Chinese ambassador expounds on China-U.S.relations China and the United States—respectively the largest developing and developed nation—are both permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.They  相似文献   

经济人与道德人的整合   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社会主义理想化模式试图通过否定传统市场经济条件下的“经济人” ,塑造理想的道德人 ,其结果造成对社会主义本质认识的误区和对人的自主性的束缚。发展社会主义市场经济激发了“经济人”的主体活力 ,却又在许多方面造成道德价值观的失落与困惑。经济人与道德人的整合是这一发展过程的否定之否定阶段 ,其目标在于实现马克思所说的“全面发展的人”。  相似文献   

发展经济学经历了由盛而衰、由衰再兴的过程,从某种意义上讲经历了一次革命与再革命的过程.本文认为:发展理论的兴与衰的原因,在于能否把握发展的机制,制定适宜的发展战略和政策.发展经济学在经历了结构主义的正统理论建立、新古典主义革命之后,迎来了新型发展经济学的探索与新制度主义发展理论的再革命.但未来还有待进一步发展演进和理论创新.  相似文献   

真君子、假君子、真小人、假小人这四种人之间的犯罪博弈,表现为表里皆同、表同里不同、表不同里同、表里皆不同等4种博弈对阵场合和16种博弈方式。认识他们之间进行的犯罪博弈的规律有益于对国家机关、社会组织、公众个体进行犯罪防控时采取相应策略。  相似文献   

消费升级为经济增长提供强劲动力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国居民的三次消费升级对经济发展起到了重要的拉动作用.目前以改善住行条件为代表的新一轮消费结构升级开始启动;由消费升级带动的高成长产业成为产业升级和经济增长的主要动力.从某种程度上讲,当前经济回升的拉动力量与居民消费结构的升级有很大关系.它拓宽了产业发展的空间,也扩大了市场化投资的空间,进而支撑了我国新一轮经济的快速增长.目前,我国居民的消费结构已进入加快升级阶段,新的消费热点开始启动.未来我国居民的消费活动将进一步活跃,消费增长率将稳步提高,消费总量持续高速增长.把握消费升级的契机,消除消费梗阻,不仅有利于形成新的国内市场空间和经济发展空间,也有利于经济的持续快速协调发展.  相似文献   

WANG YANBING 《人权》2006,5(6):27-28
On June 29, 2006, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the Chinese parliament, approved the revised Compulsory Education Law of the People 's Republic of China, which became effective for implementation on September 1. Before the revision, the law had 18 articles with a total of 1,800 characters, which were not divided into chapters. In comparison, the revised law has 63 articles in eight chapters, with a total of 7,000 characters. "Thanks to this, the first major revision made to the law since its promulgation in 1986, the law has been expanded both in volume and content," Chen Xiaoya, vice-minister of education, told the Human Rights magazine. "Moreover,  相似文献   

近几年,在人民政协系统流传着几句口头禅:"多干,问你是什么意思;不干,不够意思;多少干一点,意思意思".  相似文献   

人身危险性理论的最大制约因素在于缺乏可操作性,因此人身危险性理论获得认可的根本途径就是从实践层面完善其评估问题。人身危险性评估作为一个系统性工作,必须从方法设立、宏观架构、微观创设、机构保障四个层面依次予以把握,把实体与程序内容一体性地贯彻到评估体系之中。通过宏观与微观、实体与程序不同层面的内容充实与相互呼应,共同为人身危险性的评估拓展新路径。  相似文献   

Chinese are born philosophers, mainly because they speak a langue rich in dialectic wisdom. This is evident in the present buzzword "crisis." The Chinese character for crisis is weiji: wei meaning danger andji meaning opportunity. When a tough situation arises, as it has now with the financial crisis, the Chinese can generally see both its bad and good aspects.  相似文献   

WHEN the People's Republic of China was founded in 1949, the US Secretary of State Dean Acheson commented that Chinese dynasties had all come to grief over their failure to solve the food problem, and the Communist regime would be no different. According to John Leighton Stuart,before 1949, 3-7 million Chinese people died of hunger each year. Providing enough food for 550 million people was the key question faced by new China.  相似文献   

北京时间2008年8月8日晚上8时整,第29届奥林匹克运动会在北京国家体育馆开启大幕,80多个国家的首脑,与204个国家和地区的体育代表团一起参与了这一盛会。  相似文献   

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