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周锡光《晚年的吴宓先生》提及,一九八八年十二月曾访问冯友兰先生,先生说:‘雨僧(吴氏字)生,最大的贡献是在负责文学院时建立了国学院,并难得把王国维、梁启超、陈寅恪、赵元任四个人都聘到清华作导师。他本可自任文学院长,但只承认是‘执行秘书’,这种情况是很少有的,难得的。’  相似文献   

刘梦溪 《各界》2014,(9):31-31
我们常常感到人文学术是没有什么力量的,内心常常充满了无奈。但读了陈寅恪先生的书之后,对他的学问有一定了解之后,我觉得,史学、诗学等人文学术是有力量的。陈寅恪先生的学问之所以有力量,因为他是大学问家,不是小学问家。能成其大,见得大体,所以有力量。就像明末清初三大思想家顾炎武、黄宗羲、王夫之一样,王国维说他们的学问是能成其大者。还有,陈先生是思想家。简单以史学家目之,未免把他的学问看小了。他更不是一个简单的材料考据者。当然,他文、史二学方面做了大量考证,但是他在甄别考证这些材料的过程中常常放出思想的光辉。  相似文献   

游宇明 《各界》2010,(12):1-1
陈寅恪先生一向与学生相处甚睦,但有两个学生他一直不能原谅,即在二十世纪五十年代写文章批判过他的同一良和金应熙。  相似文献   

要提倡独立思考、敢讲真话的精神2010年第1期《学习与研究》刊发温家宝总理在纪念国务院参事室成立60周年座谈会上的讲话指出,要提倡独立思考、敢讲真话的精神。曾任中央文史研究馆副馆长的陈寅恪先生说过,学术研究的精髓就是独立之精神,自由之思想。要提倡独立思考、敢讲真话,反对人云亦云、  相似文献   

[写作背景] 此诗作于道光二十二年(1842年).系题二首,此为第二首.是年夏历七月,林则徐自西安启程赴伊犁,作诗留别家人.诗表现了作者以国事为重、不顾个人安危的高贵品质和他面临遣戌时的旷达胸怀.  相似文献   

《团结》编辑部: 本人由于工作环境关系,接触《团结》杂志机会较多。看到贵刊98年第二期封底落款为“中山先生诗丁丑秋书于连滨植元”的书法作品,“中山先生诗”应是汤增壁代孙先生执笔,为悼刘道一烈士所撰挽诗。江西文史研究编的《江西文史》(1994年第一期),第一篇文章就讲到悼刘道一烈士这首诗作的由来。该文系李铝正作,标题是:“成文自足一家言”,副题是“记毛泽东同志萍乡籍老师汤增壁”。其中写汤“长于文笔”一节,就比较详细列举了他代孙先生撰挽诗的事,当然还有他也代黄兴撰写过给汉口《国民日报》的题诗。现就  相似文献   

谢志东 《各界》2011,(2):53-54
“锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土,谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。”这首脍炙人口、妇孺皆知的诗作出自唐朝诗人李绅的《悯农二首》。短短20个字生动形象地描绘出农民劳作的艰辛,感叹劳动果实来之不易。由于《悯农二首》揭露社会不公平、同情农民疾苦,李绅因此获得了“悯农诗人”的称号。  相似文献   

1926年,35岁的陈寅恪结束了国外求学生涯,回国出任清华国学研究院导师,与王国维、梁启超、赵元任一起并称“清华国学研究院四大导师”。由于陈寅恪长期潜心学业,加之他认为自己体弱多病,恐累及他人,故一直未婚。这时,陈寅恪的母亲俞氏己去世,父亲陈三立一再催促他早日成婚,但陈寅恪始终未承允。  相似文献   

史飞翔 《各界》2013,(11):89-90
1902年,13岁的陈寅恪以自费生的身份留学日本。4年后,陈寅恪因脚气病发作回国。1909年,陈寅恪从复旦公学毕业,带着复旦公学文凭(这是他生平唯一的一张文凭)再次登上了游学的轮船。此后,陈寅恪辗转游学13年,先后到德国柏林大学、瑞士苏黎世大学、法国巴黎高等政治学校就读。“一战”爆发后,  相似文献   

正爱读《唐诗三百首》的人,不可不知道民进的文史大家、资深出版人金性尧先生。金性尧与季羡林齐名,被誉为"北季南金"。由他以白话文校注的《唐诗三百首新注》风靡海内外,累计印数已近300万册,创下了古籍图书的奇迹。上海古籍出版社原总编辑赵昌平先生评价:"说性尧先生这本书‘沾溉了一代又一代的读书人’,绝不为过。"金性尧曾任民进上海古籍出版社支部主任,他及他的夫人武桂芳与民进创始人之一许广平交好,并有过长期的合作。今年是金性尧先生诞辰一百周年,其女儿金文男女士深情回忆了金性尧与《唐诗三百首新注》的故事。  相似文献   

文章对学术界在陈云研究中取得的重要学术成果作了较为详细的介绍、梳理和述评,较全面地反映了陈云研究的新水平。文章分为新世纪以来陈云生平与思想研究概况、陈云主要思想研究的新进展、再深入研究的建议三部分,以期能推动陈云生平与思想研究的深入发展。  相似文献   

李若薇 《学理论》2009,(20):231-232
在英语诗歌教学中,传统的背诵方法能内化诗歌情感、思想和语言,现代的多媒体技术信息容量大,节省时间,二者结合起来,既增加诗歌教学的趣味性和生动性,调动了参与的积极性.又培养了创造性,提高了人文素质。  相似文献   

An important problem in the political economy of the UK is that the disparity of unemployment rates across its regions is much more marked than the corresponding dispersion of wage rates. One possibility is that this is due to the attitude of trade unions to their members in different regions. If unions wish to preserve parity between members in different regions then they will value wage equality between regions over and above wage levels. This may then persuade them to overlook inter-regional productivity differences in setting wages. The price that low-efficiency regions will then pay for this desire for wage equality is higher unemployment rates.Much of the research for this paper was carried out while the author was visiting the Trade Union Economics Research Institute (FIEF), Stockholm in 1989. An earlier version of this paper was presented at a seminar there and the author is gratefully to Villy Bergstrom, Paul Chen, Douglas Hibbs, Eva Udden-Jondal and other institute members for several useful comments. Comments from Kevin Lee, John Spencer and an anonymous referee have also substantially improved the paper. The usual disclaimer applies.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to understand the development of Chinese television news reporting practice in the reform era and its implications for the socio-political changes in China. Due to the heavy Soviet influence, Chinese television has adopted a TASS style from its very beginning, which places an emphasis on imparting a heavily ideological message and propagating government policies and rules. This practice, however, has been substantially changed during the reform era. Television news reporting in today’s China is moving towards the CNN style in both format and content. These changes reflect a more relaxed socio-political environment in China. Xi Chen is a Ph.D. candidate in Planning, Governance and Globalization Program with the School of Public and International Affairs at Virginia Tech. Her research on Chinese politics has led to the acceptance of several book chapters and referred journal articles. The author would like to thank Professor Timothy W. Luke and Professor Edward Weisband for their insightful comments on the draft of the paper.  相似文献   

刘灿华 《学理论》2011,(11):291-293
体育教育思想是陈独秀教育思想的重要内容。针对中国传统教育的弊端,陈独秀提倡取西洋之法,采用"兽性主义"的教育以改造国民性;主张德、智、体三者并重,培养身心全面发展的人才。陈独秀体育教育思想具有重要的历史意义和现实借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Three speakers, Mr J. L. Evans (Education Department, Tasmania), Mr D. Moore (New Zealand Institute of Public Administration), and Ms D. K. Conroy (Queensland Institute of Technology) agreed that a major element in the papers was the demand for change. Reducing staff, though the commonest solution to the problem of "managing with less", did not necessarily lead to effective administration, especially when departments were expected to maintain the same range of activities. Mr Evans argued that change had to pay regard to the needs of clients. "We must see that those who are hurt are not those who can least afford to suffer". There might be ways of simplifying administration, such as a better sorting out of federal-state activities. Mr Moore asked whether it was a real option that governments should do less in an age of higher technology, more unemployment, and greater calls for equity and help to the underprivileged.  相似文献   

Speakers included Mr E. Matthews (Tasmanian Public Service Board), Mr L. Cleland (Australian Archives), Dr E. W. Russell (Victorian Public Service Board), Mr B. Rope (Commonwealth Public Service Board) and Mr L. Laing (Commonwealth Attorney General's Department). There was considerable debate about the use of work measurement techniques in efficiency audits. Some speakers argued that management review programs are best seen as concerned with broad indicators of efficiency and effectiveness, especially at the higher levels of the organization, and that there were many troubles about the use of work measurement techniques. Some Public Service Boards were said to have reservations about these techniques in the context of efficiency reviews.  相似文献   

In many ways 1979 will be seen as a watershed in South Australian political and public administrative affairs, rivalling the end of the Playford era in 1965. The Dunstan years were to be exchanged for a hard-headed, sound economic management approach to government, according to his Labor successor, Mr Des Corcoran. However, as a result of an election called some eighteen months prematurely, a new Liberal government took office within six months of Mr Dunstan's resignation, emphasizing "small government" and a return to the "free enterprise system".  相似文献   

管祥久  范国强 《学理论》2010,(12):111-112
白寿彝先生是我国当代著名的民族史史学家。在民族关系史研究中,白寿彝先生强调注重民族团结、民族协作、汉族的主体性等在民族关系发展中的地位与作用等,极大的促进了我国的民族关系史史学理论的进步与发展。  相似文献   

We are pleased to present the following reports on library resources written by Jiri Kende, Departmental Representative of the Social Science Division of the Freie Universitat in Berlin, West Germany, and Mr. Edward P. Kasinec, chief librarian of the New York Public Library's Slavonic Division. Similar reports on other special collections in various countries will be published in forthcoming issues. Mr. Kasinec has been commissioned to write a report on Soviet libraries, which we hope will appear in the next issue.  相似文献   

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