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目的探讨土壤细菌群体多样性的末端限制性片段长度多态性(terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism,T-RFLP)分析在法庭科学应用的相关问题。方法依据不同土壤中的细菌群体存在多样性和差异,联合利用细菌16SrDNA序列、末端限制性片段长度多态性(terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism,T-RFLP)方法对5个来源不同的土壤样品和4个同一来源土壤样品的细菌群体多样性进行比较分析,计算土壤样品间的相似系数。结果不同来源的5个土壤样品间相似系数,最大者为0.44,最小为0.3;同一来源的4个土壤样品相似系数,最大为0.87,最小为0.76。结论不同来源土壤的细菌群体多样性存在差异。  相似文献   

Manual Chelex®-100 and organic extractions (phenol/chloroform) are used as routine methods at the Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science, SKL. The aim of this study was to find an automated DNA purification system to replace the organic method. The following methods were evaluated and compared to each other and to the organic method used routinely; BioRobot® EZ1 with EZ1 DNA Investigator Kit and Card (Qiagen), iPrep™ Purification Instrument with iPrep™ ChargeSwitch® Forensic Kit and Card (Invitrogen), Magnatrix™ 1200 Workstation with the Magnatrix™ gDNA Blood Kit Forensic and two different protocols; Forensic protocol A and B (Magnetic Biosolutions). Blood on fats, cotton swabs, moist snuff, paper towels and leather, post-mortem blood and muscle tissue were extracted with the different methods. DNA concentration and quality of the electropherograms were examined. Individual comparisons between the four extraction methods showed that iPrep™ and Magnatrix™ 1200 gave significantly lower mean quantities compared to BioRobot® EZ1 and the organic extraction method (p < 0.05). There were no significant differences between the latter two. BioRobot® EZ1 generated the best results and is in the process of being validated for routine analysis at SKL.  相似文献   

A pilot study was undertaken to evaluate DNA profiling of the bacterial community in soil as an alternative to geological methods for forensic soil comparisons. Soil samples from three different ecosystems were compared, and the variation within and between ecologically different sites was determined by using terminal restriction fragment (TRF) analysis of 16S ribosomal DNA. Comparison of TRF profiles revealed that samples from within a specific ecosystem (e.g., a field) showed a significantly higher similarity to each other than to those from another ecosystem (e.g., a forest). In addition, some profile features were unique to specific ecosystems. These features may allow the determination of characteristic profiles that will facilitate identification of ecologically different sites, so that a given sample collected from a suspect could be identified as originating from, for example, a field, rather than a forest. The implications of these preliminary findings for forensic investigations are discussed.  相似文献   

The mathematical concept previously introduced for the forensic interpretation of DNA mixtures using non-associated genetic markers has been adapted to the assessment of haplotypes. Such calculus is required, for example, when Y-chromosomal markers are used in forensics. In addition to outlining the general mathematical framework, we devise two approaches to its practical computational implementation, involving either the inclusion-exclusion principle of probability theory or a recursion in the number of unknown contributors invoked. The two approaches scale differently, depending upon the complexity of the case and the diversity of the markers used. The performance of Y-chromosomal microsatellites (Y-STRs) as a means of trace donor discrimination has been assessed by simulation, using the derived formulas. Based upon data from the Y-chromosomal Haplotype Reference Database (YHRD), the exclusion chance of a non-contributor is shown to vary between 95% in the case of two contributors, and 70% for five contributors. With only one additional contributor, half of all contributing suspects would yield a log-likelihood ratio in favour of donorship of 1.61 or higher, although the median drops to 0.66 with four additional contributors. It must be emphasised that these estimates of the discriminatory power of Y-STRs are likely to be conservative since the simulations involved only haplotypes known to occur in YHRD.  相似文献   

法庭DNA分析的标准化问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出当审理案件时,应向法庭呈递可靠的证据。然而,限于科学发展的水平,法庭生物物证检验有时会面临科学的不确定性问题。于是,法庭DNA分析质量控制与质量保证的重要性与必要性问题被提到议事日程上来。各国为此作出许多努力,成立了各种质量控制与质量保证工作组、咨询委员会和审批董事会等,制订了TWGDAM、Fry及Daubert等标准,提出了一些宝贵的建议。十分强调在将DNA测试用于检案以前,必须经过检查,核实及行业评估等各种程序,得到许可后,方可付诸实行,才能确保检测结果准确可靠,才能保证司法公正,才能取信于民。  相似文献   

A common task in forensic anthropology involves the estimation of the biological sex of a decedent by exploiting the sexual dimorphism between males and females. Estimation methods are often based on analysis of skeletal collections of known sex and most include a research‐based accuracy rate. However, the accuracy rates of sex estimation methods in actual forensic casework have rarely been studied. This article uses sex determinations based on DNA results from 360 forensic cases to develop accuracy rates for sex estimations conducted by forensic anthropologists. The overall rate of correct sex estimation from these cases is 94.7% with increasing accuracy rates as more skeletal material is available for analysis and as the education level and certification of the examiner increases. Nine of 19 incorrect assessments resulted from cases in which one skeletal element was available, suggesting that the use of an “undetermined” result may be more appropriate for these cases.  相似文献   

Abstract: Over the past decade or more, DNA databases have been a focal point of development for the forensic field. Using this approach, forensic and law enforcement agencies have aided millions of investigations, many of which would remain unsolved but for the intelligence links provided from DNA database comparison. However, despite their widespread use and increasingly broad legislative and operational reach, there has been limited overarching performance modeling or reflection on drivers of operational or financial efficiency. This study derives an inferential model for DNA database performance using data from major national DNA database programs. Parameters that optimize desirable database outputs (matches) are isolated and discussed, as is an approach for maximizing financial efficiency and minimizing ethical impact. This research takes important steps toward identifying measures of performance for forensic DNA database operations.  相似文献   

Trace DNA is often detected on handled items and worn clothing examined in forensic laboratories. In this study, the potential transfer of trace DNA to bedding by normal contact, when an individual sleeps in a bed, is examined. Volunteers slept one night on a new, lower bed sheet in their own bed and one night in a bed foreign to them. Samples from the sheets were collected and analysed by DNA profiling. The results indicate that the DNA profile of an individual can be obtained from bedding after one night of sleeping in a bed. The DNA profile of the owner of the bed could also be detected in the foreign bed experiments. Since mixed DNA profiles can be obtained from trace DNA on bedding, caution should be exercised when drawing conclusions from DNA profiling results obtained from such samples. This transfer may have important repercussions in sexual assault investigations.  相似文献   

This article reports on a survey of DNA-related practices and procedures within District Attorneys' offices to obtain preliminary information about actual prosecutorial practices. The data obtained is preliminary but supportive of further study of areas targeted by the survey.  相似文献   

We are in the midst of a paradigm shift in the forensic comparison sciences. The new paradigm can be characterised as quantitative data-based implementation of the likelihood-ratio framework with quantitative evaluation of the reliability of results. The new paradigm was widely adopted for DNA profile comparison in the 1990s, and is gradually spreading to other branches of forensic science, including forensic voice comparison. The present paper first describes the new paradigm, then describes the history of its adoption for forensic voice comparison over approximately the last decade. The paradigm shift is incomplete and those working in the new paradigm still represent a minority within the forensic–voice-comparison community.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the performance of forensic document examiners (FDEs) in a signature comparison task that was designed to address the issue of expertise. The opinions of FDEs regarding 150 genuine and simulated questioned signatures were compared with a control group of non-examiners' opinions. On the question of expertise, results showed that FDEs were statistically better than the control group at accurately determining the genuineness or non-genuineness of questioned signatures. The FDE group made errors (by calling a genuine signature simulated or by calling a simulated signature genuine) in 3.4% of their opinions while 19.3% of the control group's opinions were erroneous. The FDE group gave significantly more inconclusive opinions than the control group. Analysis of FDEs' responses showed that more correct opinions were expressed regarding simulated signatures and more inconclusive opinions were made on genuine signatures. Further, when the complexity of a signature was taken into account, FDEs made more correct opinions on high complexity signatures than on signatures of lower complexity. There was a wide range of skill amongst FDEs and no significant relationship was found between the number of years FDEs had been practicing and their correct, inconclusive and error rates.  相似文献   

This article describes a model of DNA banking that incorporates appropriate consumer influence on the design and use of DNA data banks. This model values input of consumer stakeholders in key decisions, including contracts between donors, researchers and the bank.  相似文献   

法医DNA检验在实际工作中发挥了重要作用,其中针对Y染色体进行的DNA检验,可以开展家系排查和辅助父系亲缘鉴定,为案件侦查提供重要线索。本文针对Y染色体DNA检验,讨论完整利用染色体具有的信息,制定整体检验策略,以期为相关研究和试剂盒开发研制提供参考。  相似文献   

Alu家族是灵长类特有的短散在重复序列,在人类基因组内含量丰富,分布广泛,甲基化程度高,有种属特异性和插入变异,为法医DNA分析面临的许多问题提供了潜在的解决途径。目前,Alu元件在法医DNA分析中的应用包括:DNA定量、种属鉴定、种族鉴定、性别鉴定、个体识别和亲子鉴定,以及全基因组扩增等。本文总结各种基于Alu元件的法医DNA分析技术的原理和特点,探讨Alu元件的法医学研究和应用前景,供相关学者参考。  相似文献   

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