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神话语言对宗教情感的培养是由万物有灵的“元语言”决定的。当“元语言”出现“多语”的要求时,其叙述语言向自然崇拜权力话语的接近,一方面造就着自然神故事的丰富性,另一方面自然神的故事也在图腾崇拜的话语中得到消解。对于自然崇拜而言,图腾崇拜具有特殊的意义,图腾崇拜是向自然崇拜过渡的必需语言。要全面地解构自然崇拜内在的语言结构,则必须从解构图腾崇拜入手。  相似文献   

明代吴地文人对于倪瓒《江南春》的唱和,是吴中文坛的一件胜事。本文认为,《江南春》是诗而非词,是两章而非三首。因为倪瓒野逸人格的魅力和江南春题目的包容性,遂使得这一首普通的题画诗,经江南文人的群起追和,成了一种不可取代的文化符号与文学经典。《江南春》唱和的文化意味,就在于通过沈周、祝允明、文征明等人的次第追和,吴地文人自觉不自觉地发现或发掘出了带有吴文化性格的精神意脉;同时也意味着他们通过选边站队、集体发声的方式,昭示着江南文化共同体的存在,表现了吴地文人拥江南文化以自重,宁作偏裨、自领一队的文化姿态。  相似文献   

It is increasingly the case that cultural policy at all levels of governance is expected to address a suite of concerns much broader than those traditionally associated with the arts and creative practice. Indeed, in many nations, including most notably Britain, the concerns of cultural policy now embrace the economic and the social, as well as the cultural. In Britain, this convergence is occurring as part of a broader policy concern to ameliorate social exclusion by providing people with opportunities to participate in the creative economy. Drawing on the findings of a major study of the factors shaping cultural policy internationally, this article identifies and maps the priorities, key intersections, and convergences associated with these priorities in British cultural policy. The article argues that, in spite of taking different forms and having varying emphases depending on the constituency and the level of governance involved, the convergence agenda currently dominating British cultural policy is nevertheless remarkably consistent in terms of the discourses surrounding culture, the remit of the cultural sphere, and strategic policy implementation.  相似文献   

Economists, sociologists, and legal scholars agree that intellectual‐property law is fundamental to markets because legal control over copying motivates creative production. But in many markets, such as fashion and databases, there is little or no intellectual‐property protection, yet producers still create innovative products and earn profits. Research on such “negative spaces” in intellectual‐property law reveals that social norms can constrain copying and support creative production. This insight guided our analysis of markets for American literature before the Civil War, in both magazines (a negative space, where intellectual‐property law did not apply) and books (a positive space, where intellectual‐property law did apply). We observed similar understandings of authors and similar commercial practices in both spaces because many authors published the same work in both spaces. Based on these observations, we propose that cultural elements that develop in positive spaces may spill over to related negative spaces, inducing changes in buyers' and sellers' behavior in negative spaces. Our historical approach also revealed nuances—shades of gray—beyond the sharp distinction typically drawn between negative and positive spaces. In the 1850s, a few large‐circulation magazine publishers began to claim copyright, but many still allowed reprinting and none litigated to protect copyright.  相似文献   

Questions of how and why organizations respond to legal rights are analyzed in several sociolegal research traditions, including studies of legal mobilization, regulation, and neo‐institutionalist accounts of the diffusion of organizational structures. Using original qualitative and quantitative data, this article examines the responses of ten organizations to wheelchair access rights that are found in various provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and related state laws. We find that concepts from each of the research traditions are useful in understanding the sources of variance in response among the organizations in our sample. We focus on four key variables: legal mobilization, commitment, professionalization, and routinization. We contend that these variables offer a relatively parsimonious language for studying organizational responses to the law and for aggregating insights from competing approaches in the literature, both of which are essential to advancing our understanding of the conditions under which law changes society.  相似文献   

Whereas most sociolegal studies concerned with hegemony and resistance focus on the resistances of ordinary citizens in everyday life, this article focuses on the development of a particular social movement—the alternative birth movement—and analyzes the process by which this movement emerged and has achieved significant legislative victories. The analysis makes several contributions to the literatures on hegemony, resistance, and the law. First, by demonstrating the importance of medicine's assertion of its authority for the expansion and mobilization of the alternative birth movement, we show that the mobilization of the law by a dominant group may trigger the emergence of social movements seeking to resist hegemonic understandings and arrangements. At the same time, by examining how birth activists' organizational resources developed over time and were rendered meaningful in legislative debates, our study demonstrates the importance of avoiding dichotomous conceptions of structure and culture. In addition, by analyzing culture as a process of meaning-making rather than an independent and hierarchical set of values, the analysis shows how cultural and legal hegemony—even that of modern medicine—may be destabilized, even as it sets the terms of the effort to destabilize it and shapes the nature of the hegemony that will replace it.  相似文献   

当代中国城乡文化关系不是先进与落后、替代与被替代、改造与被改造的关系,而是不同文化形态、同等文化地位、共享文化发展权利之间的关系,是功能各异、优势互补、融合发展的和谐共生关系。文化自觉是实现城乡文化和谐共生的客观认知前提,文化自信是实现城乡文化和谐共生的主观认同基础。在文化自觉、文化自信前提与基础之上,应坚持先进文化引领,促进具有时代精神的城乡文化和谐共生;坚守中华文化立场,促进具有中国风格的城乡文化和谐共生;坚守地域文化特性,促进具有地方色彩的城乡文化和谐共生。  相似文献   

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