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语言学家对于语态的分析已经有许多年的历史,这些分析研究多半是从句法和语义平面上对语态进行分析.然而从Halliday提出的系统功能语法的角度对语态的语用功能的分析研究还不够.从语用来看,主动语态与被动语态在语境中的不同选择将会带来不同的意义,因而系统功能语法学家除了从句法平面上分析语态,还从语用层面上来分析.提出英语语态的定义、分类和语用功能.分别对主动语态和被动语态使用的语境,语态的选择和语篇功能和交际功能等进行分析.  相似文献   

范鑫 《学理论》2008,(18):58-59
青年马克思的法哲学观在马克思主义法哲学形成过程中有着十分重要的地住。本文从“个人与自由”、“自由与法律”、“国家与个人”三个方面对青年马克思以人类理性、自由为核心的法哲学观进行了介绍。  相似文献   

One of the components associated with the widely heralded shift to 'new managerialism' in the public sector has been an increased emphasis on coordination between government departments as a means to enhance effective service provision. This article examines the capacity for coordination to fulfil this objective. Drawing upon a case study of coordination in youth affairs in Western Australia, the article examines the process by which the coordination mechanisms become enveloped in the 'politics of non-decision-making'. By this is meant that a set of power relationships create tensions at a number of levels — between commonwealth and state government agencies; between state government agencies and within individual agencies — which act to prevent effective decisions from being taken. The implications of this case study for the capacity of 'new managerialism' to produce effective policy outcomes in complex social policy areas is highlighted. Evidence from this study suggests that, in an era of restricted resources and heightened competition within the public sector, agencies are pushed to more clearly define their boundaries.  相似文献   

青年兴则国家兴,青年强则国家强,青年是国家和民族的希望。我们党和国家重视、信任青年,始终把青年作为党和国家发展的中流砥柱。特别是党的十八大以来,习近平总书记在青年发展方面倾入大量心血,发表一系列重要论述,形成了系统科学、深刻丰富的习近平总书记关于青年工作重要思想。本文首先阐述习近平总书记关于青年工作重要思想的形成依据;二是分析习近平总书记关于青年工作重要思想的重要内涵,包括青年的特点和地位、青年的教育和培养以及对青年工作的重视;最后探析习近平总书记关于青年工作重要思想的时代价值是马克思主义青年观中国化的理论成果,是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要组成部分,是青年进德修业、成长成才的行动指南。  相似文献   

It is generally acknowledged that large youth cohorts or “youth bulges” make countries more susceptible to antistate political violence. Thus, we assume that governments are forewarned about the political demographic threat that a youth bulge represents to the status quo and will attempt to preempt behavioral challenges by engaging in repression. A statistical analysis of the relationship between youth bulges and state repression from 1976 to 2000 confirms our expectation. Controlling for factors known to be associated with coercive state action, we find that governments facing a youth bulge are more repressive than other states. This relationship holds when controlling for, and running interactions with, levels of actual protest behavior. Youth bulges and other elements that may matter for preemptive state strategies should therefore be included in future empirical models of state repression.  相似文献   

当代青年教育存在思想教育不足,教育实效不明显,心理健康问题凸显等情况。在《理想国》中,柏拉图以建构理想城邦为中心,完整论述了对儿童、护卫者和哲学王的教育,包括音乐、体操学习,非强迫教育,辩证法学习,美德教育等思想。本文结合《理想国》中的教育理念,比较当代中国青年教育存在的问题,提出加强青年唯物辩证法学习,采取兴趣教育,通过分级制度过滤青年接触的事物等主张。  相似文献   

维护共识还是维护歧见,是后现代主义哲学论争中一个重要的话题。一般人们认为哈贝马斯在强调达成共识时抹杀歧见的价值。这应该说是比较简单的一种看法。哈贝马斯把对同一性的追求视为形而上学思维的重要特征,但哈贝马斯并不完全赞同形而上学思维,而是对它进行了改造,形成他的“后形而上学思维”。在这种改造过程中,我们可以看到,他对形而上学的同一性思维进行了批判,并在这种批判中提出了:“只有在多元性的声音中,理性的同一性才是可以理解的,”这体现了他力图要把差异包融于同一之中的重要思想。  相似文献   


Democratic theorists tend to assume, without a great deal of argument, that age-based discrimination in access to the franchise is justified. In this paper, I challenge the orthodoxy. I argue that all major, plausible accounts of the justification of democracy converge upon a requirement to enfranchise a substantial proportion of the child population. Along the way, I consider and respond to several challenges that have been raised to child enfranchisement.  相似文献   

Recent research has cast doubt on the potential for various electoral reforms to increase voter turnout. In this article, we examine the effectiveness of preregistration laws, which allow young citizens to register before being eligible to vote. We use two empirical approaches to evaluate the impact of preregistration on youth turnout. First, we implement difference‐in‐difference and lag models to bracket the causal effect of preregistration implementation using the 2000–2012 Current Population Survey. Second, focusing on the state of Florida, we leverage a discontinuity based on date of birth to estimate the effect of increased preregistration exposure on the turnout of young registrants. In both approaches, we find preregistration increases voter turnout, with equal effectiveness for various subgroups in the electorate. More broadly, observed patterns suggest that campaign context and supporting institutions may help to determine when and if electoral reforms are effective.  相似文献   

The Liberal-National party government is making major changes to a number of policy settings. It pledged a commitment to a strict program of budgetary restraint in its first Budget of August 1996. Its Workplace Relations and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (1996) signified its intention to introduce a 'revolutionary new era' in Australian industrial relations. This involved introducing individual employment contracts, limiting the Australian Industrial Relations Commission's (AIRC) powers and reducing unions' role in enterprise bargaining. Less noticeable has been the government's pursuit of major reforms to Australia's education and training policies. These education and training initiatives are taking place in a context of seemingly permanent unemployment or what has been called 'the end of work' (Rifkin 1995). If such claims overstate the case, the training and education initiatives are occurring in the wake of 'normal, autonomised processes of modernisation' which are opening paths to a new post-industrial order (Beck 1994: 3). But there are a number of questions to be raised about the extent to which a concern for equity and the protection of those most at risk in such a process may be compromised by complete faith in, and too eager a support for, market processes.  相似文献   

Falling levels of membership and activism are threatening the Labour Party's status as a mass party. This problem has to be seen in the context of growing disillusionment with formal politics in Britain, especially among young people. If Labour continues to fail in socialising future generations of members and activists into its mission, its fate will be sealed. This article examines Labour's relationship with young people, with particular attention to the organisation of the Party's youth sections. It utilises the results of original research into the attitudes of young members to diagnose the problem of young people in the Labour Party, and assesses the prospects of meaningful reform.  相似文献   

Peter Agócs is co-author with Sándor Agócs of a series of studies on the fate and fortune of various social segments of post-communist Hungary.  相似文献   

Recent empirical research points toward a reassessment of theeffects of complex patterns of local government in metropolitanareas. As research increasingly discloses positive relationshipsbetween (1) indicators of jurisdictional fragmentation and complexityand (2) indicators of efficiency in service provision and production,it becomes more important to explain, in a functional sense,how a complex metropolitan order is able to produce relativelygood results. This article first considers two broad approachesto understanding metropolitan complexity—exit and voice—andargues that citizen voice must be the principal mechanism ofcomplex metropolitan governance A case study of St. Louis County,Missouri, is then used to explore the various processes by whichcitizen voice may contribute to the organization and governanceof a metropolitan county. Citizen voice is linked to publicentrepreneurship and, thereby, to various efficiency-inducingproperties that emerge within a complex metropolitan order.  相似文献   

In both social and political matters, individuals trust those they believe will treat them fairly. Individuals in democracies have little objection to abiding by policies instituted by parties they did not vote for because the system by which the parliament is formed is considered fair. However, even among democracies, some electoral systems are fairer than others. It stands to reason that trust in parliament is affected by the perceived fairness of the electoral system. This research demonstrates that actual or perceived provision of voice in parliamentary representation does increase individual trust in parliament. Systems designed with the intent to provide fair representation and those that provide the illusion of fair representation produce higher levels of trust in parliament.  相似文献   

青年概念的当代阐释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
青年概念是青年研究的基本问题。现实中存在多种青年概念的定义。从综合研究青年的角度,根据人们对青年概念的认识发展,根据当代社会发展变化了的客观实际,定义当代青年是处在身体发育已经成熟、人格基本形成和社会自立初期阶段的人;当代青年的年龄界定在18至35岁之间。当代青年概念的内涵和外延都有了新的变化,其根本原因是由青年与现实社会的实际联系决定的。  相似文献   

商业逻辑与青年亚文化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
青年亚文化与商业逻辑的关系长久以来困扰着研究者们,大多数学者认为,亚文化只有远离商业逻辑和商品消费才能保持自身的独立性和反叛性。随着新媒体、消费社会和全球化语境的来临,商业逻辑不再局限于借用、占有、嵌入亚文化的被动状态,商业可以主动激发、形塑青年亚文化,商业利益与文化认同并不完全是对立矛盾关系。  相似文献   

刘帅 《学理论》2014,(31):25-27
"中国梦"这一概念提出后即为海内外舆论关注热议的焦点,从主旨、目标、内核三个方面对中国梦内涵进行理解,从历史与现实、个体与群体、中国与世界三个维度对中国梦的特征进行初步认识,揭示中国梦对于激励和引领中国当代青年成长成才所具有的重要指导意义,探讨青年一代在践行中国梦时应做到坚定理想信念,提升自身能力,激发创新思维,锤炼刚毅品格,以此担当起自己所肩负的社会责任。  相似文献   

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