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作为应用语言学的一个范畴,专门用途英语(ESP)已成为一个范围宽广、形式多样的英语教学领域.很多国内外的专家都在探寻其理论价值及其跨学科研究的可能性与可行性.首先分析了ESP理论的由来、发展现状,并着重分析了如何在ESP理论指导下培养符合时代要求的复合型人才.  相似文献   

以ESP(专门用途英语)的概念及特点为切入点,分析了我国现阶段高职高专教育对人才培养、教学质量、英语教学方面的要求,从课程设置、教材选择、教学方法、评估方式等方面讨论了如何使ESP与高职高专教学有机结合,构建特色专业,培养出高层次的复合型职业人才.  相似文献   

规制理论研究在21世纪逐渐成为理论界的热点话题.从规制理论入手,在对黑龙江省林产工业规制现状进行分析的基础上,基于产业组织理论的SCP(结构—行为—绩效)框架对林产工业产业组织进行分析,综合运用放松规制和强化规制,为林产工业产业组织的合理化,提出以资源保障优化规制、市场结构优化规制、企业行为优化规制、市场缋效优化规制、政府规制框架优化等时策和建议.  相似文献   

党的十八提出坚定中国特色社会主义制度自信以来,中国特色社会主义制度自信研究成为学术理论界研究的重点和热点问题。研究中国特色社会主义制度自信主要是研究制度自信的逻辑与历史的辩证统一;制度自信的重要基础和依据;国际比较视野中的制度自信;制度自信与道路自信、理论自信的关系;制度自信存在的问题及解决路径等基本问题。这些基本问题涵盖了中国特色社会主义制度自信研究的核心内容,构成了中国特色社会主义制度自信研究的总体框架。  相似文献   

基于翻转课堂教学模式,以实证研究为基础,对"剑桥商务英语高级"(BEC-H)选修课进行试验教学并从教学效果、教师能力、学生能力及教学设备四个层面设置问卷,分析了翻转课堂在大学英语选修课教学中的优势,以期提升ESP翻转课堂教学模式的实施效果。  相似文献   

周安毅 《学理论》2009,(17):256-257
本研究通过问卷调查和访谈的形式,对我校国贸系快班、东盟国际会计实验班和其他专业普通班本科生进行调查,旨在了解和分析学生的学习动机和对英语教师、教材、学习策略、学习环境等因素的需求情况,并检验不同水平(高、低)学生的学习需求是否存在显著性差异。在分析数据的基础上,在文章最后笔者提出在本研究中得到的一些启示。  相似文献   

本文以大量实际调查数据为依据,对陕西省农村居民的职业教育需求程度、需求特征及其影响因素进行了分析。分析表明,目前陕西农村居民的职业教育潜在需求很大,但要使这种潜在需求转化为实际需求,还需要从多方面采取措施。具体包括:提高农村居民文化素质、降低农村职业教育个人成本、转变农村居民轻视职业教育的观念、增加职业技能培训机会、优化培训资源和提高培训效果等。  相似文献   

文章从宏观、中观和微观三个层面对村镇银行发展过程中的问题进行分析,认为在微观层面村镇银行的问题可以归纳为资源、能力和绩效三类问题,提出RCP分析框架,从寻找、比较、定位、选择、实现五个过程分析村镇银行问题的解决过程,提出RCP框架在解决村镇银行问题中的诊断、引导和评价作用,提出基于RCP框架解决村镇银行问题的对策。  相似文献   

作为行政学的一个分支学科 ,行政发展是一门年轻而又充满活力的学科。然而 ,关于行政发展的研究理论框架 ,学术界至今尚未达成统一的共识。本文立足于行政发展的研究现状 ,结合我国的国情 ,对行政发展的研究理论框架作一初步的探讨 ,以期对行政发展学的进一步发展有所裨益  相似文献   

张国文 《学理论》2014,(4):181-182
运用框架理论和文本分析法,选取中国新华通讯社和西方三大通讯社(本文指美联社、路透社和法新社)"第十二届香格里拉对话"的英文报道来做对比分析,通过研究中西方媒体所塑造的不同报道框架,找出中西方媒体所建构的不同"中国镜像",进而挖掘出其背后的不同意识形态及其舆论导向。  相似文献   

Studies of state fiscal and budgetary policies often use balanced budget requirements (BBRs) as explanatory variables. While current measures laid the crucial groundwork for a basic understanding of state BBRs, their lack of comprehensiveness threatens the validity of empirical work. Based on comprehensive legal research, this article offers a framework for analyzing state requirements: each state's BBRs form a coherent system for achieving budget balance through budget cycles; a fully developed BBR system offers a three‐line construct against imbalance; and the more complete, developed, and explicit a BBR system is, the more stringent it will be in achieving budgetary balance.  相似文献   

G. BRUCE DOERN 《管理》1995,8(2):195-217
The article presents an eight-point analytical framework for the examination of key political-institutional aspects of the functioning of national competition policy institutions. These are assessed against the competition policy regimes of the EC, UK, Germany, and, to a lesser extent, the US. Each element represents an aspect or institutional arena in which there is potential andlor actual room for the exercise of political influence and power in an increasingly important realm of micro-economic governance. Such political arenas and channels are woven in and around a set of competition authorities in each county or jurisdiction otherwise primarily attempting to apply economic analysis to numerous specific case decisions. The eight elements of the framework are: 1) the use of explicit non-competition criteria that can be taken into account by competition authorities; 2) ranges of, and opportunities for, ministerial discretion; 3) intra-cabinet and intra-govern-mental pressures from other ministers and departments and their political clientele interests; 4) direct hearings or avenues for direct representation and pressure by interests; 5) opportunities for private legal action; 6) processes for giving comfort or guidance letters to private parties; 7) vehicles for pressure and political learning through studies, media exposure, and public persuasion; and 8) the extent to which “one-stop” versus multi-sector competition institutions exist and can be played off one another.  相似文献   

An important disconnect exists between the current use of formal modeling and applied statistical analysis. In general, a lack of linkage between the two can produce statistically significant parameters of ambiguous origin that, in turn, fail to assist in falsifying theories and hypotheses. To address this scientific challenge, a framework for unification is proposed. Methodological unification leverages the mutually reinforcing properties of formal and applied statistical analysis to produce greater transparency in relating theory to test. This framework for methodological unification, or what has been referred to as the empirical implications of theoretical models (EITM), includes (1) connecting behavioral (formal) and applied statistical concepts, (2) developing behavioral (formal) and applied statistical analogues of these concepts, and (3) linking and evaluating the behavioral (formal) and applied statistical analogues. The elements of this EITM framework are illustrated with examples from voting behavior, macroeconomic policy and outcomes, and political turnout.  相似文献   

Over the past thirty years, there has been a dramatic transformation in the way the American political process operates. There has been a growing public perception that traditional political institutions lack the capacity to meet existing challenges. This has led many observers to call for a rethinking of how government does its work. Numerous alternatives, including the use of faith‐based organizations, have been suggested. The current popular debate on the appropriate role of faith‐based organizations in public service delivery has shed little light on a number of important issues raised by engaging such actors in governance issues. The impact of using faith‐based institutions to design and implement public policy must be considered not only in terms of traditional evaluation standards, but also regarding potential long‐term impacts on the political process itself. This article outlines a theoretical framework for the evaluation of faith‐based organizations as “alternatives” to conventional governance structures. It identifies key practical and theoretical issues raised by such substitution, in both short and long range systemic terms.  相似文献   

金登"多源流分析框架"述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈建国 《理论探讨》2008,(1):125-128
通过对金登的多源流分析框架与公共政策阶段分析、伊斯顿的政治系统和"垃圾桶模型"进行了比较分析,认为金登的多源流分析框架将公共政策阶段分析的触角向前伸了一步,拓展了政策阶段分析的研究空间;多源流分析打开了政治系统的"黑箱",提供了政策过程参与者的全景分析图;多源流分析修正了"垃圾桶模型",将其运用到国家政策层面进行分析,提升了其价值.但是,多源流分析框架作为一种不同于以往的分析框架,有些学者针对其中的某些缺陷提出了批评意见;有些学者则对其进行了扩展.  相似文献   

刘维静 《学理论》2013,(18):270-271
ESP(English for Special Purpose)是一种源于Halliday的系统功能语言学中的语域理论,形成于20世纪60年代,逐渐发展成为一种教学理念。ESP医学英语教学是适应新时代下医学院校学生需求的有效教学途径。本文根据笔者所在医学院校调查结果发现现存ESP教学中存在的问题,并在课程设置、教材编写和师资培训上提出改进建议。  相似文献   

腐败现象,从经济学的角度讲,其性质是一种寻租活动。“寻租”是指人类社会中追求非生产性经济利益的活动。寻租活动的危害主要有:权力的滥用和腐化;社会资源的巨大浪费;社会成员是非价值传统观和对政府合法性认同感的丧失。寻租从本质上说是权力寻租行为。在我国正处于向市场经济过渡的转轨时期,制度“真空”的存在是权力寻租的主要根源。因此,遏制寻租腐败源头的根本措施在于制度创新。  相似文献   

Budget making within the public sector may be approached by means of a systems analysis. The processes and results of budget making may be identified as a system, consisting of variables and relationships. The system of political budgeting is a conceptual framework for a quantitative analysis of basic budget facts concerning inputs, processes and outputs. The article outlines the framework and applies it to the public sector in Sweden on the basis of data derived from Swedish national accounts.  相似文献   

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