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掠夺性定价一般表现为企业为排挤、制约竞争对手或阻碍竞争对手进入市场而在相当长的一段时期内故意将价格设置于其成本之下。其目的是为将竞争对手逐出市场并随后设定高于竞争水平的价格,以收回前期降价的损失。《中华人民共和国反垄断法》以及其他相关的法律法规都包含了禁止掠夺性定价的规定。然而,对于掠夺性定价中的一些具体问题还没有相应的法制规章提供指引和解读,再加上此类案件法院判决的先例在中国现阶段还属少见,因此,本文将详细讲解近年来美国和欧盟的经济学家、反垄断机构以及法院对此类经典案件(如Wanadoo案等)的审理分析经验与趋势,以供借鉴。  相似文献   

欧盟信息安全法律框架之解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
网络与信息系统安全已经引起了全世界共同关注,美国和欧盟在这一领域走在了世界的前列。伴随中欧经济、文化交流的日益密切,欧盟信息安全法律框架也为我国立法提供了可资借鉴的蓝本。通过解读欧盟信息安全法律框架的演变轨迹及其特点,结合我国信息安全保障立法现状,分析当前我国信息安全立法的主要着力点,提出我国应加快信息安全立法进程,用法律形式明确信息安全监管机构和监管模式,构建有中国特色的信息安全法律体系。  相似文献   

Netherlands International Law Review -  相似文献   

Abstract:  The idea that the European Union must not adopt a constitution is gaining ground in current legal research on European constitutionalism. The N-C (No Constitution) thesis is being forcefully defended, in particular, by authors in the 'contextual' or 'law in context' tradition. However, likewise using a 'contextual' methodology, in this article I argue that the N-C thesis is in many regards misplaced. In this work, I defend the idea that Europe must adopt a constitution for reasons of credibility. I also try to show the main pitfalls of the N-C thesis.  相似文献   

论对法律的违宪审查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宪法的基本功能是通过控制、分配和保障国家权力的运行,以达到保障人权的基本目的。而控制国家权力的运行是完成宪法功能的基本方法和基本前提。在宪法所控制的国家权力之中,最主要的是立法权的行使,即作为立法权表现形式的法律。宪法对法律的控制,又可以分为事前控制和事后控制。作为事后控制的基本方法是对法律实施违宪审查。而在此领域,我国存在着认识上的误区和制度上的空白。  相似文献   

The European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 is the cornerstone of UK legislation designed to accomplish the legal dimension of Brexit. It brings the entire acquis of EU law into UK law in order to avoid regulatory black holes that would otherwise occur. The Act embodies a twofold legislative strategy: EU law brought into UK law thereby is to be made fit for purpose by exit day, with necessary changes being made by statutory instrument; Parliament can then decide at greater leisure thereafter whether it wishes to retain, amend or repeal this legislation. The burden placed on Parliament is unprecedented, all the more so given the exigencies of time in which the changes are to be made. This article explicates the principal provisions of the 2018 Act, and the concerns as to constitutional principle and the rule of law raised by the legislation. The tensions in the drafting process are made apparent, and uncertainties in the resulting text are revealed.  相似文献   

Constitutional pluralism is a theory, or movement, or idea, for some perhaps even an ideal, about the relationship between the legal system of the European Union and those of its Member States. In this paper, Julio Baquero Cruz analyses its assumptions and implications in the light of historical experience and of the consequences it could have for the practice of law in Europe. To do so, constitutional pluralism is compared with the other main positions about that relationship: the national constitutional position and the position of Union law.  相似文献   

Technically-speaking, penal law remains outside the competence of the European Communities and Union. However, mirroring other legal developments within Europe, a combination of higher Community 'principles' such as proportionality, non-discrimination, free competition and loyal co-operation, together with secondary Community law, has on the one hand, led to an unforeseen process of the harmonisation of national penal systems; with national norms either being set aside by Community law, or given extended scope in the pursuance of EC/EU goals. On the other hand, certain European interests – most notably, the need to safeguard the European Union budget – have proven strong enough to prompt the evolution of a nascent penal law of the EU; the most noteworthy development here being the drawing up of an independent European 'corpus juris' covering penal policy and procedure in the area of EU budget protection.  相似文献   

Abstract: This article is intended to give an overview of the law as it stands on telecommunications at the Community level. Over the past ten years the telecommunications law and policy of the European Community have developed rapidly along the twin axes of liberalisation (deregulation) and harmonisation (reregulation). The innovative use of Article 90 EEC has been central to liberalisation, while most harmonisation legislation has been based on open network provision (ONP) passed under Article 100a. The article concludes that, now the national monopolies have been largely dismantled, new issues will arise in the competitive market.  相似文献   

罪刑法定视野中的刑法合宪审查   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
梁根林 《法律科学》2004,22(1):19-30
刑法合宪审查是实现刑事法治、推进宪政进程的重要方面。刑法合宪审查应当以罪刑法定原则为立足基点。现代罪刑法定原则不仅具有传统的法外入罪禁止机能 ,而且能够延伸出崭新的法内出罪正当化解释机能。我国 97刑法具有“中国特色”的罪刑法定原则扭曲了现代罪刑法定的价值旨趣 ,导致了我国刑法合宪审查的机能缺损。只有在真正确认已成国际共识话语的现代罪刑法定原则、赋予其法外入罪禁止与出罪正当化解释双重机能 ,同时改革与完善人民代表大会制度 ,才能建构有效的刑法合宪审查机制。  相似文献   

Abstract: The collective labour law of the European Union is embedded in a variety of legal measures incorporating principles of collective labour law reflecting national experience. The dynamic of its development has been the spill-over effect of these principles, through their translation into the status of EU law, and their development by decisions of the European Court of Justice. The article outlines a framework of principles which, it is argued, are currently embodied in the collective labour law of the EU. They include collectively bargained labour standards, workers' collective representation, workers' participation, and protection of strikers against dismissal. In addition, there is a parallel principle of collective solidarity emerging in the social security law of the EU. The principle of collective negotiation of labour law introduced by the Protocol and Agreement on Social Policy may be seen as the founding constitutional basis for the collective labour law of the European Union.  相似文献   

欧盟反托拉斯法的现代化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩立余 《法学家》2004,(5):142-151
欧盟反托拉斯法包括限制竞争协议和滥用市场支配地位两个部分.自1962年以来,其规则基本没有发生变化.但在新旧世纪交替之时,欧盟反托拉斯法开始了现代化的进程.欧盟制定了新的反托拉斯执法制度,并于2004年5月1日起实施.新制度赋予欧共体条约第81条第1款和第3款直接适用的效力,废除了对限制竞争协议的通知要求,确立了欧盟委员会主导、欧盟委员会与各国竞争当局、法院密切合作、共同执法、欧盟法院监督的新体制.欧盟委员会制定了与之配套的相关条例、准则,同时还对技术许可协议的规范制定了新规则.  相似文献   

中国宪法学方法论的学术倾向与问题意识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩大元 《中国法学》2008,(1):114-126
方法论的自觉与合理运用是宪法学发展的基础与标志。随着宪法实践的发展,学者们以更开放的学术视野努力建立具有专业性、综合性与多样性的方法论。本文分析了宪法学研究方法与宪法问题之间的相互关系,并在学术反思的基础上,展望了未来宪法学方法的发展走向。  相似文献   

The review articles draws attention to the need of serious law and economics analysis of the Maastricht Treaty. It first discusses the convergence criteria, then delves into the history of monetary integration with the example of Germany, looks thirdly at the basic theoretical model underlying the main stream analysis, forthly deals with adjustment problems and finally emphasizes a constitutional law and economics aspect.  相似文献   

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