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The aim of this study is to present a construction of the history of the prison system in Taiwan in the context of the intertwined structures of penal discourses and the governmentality of the state. The prison system in Taiwan has been subject to different ruling political regimes, ranging from colonised, authoritarian to liberal-democratic systems between 1895 and the present. The history of imprisonment can be divided into six stages, each of which consists of distinct governmental strategies that shape prominent penal discourses. My purpose was to uncover the exercising power of governmentality, further shaping, guiding and affecting the penal discourses via rationalities and technologies upon which prison administration depends.
Hua-Fu HsuEmail: Fax: +886-5-2720053

This paper focuses on the extensive array of girls living in the social margins for unacceptable public behaviors, and the actions they use to cope with psychological and physical violation of their minds and bodies. Contemporary ideals of girlhood have been shaped particularly by impressions of Victorian utopian thinkers. Ideals of girlhood, however, have not considered how girls might need to adapt to violations of girlhood. The moral space, then, between public perceptions of female deviance and awareness of what has driven the offending girls to their actions has created a deep and protracted antipathy. Using historical texts such as John Ruskin's The Ethics of the Dust, this paper draws on works that contributed to ideals of girlhood to provide ideals that might be incorporated now into restorative models of reconciliation between troubled girls and their communities.  相似文献   

建国以来,我国的监狱管理体制一直沿用"监企社合一"的模式,随着改革开放的深入和市场经济的发展,这种监狱管理模式已经不能完成其所担负的职能,弊端日益显现,监狱体制改革势在必行。监狱体制改革的目标是逐步实现"全额保障、监企分开、收支分开、规范运行",建立公正、文明、廉洁、高效的新型监狱管理体制。  相似文献   

张丽 《政法学刊》2010,27(5):73-77
监狱是自由刑行刑的主要场所。基于刑罚的目的的二元性,监狱兼有惩罚与矫正的双重行刑目标。同时监狱行刑作为特殊的行政权力,具有被滥用的高危风险。为了完整实现行刑目的,保障服刑人员的权利,各国均对监狱的行刑权力设置了相应监督机制,对极易被滥用的行刑权力进行规制。在我国由于报应观念的深植和行刑个别化社会化色彩不强,尤需借鉴先进经验完善对监狱的监督,以确保罪犯改造的效果和行刑程序公正。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(6):1023-1049

A growing awareness of justice-involved veterans is revealing how little is known about this population, to what extent they have experienced a traumatic brain injury (TBI), and how this may relate to institutional behavior, participation in programs, and use of institutional resources. The current study identifies the prevalence of incarcerated veterans in Washington State who have experienced a TBI and how a TBI history may affect their prison experience and use of prison resources. The results of our study show that incarcerated veterans in Washington State with a moderate-to-severe TBI are more likely to use medical services, commit violent infractions, be placed in maximum custody (solitary confinement), and less likely to complete vocational and job skills programs. The importance of these findings to policy and practice is discussed.  相似文献   

The positive associations of participation in prison activities (e.g. socio-cultural activities, educational courses, sports activities, vocational training, etc.), including reduction of recidivism, improvement of wellbeing and contributions to self-worth, are increasingly recognized. However, little is known about the characteristics by which participants differ from non-participants. In response to this research gap, this study aims to examine the determinants of inmate participation in prison activities. The determinants are categorized as outlined by the importation (individual characteristics) and deprivation (prison life characteristics) frameworks. Survey data derived from a research project in a remand prison in Belgium (N?=?486) provided the empirical evidence for the multiple linear regression analyses. The findings indicate that individual deprivation variables are more likely to predict participation. However, our findings also highlight that the combined effects of importation and deprivation characteristics are more powerful in explaining activity participation. The article concludes by discussing some paths for future prison research and implications for theory and practice. It provides impetus to organize and increase participation in prison activities, taking into account the diverse characteristics, needs and competences of the prison population.  相似文献   

陕甘宁边区政府是中国共产党在第二次国内革命战争中建立起来的特区政府 ,创建了一系列法律制度 ,而税收法律制度作为边区法制的一部分 ,在我国新民主主义财政经济发展法制建设中 ,发挥了重要作用。边区税收法律制度经历了初创、完善、发展三个历史时期 ,在“发展生产 ,保障供给”的总方针下确定了五大基本原则 ,是完善我国社会主义税收法制可资借鉴的历史经验  相似文献   

张瀚  张光南 《法律科学》2010,28(3):74-79
牢头狱霸现象在我国的监狱和看守所中长期存在,国家机关希望通过法律和政策对其进行打击,但这种现象却屡禁不止。对于牢头狱霸的产生原因和解决方式,相关的法律经济学分析尚属空白。本文通过非合作的完全信息静态博弈理论对新老囚犯的行为进行分析,揭示了在管制资源不足的状况下,管理者在制度选择时宁可冒着承担法律责任的风险,依然选择产生牢头狱霸制度的深层原因和动机。在此基础上,本文还进一步分析了这种非正式制度的优势和不足,并对我国的狱政管理提出相应的立法和政策建议。  相似文献   

基于我国自然资源自身的特点和自然资源国家所有权行使的实际情况,统一代表行使+委托行使模式成为重构自然资源国家所有权行使模式的现实选择,大体呈现出代表行使—统一代表行使—委托行使的层级结构。委托行使模式作为代表行使特别是国务院统一代表行使的具体实现方式,以集中统一行使为前提,以将国家所有权界定为私法所有权和实现国家所有权行使与监管权行使的真正分离为基础,横跨公私法两个疆域。委托行使在法律上的实现不仅要求国家所有权穿越公私法的分界线到达私法所有权的彼岸,而且需要使委托关系超越公私法律关系,成为一种新型法律关系。委托行使模式目前可通过委托协议来建立,将来应当通过自然资源特别法完成相应法律构建。  相似文献   

An analysis is reported of 2,408 wiretap conversations gathered in the course of prosecuting a heroin dealing organization in New York City in the 1990s. The five-step analysis, which included a social network analysis of phone contacts, revealed a large, loosely structured group of 294 individuals, most of whom had very limited contacts with others in the group. The group’s active core comprised 38 individuals with extended contacts, little status differentiation and some task specialization. A smaller more tightly connected group of 22 individuals was somewhat independent of the remainder of the core and appeared to constitute a “communal business”. The existence was not confirmed of the large criminal conspiracy described by the prosecution that operated at all levels of trafficking and dealing, from wholesale distribution to street sales. Rather, it appeared that the 294 individuals comprised one segment of the heroin market in the city. However, the discrepancy could be due to the fact that the prosecution drew upon a wider set of information about the individuals concerned than provided by the wiretap data. The study supports recent analyses that see organized crimes, such as drug trafficking, as mostly the work of small groups of loosely linked entrepreneurs rather than large, highly structured criminal syndicates.
Mangai NatarajanEmail:

Like the sports franchises and foreign auto plants that preceded them, state and local governments are touting prisons as the latest means of economic miracle‐making, often for small towns and communities that are economically depressed. The building of prisons is supposedly tied to the development of a just, fair, and rational criminal justice policy in a civil democratic society. Prison building has positive and negative social and political consequences for these communities. This critical essay explores some of these consequences in light of the literature on prison siting, the experiences of communities and prisoners, and relevant statistical data in the public domain. It also offers an alternative framework for evaluating prison recruitment as a strategy for local economic development.  相似文献   

Suicide is one of the principal causes of mortality in a prison environment. Although suicide by medication overdose is less frequent than suicide by hanging, self‐strangulation, or vein cutting, it raises questions as to how the medications are obtained, particularly in view of the specific organization of the medication circuit in prisons. We present three cases of suicide by medication overdose involving different therapeutic classes with different distribution circuits and review the regulatory requirements and the measures that could be taken to prevent such suicides.  相似文献   

闫斌 《政法论丛》2013,(6):115-120
“狱侦耳目”制度被滥用的危害长期以来被人们所忽视.“狱侦耳目”制度作为一项刑侦手段,有可能异化为变相的刑讯逼供,破坏监管秩序,或者引诱犯罪,从而影响司法公正,危及法治的实现和人权的保护.为防止“狱侦耳目”制度被滥用,首先应该在立法层面对此项制度的适用范围作出严格限制;其次法官在司法过程中应对由“狱侦耳目”作出的证人证言谨慎对待,最后即使必须使用“狱侦耳目”,也应对他们进行必要的培训和考试,若有违法行为应追究刑事责任.  相似文献   

刑罚执行是刑事司法活动的最后一道工序 ,狱政管理是这道工序的组成部分 ,而且是最基础的工作。明确狱政管理的性质 ,是研究监狱执行刑罚全部问题的一个基本出发点。狱政管理是一种刑事管理活动 ,同时又是一种特殊的行政管理活动 ,还是改造罪犯的手段之一。  相似文献   

清雍正三年秋,在湘鄂西容美土司与长阳县交界地区,发生了大规模的汉土田地权属之争,当事各方通过会勘、协商,最终妥善解决了争议,并在争议地带建立起两座形制内容完全相同的"汉土疆界碑",创立了通过协商机制解决区域性民族纠纷的范例。汉土疆界碑铭文典型地反映了清初改土归流前夕,渝湘鄂黔毗邻多民族混居地区民族关系的急剧变化;记录了容美末代土司田?如在与命运抗争的同时,为保一方民众的安宁,坚持理性处理民族关系的策略,为世人认识少数民族土司提供了一个真实的影象。  相似文献   

明确我国社区矫正的对象及管辖范围,确立司法行政机关执法主体的法律地位,加强社区矫正人员的队伍建设,全面规范矫正方法,实行差别化的矫正管理,乃是完善当前我国社区矫正制度的重要任务。  相似文献   

暂予监外执行是本应在监禁机构行刑的犯罪人暂时变更到监禁机构外进行刑罚执行,其本质特征应为行刑人道主义,行刑人道主义分为功利的人道与公正的人道两种不同理念。建议我国暂予监外执行制度变更为暂停监禁刑罚执行制度。在构建我国暂停监禁刑罚执行制度中,遇到保护个体的功利人道与保障社会整体的公正人道冲突时,应做出保障个体功利人道的价值选择。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(2):268-294
Meta‐analysis has been adopted in many scientific fields for synthesizing large bodies of research, for evidence‐based development of practical policies, and for empirical resolution of difficult questions. It provides a rigorous, objective, and quantitative strategy to make effective use of an existing body of research, even when the results seem inconsistent and inconclusive. This paper reviews usage of meta‐analysis in research on criminal justice‐related issues and problems over the past three decades, identifying 176 studies published between 1976 and 2006 using meta‐analysis methods on criminal justice topics. Characteristics of these 176 studies are coded and analyzed to identify trends in the use of meta‐analysis by criminal justice researchers, as well as to summarize distinctive variations in how it has been used. A comparison of criminal justice with meta‐analysis usage in other social and applied science fields suggests some hesitation in adopting the methodology.  相似文献   

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