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以基因编辑、基因驱动、合成生物学为代表的前沿生物技术正处于日新月异的飞速发展中,在医疗、农业等诸多领域为人类发展带来福祉的同时,也对国家乃至全人类的生物安全构成了严重威胁。在此背景下,世界大国在应对前沿生物技术安全威胁的几个共性问题值得重点关注:一是技术发展与技术安全的双重目标难以统筹;二是未知技术安全威胁导致不可避免的法律惩治效力滞后;三是监管的多部门合作需求与权职分工困境;四是多方利益主体参与的民主审议机制有待加强。由于中国前沿生物技术发展正处于从"跟跑"向"并跑"和部分领域"领跑"转变的关键节点,及时调整"促进"与"规制"前沿生物技术的应对措施已刻不容缓。前沿生物技术安全威胁的应对必须走到科技的前面去,对安全主体的规制更应走到科学的内部去。唯有在即将出台的国家《生物安全法》引领下全面推进生物技术安全的体制机制建设,逐步完善生物技术安全的法治体系建构,在政府主导下鼓励各利益相关方积极参与其中,才能确保前沿生物技术更好地造福于人民。  相似文献   

The United Nations Climate Change Conference was held in Bali,Indonesia in December 2007, formally launching the post-Kyoto negotiations. After hard discussions, the parties finally agreed on the Bali Roadmap, promising to have further negotiations and maintain and improve the international climate change regime centered on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol. However, the scientificity, rationality and effectiveness of the regime are constantly questioned. Very few countries can fulfill standard emissions. Neither Japan or Canada nor most European Union countries are able to fulfill the goals of emissions reduction on schedule. The question of how much responsibility the rapidly growing developing countries should undertake is increasingly standing out. Yet although the regime is greatly challenged, it is still the only relatively complete framework in terms of structure and functions that international climate cooperation can rely on. This regime will continue to play a fundamental and irreplaceable role in the more and more complicated international climate negotiations.  相似文献   

目前欧盟正处于深化和扩大的关键时期,作为建立在条约基础上的政府间区域一体化组织,欧盟一体化的每一步发展和壮大都有赖于欧盟法规的维系,因而欧盟一体化未来的发展与其法制的发展和完善休戚相关。欧盟目前面临的核心问题有两个:一体化的深化和扩大。深化意味着成员国主权的进一步让渡;扩大要求即将入盟的成员国尽快实现与欧盟法制的趋同化。在整个欧洲一体化的发展进程中,深化和扩大这两方面的问题一直是紧密相关,彼此互动。深化使欧盟具有更大的凝聚力,这是欧洲一体化的内在驱动力;扩大不仅是欧盟具有真正意义上的“泛欧”组织的特性,而且成员国数目的  相似文献   

Rapid development,in the age of globalization and information technology,with profound adjustments of international economic and political patterns,gives rise to the current international tax regime evolving in the most significant ways in modem times.Its development trend will influence the flow of international investment and affect the development of world economy.In this article,from the perspective of international political economy,the definition of international tax regime is clarified,with analysis of its changes and prospects of future development.  相似文献   

东亚地区主义的建构主义解读   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
东亚地区主义的发展虽然得益于区内权力平衡和经济相互依赖的存在,但仅靠这些不足以应对东亚认同政治带来的挑战。建构主义强调的主体间认知为分析东亚地区主义提供了新视角。本文运用建构主义的基本观点对东亚地区主义的特征、挑战和出路等问题作了初步分析。  相似文献   

规范与国际制度安排:一种建构主义阐释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建构主义相信 ,国际制度像其它社会事物一样 ,也是由行为体在社会实践中建构出来的。因此 ,它在分析国际制度安排时 ,与强调物质力量的理性主义不同 ,注重信念的作用。它认为 ,信念根植于社会实践 ,并在社会实践中得以再塑 ,所以具有主体间性 ,而规范就是体现这种主体间性的信念的具体形式。规范是一个行为集体拥有的关于适当行为的共享期望 ,不但界定行为的合适性和有效性 ,还赋予行为体社会角色和建构社会环境 ,从而形塑行为体的收益 ,促使行为体重设目标和调整行为 ,最终影响国际制度的形成。  相似文献   

转轨以来俄罗斯农业发展状况及前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
众所周知,近年来俄罗斯农业在经历了严重的危机之后已开始步入恢复的道路。农业产值不断增长,粮食产量实现自给且有余。然而,尽管出现了这些可喜的成就,但由于目前俄罗斯农业中仍存在着许多问题与困境,近期内其发展态势并不十分乐观。  相似文献   

《东盟反恐公约》——区域合作反恐法律机制及评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<东盟反恐公约>(以下简称公约)是东盟10国,即印度尼西亚、新加坡、马来西亚、文莱、泰国、缅甸、越南、菲律宾、柬埔寨和老挝于2007年1月13日在菲律宾宿务召开的第十二届东盟峰会上签订的区域性打击恐怖主义犯罪公约,是自东盟成立以来在安全领域内首份有法律效力的文件,规定了东盟反恐的具体举措和东盟联合反恐的工作机制.自此,东盟合作反恐有法可依.  相似文献   

Knowledge-based approaches to the study of international environmental cooperation tend to treat knowledge as a single variable. It is more useful to distinguish between different types of information and to analyze their roles in policy formation separately. Disaggregating knowledge reveals important aspects of the interplay between knowledge, interests, and power which otherwise remain hidden, and helps solve empirical puzzles and theoretical contradictions. Its utility is illustrated in a comparison between two prominent cases of regime-making efforts: deforestation (non-regime) and ozone depletion (regime). The study relies on analysis of multilateral scientific assessments, observation of UN meetings, and interviews with scientists and policymakers. The evidence suggests that reliable information about the cross-border consequences of a problem is of critical importance in regime formation as it facilitates utility calculations and the formation of interests. By contrast, other types of seemingly relevant scientific knowledge appear to be of far lesser importance. Moreover, contrary to power-over-knowledge theorizing, the state of knowledge cannot be easily explained with reference to political power.  相似文献   

前景广阔的中非农业合作   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
非洲地城辽阔,农业资源丰富,农业生产方式仍处于粗放或生产阶段,农业产量低,粮食严重短缺,亟需获得田际援劝和持续开展卓有成效的国际合作。1959年以来,中国与非洲的农业合作大体经历了纯农业援胁和经济调整时期的农业合作两个阶段,目前正处于市场经济体制下的农业合作开发阶段。40多年中,中非农业合作成绩显著,且积累了很多成功经验。特别是近年来,中非开展多层次、多渠道、大范围的农业合作与交流,取得了很好的效果,非洲国家的经济建设也取得了令人鼓舞的成就,非洲也逐步成为国际上新的投资热点。在此形势下,中非农业合作的前景十分广阔。  相似文献   

本文全面回顾了"上海五国"机制形成的历史过程,着重探讨了该机制的7大特征,并对中国对中亚地区的政策、"上海五国"机制现阶段的合作重点进行了阐述和分析.  相似文献   

东北亚地区发展农业合作潜力巨大。中国东北地区同东北亚各国广泛开展农业合作,并取得了一定成效,但仍存在一定的问题,东北亚地区农业合作有待于进一步发展。应加强农产品的出口,促进农业劳动力对外输出,吸引日韩企业参加东北地区农业开发并加强同日韩的农业技术合作开发与引进。  相似文献   

吉尔吉斯斯坦的经济、政治、社会问题积重难返,加上西方势力的渗透,引发今年3月的政治事变,导致政权更迭。这一事变将加重中亚地缘政治形势的不稳定因素。吉新政权也将长期面临国内政治不稳定、经济和社会问题痼疾难治,以及与大国关系难以平衡等诸多挑战。  相似文献   

More Refugees, less Asylum: A Regime in Transformation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

美伊核博弈的建构主义分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伊朗核危机是伊拉克战争后世界最热门的话题之一。对于美国和伊朗双方在核问题上的激烈对抗和争斗,国内外学者见仁见智,作出了种种不同解释。本文借用建构主义的有关概念和原理来解读美伊在这场核危机中的博弈思维和心态,认为伊朗核危机产生的关键在于美伊对彼此的“敌人”角色认知和身份建构,进而揭示美伊20多年来长期敌视和对抗的原因,并据此分析伊朗核危机的根源、实质及未来走向。  相似文献   

美国媒体对华负面报道的建构主义解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何英 《国际观察》2004,(2):12-18
美国媒体之所以反华是基于以下建构主义理论的基本认知 ,即对中美不同国家身份的认同和对美国的国家利益的认同 ,由于这种认同的偏差 ,导致中美文化和安全上的困境。国家利益不是外生于体系结构 ,而是由体系结构建构的 ,决定国家利益的因素不仅仅指现实主义理论所强调的物质权力 ,而且包括由社会建构的观念、国家身份和集体认同。观念建构身份 ,身份塑造利益 ,因而观念建构利益 ;观念和身份建构利益的认同 ,社会互动重塑认同 ,进而改变利益。美国媒体的国家利益观就是观念、身份和认同与利益的共塑与融合的结果。中美关系是具有洛克文化特征的建构。  相似文献   

本文试图对阿富汗战争失败的原因进行总结,并对阿富汗的前景作出分析.阿富汗战争已进行9年,对它军事败局的原因见仁见智,本文对其进行了整理,提出了作者的看法.从2010年开始,阿富汗进入了喀布尔进程,美国将在一年后开始撤军,阿富汗政府将接管全部管理和安全职能.阿富汗处于历史的十字路口,对于它的前景,本文也予以探讨.  相似文献   

正Since 2011, the recovery of the world economy has beenthwarted while the South overmatching the North hascontinued unchanged. The slowdown of Western economieshas increased numerous risk factors: the sluggishness of USeconomy, intensified European debt crisis, and the negative  相似文献   

Most new democracies face serious internal, ethnic/separatist conflicts; in addition, some face international threats. The literature on the growth of democracy in the global system and its impact on world politics does not fully account for the dual threats all states must address in managing their security. Based on theoretical work by Starr (1994) which describes the "common logic" of conflict processes in war and revolution, we outline a model of how states respond to security threats from both external and internal sources. Using computer simulation, we analyze the model and evaluate the relative importance for state security of factors such as system size, numbers of democracies in the system, extraction/allocation strategy pursued by new democracies, and government legitimacy level. Our results show that new democracies thrive in systems that are predominantly democratic. Also, ally support can provide crucial resources for new democracies facing internal threats. Finally, "endangered" democracies can recover security by attempting to buy off domestic threats rather than deter them, and by improving legitimacy.  相似文献   

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