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350 grams asparagus150 grams green peppers1 gram (a pinch) salt1 gram MSG10 grams (1 tbsp) cooking sherry200 grams (1/2 cup) salad oil (50 grams to be consumed)50 grams (5 tbsp) clear stock15 grams (1 1/2 tbsp) mixture of cornstarch and waterCut off and discard asparagus stalks, clean remainder, and cut into sections 3 cm long. Wash the green peppers, remove seeds, and shred.Heat salad oil in a wok until 135 degrees Centigrade, add asparagus sections and shredded green peppers, stir-fry for a…  相似文献   

Presenting gifts is an important facet of Chinese etiquette. As such, it has signif icant social ramifi cations. On the one hand, as the Chinese saying goes, “A swan’s feather sent 1,000 miles may seem insignif icant, but the feeling it engenders is profound.” On the other, presenting an appropriately expensive gift can be crucial to cementing lucrative business relationships. Progres- sively changing gift-giving trends in each decade since the 1970s re? ect both China’s economic progres…  相似文献   

近年来,国内一些涉侨单位相继开展了未建交国家华侨华人社团的联谊工作,推动了我国与这些未建交国家之间的民间交流与良性互动.这无疑有利于促进未建交国家朝野对中国的了解,进而推动双边关系的发展.随着联谊工作的深人开展,如何认识其现实和深远意义,已经成为许多研究者关心的问题.本文谨以笔者初步的探索与思考,为方家提供引玉之砖.  相似文献   

胡锦涛同志在纪念党的十一届三中全会召开三十周年大会上强调指出:要深入贯彻落实科学发展观,着力把握发展规律、创新发展理念、转变发展方式、破解发展难题,加快建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,为发展中国特色社会主义打下坚实基础.  相似文献   


This chapter describes the processes believed to affect the performance of regional economies and the mechanisms that might connect these processes to the etiology of behavioral disorder. The initial findings of a major study of these linkages will also be summarized (based on Catalan &; Dooley, 1983; Dooley &; Catalano, 1984a, 1984b). The implications of this literature for economic policy and for the provision of mental health services are also surveyed.  相似文献   

ILMS are my passion. I visit DVD shops two or three times a week and constantly surf the Inter- net for the latest produc- tions. I saw my first film, a domestic pro- duction named Heroic Sons and Daugh- ters, at the age of four, and went on to watch it a further 20 times. This was not because of an obsessive love for the film but because I grew up during a restric- tive and isolated period, when cine-re- sources fell far short of the demands of a cinephile such as me. I grew up in the la…  相似文献   

Handle with Care     
THE Chinese people are justly proud of their food, martial arts and traditional medicine, regarding them as China's national treasure. Millions overseas enjoy Chinese cuisine, and also practice Chinese martial arts for physical fitness as well as selfdefense. But as far as traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is concerned, many have heard of it, but few put it to the test. The Huang Di Internal Canon written in the second century BC is to the Chinese what Hippocrates  相似文献   

Ink with Feeling     
IN the early 1980s, China issued a set of 16 stamps in commemoration of the artist Qi Baishi (1863- 1957). Each featured a work by the great ink and wash master. The image on stamp number five was created in 1957, inspired by a line from an ancient poem: "Frogs are heard in a mountain brook miles away." The story of how this work came about reveals much about the philosophy behind traditional Chinese painting.  相似文献   

解读宽严相济的刑事政策   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
宽严相济的刑事政策是继惩办与宽大相结合、严厉打击刑事犯罪的刑事政策之后新中国刑事政策的新发展。这一政策是在创建和谐社会背景下进行刑事政策调整的表现,是纠正严厉打击犯罪的刑事政策,应对犯罪复杂化现象,有效节省刑罚资源、社会资源和刑事司法资源的重要举措,也是适应公众对于犯罪容忍度增强后的政策调整。宽严相济的刑事政策不仅是刑事司法政策,也是刑事立法政策,应当准确理解这两种政策的关系。  相似文献   

依法治国与以德治国相结合 ,是人类历史经验教训的深刻总结。五十年社会主义建设实践的反思 ,使我们深刻认识到 ,建设中国特色社会主义 ,全面实现小康社会的奋斗目标 ,依法治国与以德治国相结合的治国方略 ,符合中国现实社会的实际国情 ,是马克思主义在中国的新发展。法能治国 ,德也能治国 ,治国有法 ,但法无定法 ,贵在得法。这才是真正的马克思主义者所要坚持的唯物主义辩证法。  相似文献   

涉网犯罪在刑事案件发案中所占比例呈上升趋势,利用网络为犯罪提供各种服务的刑事案件越来越普遍.文章结合各种形式的涉网犯罪,对涉网犯罪案件利用网络寻找犯罪对象、准备犯罪工具、联络同伙、实施犯罪、销赃等情况进行仔细剖析,帮助侦查人员了解涉网犯罪,发现犯罪与网络具有的联系,为研究涉网犯罪侦查提供思路.  相似文献   

江泽民同志的“七一”讲话 ,在总结中国共产党80周年的奋斗历史和国内外发展社会主义事业正反两方面的历史经验基础上 ,提出了“马克思主义具有与时俱进的理论品质”的重要论断 ,并站在时代的高度要求全党必须以与时俱进的科学态度对待马克思主义。这一论断高度概括了马克思主义理论最本质的方面和最主要的优点。认识和把握马克思主义与时俱进的理论品质 ,了解马克思主义理论发展和无产阶级政党及其社会主义事业发展的内在联系 ,以与时俱进的科学态度对待马克思主义 ,对学习和领会江泽民同志“七一”讲话精神 ,自觉实践“三个代表”的重要…  相似文献   

坚持集体领导与民主集中,是我们党的领导的最高原则。党的十五届六中全会《决定》指出: “集体领导,民主集中,个别酝酿,会议决定,是党委内部议事和决策的基本制度”。这“十六字方针”是民主集中制原则在党委工作中的具体化。贯彻“十六字方针”应处理好书记与委员、书记办公会与常委会、常委会与全委会、全委会与党的代表大会的关系。  相似文献   

THE fifth-generation Chinese film directors of the late 1980s, so ostensibly indifferent to the sal- ability of their works, ironically enough now constitute, along with sixth-gen- eration directors fresh from the "under- ground," the commercial backbone of the Chinese film industry. It seems that recent generations of Chinese filmmakers have, as a matter of natural progression, unconsciously taken on a new role as a result of public rec- ognition and pressure from the market economy. Zhang …  相似文献   

ZHANG Xin returned from a trip to Yunnan with a haul of fresh goods. Barely pausing for breath she snapped each item with her digital camera and uploaded the shots onto her infant e-store, attaching an appealing caption to each one. Last month, her e-store sprouted its first tooth of profit. "Though the profit margin is small, I enjoy this way of doing business," says Zhang Xin. Zhang deals in special local  相似文献   

AS recently as twenty years ago there was nil likelihood of seeing an overweight person on any Chinese street. Hard physical labor and limited rations were among the main reasons. Today, one in five Beijingers is obese. Why? Specialists blame modernization and resultant changes in lifestyle.  相似文献   

现代社会是经济与法律全面渗透、有机联系的统一体。在有限的资源条件下,我们应将合理的经济分析方法融入到立法工作中,从实证和规范双方面预测与评价法律,形成科学完整的法律体系,为我国法治建设开辟道路,并为社会创造最大效益。  相似文献   

赵继新 《北京观察》2007,(10):43-44
只有理解CRD才能认可CRD在2006年12月8日石景山区十次党代会审议通过《打造北京CRD,构建和谐石景山,为建设现代化首都新城区而努力奋斗》的报告中,对CRD的表述进行了调整,赋予了CRD新的内涵,将"首都休闲娱乐中心区"调  相似文献   

IF architecture is frozen music,as German polymath Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once said,then China’s premier cities are filled with towering symphonies. Up-and-coming metropolises seem  相似文献   

:HONGXIUPINGisverysatisfiedwithhislifedHehadunfinder'tnndinoandsupportivewith,ahannoniousfamilyandasuccessfulcareerasthemanagerofaprivateclub,calledthePeaceClub.Heknowsthathemadetherightchoicetlveyearsago,whenhedecidedtoreturntoChinafromtheUS.HongisanativeofHangzhouinZhejiangProvince.In1989,hewasadmittedtoPurdueUniversityintheUSwithafullscholarship,wherehestudiedinternationalrelations.SpeakingfluentEnglishtoday,HongwasnotagoodstudentinhisEnglishclasswhilehewasamiddleschoolstudent."I…  相似文献   

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