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We studied the trend in the number of forensic-medical examinations in trials against obstetricians and gynecologists conducted in Primorsky Region in 1997-2005. Most typical defects in obstetric-gynecological care are characterized. These cases are analysed in terms of forensic-medical practice. Detection and forensic-medical analysis of the above defects contribute to optimization of the diagnosis and treatment both in obstetric-gynecological practice and in wide medical practice.  相似文献   

The authors show the necessity of elaboration and practical application of normative documents (standards) and forensic-medical criterions of assessment of defects in obstetric-gynecological medical aid. The examples of the above assessment are given in the article.  相似文献   

法视野下的过度医疗行为分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
过度医疗是医疗费用居高不下的主要原因之一,有很大的社会危害性,根源在于医疗行业的过度市场化,但因医疗行业的特殊性等原因,法律武器一直未起到应有的作用。为此要明确医疗过度的概念、表现、性质、要件、民事赔偿等问题,在实践中要正确区分过度医疗与适度医疗的界限,尤其要完善相关制度,解决医疗过度维权的难点和“症结”—举证和鉴定问题。  相似文献   

The notions of an unfavorable outcome as accepted in medical practice as well as those of defected medical care and of iatrogeny are presented in the paper alongside with examples from forensic medical practice. An algorithm is suggested for the thanatogenetic analysis applicable to detection and evaluation of the cause-and-effect relations between the therapeutic-and-diagnostic measures, on the one hand, and the above outcome, on the other hand. Risk criteria are substantiated with reference to medical practice. Finally, a objective assessment scheme is suggested to confirm that the diagnostic and treatment tools, related with a higher risk, were justifiable.  相似文献   

Retail medical clinics are an innovation in health care with the potential to increase access to low-cost basic health care services while changing the delivery model for routine, non-urgent medical care. However, the few states that attempted to directly regulate retail medical clinics have been met with criticism by the FTC due to the proposed legislations' anticompetitive undertones. The relationship between retail medical clinics and the host stores or pharmacies that house them has the potential to spark fraud and abuse concerns. Retail medical clinics must abide by state-specific regulation on scope of practice of the various mid-level practitioners who work for the clinics, particularly to minimize exposure to litigation and keep within the clinics' intended purpose of a supplement to primary care physician offices. The author concludes that the consumer benefits of cost and convenience, combined with the potential for growth and expanded consumer base from a retailers' perspective, make the legal challenge inherent in running a retail medical clinic well worth the effort.  相似文献   

The authors analyze the flaws in medical care rendered at various public health institutions by the results of 2436 expert committee conclusions, verified at bureaus of forensic medical expert evaluations. The essence and causes of these defects at the hospital and prehospital stages of medical care, rendered by physicians of different specializations and nurses, are analyzed.  相似文献   

This Article discusses the rights of prisoners, pretrial detainees, and the involuntarily committed to receive high-cost medical treatments. More specifically, the Article analyzes U.S. Supreme Court and lower court case law dealing with the medical care rights of those in state custody and argues that, under a proper understanding of this case law, the financial considerations of states should play no role in determining the rights of these people to receive high-cost medical care. Finally, the Article defends the current medical care standard against various critiques.  相似文献   

Research on increased medical care costs associated with posttraumatic sequelae has focused on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, the provisional diagnosis of Disorders of Extreme Stress Not Otherwise Specified (DESNOS) encompasses broader trauma-related difficulties and may be uniquely related to medical costs. We investigated whether DESNOS severity was associated with greater nonmental health medical care costs in veterans receiving mental health care. Participants were 106 men and 105 women receiving VA outpatient mental health treatment. A standardized interview assessed DESNOS severity. The dependent variables consisted of primary and specialty medical treatment costs. Sequential zero-inflated negative binomial regression was used to evaluate the variance in medical costs accounted for by DESNOS severity, controlling for PTSD severity and established predisposing, enabling, and need-based health care factors. Contrary to our hypothesis, in fully adjusted models, DESNOS severity independently added a significant amount of variance to lower specialty medical care costs, whereas PTSD did not consistently account for significant variance in medical care costs. Greater DESNOS severity appears to be associated with lower specialty medical care costs but not primary care costs. These findings may indicate that patients with DESNOS symptoms are at risk for being underreferred for specialty care.  相似文献   

病历是医院最常见的文书之一。在法律上,病历也充当着重要的证据作用。在医疗纠纷中,病历是一把双刃剑,高质量的病历可以是医务人员的保护伞,反之则会是其最大的敌人。但是在医务人员在医疗纠纷中篡改病历的现象并不少见。关于篡改的病历的证据作用以及对相关人员的处理,国内外学者存在着不同的认识。  相似文献   

Personal health care and medical treatment information are both personal information which can be used as a sign to identify each individual. Such information shall be under the control of the owner. The comprehensiveness of personal health care and medical treatment information makes it more valuable than the simplex personal information. The controlling right of personal health care and medical treatment information is irretrievable once deprived. The rights of controlling, managing and using regarding personal health care and medical treatment information can be separated appropriately. The right of privacy is an independent personality right. For the protection of public interests, the right of personal privacy shall be appropriately limited. Meanwhile, the government shall be responsible for the protection of personal health care and medical treatment information. Tang Xiaotian is a professor and supervisor in charge of the development and planning division of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, and deputy General Secretary-in-chief of the Society of Law of Shanghai, whose main studies is focused on victim science, criminal law and criminology. Till now, he has 8 monographs and over 90 articles published in academic journals.  相似文献   

Fifty-one conclusions of forensic expert medical committees on criminal and civil cases instituted against private medical institutions and physicians are analyzed. Sixteen expert evaluations concerned dental care, 15 were on cosmetic operations, etc. Flaws in medical care, their causes and consequences are analyzed. Tentative expert evaluation of similar cases is made.  相似文献   

完善医疗制度 缓和医患关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会的发展,医疗纠纷数量日趋增多,成为卫生部门、医院、医生的最大难题,是继医疗改革之后的又一备受社会各界关注的热门话题,医患关系成为社会最不和谐的声音。医患关系紧张、医疗纠纷增多与我国目前相关制度、法规不健全有极大的关系。本文探讨通过建全相关制度、法规以缓和医患矛盾的问题,试图寻找合理处理医疗纠纷的办法。  相似文献   

我国医疗损害责任中医务人员注意义务的标准   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医务人员的注意义务是衡量其在医疗活动中是否存在过失的前提,我国即将实施的《侵权责任法》对医务人员的注意义务的标准未作详尽规定,本文通过比较普通法系国家和日本相关的规定,从而指出我国医务人员的注意义务的标准。  相似文献   

瑞典完善的医疗保障制度是高福利国家的缩影。瑞典医疗保障具有医疗保障高福利性、公平性和适宜性三个特点。瑞典高福利下的医疗保障也面临高税收、老龄化、低效率、医疗福利诈骗等挑战。我国应从瑞典医疗保险制度中得到启示,坚持全民医保的目标,医疗保障水平的提高应选择循序渐进的路径。  相似文献   

《侵权责任法》规定了过错责任原则作为医疗过错归责的基本原则。根据现代侵权法理论,医疗过错的评断已经建立了客观的判定标准,即医疗注意义务。本文对医疗过错的基本理论、医疗过错的判断标准以及在认定医疗过错中应考虑的客观因素进行阐述,以期增强医疗行为的法律意识,提高司法审判的公正性和效率性。  相似文献   

The authors define the notions of defects in medical care (DMC) in accordance with the new Criminal Code and Regulations for Estimating Harm to Health (Order No. 407 of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of December 10, 1996). Definitions of DMC, flaws in organization, diagnosis, and treatment, etc., at the prehospital and hospital stage of medical care are defined. List of the main components of DMC and their causes is presented.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1993,58(110):32445-32446
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is amending regulations which pertain to the authorization for contract non-VA hospital care and medical services for veterans. The Veterans Health Care Act of 1992 provides that veterans with a total disability permanent in nature from a service-connected disability may be authorized contract non-VA hospital care and medical services. Contract care may be authorized only if the VA facility is not capable of furnishing the care required, or is not capable of furnishing economical care or services because of geographical inaccessibility. This amendment will make the regulations consistent with the law.  相似文献   

Discusses modern approaches to evaluation of the quality of medical care in cases when civil action is brought against medical people for inflicting damage to health leading to unfavorable outcomes. Emphasizes the need in developing a special organization model of medical care quality and efficacy control system, which should be based on universal principles, notions, and adequate tests and evaluations.  相似文献   

医疗机构因医院感染应承担的法律责任探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医院感染是影响病人安全、医疗质量和增加医疗费用的重要原因。当患者因医院感染受到损害时,医疗机构是否应当承担赔偿责任,医患双方可能各执一词。本文根据《侵权责任法》与《医院感染管理办法》分析、讨论医疗机构因医院感染而应承担的法律责任。  相似文献   

Dr. Eisenberg's paper presents a vision of the medical staff from the point of view of a practicing physician and medical staff leader. Dr. Eisenberg focuses on ways the medical staff, as an independent entity, may use the collective clinical knowledge and experience of its physician membership to enhance quality. This paper also presents Dr. Eisenberg's unique insights regarding the interplay and conflict between hospitals and their associated medical staff in today's complex health care delivery system. He provides several suggestions to increase cooperation between these two important components of inpatient care.  相似文献   

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