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罗海明  汪国华 《政法学刊》2008,25(1):125-128
恶势力违法犯罪团伙,拉拢腐蚀基层治安人员、竭力寻求"保护伞"趋势明显;从其自身规模实力看,抗打击能力低,脆弱性特征明显;从其运转方式看,大多结构松散,雇用式特征明显;从其对社会的冲击方式来看,隐蔽性特征明显。政府对无业人员的管理缺位,法律法规的不完善以及打黑除恶专业队伍建设的滞后,为恶势力团伙提供了滋生发展的空间。应针对恶势力团伙的特点、形成原因入手,寻求对恶势力团伙的打击防范之策。  相似文献   

刑法修改是立法机关根据社会需要以及犯罪发展态势,适时针对不合理的刑法规范与条文作出相应修改的一种立法活动。从刑法修改的范围来看,有全面修改与部分修改两种形式;从修改所采取的载体形式看,有刑法典修改、单行刑法修改与附属刑法修改等形式;从修改所涉及的内容看,有废止型修改、修订型修改与补充型修改几种形式。刑法修改必须针对特定对象与内容采取不同的修改形式,刑法修正案不应当成为刑法修改的唯一途径,特别是对行政犯而言,更应该采取附属刑法的立法与修改形式。  相似文献   

论犯罪构成与犯罪阻却事由的关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
从刑事立法角度而言 ,犯罪阻却事由与犯罪构成是基于同一虚拟事实所设定的具有不同内容要求的法律规范形式 ,两者是一种并列关系 ;从刑事司法角度而言 ,犯罪构成与犯罪阻却事由是基于同一事实而引用的具有不同价值取向的价值评价体系 ,两者是一种基础与上层的关系  相似文献   

广东流动人口违法犯罪从分布情况看,呈现明显的地域和行业特征。从纠合方式看,以地缘为主,大多结构松散,反应迅速。从主体类型看,分为外省人员主体型、省内外市人员主体型和境外黑社会组织成员渗透型。从违法犯罪客观方面看,暴力性特征明显,违法犯罪类型多样化。这是因为少数地方和部门对流动人口中违法犯罪团伙认识不足、重视不够。流动人员生活环境的改变,致使流动人员处于不受规制状态。流动人口的流动呈明显的无序性、盲目性特征,缺乏规范和引导。法律、法规不适应当前形势的需要,存在打击盲点。应该切实提高认识,把打击、防控流动人口中违法犯罪团伙工作摆上党委、政府的重要议事日程;加强与外省来粤务工人员流出地的沟通协作,构建流动人口流出地与流入地共管体制;突出重点,强化服务,切实做好流动人口的服务和维权工作;整合资源,构建整体作战格局,提高打击、防控流动人口中违法犯罪团伙的质量和效率。  相似文献   

牛旭 《行政与法》2011,(8):95-99
《道路交通安全法》第110条中的吊销驾驶证,从行政法角度而言,是行政的强制执行。用吊销驾驶证之"手段"去追求处罚当事人放弃合法听审权利之"目的",手段与目的间并不存在实质之内在联系或合理正当之连结关系,属于立法上违反"不当连结禁止原则"。从宪法角度看,是对人民工作基本权的侵害,且这种侵害已达侵害最强烈之职业禁止的程度,...  相似文献   

熊永明 《政法论丛》2021,(1):126-137
刑法规定越来越细微精巧,罪名种类越来越繁琐复杂,罪状表达越来越详尽具体.但从哲学视角看,过于精细的刑法规定有悖质量相统一理论和辩证认识论理论;从法理学视角看,过于精细的刑法规定违背法的稳定性、法的模糊性和法的精简性理论;从法学实践视角看,过于精细的刑法规定制约刑法适用并且影响对刑法的理解;从刑法方法思维视角看,过于精细...  相似文献   

认罪案件办理机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
认罪是犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的一项权利,是他们对所指控之罪的承认。它可发生在侦查阶段、审查起诉阶段或审判阶段。从程序法意义上看,认罪是一种法律行为,可引起某种特定刑事诉讼程序的发生、改变或终结;从实体法意义上看,认罪可导致犯罪嫌疑人、被告人刑罚被减轻或免除。我国认罪案件办理机制存在的主要问题是:该机制的独立价值未得到充分彰显;司法实务部门对该机制的探索性实践有违法之嫌;程序设计具有一定的不合理性,影响了该机制充分发挥其功能;相关配套制度不健全,难以保证认罪的自愿性。对我国认罪案件办理机制的完善,应从确认机制、快速办理机制、激励机制和弹劾机制等4个方面进行体系性的思考和安排。  相似文献   

This research is an exploratory test of two hypotheses emerging from debates about how police behavior may influence domestic violence victim reporting. From a procedural justice perspective, victims should be more apt to report victimization when previous encounters with police are viewed as procedurally fair. From a distributive justice perspective, denying victims their preferred outcome may discourage future police utilization. We find that satisfaction with police is related to both distributive and procedural justice but that re-utilization of police is conditioned by preferred outcome. Specifically, if the offender was arrested in accordance with victim preference, the victim is significantly more apt to utilize police in the future.  相似文献   

"周期率"问题是1945年黄炎培与毛泽东延安窑洞对话中(即著名的"延安窑洞对")提出的一个重要话题。自谈话以来,成为迄今为止不断引起理论家和政治家们讨论的一个重要政治、法律、历史和实践问题。从国家治理视角看,黄炎培提出的周期率问题实质上是一个"国家治理效能的时空延展递减率"问题;从"地地得人,人人得事"这一句话中,可以发现黄炎培对"地方自治观"情有独钟;从毛泽东的"动商"以及反科层官僚主义的政治性格中,可以理解毛泽东为什么是一位坚定的"运动民主论"的开拓者和践行者;从邓小平的个人经历,以及他对"文革"的深刻反思中,可以理解邓小平"民主法治观"的政治关切所在;"地方自治观""运动民主观"与"民主法治观"实质上都是解决中国历史周期率问题的不同方案,如果能够实现三者间的通融即"通三统",我们将更有希望真正跳出历史周期率。  相似文献   

吴平 《行政与法》2010,(1):64-66
我国刑法关于管制附加剥夺政治权利的规定的合理性存在疑问。从刑罚的内容上审视,剥夺政治权利的主要内容基本包含于管制之中 从刑罚的对象上审视,管制可以附加剥夺政治权利的适用范围十分狭窄 从刑罚的适用上审视,管制附加剥夺政治权利带来操作上的诸多麻烦。因此,管制附加剥夺政治权利的规定应取消为宜。  相似文献   

近代宪法学说有个发展过程。这个过程既是向西方学习的过程,同时也是国人不断反省传统的与既存的制度与文化的过程。在此过程中,国人为了早日改变积贫积弱落后挨打的被动局面、实现迅速崛立于世界富强国家民族之林的梦想,努力地拿西方先进的东西特别是西方宪法和宪政来改造中国。此处尝试把近代宪法学说的发展过程划分成四个阶段,以便更清晰地理出近代宪政运动先行者的求索历程,努力从宪法学说理论及其实践的结合上展现出中国近代宪法学说和宪政运动的演进路线,探析其中的经验和教训,以期为当前蓬勃发展的新时期宪法学说理论和宪政建设的健康实践提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

狄世深 《河北法学》2008,26(3):115-120
刑事政策概念是刑事政策研究的首要问题。刑事政策的实践古已有之,但刑事政策的概念却出现得比较晚,一般认为,"刑事政策"一词,开始使用于18世纪末的德国。在对国外学者、我国台湾学者以及我国内地学者诸多观点分别进行述评的基础上认为,下一个世界通用而又简明的刑事政策定义是比较困难的。从刑事政策制定者的角度出发,可以认为:我国(内地)的刑事政策是我们党和国家为了有效地打击和预防犯罪,依据我国一定时期的犯罪态势及其成因而制定的一系列行动准则。这是一个狭义上的刑事政策概念,它可以进一步被分成基本的刑事政策和具体的刑事政策。若从刑事政策研究者的角度出发,为了能使其研究更为深入和有效,则应从广义上把握刑事政策的概念。  相似文献   


Enforcement intensity towards drug law offences in Denmark has increased since 2004, making Denmark one of the few Western countries that is heading towards a more repressive drug control approach. The aim of this study is to examine patterns and correlates of drug enforcement intensity over time. Policy documents and criminal statistics on drug law offences, from 1996 to 2017, are analysed in the context of the rationality perspective and the theory of policy coherence. Time series analyses and bivariate tests of statistical significance are used to examine enforcement intensity over time, between seasons, and in the gender and ethnic composition of convictions. Three periods are identified, delineated by documents that set forth drug policy aims. From 1996 to 2003, a series of qualitative changes to the legal framework was introduced, followed by a quantitative increase in enforcement pressure from 2004 to 2010 with a focus on Copenhagen. From 2011 to 2017, other regions of the country also increased enforcement. The increased intensity in drug control followed a period of increasing cannabis prevalence rates. The increase in reported minor drug law offences correlated with increased seasonal variations and increased disparity in the gender and ethnicity of convicted individuals.


马岭 《法律科学》2014,(6):181-187
建国六十多年,关于国家主席的规定在《宪法》上有着较为明显的变化。1954年至1959年期间,国家主席是事实上的实权元首。1959年至1966年期间"双主席制"蕴涵着政治危机。1966年至1982年期间,国家主席制度受到严重破坏,最终导致其不复存在。1982年至1993年期间再现"双主席制"。1993年至今,《宪法》虽然屡次修改,但关于国家主席的条文变化很少,然而在实践中再次出现了国家主席权力扩充的现象。在我们对国家主席制度作历史回顾的时候,不能仅仅局限于宪法规范层面的视角,还应从规范与事实两个方面进行分析。  相似文献   

知识产权本质的多维度解读   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:25  
吴汉东 《中国法学》2006,(5):97-106
从价值目标和制度功能的多维角度出发,可以对知识产权的本质进行不同的描述:在私人层面,它是知识财产私有的权利形态;在国家层面,它是政府公共政策的制度选择;在国际层面,它是世界贸易体制的基本规则。上述三个范畴并非是知识产权的全部品性,但或许是关于知识产权本质的基本认识。  相似文献   

经过几个世纪的变迁,英国现在有出庭律师、事务律师和王室顾问等几个不同的律师职业阶层。这些律师工作的侧重点不一样,对专业知识的要求也不同,他们共同构成了英国律师界的一个有机整体。针对目前存在的是否需要将出庭律师与事务律师两种职业合并的争议,从历史的角度考证英国律师制度的发展沿革,介绍与之相关的英国法学教育和律师培训的一些特点,可以得出二者之合并不可能在一朝一夕完成的结论。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the role that fathers play when it comes to family responsibility, in particular the care of young children, and how EU policy and legislation have contributed to it. This is important for several reasons. From a theoretical perspective, access to care for fathers represents the other side of the access to paid employment for mothers debate, and completes the deconstruction of the two‐sphere structure. From a more practical point of view, including fathers in the work/family life reconciliation debate is essential for the achievement of important EU policies, such as employment and gender equality. Although society is ready for a change, the legislator has been slow to address it, thus fathers are still missing from the EU's reconciliation policy and legislation. Against this background, the decision of the Court of Justice in Roca Álvarez has, potentially, laid down the basis for a new model of fatherhood.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2014,54(2):170-179
In this paper the insights and results are presented of a long term and ongoing improvement effort within the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) to establish a valuable innovation programme. From the overall perspective of the role and use of forensic science in the criminal justice system, the concepts of Forensic Information Value Added (FIVA) and Forensic Information Value Efficiency (FIVE) are introduced. From these concepts the key factors determining the added value of forensic investigations are discussed; Evidential Value, Relevance, Quality, Speed and Cost. By unravelling the added value of forensic science and combining this with the future needs and scientific and technological developments, six forensic grand challenges are introduced: i) Molecular Photo-fitting; ii) chemical imaging, profiling and age estimation of finger marks; iii) Advancing Forensic Medicine; iv) Objective Forensic Evaluation; v) the Digital Forensic Service Centre and vi) Real time In-Situ Chemical Identification. Finally, models for forensic innovation are presented that could lead to major international breakthroughs on all these six themes within a five year time span. This could cause a step change in the added value of forensic science and would make forensic investigative methods even more valuable than they already are today.  相似文献   

Close co-operation between forensic scientists, medico-legal doctors, and police forces made it possible to estimate not only the post-mortem interval but also the time since a child was neglected. On the skin surface under the diaper (anal-genital area), third instar larvae of the false stable fly Muscina stabulans FALLEN, and the lesser house fly Fannia canicularis L. were found. F. canicularis adults are attracted to both feces and urine. From the face, larvae of the bluebottle fly Calliphora vomitoria L. were collected. C. vomitoria maggots are typical early inhabitants of corpses. From the developmental times of the flies, it was estimated that the anal-genital area of the child had not been cleaned for about 14 days (7-21 day range), and that death occurred only 6-8 days prior to discovery of the body. This is the first report where an examination of the maggot fauna on a person illustrated neglect that had occurred prior to death.  相似文献   

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