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The article examines the concept of transparency and its effect on international crises. It tests two possible logics of transparency, one positive and one negative. In the former, transparency is seen as defusing international crises by illuminating other states' peaceful intentions and ameliorating the security dilemma. In the latter, transparency is seen as exacerbating crises by overwhelming diplomatic signals with the noise of domestic politics and confusing opponents about which domestic voices are authoritative expressions of state policy. The authors conclude that, surprisingly, transparency makes conflicts worse more often than not—a conclusion that casts doubt on one possible explanation ofthe democratic peace.  相似文献   

This essay describes the four broad themes that emerged from our discussionabout the role of process in cross-cultural negotiations and considerstheir implications for future research. First, we address the nature of theconflict, in particular whether a negotiation is classified as a dispute or atransactional exchange. Second, we contrast the role of cognition and rapportin negotiations and consider when rapport replaces the centrality ofcognition. We also discuss the extent to which negotiating processes createrelationships based on trust or power, and consider how cultural valuesinfluence the development of these underlying relationships. Finally, weconsider the role of culture in defining what is perceived as an optimal outcomeand raise the possibility that suboptimal outcomes may holdsymbolic value in cross-cultural negotiations.  相似文献   

The Taiwan issue concerns Chinese people living in the mainland and in Taiwan.Its peaceful resolution can be achieved through negotiations between the two sides.Unprecedented progress has been made since the KMT came back to power in Taiwan.On December 31,2008,at an event to mark the 30th anniversary of the Message to Compatriots in Taiwan,Chinese President Hu Jintao stressed the need to deepen cross-Strait exchanges and cooperation,and said that negotiations should be considered as an important way to promote the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations.On May 20,2012,Ma Ying-jeou said in his second term inaugural speech that:In the next four years,the two sides of the Taiwan Strait should explore new areas of cooperation,continue to consolidate peace and expand prosperity,and deepen mutual trust.  相似文献   

In this study, we have explored the use of mobile phones during negotiations. Specifically, we examined the effects that multitasking — reading messages on a mobile phone while negotiating face to face — had on the outcome achieved in a negotiation, as well as on perceptions of professionalism, trustworthiness, and satisfaction. Using an experimental design in a face‐to‐face dyadic negotiation, we found that multitasking negotiators achieved lower payoffs and were perceived as less professional and less trustworthy by their partners.  相似文献   

In March 2010,eight APEC countries,namely the U.S.,Australia,New Zealand,Singapore,Brunei,Chile,Peru and Vietnam officially launched the inter-governmental negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement(TPP).This new FTA in the Asia-Pacific region,featuring comprehensive and high demands for liberalisation,rapid advancement and strict negotiation timetable  相似文献   

Complex negotiations have been conducted for a long time, although until somewhat recently analysts had yet to conceptualize their fundamental nature, their essential elements, and the relationship between these elements. Over the past forty years, however, scholars have gained increasing understanding of the forces that shape negotiation complexity. In this article, I first review literature that has explored complex negotiations, which is found primarily in negotiation studies, and studies of international negotiation. I then develop a five‐part theoretical framework for analyzing complex negotiations: (1) identification of negotiation architecture, (2) context analysis, (3) process analysis, (4) structural and relational analysis, and (5) decisional analysis. I then demonstrate the utility of this five‐part framework by examining the U.S.–Australia Free Trade negotiations that produced the Australia–U.S. Free Trade Agreement of 2005. Finally, the article closes with some observations on complex negotiations and their analysis.  相似文献   

本文认为,历时八年的中美双边投资协定谈判(BIT)之所以未能在奥巴马总统任期内完成,主要是因为双方在核心利益诉求上存在的冲突。这种冲突主要集中在国有企业、投资者和东道国争端解决机制、知识产权保护及劳工和环保等四个条款。这种冲突体现了两国在规则制定上的分歧。而导致这种冲突的主要原因,则包括不同的制度性因素、对国家安全因素的考量、全球经济格局中的大国竞争以及国际经济规则重塑中的规则之争。基于目前中美两国之间紧密的经济相互依赖关系,特别是中美双边投资拥有巨大的增长空间,中美BIT谈判具备了从冲突走向趋同的基础。在走向趋同的过程中,中国应该重视对美方的要价及其政策决策过程的分析、双方都应该妥善对待国家安全审查这一问题、坚持以共同但有区别这一理念制定BIT规则以及积极推进中美新型大国关系的构建。  相似文献   

The negotiation literature has extensively examined the topic of power and how it can be wielded. Numerous frameworks have been created and utilized in the various treatises on negotiations; analyzing the power differential in any given situation is a common teaching technique. However, despite this focus on the topic, discussions of power have been mainly focused on negotiations in the private sector. As a result, many of the most common frameworks are oriented toward this type of situation, resulting in a clumsy application to a public-sector negotiation. Given the growing importance of negotiations to public-sector leaders, we provide a new structure for analyzing power that can be utilized in such situations. For a municipal leader confronted with a complex public-private partnership, it is important to have the right tools to use when examining the power dynamics at play. After examining several current models of power, as well as other writings on the topic in negotiation and strategy literature, we present a new model. This model divides power into different categories based on whether it stems from formal or informal mechanisms, and then offers several specific forms relevant to the public sector. We then use this new model to examine a case study involving the new mayor of Manchester, New Hampshire and her efforts to negotiate a better response to the opioid and homelessness crisis. This case study illustrates the unique nature of public sector negotiations and provides a roadmap for negotiators looking to use our new framework.  相似文献   

Transformation is not a new concept in the conflict literature. It forms the foundation for a particular school of thought in mediation and plays a major role in the analysis of international conflicts. More-over, it shapes the goals and processes for managing public conflicts through dialogue and democracy. Although transformation surfaces in a variety of conflict management arenas, this concept has received only a modicum of attention in the negotiation literature. This article centers on the definition and features of critical moments in negotiation that might foster conflict transformation. It draws from the literature on conflict transformation and applies this work to negotiations. First, the author explores the definitions, characteristics, and types of shifts that set up transformations. Then she examines internal and external factors that contribute to transformative moments. Finally, the essay concludes with a discussion of distinctions between transformation and related constructs, suggestions for conducting research, and implications of this work for negotiation research.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of state actors, organization agencies, and individual agents in diplomatic interactions and negotiations. States as diplomatic actors, organizations as diplomatic agencies, and individuals as diplomatic agents enter into complex and interdependent relationships. Proposing a three‐level analysis of interstate interactions and diplomatic negotiations, I argue that no diplomatic negotiation happens without interactions between parties at the state, organizational, and individual levels. The agency–structure paradigm provides a conceptual framework for understanding behavioral and structural properties of international interactions and their influence on diplomatic negotiations. Diplomatic negotiation employs specific forms of interaction, using a distinct language, protocol norms, symbols, ceremonies, and rituals. The state's “self” (as a social conception of its identity, values, and interests) affects the process of diplomatic negotiation. By managing, organizing, and improving international interactions at the actor, agency, and agent levels, negotiating parties can advance the process and effectiveness of diplomatic negotiation.  相似文献   

Negotiation researchers have conducted a large number of experimental lab studies to identify the factors that affect negotiation outcomes, but it remains unclear whether those results can be generalized to real‐world negotiations. To explore this question, we analyzed the dynamic international iron ore annual negotiations that took place from 2005 to 2009. We found evidence that supports two important findings from previous experiments. Specifically, we focused on the impact of negotiators’ best alternatives and first offers on negotiation prices using multiple case study analysis. We found that iron ore prices increased more when the gap between the previous year's negotiated price and the price on the alternative spot market, a public market in which commodities are traded for immediate delivery, was larger, which suggested that buyers were sensitive to the strength of this alternative, supporting the literature on the role of alternatives. We also found that the first offer price significantly influenced the final price. Our findings extend two important experimental findings from the negotiation literature to large‐scale business negotiations in the real world.  相似文献   

In this article, I explore the notion that ethics, far from being a check or drag on negotiator power, can actually help to enhance it. As the example of Nelson Mandela negotiating with the South African government showed, ethics (or at least the perception of being ethical) can be a major source of power, diminishing or even neutralizing many other weaknesses. I explore some of the principal ethical dilemmas facing negotiators and illustrate the sometimes surprising ways that "right" ethical choices can actually increase negotiator power. This occurs not only in the more superficial case of instrumental or even prudential ethics, (the province of "saints" and "sharks"), where "right" behavior is employed to gain short-term advantage or to improve long-term negotiator reputation, but even more so in the case of intrinsic "principled" negotiation, where the "right" thing is done for its own sake. As in the case of the medieval Japanese samurai, ethics can be a major source of power. This thesis is then illustrated anecdotally in three practical examples, leading to a proposal for how to deepen and apply this lesson to negotiation analysis and practice.  相似文献   

14世纪初,在明朝的支持下,满剌加取得独立,并迅速发展成为东南亚国际贸易的中心。然而,16世纪初葡萄牙殖民者侵入东南亚,占领了满剌加,导致东南亚国际形势发生剧变,从根本上动摇了以“朝贡”制度为基础的“华夷秩序”。面对这一空前的变局,明朝最高统治者愚昧无知,不了解世界大势,做出不合时宜的反应与决策;加之明朝国力式微,缺乏坚强的实力作后盾,在对葡交涉中软弱无力,其结果只能是坐视满剌加的灭亡,从此我国丧失了在东南亚原有的地位,东南亚逐步沦为西方的势力范围。  相似文献   

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