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FIVE years after the onset of the global financial crisis the world economy is finally revving up - a recovery led by emerging economies that include China. Tables 1 and 2 below show that, despite a slowdown compared with last year, the year-on-year and quarter-to-quarter growth rate of the Chinese economy still outpaces that of the U.S.  相似文献   

中华经济体与台湾经济的出路   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在全球经济一体化与经济区域化的潮流中 ,中国大陆经济与台湾、香港经济经过 2 0年来经贸关系的发展后 ,已初步形成一个市场和一个经济体。这个经济体将逐步成熟。这是一个必然趋势。台湾经济进入 2 1世纪后 ,处于衰落状态。其原因虽然与国际经济不景气有关 ,但其内部政经存在的问题更为重要。台湾经济今后要能继续顺利发展 ,根本出路在于顺应中华经济体的发展趋势 ,实现两岸直接“三通”和经贸关系正常化 ,借助大陆与东盟自由贸易区的逐步建立 ,增强与东盟的经济关系 ,才不会趋于边陲化  相似文献   

A critical element in China's current economic reform program is the creation of modern corporate governance structures in its corporations. Many of China's largest firms are caught between market incentives and political pressures, creating a situation ripe for managerial inefficiency. This article examines the financial and regulatory structures necessary for an efficient corporate governance system to function in China, and it assesses how these structures currently operate in the economy. The article identifies key failures in fostering modern corporate governance practices, which in turn jeopardize central elements of the government's reform program. The article includes a case study of the governance practices of PetroChina Company Ltd, the internationally listed subsidiary of China National Petroleum Corporation. The success or failure of the government's efforts to create proper governance mechanisms will carry important economic and political ramifications for China. Indeed, the successful implementation of corporate governance reforms may mark the final stages of China's evolution into a market economy.  相似文献   

At the 12th APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) informal leadership meeting held in late 2004, Chinese President Hu Jintao stated that a comprehensive analysis of various factors showed that in 2005, the Chinese economy would maintain stable and relatively rapid development, and that neither the overheated economic growth, nor "hard landing" predicted in some economic circles would occur.  相似文献   

DONG YUNHU 《人权》2010,(4):6-8
Here we are, at this springtime, at Tianjin-based Nankai University for this, the Second NationalConference for Experience-Sharing by Human Rights Studies Institutions. This gathering is an event of great importance to academic studies of human rights in China, highlighting the liveliness and vitality characteristic of our work.  相似文献   

ONOctober17,2000,theSecondChinaHigh-TechFaircametoasuccessfulclose,resultingin1,046contractedprojectsvaluedatUS8.54billion(exclusiveoflettersofintention).Thisone-weekfairwasco-sponsoredbytheMinistryofForeignTradeandEconomicCooperation,theMinistryofScienceandTechnology,theMinistryofinformationTechnology,theChineseAcademyofSciencesandtheShenzhenGovernment.Participantsincludedhigh-profiledelegationsfrom36Chineseprovinces,autonomousregionsandmunicipalities,aswellas44foreignhigh-techtrans…  相似文献   

On August 24, the U.S. announced that it would raise tariffs on about $550 billion worth of Chinese exports to the U.S. by an additional 5 percent. The U.S. move harms both countries’ interests, threatens the security of ttie global industrial and supply chains, and drags down global trade and world economic growth. China has urged the U.S. not to miscalculate the situation.  相似文献   

IN 2014,the term"new normal"entered discourse both domestically and globally.It became a popular way to sum up the current features of the Chinese economy and China’s initiation and gradual deepening of a new round of comprehensive reform against the backdrop of sluggish world economic recovery.Under the new normal situation,China is still confident,and feels capable of steering the world economy on a course of steady progress.  相似文献   

OVER the past ten years ,Pudong has been trans-formed from abackward ruralarea into one of China's mostSuccessful and developed economic zones. Infrastructureprojects are in full swing, andeach year more and more international companies set upbranch offices and plants in thearea.Deng Xiaoping, chief architect of China's economicreforms, said in 1992 during hisinspection tour of the south,"Shanghai has apparent economic advantages in terms ofpersonnel, technology, andmanagement. Looking bac…  相似文献   

2005年台湾经济态势,是陈水扁上台以来仅次于2001年的衰退局面。这主要是由于台湾内部政治社会动乱,投资环境恶化,使内外投资者投资信心不足,产业外移,以及台湾当局以“台独”意识形态处理两岸关系的结果,而不是国际经济环境的不景气趋势使然。展望2006年的台湾经济,从国际经济形势、两岸关系走向和台湾内部的政经状况来看,与2005年不会有太大差别。  相似文献   

2004年台湾经济的态势分析与2005年展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年是民进党上台执政四年中台湾经济态势最好的一年,以当年价格计算,可达到中速经济增长。但是,这是台湾千万个企业家几十年来不断耕耘、不断改善、向上提升的结果,而不是台湾当局的政绩。当前,台湾经济仍然存在不少隐忧:政治动荡不已、财政赤字不断扩大、失业率虽有所下降但仍偏高不易解决、股市房产市场仍然不振、外来投资仍然负增长和民众信心不足等等。这必然影响2005年的经济发展,发展速度将低于2004年。  相似文献   

罗尔 《长白学刊》2002,(2):45-49
中国近代历史没能形成成熟的市场经济,关键在于政治制度对经济、化的控制。当今中国市场经济是独具特色的,形成了不同于发达国家的市场经济发展理念。中国传统化所衍生的自由观念应在政治革命和化革命中生成成熟的市场经济的自由个性。  相似文献   

AFTER three days of heated discussions the World Economic Forum 2012 Summer Davos concluded in the coastal city of Tianjin. Themed  相似文献   

CYBER retailers geared up at midnight heralding the dawn of November 11,2015 to collectively raise the curtain on the Double Eleven Festival–China’s most proactively participated-in shopping spree.  相似文献   

INVESTMENT abroad by Chinese companies has been on the up for some time now, and totaled US $317.2 billion by the end of 2010. Investments continue to be made across the board in all kinds of industries. Chinese business interests are represented in 178 countries and regions worldwide. According to statistics from the State Administration of Foreign Exchange  相似文献   

The novel coronavirus disease(COVID-19) pandemic has lowered the world's expectations for the global economy in 2020.Standard&Poor's,the financial ratings agency,predicts that China's economic growth will slip to 2.9 percent this year.The China International Capital Corporation Limited,China's leading investment bank,places it at 2.6 percent.The World Bank has offered a more pessimistic forecast—2.3 percent—and in the worst case scenario caused by the pandemic,a plunge to 0.1 percent.China's economic growth for 2019 was 6.1 percent,leading international institutions to hold a bleak view about the country's economic growth in 2020.  相似文献   

The financial turmoil that originated in the United States is rapidly spreading throughout the world, and China's economy has been inevita- bly affected. To avoid risks, some foreign-  相似文献   

正Although the coronavirus-battered world economy has not yet got out of the woods, encouraging signs in the Chinese economy have raised hopes that a broad-based recovery is in the offi ng.Industrial rebound has been gaining momentum on the ground. The automobile market, hard hit by the pandemic globally, has seen a fast recovery in post-lockdown China, with sales hitting 2.19 million units in May, up  相似文献   

正THE European Union’s advanced technology,skilled labor force,transparent legal environment,and relatively easy market access make it the preferred investment destination for Chinese investors.European countries,meanwhile,welcome investment from Chinese enterprises,because it promotes economic recovery  相似文献   

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