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On Chinese Media     
正Southern Metropolis Weekly Issue No.27,published on July 28,2014Love It or Hate It,English Language Is Inescapable The popularity of English language learning has opened a new window for the Chinese,and advanced their integration with peoples of the world.The ability to speak and read English has changed many Chinese people’s fate.Meanwhile,English has become a staple on Chinese school curricula and is a main feature of the job market.Love it or hate it,therefore,English language learning in China is inescapable.  相似文献   

On Chinese Media     
End of Oil?Life Week Issue No.9,2016 In former years,oil crisis theory was all about depleting oil reserves.As major emerging economies like China and India fueled growing consumption,the world geared up for a new round of energy crises.Oil prices,however,began to nosedive in 2014,and have dropped  相似文献   

On Chinese Media     
Saving Sino-Australian Iron Ore Mines
On December 2, 2o13, the MAGNETIC H set out from Port Cape Preston, Western Australia, carrying four tons of fine iron powder. With a beep of the horn, Chang Zhenming, chairman of CITIC Group and CITIC Pacific, and Colin Barnett, Premier of Western Australia, announced the first successful barging of the joint Sino Iron Project. This particular batch of fine iron powder was heading for mini capesize bulk carriers waiting 10 km away and then on to CITIC Pacific's Special Steel iron ore pelletizing plant in Jiangdu City, Jiangsu Province in China.  相似文献   

On Chinese Media     
正South Reviews Issue No.12,published on June 1,2014Modern Chinese Corporations,30 Years on China’s opening-up and reform harks back to 1978,but it was 1984,when the central authority decided to shift its development focus from the countryside to cities,that marked the start of modern corporations in the country.It was in1984 that Deng Xiaoping made his southern tour to Shenzhen Special Economic Zone,so giving China’s business sector a shot in the arm.That year also saw the founding of a multitude of companies,including Lenovo,Vanke,Haier,  相似文献   

On Chinese Media     
正EconomyNation Weekly Issue No.8,published on April 14,2014Railways Boost Urbanization Strategic thinking among China’s top leaders has been to advance urbanization through railway construction.But the fi nancial plight of China Railway Corporation,which is deep  相似文献   

On Chinese Media     
Money China Issue No.11,published on November,2014Private Equity Spring The f irst group of 50 private equity fund management institutions received their private equity fund licenses in March of 2014.The State Council later issued the Several Opinions on Further Promoting the Healthy Development of Capital Markets and initiated the important decision to"cultivate the  相似文献   

On Chinese Media     
正EconomyNation Weekly Issue No.22,published on October 27,2014 China’s Judicial Reform The rule of law is not a strange concept in Chinese history.In recent decades,it has been a guardian for China’s reform and opening-up,as well as the nation’s modernization drive.The Fourth Plenary Session of the18th CPC Central Committee focused on the rule of law to  相似文献   

On Chinese Media     
正China Newsweek Issue No.6,published on February 24,2014A New Era of Psychological Disorders It seems that today’s urban residents are suffering from new types of psychological maladies,such as willpower deficiency,decision-making difficulties,affinity phobia,social anxiety and language learning mania.The exact pathogenesis cannot be identified,nor can any medical treatment be given.If charted on a spectrum of psychological disorders,  相似文献   

On Chinese Media     
正IT Time Weekly Issue No.17,published on September 5,2014China Advances amid Doubts about Its Anti-Monopoly Action The Chinese market regulator has launched anti-monopoly probes into giant companies in the technology,automobile,and auto components and parts sectors,signifying a step forward in the enforcement of the country’s six-year-old AntiMonopoly Law.Anti-monopoly action is part of the market economy,and is necessary to regulate the market order.However,China  相似文献   

On Chinese Media     
正China Business Focus Issue No.11,2013,published Nov.5,2013Visiting the Shanghai Free Trade Area(FTA)Reporters from China Business Focus recently got to observe how the comprehensive services hall of the Shanghai FTA management committee copes with overwhelming crowds.The management committee set up the first floor for registration and certification and the second floor for information.There are 29counters on the first floor,to register company names,receive documents,or grant certification.Ropes divide  相似文献   

On Chinese Media     
正Oriental Outlook Issue No.32,published on August 21,2014Deng Xiaoping’s Conception of China’s Systems Deng Xiaoping once said,"To judge the success of our Party and country’s systems,the most important yardstick is their ability to achieve the three goals."The three goals he mentioned were:outperforming the capitalist world in economic achievements,creating a more successful and practical democracy,and cultivating  相似文献   

On Chinese Media     
Oriental Outlook Issue No.3,published on January 15,2015China’s Opportunities Promoted by the"One Belt and One Road"Initiatives as well as numerous other interconnectivity drives,the year2014 was a critical point for China’s investments abroad.Whether China’s total investments abroad can exceed the amount of foreign investment at home has aroused public concern.The Ministry of Commerce predicted that this inflection point would appear by 2016 at the latest.According to estimates by the United Nations Conference on Trade and  相似文献   

卢尚纯 《桂海论丛》2008,24(5):56-58
舆论监督在民主政治建设中具有重要的地位和作用。但是,我国舆论监督存在着疲软与失范的现象。产生原因主要有思想观念的误区、文化传统及新闻理论的缺失、利益因素、体制原因和立法原因。舆论监督的疲软和失范,必须从机制完善上解决。  相似文献   

在人们对大众传播媒介日益依赖的今天,以互联网为主要特征的信息通信时代,消解了传统媒体间的壁垒、实现了信息资源整合后的最大化,使在世界上任何一个点上发生的事情可以瞬间上天入地遍全球。因此,在现实生活中,人们对媒介的长时间依赖已是不争的事实。但是,它展示的是介于虚拟与真实之间的内容,所以应该正确地、合情合理地去认识媒介化时代的媒体。  相似文献   

In recent years, the relationship between the media and the foreign policy-making process in China has become more interactive and even a typical symbiosis. This paper attempts to conduct preliminary research on this very dynamic and changing relationship in the context of Sino–Japan relations. It argues that the Chinese media helps shape the agenda for foreign policy makers, narrow down the set of policy options, change the pace of policy making and implementation, and influence the direction of the final decision. Yet more often than not, the government still controls and regulates the reporting by the media on foreign policy issues. Once the media is perceived as going too far, the government never hesitates to rein it in through various internal and external mechanisms.  相似文献   

IF you think Chinese New Year is about visiting family to extend greetings and give"red envelopes",it’s time for you to connect with your friends!Ninety percent of New Year’s greetings I received this year were via We Chat,and guess what,there were"red envelopes"in them!Today,sending lucky money in red envelopes through social media has become a new trend  相似文献   

郭媛媛 《前沿》2010,(2):125-128
由诸种媒介相互依存建构出的媒介产业,需要围绕符合具体媒介特质、符合资源最佳整合需要、符合受众接受习惯与需求的内容信息的生产,在新的产业环境中,找到自己的定位以求发展。  相似文献   

媒体监督和司法独立之间的运行规律与评价标准截然不同,两者之间不可避免地会产生冲突.司法权需要监督,媒体监督有利于促进司法公正;但缺乏规范的媒体也会对司法独立构成威胁,并给司法公正带来消极影响.媒体监督与司法独立之间的冲突必须解决,两者之间应达至平衡与契合的状态.  相似文献   

互联网作为一种新兴的媒体,其社会影响力越来越大,但与传统媒体相比,其公信力较低已成为影响我国互联网健康发展的一个突出问题,也在很大程度上降低了网络媒体在受众心目中的应有地位。媒体的权威性、信息的原创性、内容的真实性、传播的即时性、格调的高雅性影响网络媒体的公信力。提高网络媒体公信力,需要政府、网络媒体、社会和公众的共同努力,主要包括:强化政府监管;加快制定和完善网络立法:加强网站自身建设;提高采编人员专业素质;报网结合;建立平民式舆论监管机构:树立人人都是把关人的理念;加强受众需求研究。  相似文献   

单晓红  曾真  张颖 《思想战线》2004,30(5):27-32
文化在传播的时候,由表征来决定其意义和过程,而形象的产生伴随的仍然是表征实践。表征是一个过程,是使意义被表征系统建构的过程。参与表征过程的人们通过话语方式进行意义的建构和争夺。话语构造了话题,它界定和生产了我们知识的各种对象,它还影响着各种观念被投入实践和用来规范他人行为的方式。  相似文献   

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