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在西方公共行政思想史上,美国学者威尔逊可以说是此领域中的经典人物。他于1887年发表的《行政学研究》一文可谓是美国公共行政的起点。在本文第一部分,对于威尔逊行政学研究的必要性和目的进行论证,整个论证过程显示了威尔逊先生严谨而又不失幽默的思维。  相似文献   

薛峰 《法学杂志》2006,27(2):143-146
随着我国法治建设的不断深入,从刘涌案、苏秀文驾驶宝马车撞人案、孙志刚案到孙大午案,公众和舆论越来越关心法治建设状况,尤其是法院审判。法院对案件的审理、裁判及其裁判理由,甚至法官的言行举止,一方面深深地影响着社会生活,另一方面又越来越为社会各界所关注。在新的形势下,人民法院如何根据《宪法》第126条的规定,独立行使审判权,依法审理各类案件,平息和化解社会矛盾,树立司法权威,协调法院与社会各界的关系,是一项迫切需要解决的新问题。为此,笔者着重考察了美国社会各界对美国法院审判的批评及其应对问题,并结合我国的实际情况,提…  相似文献   

伍罗德·威尔逊(1856—1924)作为美国现代公共行政学理论的奠基者,其行政学思想主要体现在《国会制政府》和1887年发表于美国《政治学季刊》上的“行政学研究”一文。特别是在那将被视为现代行政科学开山之作的《行政学研究》一文中,威尔逊提出要研究国家行政管理、建立行政科学,并对行政学研究的对象和主要内容提出了设想。本文拟从行政学研究的必要性、行政学的目的和任务、政治与行政的关系、行政学研究的方法以及行政监督等方面对威尔逊的行政思想作一梳理,以期对我国的行政学理论建设和改革实践有所启发。 一、进行…  相似文献   

王璐宁 《法制与社会》2012,(17):190-191
食品安全关系公众健康和社会公共利益,作为公众的社会组织和个人都应积极参与食品安全治理.改变我国政府监管权力高度集中的食品安全监管体系,探索食品企业、食品行业协会和消费者等多元社会主体参与食品安全监管的有效机制,加强扩大监管参与程度保障措施的力度,才能从根源上解决我国的食品安全问题.  相似文献   

曾几何时,公众人物为捍卫自身名誉而将批评者和媒体推上公堂,不仅为公众所理解,而且被认为是推动法制建设和社会进步的善举。但过低的立案门槛、过轻的举证责任、过小的诉讼成本和败诉概率,不仅助长了公众人物滥用诉权的勇气,有限的司法资源被无端浪费,甚至让媒体和批评家噤若寒蝉,这却是人们所始料不及的。对公众人物和普通人的名誉权给予“平等”保护,客观上是对社会公共利益和公众知情权的蔑视。缺少了监督和批评的制约,公众人物行事便更加无所顾忌。可以说,除了各级党委宣传部门的打压和限制外,时下对言论自由和新闻自由的最大威肋,莫过…  相似文献   

常纪文 《法学杂志》2015,36(2):11-18
制定《中华人民共和国气候变化应对法》已经成为社会各界的共识,有关部门正在进行立法起草工作。气候变化是我们共同面临的问题,因而不能离开公众的科学、全面的参与。公众参与气候变化应对的相关条文设计,首先需要给公众下一个定义,或者界定公众参与的情形,在此基础上可明确公众参与的方式、环节、程序,规定公众参与的保障措施。其中,公众是否有权参与市场交易和提起公益诉讼是社会关注的热点问题。建议稿立足于中国的立法实际和《环境保护法》有关公众参与的规定,首次全面系统地提出了公众参与气候变化应对的法律问题,并设计了相关的条文。  相似文献   

张新宝 《法商研究》2021,38(5):3-18
《民法典》对"公平责任"条文的修改,是我国侵权责任法领域法治观念和法治思维的一次重大变革.随着全面依法治国进程的推进,"让当事人满意""案结事了"的司法理念已难以适应我国法治社会建设的需要,只有让当事人在每一个司法案件中感受到公平正义,才能实现司法公正,形成人民对制度和规范的认同."公平责任"条文经历了从《民法通则》第132条到《侵权责任法》第24条再到《民法典》第1186条的演变,其规范性质也几经变迁.司法实践逐渐拒绝"和稀泥"的裁判,代之以刚性判决强化公众的规则意识.通过编纂《民法典》,"公平责任"条文由可独立适用的裁判规则转变为不可独立适用的指引性规范.法官在适用《民法典》第1186条时需要在其他法律规定中寻找规范依据,并满足因果关系的要件要求.  相似文献   

保护是一项全民性的公益事业.公众参与环境保护是社会经济发展的必然要求,是环境问题得以改善和解决的有效途径,只有鼓励和保障公众参与环境保护和管理,才能促进环境保护事业的发展。本文通过对公众参与的一系列相关问题的分析,提出了进一步健全和完善我国公众参与制度的法律思考。  相似文献   

《论语》杂志的思想资源有很大一部分来自平社和《语丝》,该刊承载了自由主义知识分子对政治现象的观察与思考,具有明显的政治维度。《论语》坚守知识分子的独立身份和政治上的中间立场,将政治批评和幽默话语结合起来,获得了较大的自由批评空间。同时,它充分发挥自身作为公共论坛在汇聚意见、形成舆论上的优势,鼓动公众对各种政治问题展开讨论。《论语》在政治批评上的诸种努力,促进了二十世纪三四十年代公共领域的建构。  相似文献   

陈鲁民 《检察风云》2008,(16):32-32
回应舆论曝光批评,是各地政府和单位常遇到的事,《政府信息公开条例》实施后,多数回应都做到了实事求是,有一说一,有二说二,是误解就解释清楚,是过失就承认错误,获得公众好评。但也有的生怕影响政府和单位形象,于是,在回应舆论曝光批评时,绞尽脑汁,耍尽花招,巧舌如簧,极其"艺术",颇耐寻味。不妨总结一二,看看其中有哪些花花肠子。  相似文献   

陈平原对夏志清文学史写作的批评中强调文学史与文学批评的分界,这一提法反映了美学对于文学史家只是辅助手段的偏见。过分注重演化价值的文学史写法带来一些消极的影响,即强调科学、实证的研究思维,忽略了作品与艺术家个性的关系以及艺术作品里隐含的世界观问题。文学史家在建构宏阔的史学框架时应同时具备对作品的想象性理解,因而优秀的文学史家也是文学批评家。  相似文献   

女性主义自20世纪80年代初被引入国门以来,其间经历了两次批评实践的高潮.但在本土化的过程中也暴露出不少问题,如过度偏执于性别文本与性别价值,以至因批评的格式化与概念化而陷入自说自话的境地,忽视对女性美学的总结、对自身理论体系的建构以及对本土性别研究资源的整理等.只有高度重视上述问题,才能避免使中国的女性主义实践走向日益僵化的境地.  相似文献   

China's merger enforcement agency approved the Google/Motorola merger with conditions. This pattern of approval is not in full accordance with that in other jurisdictions, including the United States and the European Union, which made unconditional approvals. This contradiction attracted ample criticism; some critics believe that China's policy is designed to protect domestic industry. In investigating the Chinese merger agency's decision and the basis for its decision making, this article finds that much of the criticism is groundless and misleading because the critics have failed to incorporate all elements of the global value chain of mobile intelligent terminals into their analyses. The investigation also shows that, although the decision makers are less experienced, their decisions are based on Chinese competition law and market realities. It is important for international firms to be aware of this pattern in merger analysis.  相似文献   

刘亚斌 《金陵法律评论》2006,(1):115-120,137
“文化霸权”成为1990年代以来人们谈论东西方文学与文化关系时所使用的关键词之一,开创了在中国文论语境下的“理论旅行”。它从思维模式的“二元对立”、话语领域的西方霸权、民族情结的强烈诉求与传统文化的回归和高扬等四个方面展开其话语实践。在其话语实践中,重新陷入了“文革话语”的历史圈套,遮蔽了我国文论发展的历史与现实以及所面临的问题,对西方进行想象化的本质处理与传统文化的异化塑形,彰显出本土权力的运作机制。我国文论应该在世界文论体系的观照下实现自身的现代化,为世界文论的发展做出特有的贡献,促进文论知识科学有序增长。  相似文献   

The last dozen years have seen a massive transnational mobilization of the legal, political, and research communities in response to the worrisome hypothesis that vaccines could have a link to childhood autism and other developmental conditions. Vaccine critics, some already organized and some composed of newly galvanized parents, developed an alternate world of internally legitimating studies, blogs, conferences, publications, and spokespeople to affirm a connection. When the consensus turned against the autism hypothesis, these structures and a committed membership base unified all the organizations in resistance. This article examines the relationship between mobilization based on science and the trajectory of legitimacy vaccine criticism has taken. I argue that vaccine critics have run up against the limits of legitimate scientific argument and are now in the curious position of both doubling down on credibility-depleting stances and innovating new and possibly resonant formulations.  相似文献   

CHAD FLANDERS 《Ratio juris》2012,25(2):180-205
Rawls's “public reason” has not been without its critics. One criticism is that public reason is “conservative.” Public reason must rely on those beliefs that are “widely shared” among citizens. But if public reason relies on widely shared beliefs, how can it change without departing from those beliefs, thus violating public reason? In part one of my essay, I introduce the conservatism objection and describe two unsatisfactory responses to it. Part two argues that there are aspects of public reason which diminish the force of the conservatism objection: first, that public reason is historical, and second, that it is mutable.  相似文献   

The Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN) test was conceived, developed and promulgated as a simple procedure for the determination of the blood alcohol concentration of drivers suspected of driving while intoxicated (DWI). Bypassing the usual scientific review process and touted through the good offices of the federal agency responsible for traffic safety, it was rushed into use as a law enforcement procedure, and was soon adopted and protected from scientific criticism by courts throughout the United States. In fact, research findings, training manuals and other relevant documents were often held as secrets by the state. Still, the protective certification of its practitioners and the immunity afforded by judicial notice failed to silence all the critics of this deeply flawed procedure. Responding to criticism, the sponsors of the test traveled the path documented in this paper that led from mere (if that word can ever truly apply to a matter of such gravity) carelessness in research through self-serving puffery and finally into deliberate fraud--always at the expense of the citizen accused.  相似文献   

A divisive law from the outset, the diminished responsibility defence has continued to arouse criticism since its inception over fifity years ago under section 2 of the Homicide Act 1957. Increasing pressure from academics, practitioners, and mental health professionals, among others, to restructure the law has resulted in a reformulation of the wording of section 2 under the unassuming auspices of section 52 of the Coroners and Justice Act 2009. This paper examines the new definition of diminished responsibility on two levels: the broader context and structural significance of the Act and section 52's place within it; and, the technical detail of the section itself. In so doing, consideration is given as to whether the new law appeases the critics of the old, in addition to whether the Government has succeeded in bringing to bear its objectives of clarity, fairness and effectiveness.  相似文献   

明代末年以研讨八股文兼及诗文创作的文社大量兴起,明末文学家大多经过文社的培养而享誉文坛,社团文人成为文坛的主要文人群体.作为备科举考试的社团文人,在社团内接受科举考试训练和八股文创作的学习,同时又从事诗文创作.社团文人的科举思维对他们的诗文创作具有深刻影响,形成明末文坛以六经为根柢的儒者古文.社团文人创作往往借鉴时文法入古文,或者借鉴古文法入时文,使明末文学创作与理论批评具有不同以往的鲜明特色.  相似文献   

Over the past two centuries, criticism has assumed an indispensable role in the production of truth in many academic contexts. Furthermore, a dominant conception of critique emerged out of disciplinary truth regimes – evident as much in right wing think tanks as in critical theories. This ‘grammar of critique’ requires critics to judge specific contexts against founded criteria. However, in an epistemological ethos beset by obdurate uncertainty, where disciplinarity is increasingly under attack, a judgmental grammar faces intractable challenges. For one thing, intransigent ambiguities defy the silencing required to achieve certainty, or universal agreement, on ‘founded criteria’. This predicament creates a distinctive semantic disquiet and a unique opportunity to prize critique loose from its previously privileged grammar. Allegorically referring to Derrida’s images of hospitality, this paper offers a different grammar of critique as an experience of imagined prospects, a promise that rallies against ossified thought systems of the now. This experience is structured through the impossible to the extent that it defies absolute definition, finitely encounters infinite possibilities, involves preconceptions, and opens critics up to promises that never fully arrive. As such, critical experiences invite existential anticipations whose contours, paradoxically, are imagined from within, and yet promise an escape from, local historical circumstances.A version of this paper was presented at Birkbeck, University of London, 24th September, 2004. I would like to thank Peter Fitzpatrick, Claire Valier, Ronnie Lippens, Costas Douzinas and Julia Chryssostalis for their helpful comments.  相似文献   

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