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针对刑侦工作中弹打玻璃类案件的侦破难点,研究一种用于计算球形弹丸抛射击打玻璃案件中弹丸飞行轨迹的算法。本文以弹丸撞击角度和撞击速度为基础参数,在阐明前置基础数据的前提下,将弹打玻璃类案件中的玻璃窗分为垂直于地面及倾斜于地面两类,采用三角函数计算和参数替换的方法,通过对弹丸撞击瞬间的弹道参数设定、弹孔图像在玻璃平面内的二维图像参数设定、相关角度的描述、计算抛物线轨迹与弹道轨迹朝向等一系列步骤,最终,研究出上述两类玻璃窗的弹道轨迹计算方法。研究表明,弹丸弹道飞行轨迹算法可以还原弹丸飞行的轨迹抛物线,作为现场弹道轨迹重建系统的核心算法使用,为开发弹打玻璃类案件的现场弹道轨迹重建系统提供了关键技术。  相似文献   

流弹是一个较为常见的枪击现象,它是指普通动能枪械击发后,击中了瞄准线(或弹道危险界)以外物体的弹头。这种某人或物体被流弹击中的现象可以称为流弹现象。流弹状态的弹丸,同样具备一定的动能,有一定的杀伤力,对生命和财产可以造成一定的危害;同时,由于射手不能控制流弹阶段的  相似文献   

认定枪支犯罪不能简单地以能否击发为标准,而应当由专业人员作出是否为枪支或枪支的零部件的结论;当然能够击发的枪支比起不能击发的枪支的危险性更大一些,在量刑上当相对重一些。  相似文献   

与制式枪支相似,土制式手枪由枪管、枪体、握柄、板机、击锤、簧等组成,皆由板机控制击锤打击击针击发底火而实现击发,致被击客体毁坏或伤亡。根据枪支所用的致伤物、土制方式,分列如下:  相似文献   

刘璐  汪圣 《中国律师》2013,(8):81-82
美国公民的生活一直与枪支密不可分,民众持枪总数达2.83亿支,40%的家庭拥有枪支,每年新枪销量仍高达500万支。相关数据显示,美国每年因枪支导致的死亡人数接近3万,平均每天有81人死于枪击,甚至超过了车祸和艾滋病的死亡人数。频发的恶性枪击事件给美国政府敲响了警钟,使美国当局不得不思考是否有必要改变当前的枪支管制政策,强化枪支管制以减少枪击悲剧事件的发生。在各方呼吁枪支管制政策的情况下,严格的枪支管制  相似文献   

在笔者受理的检验、鉴定中,有很大部分为土制枪支,为对该类枪支的致伤机理、结构、种类、检验鉴定有一概括以供同行参考,现综述如下: 1 土制式手枪的致伤机理 与制式枪支相似,土制式手枪由枪管、枪体、握柄、板机、击锤、簧等组成,皆由板机控制击锤打击击针击发底火而实现击发,致被击客体毁坏或伤亡。 2 土制式手枪的种类 一般根据枪支所用的致伤物、土制方式,我们分别分列如下:  相似文献   

陈钢  周海龙 《法制与社会》2012,(29):273+277
枪支发射时,在射击弹头、弹壳上将形成多种射击痕迹,对其进行分析检验可以帮助判明射击距离、射击方向、射击者和被害人所处位置,为侦查提供线索;可以确定犯罪行为人作案时所用枪支、子弹的类型;还可以根据弹头、弹壳上的痕迹,对嫌疑枪支进行同一认定,以认定现场上发现的弹头和弹壳是否嫌疑枪支所发射,为侦查诉讼提供证据.本文将根据射击弹头、弹壳痕迹特征的特定性及稳定性进一步研究其在枪弹痕迹鉴定中的价值.  相似文献   

1案例资料1995年11月,邓某(男,27岁)被枪打死。尸检见死者左侧颞顶有5cm×5cm的类方形头皮内出血,出血区中心位置有1.5cm×0.7cm的皮肤缺损,对应颅骨外板有1.7cm×0.8cm的缺损,呈横“8”字形,边缘整齐,相应颅骨内板缺损较外板大,开颅见大量脑组织挫碎出血,并检出二粒0.8cm×0.7cm×0.5cm的变形铅制弹粒。2枪支检验作案枪支为发令枪改制而成,枪管使用方形双孔无缝钢管焊在原发令枪枪身上,采用充填装弹,无机匣,双击发。枪管内有二枚小口径步枪子弹弹壳,枪管与击发机座之间间隙较大、松动。…  相似文献   

当地时间7月22日夜间22时许,加拿大最大城市多伦多发生恶性枪击事件,一名29岁男性在市中心一边行走一边用手枪向人群射击,共击伤15人,其中至少三人死亡。枪手随后与赶到现场的警察发生交火,最终被击毙。在普通人的印象中,有影响的恶性枪击案件多发生于美国,实际上,虽然整体社会环境相对美国更为平和,但作为同样允许平民合法拥有枪支的加拿大。  相似文献   

"美国是唯一一个每隔数月就会发生大规模枪击事件的发达国家."这是上任美国总统奥巴马的感叹. 在美国,人们对枪支有着矛盾的心态:一方面,在这个"以自由立国"的国家中,枪支被视为"秩序的象征和保守主义的图腾";另一方面,美国流通着约2亿支枪,并且每年约有2万人丧生于枪支暴力之下,受伤的人更是无以计数.  相似文献   

We demonstrate here how the shooting distance of a 9-mm Parabellum FMJ bullet (115gr) has been estimated via shooting experiments. Such a bullet was found by investigators near a concrete wall, fairly distorted at its tip. The bullet carries no evidence of multiple impact and no evidence of ballistic impact on the wall has been reported. We estimated the impact velocity by comparing the questioned bullet with a set of comparison bullets hitting a wall (rigid target) with different velocities. The shooting distance was recovered from the impact velocity by studying the typical behavior of a manufactured 9 mm bullet weighting 115 g (7.45 g), shot in pistol or a sub-machine gun. The results demonstrated that the questioned bullet was a lost bullet. The shooting distance also helped the investigators, narrowing the range of the estimated positions of the shooter.  相似文献   

目的研究79式微型冲锋枪发射子弹的排序。方法对已知顺序实弹射击取样,扩大观察弹头、弹壳上发射过程中形成的痕迹,通过统计、归纳,从中发现与排序有关的痕迹特征。结果壳体肩部圆点痕,弹底边缘压擦痕、拉壳钩痕与发射顺序有关。结论壳体肩部圆点痕、弹底边缘压擦痕等痕迹的有无、位置及轻重程度,对判断79式微型冲锋枪弹壳发射顺序有较可靠的参考价值。  相似文献   

The purpose of weapons designed for self-defence and their ammunition is to allow effective defence without causing serious injury provided that the recommended minimum firing distance is observed. However, close-range and contact shots to vulnerable body regions may cause severe or even fatal injuries. The authors report on a suicide who fired a fatal shot in his mouth with a weapon for self-defence. The weapon used was a double-barrelled SAPL break-action gun, mod. GC 54, from which a Mini Gomm-Cogne, cal. 12/50 rubber shot shell was fired. The wound findings and ballistic characteristics of the weapon are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

目的 探讨跳弹创形成的条件,研究跳弹在体内弹道学特点及致伤能力,建立跳弹创的诊断依据。方法选用国产54式手枪及56式半自动步枪,配用51式手枪弹及56式步枪弹以水磨石板为反跳靶体,射击约克夏种猪4头,复制出跳弹创模型12例。观察射入口、创道及着弹点特征。结果 跳弹的形成受靶体性状、弹头形态和速度、入射角与反跳角等条件因素的影响;在相同条件下高初速尖型弹头的反跳角<低初速圆型弹头;创道无明显瞬时空腔效应;根据实验结果建立了6项诊断依据。结论 正确诊断跳弹创对射击方向和距离、重建弹道、分析枪击目的、评估损伤程度有实用价值。  相似文献   

由于各种枪械的机件特征不同,枪支发射时将在弹头上留下反映枪械机件特点的种类及特定特征。通过研究枪械生产制作和使用过程中其部件特征形成的基础上,从弹道学原理入手,分析了枪支发射过程中弹头痕迹形成的机理和痕迹特征的变化因素,为枪支同一认定鉴定中检材与样本特征产生差异的原因分析及得出可靠的鉴定意见提供了科学的理论依据和实践方法。  相似文献   

Different-distance experimental shots were made from a rifled gun at flat bones. Those shot distances were established, at which the wound canal had the smallest volume, and, at which entry and exit holes were virtually identical and matched the bullet diameter. A bigger shot distance was associated with an increasing volume of the wound canal caused by a bigger exit hole. A smaller shot distance led, also, to an increasing volume of the wound canal caused by bigger entry and exit holes. The volume of the wound canal in flat bones can be used as a reliable criterion in assessing the shot distance.  相似文献   

With three-dimensional (3D) laser scanning technology and software packages, the practice of documenting and measuring bullet trajectories has benefited from greater accuracy and reproducibility. This study investigated the accuracy and reproducibility of the bullet trajectory tools in the software package, FARO Zone 3D (FZ3D). Twelve participants were provided laser scanner data for 21 bullet trajectories on drywall panels with impact angles between 25° and 90°. When the impact plane was manually aligned by the operator, 75% of the absolute errors were within 0.91° and 0.98° for the azimuth and vertical angles, respectively. The vertical angle improved to 0.47° when impact plane alignment was taken with respect to gravity (no operator influence). Thus, manual alignment is shown to be subject to greater error than alignment with gravity. However, this study shows that the accuracy and reproducibility of the FZ3D bullet trajectory tools to be comparable with previous research studies.  相似文献   

The muzzle imprint (barrel mark) is a pressure abrasion typically associated with contact shots. Apart from the contours of the actual muzzle profile, other constructional parts such as the front sight and/or the recoil spring guide of semiautomatic pistols may be imprinted next to the bullet entrance wound. In some types of submachine guns the shoulder stock can be folded forward so that its end partly encircles the muzzle. If such a weapon was in contact with the skin at the instant of discharge, a corresponding contusion mark is to be expected. The imprint configuration may point to the type of weapon and to the way in which the gun had been held when firing the shot. The paper presents the injury pattern in a 36-year-old man who committed suicide with a Scorpion SA Vz 61 submachine gun cal. 7.65 mm Browning from former Czechoslovakia.  相似文献   

Gunshot wounds in suicide cases are self-inflicted wounds. Self-inflicted wounds in suicide cases are usually caused by contact firing and are of great forensic significance. Evaluation of contact wound may be associated with difficulties if the bore gets obstruction prior to firing. This paper investigates the phenomenon and interprets the results of test firing conducted on 20% gelatine block at 10 degrees C, using .38 Special revolver with obstruction of a bullet in the bore. Test firings were conducted in three different muzzle-target contact conditions keeping the muzzle pressed against the gel block in each case. The physical evidence and the wound ballistic parameter namely bullet track, remaining velocity of the bullets and volume of permanent cavity have been studied. When compared with the results of contact firing conducted with the same firearm without having any bore obstruction under similar conditions, it has been found that the physical evidence and the wound ballistic parameters would be helpful for interpretation of such unusual incidents for forensic inference.  相似文献   

Expert must evaluate with great attention the calibre of a gun from which a shot was made as expert errors are not rare. Diameter of inlet wound at the skull vault bones may significantly exceed the bullet calibre. The final decision on the calibre of a gun used to produce body injuries can be made after experimental shots at biomannequin.  相似文献   

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