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在如何政治解决以/巴两个民族冲突的问题上,世界范围的主导观点是所谓两国方案,即在原英国托管的巴勒斯坦边界内建立两个国家:以色列和巴勒斯坦。事实上,这个立场没有任何新颖之处。人们可以说,它在整个20世纪都是世界范围的主导观点。英国政府1917年《贝尔福宣言》[TheBalfour  相似文献   

陶短房 《法制博览》2008,(20):55-55
话说隋朝末年群雄割据,皇帝一下出了十多个,其中就有一个西秦国大皇帝薛举,连打了几个败仗,泄气之余,问他的大臣“自古皇帝投降有好下场吗”,结果两个大臣褚亮、郝瑗一个说降得,一个说降不得,弄得薛举大皇帝莫衷一是,最终稀里糊涂熬到驾崩,儿子薛仁果听信“缴枪不杀”的宣传投降唐朝,最终还是逃不了一死。  相似文献   

易淑 《工会博览》2006,(18):20-22
全世界共有14座8000米以上的高峰,把14座全部登完,在常人看起来是个可望而不可即的神话,这项壮举本身就是像一座只能仰视却无法翻越的巅峰。截至到2005年,全世界只有11人站上了这座峰顶,而且这11人里面没有一个中国人的名字。西藏登山队的仁那、次仁多吉和边巴扎西是中国登山队里最接近14座世界之巅峰顶的  相似文献   

自从中国军队由机械化取代骡马化后,骑兵——这个神秘又让人产生浪漫遐想的兵种渐渐从人们的视野中消失了。那么,中国究竟还有没有骑兵部队? 答案是确切的,那就是驰骋在内蒙古草原上的一支骑兵营。“马就是我的命”太阳正沿着西边的地平线下沉,又红又大的落日把一望无际的内蒙古锡林郭勒大草原染成了一片绛红。就在这一片绛红中,返营的骑兵在地平线上出现了。起先.那只是一条细细的黑线在圆圆的红日里蠕动,渐渐地这条黑线变得粗大起来。不久,你的  相似文献   

一位教师在生命即将结束之时,殚精竭虑.用最后的气力给他的44个学生每人写出一封绝笔信,对每个同学都作出了恰如其分的评语,激励鞭策他们健康成长;同时给下一任教师因材施教提出了建议。这份生命最后一次的无私赠予不仅感动了孩子们,更感动了家长和社会.人们纷纷向这位好心的教师回报了爱心。  相似文献   

李静 《工会博览》2014,(28):1-1
怎样才能做好工会工作?我认为一线人员是关键。基层工会不仅要建起来,更要转起来、活起来,工会工作才能有生命力。把服务延伸到基层的每一个角落,必须打通“最后一公里”。只有与职工零距离接触,才能了解到职工最实际的需求。  相似文献   

中国工农红军在1937年即已改编成八路军与新四军,但是并不代表红军就此消失.有几支红军游击队改编较晚,甚至有拒绝改编的.这里讲的就是一个拒绝改编、最后失败的红军游击队故事.(一)1934年11月,红十军团出征后,闽浙赣省领导机关转移到上饶弋阳磨盘山区,等待与红十军团会师.次年1月,红十军团战败,方志敏、刘畴西等领导人被俘牺牲,闽浙赣苏区不得不转入游击战.  相似文献   

本文选自科尼利厄斯·瑞恩的二战名著《最后一役》,内容为第二章全文。本章主要描述了在柏林战役前,围绕德国维斯瓦河集团军群司令海因里齐发生的一系列事情,展现了德国军事指挥层面的矛盾和斗争。章节内的节标和分段落,均按照原文,未作编辑。  相似文献   

王雪鸿 《法制博览》2011,(17):56-57
善耆是清朝最后一位肃亲王,可谓位高权重。但在世人眼中,熟知他的不外两件事:一是他有个女儿金璧辉,也就是臭名昭著的日本特务川岛芳子:二是他主政期间,赦免了企图刺杀摄政王载沣的汪精卫。除此之外,对他知之甚少。  相似文献   

Draper B  Snowdon J  Wyder M 《危机》2008,29(2):96-101
Suicide victims frequently have contact with health care professionals in the months before death. The primary aims of this pilot psychological autopsy study were to determine the feasibility of undertaking a full study and to describe the characteristics of the last health care professional contacts with suicide victims aged > 34 years. We interviewed the informants of 52 suicides. Interviews were obtained from 37 health care professionals who had contact with 28 of the suicides during the 3 months before death. The primary reasons for the last contact with the health care professional were mental health (62%), physical health (22%), and social (14%). 87% of health care professional contacts occurred within 1 month of death. Symptoms of depression were noted in 49% of health care professional contacts. Consensus psychological autopsy diagnoses of depression were made in 64% of suicide victims. Overall suicide risk was assessed by 38% of health care professionals during their last contact. This was more likely to occur when the deceased presented as depressed, was aged < 60 years or seen by a psychiatrist. None was assessed to be suicidal. The family informants regarded nine of the suicide victims to have been suicidal before death but informed a health care professional in only one third of the cases. Critical information that might have altered the management is not often accessed from family members.  相似文献   

胡耀邦同志和外宾的谈话中给我留下印象较深的有以下三次:1981年7月会见索马里革命社会主义党政治局委员苏莱曼率领的代表团、1983年8月会见前世界青年联盟主席贝尔尼尼、1984年9月会见挪威工人共产党(马列)主席斯泰根率领的代表团.  相似文献   

The demand for foreign savings is an important feature of the economy in many LDCs, and it would be helpful to have a better understanding of its determinants. This paper considers one approach to modelling the demand for foreign savings in LDCs. If the demand for investment shifts out more buoyantly than does the supply of domestic saving in response to current macro‐economic conditions, persistent demand for foreign savings will be generated as a normal feature of the development process. We test this hypothesis with elasticities computed from the parameters of investment and domestic saving equations estimated for a sample of 21 Latin American countries. The empirical results show that in approximately half of the countries in the sample (and most notably in Brazil and in Mexico), the demand for foreign savings is rooted in the parameters of the investment and domestic saving functions.  相似文献   

随着改革开放的不断深入,经济的国际化、教育的国际化、人才的国际化,要求地方外事工作者,特别是各级外办主任,必须有国际化的眼光、国际化的思路、国际化的胸襟,创造性地贯彻好中央的对外方针政策,把中央和地方党委、政府的对外工作决策部署落实到外事工作实践中去,落实到具体业务工作中去.在当前外事工作大发展的背景下,如何更新观念、转变思路、创新地方外事工作,推进地方外事工作实现新的跨越式发展,是当前地方外办同志需要思考和研讨的重要问题.  相似文献   

This paper contends that some of the Millennium Development Goals do not distinguish between potential and actual achievements. In the case of education for instance, the completion of primary education by all students is not an end in itself, but rather an intermediary phase in the process of learning to read and write, and so on. Thus, meeting the stated Millennium Development Goal may in fact do little or nothing to enhance these more ultimate achievements. Using other, similar examples, we suggest that governments need to consider moving from means- to ends-based proxies, and in so doing, to reconsider whether the way that resources are allocated in any given sector is in fact the optimal one.  相似文献   

(作者按:2006年5月3日下午,中国国际交流协会理事艾平、副研究员季平在新德里应约拜会了印度总统APJ·阿卜杜尔·卡拉姆.) "欢迎你们来到总统府",卡拉姆总统精神饱满地微笑着从办公桌后站起来,一边伸出手来一边对我们说.  相似文献   

在今年"两会"期间,温家宝总理和李肇星外长在记者招待会上再次明确重申了中国是一个奉行和平外交政策的负责任的国家,并对中国外交中的一些重大问题,阐述了中国政府的原则立场.  相似文献   

外国政党密切联系群众的新举措   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为联系社会与国家的桥梁,政党的主要功能就是代表和整合社会各界民众的利益,而党群关系密切与否、程度如何,则在很大程度上决定了一个政党的兴衰存废.  相似文献   

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