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GLOBALIZATION has given China rapid access to world state-of-the-art technologies. Mobile phones, the Internet and constantly emerging new services based on them - MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service), MSN (Multiple Subscriber Numbering), mobile QQ and the latest CRBT (coloring ring-back tone) service - have forged a large-scale "thumb economy" dominated by its youth.  相似文献   

On March 15,the U.S.Federal Reserve announced it would slash its benchmark interest rate by100 basis points to 0-0.25 percent,marking the return of the zero-interest rate era.The Federal Reserve also launched a quantitative easing scheme worth$700billion.On March 23,the Federal Reserve Board announced plans to remove its cap on the purchase of treasuries and mortgage-backed securities to stabilize the market a policy that equals unlimited quantitative easing.  相似文献   

Fit to Be Tied     
Men and women alike share frustrations over growing costs of marriage An infographic labeled"China’s Map of Bride Prices"has made waves on China’s microblogging portal Weibo.com since being released by Cq.house.sina.com.cn on June 4 after a month of nationwide research.In much of China,the bride price is understood as a reverse dowry in which a groom provides  相似文献   

THE express train of the Chinese economy can only keep going when its fuel tank is full. Like any part of the world, China depends heavily on electricity. In China's case its power supply comes primarily from coal-burning power stations. With a tremendous trove of the flammable black rock, Shanxi Province in north China is traditionally the locomotive of the nation's power industry.  相似文献   

我们总爱给孩童教什么谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦,却不知,这话更该讲给男人听,当然,最理想的是由他讲给你来听。  相似文献   


Pre-service teachers who had completed their practicum or student teaching and in-service teachers in their first 3 years of teaching (n = 218) completed open-ended surveys about their beliefs and fears of school violence and rated their fears for such acts as use of weapons and the likelihood of those acts about their fears about schools and school violence. There were significant differences between pre-service and in-service teachers in their rankings of fearful events and the perceived likelihood of these events using t-tests to compare the groups. The informants reported being most afraid of guns or other weapons or other forms of dangerous violence (hostage taking, an outside stranger coming in and threatening their students, and so on). These fears were significantly correlated with their beliefs in the likelihood that these events would happen. Open-ended questions revealed that pre-service teachers tended to be more afraid for their personal safety and personal failure in a crisis situation and in-service classroom teachers tended to be more afraid for their students' safety. The implications for teacher education and preparing teachers to address school violence are discussed.  相似文献   

正Parents sharing children’s photos online poses serious questionsAs social media adoption rates continue to increase around the world,many young parents are keen on posting photos of their children—sometimes on a daily basis—on social networking platforms.In China,the most  相似文献   

Be Your Own Boss     
SINCE the emergence of China's first private business in 1980, the proportion of private enterprises in the national economy has grown steadily and swiftly. In 2004 the government enacted an amendament for the protection of private property in the Constitution, and in the following years created a series of policies that encouraged individual entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

MS.Liu,inher40s,speaksaboutherdaughterwithagentlesmileonherlips,"MydaughterandIarefriends.Shetellsmeherthoughtsandletsmeshareherworries.IfeelthatIunderstandmydaughterverywell."About10yearsago,manyChinesemotherswouldhavethoughtitunimaginabletoestablis...  相似文献   

IF business reputations arebuilt on the marketplace's per-ceptions, China is becoming alot more sophisticated a placeto do business. Eighty percentof respondents in a study of 140 Chi-nese opinion leaders feel that foreignmultinational corporations (MNCs)operating in China are now being heldto a higher standard of performancecompared to Chinese firms. Fifty-sixpercent of respondents feel that stan-dards demanded of foreign-owneddmultinationals have increased duringthe past year, and 95 perc…  相似文献   

<正>China’s central bank is trying to manage surging liquidity, reflecting its resolution to curb inflation and its orientation toward macro-prudential regulation.  相似文献   

正Yueyang Tower,located by Dongting Lake in the city of Yueyang,central China’s Hunan Province,is a time-honored scenic spot,well known across the nation.Its fame is particularly attributed to a renowned Song Dynasty poet and intellectual,Fan Zhongyan(989-1052),who wrote about it in a work that  相似文献   

ONE old saying that is par-tlcularly rooted in theChinese consciousness is“Spring is the most mean-ingful season.”It has particularsignificance in rural regions,where spring is the time for plow-iug,and for planning the work for  相似文献   

<正>The 13th meeting of the Central Leading Group for Deepening Overall Reform held on June 5approved guidelines for deepening reform of state-owned enterprises(SOEs),making clear the orientations for the reform of SOEs.During the process of rapid economic growth in the past decade,Chinese SOEs have become more powerful,and their influence on the market has strengthened,particularly in the al ocation of market resources.  相似文献   

<正>During the Spring Festival,which fell on February 3 this year,a large number of fires and injuries to people were triggered by fireworks. A new round of debate over whether to again put firework bans in place  相似文献   

TotheeastoftheBeijingZoo,abuildingisunderconstructionwhichwillopenthisJuneas"TheHappyCastle,"thefirstdepartmentstoreforchildreninthecapital.ThegeneralmanageroftheHappyCastleisTeddeSmart,aNorthAmericaninhislateforties.TedfirstcametoBeijinginearly1996,andsaysthatheneverimaginedthathewouldlastfouryearsinBeijing.HefeltthatforeignersinBeijingwereall"laowai"inthewordsofthelocalBeijingdialect.Hepresentedhimselfasaprimeexample.However,henowsayshedoesn'tplantogobacktotheUnitedStatesforalongtime…  相似文献   

从半年前开始,梅烟性情大变,向来温柔谦顺的她突然间就暴躁了起来。虽然不是什么大病,可却让梅烟深受其苦,每次发作都很抓狂。起初她并不知道自己和一种叫做肠易激的疾症扯上了关系。  相似文献   

经典作品作为"经过历史积淀、实践检验、大众认同的具有一定典型性、权威性,并在长期的社会生活实践中产生过积极影响的文化结晶与优秀著作",是经过历史冲刷而遗留下来的宝贵文化遗产。它博大精  相似文献   

China’s Ministry of Education issued a notice early this year requiring Chinese calligraphy education to be made a required course at primary and middle schools. In big cities where there is a good cultural basis for such a move, calligraphy class is expected to start this autumn  相似文献   

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