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Attempts to analyze the reasons for vote switching between consecutive elections have been in general quite disappointing. On the one hand, this result may be attributed to idiosyncrasies of vote switching; on the other hand, it may be a product of not fully adequate research strategies. This paper explores the second possibility. First, we suggest to study switchers not as a whole, but to distinguish different groups of switchers according to the political relevance of the different kinds of switching. Secondly, we discuss whether the analysis of switching could benefit from the use of panel data instead of cross-sectional data: the operationalization of switching by panel data should be superior to the widely used recall method. The hypotheses derived in the theoretical discussion receive strong support from empirical evidence from the German general election of 1998: both the differentiated measurement of switchers and the use of panel data enhance analysis of switching based on cleavage theory and the Michigan model. More generally, we conclude that our understanding of this dynamic element in electoral politics depends on the methodological adequacy of research.  相似文献   

Modern research on electoral history is based on Stein Rokkan’s evolutionary model, which was developed in studies on the history of voting rights in european countries. In this model, secret voting counts as a strong indicator for democracy. The paper discusses the close connection between secret voting and democracy from the perspective of the us-american case. In most american states secret voting — called ‘Australian Ballot’ — was introduced in the decade between 1888–98. The paper pays particular attention to the struggles to introduce secret voting in two states — Massachusetts and Louisiana — and analyses the goals of the conflicting parties. The result looks paradoxical from the standpoint of modern democratic theory: in both states secret voting found strong support by political groups and parties which wanted to get rid of the the poor immigrant and the afro-american vote. At least in the south, the Australian Ballot became an effective instrument to keep afro-americans out of political power.  相似文献   

In recent years, new forms of tripartite concertation between governments, employers’ confederations and trade unions have re-emerged in the form of social pacts. The paper aims at explaining the emergence of social pacts under the impact of European regime competition. It argues that governments increasingly seek structural reforms of the labour market in order to solve the employment crisis. These structural reforms are however hardly attainable without the co-operation of the social partners. Using tripartite agreements, governments try to get the acceptance of trade unions to a reform policy which is conducive for employment growth. While social pacts are struck under the impact of regime competition, the political exchange between trade unions and governments does not have to foster this competition, but social pacts can facilitate European co-ordination of employment policies, since they strengthen the role of social partners.  相似文献   

In recent years, the field of political consulting and policy advice has gained growing attention and, thus, has been subject of important debates regarding its key concepts and theoretical foundations. This paper sets out to defend the authors' original thesis which has been challenged in the course of these debates. We argue that, along with classical oneway modes of consultation, a new way of interaction between political decision makers and consultants has emerged. The knowledge deriving from these cooperative discourses is not merely an external source for the preparation and legitimation of political decisions. It is integral part of the policy process and may unfold its potential as long as it meets the standards of epistemic and political robustness.  相似文献   

This article argues for a more conscious reference to normativity in political science education. A greater reference to normativity should find its expression in a self-reflexive attitude which includes a disclosure of own normative assumptions, an examination of given postulates and knowledge and a recognition of the complexity of social relations. By looking at students, teachers and learning relations, we show how such a reflexive attitude can be implemented and facilitated in order to educate students who think and act critically.  相似文献   

Politische Vierteljahresschrift - Bis in die 1990er Jahre befand sich die EG-Sozialpolitik infolge weitestgehender Einstimmigkeitserfordernisse in einer ?Politikverflechtungsfalle’...  相似文献   

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