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王刚 《刑事技术》2000,(2):22-23
通过对使用特殊工具开启盘形制栓锁的原理分析,探讨了技术性开锁痕迹的形成、形态、分布范围,提出了区分开启盘形制栓锁的特殊工具种类的三个依据等.  相似文献   

1案例资料2006年2月,某市发生一宗入室盗窃案,门锁完好,窗户防盗网完好无损,经检验,原配钥匙没有配过。对锁检验如下:圆头弹子平端面的一侧边缘有摩擦痕,锁体弹子孔边缘的棱角被倒平。在与被磨损的弹子孔边缘同侧的锁芯孔壁上,有摩擦痕迹。技术人员根据以上痕迹特征,排除了钩状工具等几种常见的开锁方式,难以确定开锁工具。后抓获了案犯,缴获了案犯身上的钥匙坯,通过多次实验,最后确定为用钥匙坯开锁。2讨论2.1钥匙坯开锁的痕迹形成钥匙坯开锁是利用锁具本身的互开率。锁具质量较差,其零件加工精度差,为钥匙坯开锁创造了条件。钥匙坯为“一…  相似文献   

利用口香糖开启三保险锁痕迹的检验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
技术开锁具有的隐蔽性不易被发觉,因此在犯罪现场中,经常被案犯利用对锁具开启,实施犯罪。随着犯罪分子作案手段智能化,新的技术开锁方法不断出现。2001年以来,我市发生了20余起用口香糖堵锁芯孔开锁系列入室盗窃案,在侦破案件中,为了全面了解其技术开锁的原理,我们对有关锁具进行了解剖,对痕迹的形态、出现的部位及分布规律进行了认真的研究分析。最后判定案犯先用钩状工具挑拨三保险锁,后用口香糖堵锁芯孔,转动锁芯开锁的作案手段。从而将这20余起盗窃案予以串并。后抓获犯罪嫌疑人,该交待了伙同其他案犯利用钩状工具与口香糖开锁入室盗窃…  相似文献   

近年来,随着磁卡锁的逐渐普及,犯罪分子有针对性地研制出了一种开锁工具。这类工具制作简单,操作方便,开锁时间短,遗留痕迹少,开锁时电脑控制系统无开门记录。笔者就近年来在实际勘查工作中,对利用工具开启磁卡锁案件的作案特点及遗留痕迹进行分析。  相似文献   

本文对开启十字匙锁的万能钥匙开锁的原理、方法、痕迹特征等进行研究,探讨了判断十字匙锁是否被万能钥匙开启过的方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨内窥镜条件下检验技术开锁痕迹的方法.方法 通过对内窥镜的分析,探索适用内窥镜的选择标准;通过分析锁芯结构,确定内窥镜检验开锁痕迹的工作通道和进入锁芯的方法;通过内窥镜观察锁芯内痕迹实验,研究内窥镜下观察技术开锁痕迹的方法;以传统的方法研究L形开锁器痕迹,验证内窥镜下检验技术开锁痕迹的可行性.结果 检验开锁痕迹适合用硬性直杆式内窥镜,根据圆头弹子位置确定工作通道,用移动锁具或窥镜的方法将内窥镜送入锁芯.结论 内窥镜下检验开锁痕迹应选择0.5 mm、1.0 mm直杆式硬性内窥镜;选择与圆头弹子相同或相邻的空间作为工作通道,按照移动锁具或内窥镜的方法进入锁芯,可实现圆头弹子球面、柱面、孔槽壁上的痕迹观察.  相似文献   

1暴力拧锁开锁原理 近几年来,暴力拧锁开锁进行违法犯罪活动的案件日渐增多,这种开锁方式所使用的工具简单易作,便于携带,并且利用这种方式开锁的成功率很高。因此,研究暴力拧锁方式开锁的原理,及暴力拧锁方式开锁在锁体上形成的痕迹特点,对刑事技术人员在现场勘查中分析开锁方式有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

蔡江 《刑事技术》2009,(5):58-59
近日,笔者在勘验3起入室系列盗窃案时发现现场门窗完好,门上挂锁未见破坏痕迹,可室内财物却被盗,起初以为用钥匙开锁实施盗窃,但在检验挂锁时,发现锁舌上有新鲜带状擦划痕迹,锁舌两侧锁体内壁上有2条线状擦划痕迹,认定这是压锁舌技术开锁,是利用“插片”开锁遗留的痕迹。这类技术开锁留痕不明显不易被发现,容易被被害人和侦查技术人员忽视,笔者也是第一次遇到,现结合本辖区发生的利用“插片”压锁舌技术开锁案件,对“插片”的结构、原理、遗留痕迹进行介绍。  相似文献   

机械防盗锁是指具有防钻、防锯、防撬、防拉、防冲击、防技术开启功能,通过机械传动装置进行门闩开启,锁芯为非单排弹子结构的锁,主要包括用钥匙开启的防盗安全门用防盗锁和防盗保险柜用机械密码锁。防钻是指锁头及锁身的关键部位抵抗便携式电钻钻切、并用钢丝拔动工具拔开锁具的能力。防撬是指锁具处  相似文献   

近年来,随着科学技术应用水平的不断提高,刑事犯罪分子的作案手段也在不断发生变化。尤其是各种入室盗窃案件,尽管人们对防盗门及防盗锁的结构和质量进行了大幅度的改进和更新,但是入室盗窃案件仍然占居所有盗窃案的70%—80%以上。犯罪分子除了利用传统的暴力破锁方法入室作案外,利用多种工具采用技术和技巧性开锁手段入室作案的犯(2)插片在门缝内呈弯曲状,上下移动会受到防盗门橡胶密封压条的阻力,仔细观察防盗门的橡胶密封压条,在锁以下部分的压条上会发现纵向擦划痕迹。3讨论(1)插片开启高级防盗门锁入室作案,对锁具性能无损坏,也不留下…  相似文献   

Microscopic examination of the tumblers of pin and disc tumbler lock cylinders may indicate whether an attempt has been made to pick the lock. If an attempt has been made to pick the lock, it is often possible to determine what type of pick was used. Lock cylinders of five manufacturers, employing tumblers of several different compositions, were examined. The lock cylinders were picked with rake, hook, and bounce picks made of spring steel. The cylinders were disassembled and examined for pick marks. The location and appearance of the marks are discussed. Briefly mentioned are the effects of other types of picks and the effect of ball bearings in the pin wells. Photographs are included to show the pick and wear marks.  相似文献   

Mul‐T‐Lock is a high security lock cylinder distinguished by the use of a telescoping “pin‐in‐pin”—tumbler design. Picking the Mul‐T‐Lock cylinder with a traditional picking tool is highly complicated because it can get stuck between the inner and outer pins. The H&M Mul‐T‐Lock picking tool was designed to overcome this problem and facilitate the picking of the “pin‐in‐pin” cylinder. The purpose of this research is to determine whether H&M Mul‐T‐Lock picking tool leaves class characteristic mark and whether it can be distinguished from traditional picking tools marks and from regular key marks. It also describes and determines the class characteristic mark left on telescopic pins, its origin, recurrence, and its benefit to the toolmarks examiner. When receiving a Mul‐T‐Lock from a crime scene, a toolmarks examiner can quickly determine whether or not it was picked by an H&M Mul‐T‐Lock picking tool by noticing the class characteristic mark which this typical tool leaves.  相似文献   

通过痕迹认定肇事车辆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着交通事故勘验技术的发展,物证技术在重特大交通事故现场勘验以及侦破交通逃逸案件中发挥的作用越来越重要.痕迹检验技术作为物证技术的一个重要分支,在认定肇事车辆中发挥着举足轻重的作用.交通事故中的痕迹是车辆与车辆、人体、道路等客体在路面上相对高速运动形成的痕迹,相对于其它类型案件有着自己的特点.交通事故中的痕迹分布范围广、造痕体和承痕体相对运动剧烈,形成痕迹的造痕体和承痕体大多都会发生形变.基于交通事故中痕迹形成的这些特点,交通事故中的痕迹检验难度是比较大的.但交通事故中车辆的特殊结构形成的印压痕迹、车辆轮胎、摩托车车篮等造痕体在灰尘等介质作用下在人体的衣服等表面形成的印压痕迹都可以很好反映造痕体的外部结构特征,从这些痕迹反映出造痕体的外部结构特征可以寻找和认定交通肇事车辆.  相似文献   

It is known that restoration of erased engraved identification marks on the engine and the chassis of a car or on a firearm has low success rate. Unlike stamping, engraving on a metal surface leaves no pronounced, permanent subsurface deformation in the crystalline structure, also called dislocation that can be revealed by suitable methods. Hence, the current research work investigated whether metallographic reagents used in the restoration of stamp (compression) marks could be applied to recover engraved marks on steel surfaces and also to establish the sensitivity and effectiveness of some of these reagents for the restoration of the marks. Experiments were conducted by mechanically engraving alphanumeric characters on several steel plates using a computer controlled engraving machine called Gravograph. The markings were later erased from the above steel plates by removing the metal in stages of 0.01 mm through 0.04 mm below the bottom of the engraving. Several plates were thus prepared wherein each one had been abraded to a specific depth. Then eight metallographic reagents were tested on each one of the above erased plates using a swabbing technique. The results had shown that while most of the reagents were able to restore marks up to certain levels of erasure, the reagent 5 g copper sulphate, 60 ml water, 30 ml concentrated ammonium hydroxide and 60 ml concentrated hydrochloric acid restored marks erased to a depth of 0.04 mm below the engraving depth, thus presenting itself the most sensitive reagent. Quite significantly, the above reagent was also able to decipher successfully the original engraved marks that had been erased and engraved with a new number, or obliterated by centre punching. The results of this research work should benefit the forensic practitioners engaged in the serial number recovery on vehicles, firearms and other objects.  相似文献   

In May 1978 the body of the kidnapped Italian Prime Minister, murdered by the Red Brigades, was found in a car parked in the center of Rome. This paper discusses the findings from the investigations conducted on the evidence found on Mr. Moro's clothes, shoes (beach sand, bitumen, vegetals and polyester fragments), and on the car. To get a comprehensive picture of the characteristics of the various pieces of evidence, use was made of a multiple-technique approach. The sand was identified as coming from the seashore close to Rome. A tract of shore with a limited number of roads leading to the beach was defined as compatible with the textural and compositional characteristics of the sand. The study of the vegetal fragmenta suggested that they had been picked up in a period of time close to the killing. Thermosetting polyester, of the type used in boat manufacturing was found under the fenders, in the tires and inside the car, as well as under Mr. Moro's shoes, supporting proximity of a beach. Pollen analysis showed that adhesion of volcanic soil to the car fenders antedated adhesion of the sand.  相似文献   

目的研究内、外铣槽钥匙机械配制后痕迹的出现规律及其影响因素。方法利用传统的痕迹检验方法观察痕迹出现的位置、形态及分布规律。结果内、外铣槽钥匙机械配制后会留下不同于其原始加工痕迹和使用痕迹的增配痕迹,这种痕迹是否明显出现、出现的形态和位置受钥匙材质和结构、配匙机、配匙人员工作经验等因素的影响。结论当未发现内、外铣槽钥匙上有明显增配痕迹时,不能轻易做出钥匙未被增配的判断。  相似文献   

光谱成像中光谱基准点选取的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的研究物证检验应用光谱成像标准化规范化的操作技术方法。方法比较相同数据采集条件下选择不同光谱基准点区分物质的效果。结果选择不同基准点对光谱成像检验效果影响很大。结论应用光谱成像方法检验物证时针对不同检验目的选择不同基准点具有很强的规律性。  相似文献   

Abstract:  In forensic pathology and anthropology, a correct analysis of lesions on soft tissues and bones is of the utmost importance, in order to verify the cause and manner of death. Photographs, videos, and photogrammetry may be an optimal manner of immortalizing a lesion, both on cadavers and skeletal remains; however, none of these can supply a detailed three-dimensional (3D) modeling of the lesion. Up to now, only the use of casts has given us the possibility of studying deep lesions such as saw marks with an accurate and complete 3D reconstruction of bone structure. The present study aims at verifying the applicability of 3D optical contactless measurement for the accurate recording of soft tissue and bone lesions, in order to develop a unique and precise method of registering and analyzing lesions, both in forensic pathology and anthropology. Three cases were analyzed: the first, a car accident with blunt force skin injuries; the second, a murder with blunt force injury to the head applied with a metal rod; the third, a series of sharp force knife and saw lesions on bone. Results confirm that 3D optical digitizing technology is a crucial tool in the immortalization of wound morphology in the medico-legal context even on "difficult" substrates such as cut marks and saw marks on bone.  相似文献   

In animal bites, the dental attributes can be fundamental in identifying the marks made by various species on different matrices. Although rodent bite marks have been studied in the context of postmortem interference, little research has used different baits to analyze these marks linking not only specific behavior patterns but also the possibility of structural damage. Twenty mice (Mus musculus) were exposed to different baits to study their bite marks in a controlled model. The known pattern of parallel and multiple grooves has been seen in all baits, but polyvinyl chloride and fiber‐optic cable were significantly different between each other and the other baits. Some baits showed patterns of anchorage of the upper incisors and space between the lower incisors when gnawing. This technical note represents a novel model of analysis where veterinarians and/or dentists may be asked to give an opinion on alleged animal bite marks.  相似文献   

目的观察钳剪钢丝铣纹痕迹规律。方法用钢丝钳剪切铁丝,观察形成铣纹痕迹的特点和规律,并对铣纹痕迹数量和倾斜角度与钢丝钳剪切刃口位置的关系予以分析。结果钢丝钳刃口形成的铣纹痕迹数量和倾斜角度随刃口位置变动而发生相应变化。结论通过检测铣纹痕迹的数量和倾斜角度能可靠判断剪切刃口的具体位置,为制作样本选择刃口部位提供依据。  相似文献   

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