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袁燕谊 《政法学刊》2005,22(4):104-105
近年来,随着电视技术从传统的模拟方式向数字方式转变,电子技术、数字图像处理技术以及计算机多媒体技术的飞速发展,监控录像经过了从模拟监控系统到数字监控系统的发展,同时由于网络技术的不断发展,宽广的网络宽带,使得图像网络实时传输、图像自动识别以及数字记录等成为可能,网络远程监控系统也应运而生,具有便于集中管理、节约成本,灵活集成,操作方便等优势,在公安、金融、司法等部门都得到很好地运用.  相似文献   

本文就一款九安品牌硬盘录像机的数据恢复案例,详细介绍了检材特点、检验思路和检验过程。使用常规检验方法对检材进行检验,需要花费大量的人力和时间,且效果不佳。通过分析视频监控录像的二进制数据,研究该品牌硬盘录像机的技术资料,最后结合利用该产品的备份数据软件,摸索出恢复九安品牌监控录像数据的新方法。通过与常规方法对比,结果证明新方法检验效率更高、检出数据更精炼,从而为该类检材建立了一种新的检验方法。  相似文献   

近年来,随着信息技术的发展和防范管理工作的加强,安装监控录像设备的单位和场所越来越多。在刑事案件中,通过分析和检验与犯罪有关的监控录像为侦查提供线索和证据,成为破案的一条重要途径。笔者在工作中,通过对一起特大交通肇事逃逸案中模糊监控录像的分析检验,准确地判断出肇事车辆的类型和规格,为排查肇事车辆提供了重要依据。现将有关情况报道如下。  相似文献   

山东省龙口市公安局投入资金建成一套道路视频监控系统,该系统多次在案件侦破中发挥重要作用。2008年春节前夕,侦查人员在办理一起系列撬盗保险柜案件时,逭过调阅监控录像锁定了犯罪嫌疑人所驾汽车,顺藤摸瓜将5名盗窃团伙成员全部抓获,带破案件68起,涉案金额47万余元。  相似文献   

1 原 理随着监控录像技术的普及 ,在银行、收费站、商场、超市、工厂、居民小区等许多公共场所都会安装有摄像头和监控录像系统。监控录像是利用电视摄录像器材及音视频传输设备、处理设备 ,依照法律法规观察、获取、处理特定场所、特定人员的图像、声音信息 ,掌握监视有关人  相似文献   

监控录像作为一种视听资料,由于能够客观、真实地再现案件的发生,正越来越受到人们的重视。特别是近几年来,随着人们技防意识的提高,监控设备成本的不断下降,社会上的监控设备越来越多。本文旨在通过一起盗抢儿童案的成功破获,探讨如何在办案过程中充分利用监控录像进行侦查。  相似文献   

在社会、经济、科技迅速发展的今天,安全问题已成为整个社会日益关注的焦点。作为安防的重要组成部分如闭路电视监控系统目前已广泛应用于银行、宾馆、超市、住宅小区等场所,其录像资料也成为刑侦部门的侦查破案重要线索之一。由于闭路监控技术目前正处于快速发展阶段,其设备不  相似文献   

赵洪超 《法制与社会》2012,(18):168-169
目前,公安实践部门对视频监控录像的分析仍依赖传统的人工分析法,视频监控录像智能化分析的理念及方法尚不普及,软硬件技术应用尚不成熟。本文针对视频监控录像智能化分析的现状,从理论层面将传统人工分析法与智能化分析法进行对比分析,并对智能化分析的应用条件、应用前景加以阐述。  相似文献   

长期以来,铁路运输货物被盗案件时有发生,由于货物列车运行具有线长点多的特点,往往难于确定案件的发生区段。近年来,铁路在每个公安机构分界口建立一个货车动态视频监控点,对运行的货物列车的装载和施封情况进行动态监控,从中发现货物被盗车辆,以此判定货盗案件发生区段。然而监控点由于受夜间、雨雪、灯光、列车通过速度等因素影响,  相似文献   

随着监控录像设施越来越多,在诉讼中使用监控录像作为证据的案件也越来越多。使用伪造或变造的监控录像的案件也有发生,本文提出了伪造监控录像图像的几种不同手法,并分析了不同伪造手法图像所表现的特征。  相似文献   

视频监控技术在安防方面正发挥着越来越重要的作用,这一技术已经得到公安部门的广泛重视,但随着视频监控技术的发展,一些负面作用也将会出现。其中主要包括监控视频的伪造和篡改,这将会严重影响视频监控的发展和应用。因此,开展监控视频鉴定技术研究迫在眉睫。本文从视频监控的数字化导致监控视频容易被修改,视频监控网络化导致视频监控系统容易被入侵的特点分析了监控视频鉴定的必要性;简要介绍了监控视频鉴定的基本方法;总结了监控视频鉴定的难点并对监控视频鉴定的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

根据车辆速度计算公式,提出了两种基于监控视频测速的思路。一是视频图像与实地测量相结合,车辆运动距离通过与监控画面匹配后实地测量,运动时间通过视频帧率运算分别获得。二是利用车辆技术参数测量,在视频图像中,车身前后明显部位经过同一点,车辆运动距离和时间分别通过被测车型技术参数、视频帧率运算获得。并通过实验结果对两种方法进行评价。  相似文献   

Surveillance is becoming ubiquitous in our society. We can also see the emergence of “smart” surveillance technologies and the assemblages (or combinations) of such technologies, supposedly to combat crime and terrorism, but in fact used for a variety of purposes, many of which are intrusive upon the privacy of law-abiding citizens. Following the dark days of 9/11, security and surveillance became paramount. More recently, in Europe, there has been a policy commitment to restore privacy to centre stage. This paper examines the legal tools available to ensure that privacy and personal data protection are respected in attempts to ensure the security of our society, and finds that improvements are needed in our legal and regulatory framework if privacy is indeed to be respected by law enforcement authorities and intelligence agencies. It then goes on to argue that privacy impact assessments should be used to sort out the necessity and proportionality of security and surveillance programmes and policies vis-à-vis privacy.  相似文献   

Digital video is used in criminal trials as evidence with legal responsibility because video content vividly depicts events occurring at a crime scene. However, using sophisticated video editing software, assailants can easily manipulate visible clues for their own benefit. Therefore, the integrity of digital video files acquired or submitted as evidence must be ensured. Forensic analysis of digital video is key to ensuring the integrity of links with individual cameras. In this study, we analyzed whether it is possible to ensure the integrity of MTS video files. Herein, we propose a method to verify the integrity of MTS files encoded by advanced video coding high definition (AVCHD), which is frequently used for video recording. To verify MTS file integrity, we propose five features. Codec information, picture timing, and camera manufacture/model are modified AVI and MP4-like format video verification features. Group of pictures and Universally Unique Identifier patterns were specifically developed for MTS streams. We analyzed the features of 44 standard files recorded using all recording options of seven cameras. We checked whether integrity can be validated on unmanipulated videos recorded in various environments. In addition, we considered whether manipulated MTS files edited in video editing software could be validated. Experimental results show that all unmanipulated and manipulated MTS files with known recording devices were discriminated only when all five features were checked. These results show that the proposed method verifies the integrity of MTS files, strengthening the validity of MTS file-based evidence in trials.  相似文献   

论视频监控的犯罪预防功能及犯罪侦查价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
各国的犯罪预防理论发展至今,已经形成了比较完善的犯罪预防体系,主要包括司法预防、社会预防和情景预防三种模式。在我国的犯罪预防体系中,向来重视司法预防和社会预防,而对情景预防关注不够,情景预防措施尚不完善。作为一种对犯罪的干预,视频监控是一种对情境犯罪的干预,研究发掘其在犯罪预防中的作用对完善犯罪预防体系具有重要意义。同时,视频监控系统在犯罪侦查方面也具有重要作用。  相似文献   

Information science distinguishes between the semantic forms/intangibles of data, information and knowledge. Data (e.g. an attribute of a data record in a relational database) does not have any meaning by itself. Information is data brought into context (e.g. data related to its primary key), and knowledge is the collection of information for useful intent (e.g. a database). This paper investigates the mapping of semantic forms in information science (i.e. data, information, knowledge) to correlative concepts in information law (primarily data protection legislation) with a view to investigating how such semantic forms are legally protected. The paper first proposes a data, information, knowledge, rules (DIKR) hierarchy in the context of relational database theory, and interprets this hierarchy with respect to data protection concepts. The paper then gives an in-depth discussion of the elements of the DIKR hierarchy (data, information, knowledge, deduced knowledge, induced knowledge) and how they relate to the EU Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC. These relationships are summarized in the form of a two dimensional correlation matrix. Finally the paper discusses how the semantic forms identified are protected under the EU Data Protection Directive, and gives insightful observations about the connection between information law and information science.  相似文献   

Digitalization has increased the number of video surveillance systems that sometimes capture crime images. Traditional methods of human height estimation use projective geometry. However, sometimes they cannot be used because the video camera surveillance system is not available or has been moved and there are no reference lines on the frame. Scientific studies have developed a new method for human height estimation using 3D laser scanning. This model necessarily requires a series of approximations, which increase the final measurement error. To overcome this problem, in the present study, images of a subject are projected directly on the 3D model, estimating the height of the subject. This article describes the methodological approach adopted through the analysis of a real case study in a controlled environment executed by Carabinieri Forensic Investigation Department (Italy). The aim is to obtain a human anthropometric measure derived from frames extracted from the videos associated with the digital survey of the framed area obtained with 3D laser scanning and point cloud analysis. The result is the height estimation of five subjects filmed by a camera obtained through the combination of 2D images extracted by a DVR/surveillance systems with 3D laser scanning. Results show that most estimated measurements are less than the real measurement of the subject; it also depends on the posture of the subject while walking. Furthermore, results shows the differences between the real height and the estimated height with a statistical approach.  相似文献   

目的对当前我国电子物证检验中提取到的海量数据信息的取证难题进行探讨。方法对数据文件中海量数据信息的特点及其传统取证方法进行分析研究。结果提出开发专用工具软件进行海量数据文件的提取。结论利用专用提取工具软件可以对常见数据文件中有规律性的数据内容进行读取、计算、查重和汇总,使海量涉案数据文件的检验从传统的人工方式转变为计算机的自动处理。  相似文献   

The entry into force of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the ensuing introduction of the right to data protection as a new fundamental right in the legal order of the EU has raised some challenges. This article is an attempt to bring clarity on some of these questions. We will therefore try to address the issue of the place of the right to the protection of personal data within the global architecture of the Charter, but also the relationship between this new fundamental right and the already existing instruments. In doing so, we will analyse the most pertinent case law of the Court of Luxembourg, only to find out that it creates more confusion than clarity. The lesson we draw from this overview is that the reasoning of the Court is permeated by a ‘privacy thinking’, which consists not only in overly linking the rights to privacy and data protection, but also in applying the modus operandi of the former to the latter (which are different we contend). The same flawed reasoning seems to be at work in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. Therefore, it is crucial that the different modi operandi be acknowledged, and that any upcoming data protection instrument is accurately framed in relation with Article 8 of the Charter.  相似文献   

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