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ON the northern end of the north-south central Olympic Green, where the Olympic Village is village will be home to over 16,800 athletes, during the Games. The village logo comprises axis in Beijing is the located. The 163-acre coaches and officials three parts; the phoenix at the top represents the Olympic flame, while the last two characters represent the words "Dream World."  相似文献   

The world agrees that the Olympics mark a time when all political feuds are to be cast aside. For a long period, there was the ancient Greek legend of the Sacred Truce: When the Olympics were held, all city-states would cease warfare and compete on the athletic field united by the gracious spirit of sportsmanship. Yet more and more historians are telling us that the ancient Olympic Games were in fact not wholly exempt from all political infiltration and the arena would soon become a stage for confrontation, negotiation and city-state alignment.  相似文献   

LED,一种将电能转换为可见光的半导体,它改变了白炽灯钨丝发光原理,而采用电场发光。这种光照均匀、光效高、寿命长的照明光源,进入中国市场的时间并不长,自20世纪末,大量进入中国体育馆、会展中心、广场等公共场所的LED显示屏将中国的大屏幕带入了全彩时  相似文献   

At the mere mention of color,generally springs to mind the seven-tone rainbow spectrum.Color plays a prominent role in China,both in language and aesthetics.Incorporating Chinese hues and their cultural essence into the uniforms for the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 is crucial to He Yang,designer of this edition's official gear.  相似文献   

MOVING forward with its "Western Development" strategy for a decade now, the Chinese government has consistently recruited qualified personnel to inject brain power into the region, signing up nearly 100,000 applicants in 2009 from the ranks of the country's university graduates. Does this new generation of Chinese youth regard their adventure an ideal pursuit, or just a realistic choice for those caught in the current tight employment situation?  相似文献   

Olympic Feats     
正Construction on venues for the 2022 Winter Olympics gears up Dubbed the Ice Ribbon,the skating venue for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing(Beijing 2022)won praise from the International Skating Union(ISU)on May 27,though it is still under construction.As the only new permanent structure being built specificaly for the Games in Beijing's downtown,it is  相似文献   

正As PyeongChang says goodbye to the Winter Olympics,Beijing gets ready to host the games The Winter Olympic Games have clocked onto Beijing time following an 8-minute show unveiled at the Pyeong Chang closing ceremony on February 25.  相似文献   

SINCE Beijing decidedto bid for the 2008Olympic Games lastyear, great changeshave taken place in the city. Thenewly constructed fourth ringroad has greatly alleviated trafficcongestion, certain enterprisesgenerating serious pollutionhave been moved out of thedowntown area, and old buildings have been demolished andreplaced by modern blocks.Having witnessed and beenaffected by these changes, thecitizens of Beijing ferventlyhope for their city's success inthe Olympics bid, not only forthe hon…  相似文献   

奥运会作为全球瞩目的国际体育盛会,对举办城市的经济社会发展将产生极大的作用,而奥运经济最大、最直接的受益者当属旅游业.  相似文献   

在<理想国>中,柏拉图系统地阐述了其政治哲学思想即"理想国"的空想构建,而其中的"哲人治国"的思想是其"理想国"的核心内容.事实上,"理想国"的大部分具体制度都可以在斯巴达找到原型,惟有哲学家治国这一点是柏拉图独创的.而"共产"思想也是其中相当具有特色的内容之一,但这一思想作为柏拉图政治哲学思想中最有争议也最具特色的内容之一,对后世产生了深远影响.尽管这一理论在实践上是行不通的,但它认真讨论了私有制的负面作用,提出了一些较为进步的思想和有价值的实践精神.  相似文献   

BEIJING, already a comparatively secure city, has taken special measures to ensure a safe Olympics. About four years ago, the Beijing Olympic Security Coordination Group was set up to establish a national command system involving the police, army and armed police, as well as security companies and volunteers. Since January 12 this year, security work has shifted from the planning to the implementation stages across the capital. "We have drawn up 546 detailed plans regarding security at Olympic venues, counterten'orism, intelligence, and the guarding of VIPs," says Liu Shaowu, director of the BOCOG security department.  相似文献   

In the very same way that Olympic athletes remain Olympians for the rest of their lives, Olympic cities are forever Olympic. And, in the eyes of the world, the deeds of the thousands upon thousands of athletes, organizers, volunteers and citizens of Beijing  相似文献   

正Preparations for the Winter Olympics and Paralympics in Beijing haveentered the final stageAs the Olympic Summer Games concluded in Tokyo on August 8,it was less than six months before the Olympic Winter Games would take to the slopes in China's capital Beijing and co-host city Zhangjiakou.Preparations for the games,scheduled for February 4-20,2022,have now entered a sprint to the finish line.From July to August,the Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (BOCOG) dispatched its staff to the Tokyo Olympics in a bid to observe and learn from their hosting experiences.  相似文献   

党的十九大提出了建设社会主义现代化强国的目标,指出中国社会的发展经历了从"站起来、富起来到强起来"的历史性飞跃,这充分彰显了中国共产党人坚持远大理想与共同理想的科学统一。遵循中国革命、建设与改革的内在历史逻辑,正确分析国情,明确现阶段的历史任务,开创中国特色社会主义道路,努力实现强国富民,全面引领民族复兴的政治品格,是中国共产党人对于中国特色社会主义道路自信与理论自信的集中体现。  相似文献   

杨虹 《新东方》2001,10(6):67-69
丁玲在其早期女性小说中以卓越的才华、惊人的敏锐和独特的情感体验,从女性那惊世骇俗的情爱理想中展示女性生命存在的理想状态,创造崇高的女性人文价值,在构建起艺术理想制高点的同时酿造出久远醇厚的艺术魅力。  相似文献   

A good beginning is a job half done, and so it was for the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. On the night of August 8, thousands of performers entertained an audience of 91,000 in the National Stadium (Bird's Nest) with highlights from China's history and culture.  相似文献   

TAIWAN businessman Zhuang Bingyao walks around his 600 mu (1 mu = 1/15 hectare) orchard, paying particular attention to theTaiwan strain of Indian jujube. He explains, "Fujian has a climate similar to Taiwan's, but with a broader temperature range. The jujube planted here is sweeter "  相似文献   

保险作为现代经济的核心之一,为社会经济的发展提供风险保障,分散和转移风险是保险最重要的功能之一.  相似文献   

THE expulsion from the China National Diving Team of Tian Liang, 25-year-old diving champion of two Olympiads, early this year caused a storm of controversy across China. It brought to light the quandary contemporary Chinese athletes face, caught  相似文献   

田园城市:统筹城乡发展的理想城市形态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、霍华德的田园城市思想1898年,英国社会活动家埃比尼泽·霍华德(Ebenezer Howard)在他的著作《明日:一条通向真正改革的和平道路》(Tomorrow: A peaceful Path to Real Reform)中提出了关于城市规划的设想  相似文献   

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