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The Greek debt crisis poses a major obstacle for the world economy to overcome before global markets can begin to rally. Greece’s GDP currently stands at 240 billion euros, but the financially weak European  相似文献   

Local Debt Scare     
China steps up a clampdown on the financing vehicles of local governments control over local governments’ financing vehicles will be tightened to fend off what some economists warn could turn into a mountain  相似文献   

陆岷峰  张惠 《桂海论丛》2011,27(5):87-92
世界金融危机爆发后,中国经济经过结构调整,内生动力不断增强并带动区域经济的快速增长。与此同时,地方政府超常规融资积聚的风险隐患也在迅速增加,巨额的地方政府负债极有可能成为诱发新一轮危机的重要因素,成为制约中国经济发展的主要瓶颈。弄清地方政府过度负债的主要风险,衡量地方政府的负债能力,界定风险转变为危机的临界点,明确地方政府适度负债规模水平是稳妥地化解地方政府过度负债风险,防范危机的重要途径。  相似文献   

Tom Nagorski, Executive Vice President of the New York-headquartered Asia Society and former Foreign Editor for World News Tonight, a daily evening television news program of the U.S.-based ABC News, moderated a recent discussion at the society caled, The South China Sea: A View From Beijing. To get an insider’s perspective on this divisive issue,Nagorski interviewed Li Zhaoxing,President of the China Public Diplomacy Association and former Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National People’s Congress of China.Li asserted China’s historical right to the area as a"continuous,peaceful jurisdiction over these islands,"adding that the last thing China wants to see is turmoil or even war in "our neighborhood." Li is also confdent that a peaceful resolution to the disputes can be achieved.An edited version of the interview folows:  相似文献   

As the global significance of the Asia-Pacific continues to rise, the area’s regional security is arousing more concern. To improve security in the Asia-Pacific,  相似文献   

A shimmering movement rustles millions of leaves and the trees seem to have taken on a life of their own.There was no wind blowing,which could only mean one thing.Birds—lots of them.The thousands of egrets that infest the dense forest at the entrance to the mystical Qingcheng Mountain are more  相似文献   

Public safety concerns in Urumqi have been eased after authorities tightened security measures and vowed punishment for syringe attacks  相似文献   

Desperately trying to cure their financial ailments,central banks in the West fired up their moneyprinting machines to pour liquidity into their respective banking systems.While this no doubt helped thaw the credit freeze,it also inadvertently sowed the seeds of inflation.Andy Xie,a renowned independent Shanghai-based economist and former Morgan Stanley chief economist for Asia,discussed this issue in a recent interview with the Securities Times.  相似文献   

The foiled bid to blow Northwest Airlines Flight 253 from the skies above Detroit on December 25, 2009, was very nearly the second most serious incident in the United States associated with AI Qaeda since 9/11.  相似文献   

地方政府过度举债、风险累积和治理对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
当前我国地方政府出现了过度举债现象,表现出债务形式日趋复杂,规模大幅扩张,余额增速明显,结构相对失衡的特征。地方政府过度举债的原因在于分税制改革后的不配套、地方干部任命与考核制度、决策机制不完善、法制约束力不够等。地方政府过度举债特别是各级地方政府融资平台的迅速扩张势必诱发各种风险,进而阻碍地方经济发展。为此,文章针对地方政府过度举债及其风险累积,提出兼具科学性及可操作性的治理对策。  相似文献   

我国地方政府债务近几年急剧膨胀,负债融资发展已经形成不可阻挡之势。加强对地方政府债务融资监管显得意义特别重大。本文在界定地方政府融资内含的基础上,概括了我国地方政府债务融资监管立法缺陷,并对完善我国地方政府债务融资监管立法提出了若干建议,以求同仁赐教。  相似文献   

Countries face disputes while attempting to take positive actions on climate change The marathon-like UN Climate Change Conference in Cancun accurately reflected the difficulty of coming to a consensus on this contentious issue. Instead of reaching high-profile agreements  相似文献   

从债务规模、偿债能力和财政压力三个方面,通过均值法和比较分析方法,对我国东部地区、东北地区、中部地区和西部地区的政府债务进行区域间和区域内比较,结果显示我国地方政府债务风险的区域分布具有很大差异性。主要体现为东部地区负债率低、财政压力小,中部地区偿债能力强,西部地区债务规模增速快,东北地区偿债能力堪忧等区域特征。影响我国地方政府债务空间分布特征的经济因素主要是区域经济体量、经济增速和财政赤字率。地方政府债务监管部门应加强对地方政府债务资金使用的绩效管理,实行区域差异化的债务风险防控措施。  相似文献   

Debt Contagion     
正The European debt crisis will not badly hit China's economy Despite Europe's economic woes, China faces no real risks from the sovereign debt crisis. China's flourishing domestic market has offset part of Chinese exporters'losses. Also, European companies may ramp up their investment in China because of sluggish demand back home. All this will help alleviate the impact of Europe's crisis on Sino-EU business ties.  相似文献   

Debt Dilemma     
<正>The United States faces tough choices of running deficits or limiting government Now that the U.S.Federal Government has reached  相似文献   

In Good Debt     
China's outstanding foreign debt was more than$2.29 trillion at the end of the third quarter of 2020,up 7.6 percent from the end of the second quarter,according to the State Administration of Foreign Exchange(SAFE).  相似文献   

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