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THE Chinese version of the British smash-hit musical Mamma Mia! has swept Chinese theatergoers off their feet, or at least the enraptured faces of audience members leaving the theaters after witnessing the spectacle seem to suggest as much. The Chinese version of Mamma Mia! is the 14th incarnation of the musical, succeeding the show’s Italian, Japanese, German, Broadway and other reworkings. At the premiere in Shanghai in July 2011, a target of 200 performances was set by the show’s producers. With half of these performances already under its belt, the show continues to enjoy wild popularity: audi-  相似文献   

Flash Hits China     
A new mass culture has come into vogue in China -Flash. As a cartoon producing software developedby the American company Macromedia, Flash was originally expected to be confined to professional computer circles, but now enjoys popularity among a far greater scope of users than was ever expected.This phenomenon can be attributed to the popularization of the computer and net in China, where the numbers of computers and netizens have increased to over 10 million and 20 million respectively.Net …  相似文献   

正Local Xinjiang government promises young people a better future by improving educationOn the afternoon of September 16, 18-year old Nurbigul Tohti sat quietly in the art room of No.4 Middle School of Kuqa, part of Aksu Prefecture in south Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Her eyes were fixated on the face sketch in front of her.  相似文献   

AccordingtotheMinistryofEducation(MOE),theavailabilityofhigherleamingexaminationsforselftaughtadultshasencouragedmoreyoungandmiddle-agedpeopletopursuehighereducation.Lastyearal0ne,atotalofl2millionselftaughtstudentsacrossthecountryt0okpartinexamina-tions,andmorethan350,0O0oftheparticipantsobtainedhigherlearningdegrees.Nearly6,5mil-lionpeopleappliedforsimilarexaminationsduringthefirsthalfofthisyeararecordnumbersinceChinaresumedthesystemofrecruitingc0llegestudentsthroughnationalentranceexamina…  相似文献   

正To reach the destination,we i rst have to start.千里之行始于足下(qiān l zhīxíng sh yúzúxià),a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.When we travel we say上路(shàng lù),hit the road.At the i rst十字路口(shízìlùk u),crossroads,let’s head for首都(sh u dū),the capita city.Beijng is also nicknamed首堵(sh u d),most congested,thanks to a pun on首(sh u),i rst,and堵(d),congestion.We use人来人往(rén lái rén w ng),passengers come and go,and车水  相似文献   

The admission of the art form will boost protection of this national treasure Peking Opera was recently inscribed on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The decision was made  相似文献   

ON the evening of september 11, 2008, on the eve of the traditional mid-autumn Festival in China, the shijiazhuang-based sanlu Group publicly admitted that its dairy products had been contaminated by melamine, a chemical substance commonly used in plastics production.  相似文献   

GO! GO! GO!     
Rowers compete fiercely in a dragon boat race at Stanley Main Beach in Hong Kong on June 12,during this year’s Dragon Boat Festival.More than 240 teams took part in the celebration of the traditional Chinese holiday.  相似文献   

共产主义发展阶段问题,尤其是现实社会主义所处的发展阶段问题,是一个具有重大意义的理论和实践问题.长期以来,共产党人在这个问题上经常犯有"共产主义急性病"、超越历史发展阶段的"左"的错误.江泽民同志在"七一"讲话中坚持马克思主义的发展论,科学地回答了社会主义社会的发展阶段问题,号召共产党人要做"最低纲领和最高纲领的统一论者".这一理论创新,既有利于保证社会主义事业的顺利发展,又有利于解决一些青年人的"信仰危机",从而对实现共产主义的最终目标保持坚定的信念和清醒的认识.  相似文献   

李伟  杨芳 《理论月刊》2010,(10):167-169
新中国工业化进程经历了三个不同的历史阶段,每个阶段的农业政策都有其不同的内容。农业政策的每一次变动都源于农业面临深刻的危机,都服从于工业化发展的需要,经历了从"农业养育工业"到"工业反哺农业"过程,在一定意义上,农业政策的本质是国家与农民的关系问题。  相似文献   

认清社会主义发展阶段,关系社会主义的兴衰成败.党对中国社会主义历史发展阶段的认识过程和逻辑是:从抽象的共产主义教条到社会主义初级阶段理论,超越了历史的"乌托邦";从把社会主义建设分为"两阶段"到形成"三步走"的发展战略,是一种理性的思想接力;从突出政治到以经济建设为中心再到提出科学发展观,标志着执政理念的不断升华.  相似文献   

上海塌楼、南京车祸、重庆滑坡、湖南撞车、成都纵火……发生在近期的一系列安全事故,又一次震惊了我们。马斯洛的需要层次中,安全仅排在最前列的“饮食男女”之后。  相似文献   

Can do! Chengdu!     
CHENGDU can do!" exclaimed Ge Jun, managing director of Intel China, when he witnessed the one billionth chip roll off the production line at the company’s Chengdu plant in January 2012. Now, his words have become the tagline of Chengdu’s promotional ads. From June 6 to 8, the southwestern city hosted the 2013  相似文献   

<正>How the panda craze was ignited in a small county in China Pandas are natural stars.Since 2008,when Paramount Pictures’ animation comedy Kungfu Panda became an international hit,the giant bears having been hobnobbing  相似文献   


正An innovative cultural company is seeking to make reading free and fun By Liu JianGet on the subway in China and what you see is some are dozing off and some are hunched over their cellphones."They can read instead of being tied to their phones,"suggested Zhang Lijuan,founder of Qingfanqie Culture Media,a cultural company  相似文献   

The barrage started on a Friday morning——a few distant booms that soon led to louder explosions and fizzling sounds drawing closer to my apartment. As the day progressed, sotoo did their frequency until night fell and a  相似文献   

王兴伟 《思想战线》2011,(Z1):502-504
Conrad’s Heart of Darkness is a difficult novella.The last cry of Kurtz,"The horror! The horror!",is ambiguous,complex,and metaphorical in meaning.This paper tries to make a thorough analysis of all the possible meanings of the words,hoping to reveal its relation with the themes and facilitate a better understanding of the story.  相似文献   

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