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Reform Goes On     
China is set to revamp its financial sector amid economic rebalancing efforts As China looks to transform its growth model, the country recently laid out guidelines to ensure that the financial sector supports its economic rebalancing efforts.  相似文献   

On March 26, 2003, four girls of different nationalities made a special trip to Beijing, and went straight to the Tongzhou District Care Center where they had volunteered to work with disabled orphans.Sunny Lee Yang, Karine Teon, Ashwini Rao and Arisa lizuka are from the USA, France, India and Japan respectively. They are all students at the Singapore International School. In February this year, they saw a report on the Tongzhou District Care Center on CCTV's "China Reports." They were all so deeply moved by the backgrounds of the members of this special "family." that all four girls decided to cancel their social practice in Vietnam and come to China instead.  相似文献   

THE fuel tax reform draft, long-awaited by Chinese consumers,was finally released at the end of 2008. But the combined effect of the reform itself and depreciation of finished oil in the domestic market disappointed domestic consumers.  相似文献   

个人所得税改革探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国个人所得税起征点由800元提高到了1600元,这一改革措施没有从根本上解决个人所得税由于实行统一免征额所带来的实际上的不公平问题。除此之外,我国个人所得税还存在着税制不完善、税率结构不合理、征纳不充分等缺陷。我国可以从采用分类综合所得税制、提高边际税率、加强税收征管等措施入手,进一步深化个人所得税的改革。  相似文献   

正MAKING soap from kitchen waste grease,collecting rainfall to water plants,upgrading a highly polluting cement factory into an environment-friendly operation,slashing waste discharge and reducing energy use at iron and steel manufacturers...Such trends are gaining momentum in central China’s Wuhan,where the government,businesses and individual citizens are combining efforts to create a low-carbon environment in the city.  相似文献   

What Goes Around     
<正>The West caught in contradiction as it turns up pressure on Iranian nuclear program it once supported Claims from Western countries that Iran would become a nuclear-armed state have been around since 2004. In the meantime, there have been constant predictions of a military  相似文献   

童生  郑馨 《中国发展》2002,(4):49-52
按照社会主义市场经济的要求,我国个人所得税应该成为主体税制.但现实地看,我国个人所得税运行效果不够理想,没有实现税制设计目标,对高收入者调节乏力,甚至是逆调节,征管漏洞较大,税收流失严重.这就要求我们积极地对现行分类所得税制模式进行改革,向综合所得税制模式转变,完善个人所得税制.  相似文献   

当利息税改革的话题再度进入人们视野的时候,有三个基本的认识误区亟待澄清。利息税改革不该用来满足暂时性的宏观调控的需要;利息税不能当作宏观调控的手段来滥用;利息税的消除不会带来所期待的溢出效应。  相似文献   

正THE time-honored Beijing Tongrentang brand has achieved its longstanding goal to go global.The leading Chinese pharmaceutical company has opened 95 stores in 17 countries and regions out of the mainland,as well as a research and development center in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

The Chinese used to say they have two pairs of scissors: Wangmazi in the north and Zhang Xiao Quan in the south. These are two time-honored scissor brands that can trace their history back to the 17th century. Both are named after their founders. Wangmazi grew from a small shop near an ancient execution ground in Beijing owned by a man sumamed Wang. Since he had a pockmarked face, mazi in Chinese, people called him Wang Mazi. Wang didn’t make the scissors himself but had them manufactured at local workshops, giving them strict standards to ensure their quality.  相似文献   

<正>In the history of the auto industry, China is a latecomer, al-though it became the world’s largest auto market in the last two years. Now the country is gearing up to take the lead in at least  相似文献   

Haier Goes Wider     
HAIER was founded in 1984 in Qingdao City, Shandong Province. Under the leadership of its CEO Zhang Ruimin, the white goods manufacturer launched its transnational operation in late 2005, and based on the success of this model it established 29 manufacturing bases, eight comprehensive research and development centers, and 19 overseas trade  相似文献   

Yuan Goes Global     
Five cities participate in a trial program to settle overseas trade in renminbi, bringing the currency a step closer to becoming global Five of China's key manufacturing cities will launch services allowing the experimental use of the renminbi for international trade settlements. This move, aimed at reducing risks from exchange rate fluctuations, is a boon for Chinese exporters who already have had their profits squeezed at both ends.  相似文献   

“十六大”做出了“继续推进农村税费改革 ,减轻农民负担 ,保护农民利益”的决定 ,在这新的历史条件下 ,按照“三个代表”重要思想的要求 ,如何正确处理好国家、集体和农民的关系 ,从根本上解决农民负担过重的问题 ,促进农民增收和农村稳定 ,当前进行的农村税费改革 ,具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

陈淼  王飞 《中国发展》2009,9(1):22-24,30
绿色税制改革是实现经济可持续发展的财政政策的一项重要手段。中国绿色税制的研究相对国外起步较晚,但是绿色税制的改革对实现中国经济可持续发展、构建社会主义和谐社会又有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

<正>Chinese people have found a new way to usher in the Year of the Goat Kang Lipo,30,is an editor for a Beijingbased radio station.Each year,he returns to his hometown Jiaozuo,central China’s Henan Province,to spend the Spring Festival with his family.However,this year,things are a little bit different.During this year’s Spring Festival holiday,which ran from February 18 to 24,Kang spent  相似文献   

房产税试点初评与房产税改革深化的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上海和重庆的房产税试点,是我国住房制度发展历史中具有里程碑性质的一个事件,也是财税制度发展的一件大事。从房产税的本质与意义出发,有必要对房产税方案是否达到政策的初衷,是否满足社会预期,房产税是否能够替代土地出让金,房产税的全面推广需要注意什么等问题做深入分析。特别指出,房产税的深化改革,应该公共决策,需要更加公开、透明和广泛参与。  相似文献   

The Beat Goes On     
FOUR generations of Chinese rockers and fans celebrated Chinese rock'n roll's 20th anniversary on a stony desert in central China last August. Eighteen bands played the three-day festival, billed as the "Glorious Path of China Rock'n'Roll." Stacks of speakers blasted songs from a well-lit stone stage  相似文献   

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