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<正>The recovery of the American economy is moving along with a strong momentum and with steady improvement of employment and inflation,as indicated by its latest economic growth and job growth rates.The U.S.Federal Reserve(Fed)is widely expected to raise interest rates in the first half of 2015 for the first time since the eruption of the global financial crisis in 2008.  相似文献   

HONG Kong, having hitherto taken pride in its free flow of human resources, currently faces a serious shortage of qualified professionals.SAR human resource assessment statistics in 2007 indicate a 100,000 shortfall in potential white collars and a 230,000 surplus of manual and casual workers. Areas most in need are banking, finance, business consultancy and information technology. In the midst of Hong Kong's transition to a knowledge economy its most serious human resource deficiency is in the area of research and development, according to HK government reports. This paucity in human resources has caused certain businesses in the region to consider seriously the possibility of moving offices elsewhere in Asia. Language is a main barrier for many SAR job seekers. At this point, ten years after the return of Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China, around half of Hong Kong residents still do not speak putonghua. The English proficiency level of Hong Kong professionals is also declining.  相似文献   

<正>A 7.0-magnitude earthquake hit Ya'an, southwest China's Sichuan Province, on April 20-the second such disaster to afflict the area following the 8.0-magnitude quake in Wenchuan in 2008.  相似文献   

CLIMATE change is one of the biggest challenges faced by the international community today. Over the past few years, the problem has received escalating global attention and China has made active efforts in dealing with climate change, meeting its obliga- tinns set bv the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol and playing a constructive role in international cooperation in the field.  相似文献   

ON April 29, 2009, the Chinese government announced that by the year 2020 Shanghai will have become an international center of finance and shipping compatible with China’s economic strength and the international standing of the RMB.  相似文献   

The perce ption that Pakistan is a country beset with terrorism is totally wrong , according to Pakistani Foreign Minister Khurshid M. Kasuri. He argues that, unlike what is often seen in the media, the number of people affected by terrorism is “next to nothing” compared with his country’ s largepo pulation. In an interview with Beijing Review reporters Pan Shuangqinand Yan Wei during his recent trip to Beijing, Kasuri addressed a number of issues ranging from terrorism to trade and investment .  相似文献   

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao paid his second visit to the Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Yushu in northwest China’s Qinghai Provinceon May 1-2. The prefecture had been severely hit by 7.1-magnitude  相似文献   

WTO’s Woes     
The General Council of the World Trade Organization(WTO) approved the appointment of Brazilian diplomat Roberto Carvalho de Azevedo as its next director general in May,meaning that the most important multilateral institution coordinating the global economy will be again headed by someone from a developing country for at least the next four years beginning September 1.  相似文献   

My tather is an excellent surgeon and has just retired from the town hospital. Whenever 1 think of my father, his voice rings in my ears, always soft and encouraging. As time passes, I better understand my father and his seemingly endless and boring prattle.  相似文献   

Sky’s Limits     
Modern Sky’s Jinhui Meng talks about pop, poverty and nding the next big thing on China’s indie scene.YOU find him down at the pit every week- end. He shu es from foot to foot during the opening acts. And then he bobs up and down, face lighting up with the house lights when theygo on.They are his band, his and, and they’re going to be big. A diminutive, intense gure in denim, Jinhui Meng is a kind of Colonel Parker for China’s struggling rock musicians. One of the most talked-about n…  相似文献   

China is on its way to establishing its own venture capital industry Venture capitalists will find no safe haven worldwide as the prospects for the majority of economies to pick up remain dim for the next two years. Still, if some of them have the money and  相似文献   

Innovation to combat challenging times is the underlying theme to the 2009 China Travel Innovation Summit.  相似文献   

Triple Challenge     
<正>Can South Korea’s new president press forward with an independent foreign policy to bring peace in the Korean Peninsula?South Korea’s newly elected President Moon Jae In said he would address the economy and unify a society divided by the corruption scandal of his impeached predecessor Park Geun Hye in his f irst presidential speech.Moon,64,was sworn in as the 19th  相似文献   

The world's fourth largest PC maker embarks on a restructuring plan to remain competitive and profitable It was the best of times  相似文献   

Common prosperity for everyone is a hallmark of Chinese modernization and has always been one of the most promi-nent of goals for the Communist Party of China (CPC).Major economic policies implement-ed after 1949, including land reform and reform and opening up, are all serving a shared, thriving end. Allowing for some people and regions to become rich first and consequently help others get on their feet, the strategy of reform and opening up is ultimately to achieve prosperity for all. The CPC Central Committee today marks achieving prosperity for all as an imperative task on the journey toward national modernization.  相似文献   

正Confrontational strategic competition act is set to pose more stumbling blocks for future China-U.S. tiesOn April 21, after hours of debate and several amendments, the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations voted 21-1 in approval of the Bill to Address Issues Involving the People's Republic of China, also known as the Strategic Competition Act of 2021. The over 280-page bill was based on the Strengthening Trade, Regional Alliances, Technology, and Economic and Geopolitical Initiatives Concerning China Act proposed by Jim Risch, then Chairman of the committee, and three other Republican senators in July 2020. As the Republicans lost control of the Senate after the 2020 elections, Democrat Robert Menendez took over the panel's chairmanship and proposed the new bill.  相似文献   

正Our family,consisting of my wife and two adult children,were invited to teach business and English courses at Guangxi University in Nanning,capital of southwest China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.We decided to go a month earlier to be able to travel and see parts of China before we started teaching in September,2011.The  相似文献   

SINCEtheinventionofprintinginChina,humanbeingshaveSDentI.800yearscommunicatingonpaper,160yearstransacttingmessagesbybroadcastsignalsandamere20yearsusingcomputernetworks.Ittook38yearstopopularizeradioandextenditsuseto50millionpeople.ThesamehappenedtoT...  相似文献   

<正>After a fortnight of marathon negotiations,envoys from nearly 200 countries have endorsed an agreement on a method to combat global warming at the climate change conference in Paris on December 12.The historic agreement sets out the objective of limiting global temperature increases to a maximum of2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.It also challenges nations to work toward a more ambitious target—a limit of just 1.5 degrees.  相似文献   

时青昊 《理论月刊》2005,(5):135-138
在新的历史时代,生态问题成为对德国社会民主党执政能力进行严峻考验的问题.对"新社会运动"的排斥造成了它的政治危机和选举失败.为了顺应时代的要求,德国社会民主党在新党纲"柏林纲领"中融入了生态保护的内容,并和绿党建立"红绿联盟",从而终于重新执政.  相似文献   

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