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<正>The Environmental Protection Law,first written 25 years ago,has finally received a much needed update Amining company that polluted a reservoir has recently been punished under China’s new Environmental Protection Law,which took effect on January 1.In August 2014,the Huangchangping Mining Co.in central China’s Hubei Province began trial production of pyrites without formal approval of the local environmental  相似文献   

正Beijing’s air quality gets better,and further improvements lie ahead Blue skies over Beijing in winter,which have been regarded as quite a luxury during the past several years,are less rare these days and no longer so remarkable as to cause photos of the pleasant conditions to inundate social media.  相似文献   

我国西部地区的发展,直接关系到中华民族的振兴和国家的长治久安,关系到现代化目标的实现。可以说,没有西部地区的经济发展和社会进步,就没有整个国家的兴旺发达和繁荣昌盛。  相似文献   

台湾人民一贯具有反抗外来侵略,维护祖国统一的光荣传统.认同祖国、争取回归,是抗战时期台湾人民抵制日本殖民者"皇民化运动"的一条主线.针对日本帝国主义强制割断中华大家庭文化渊源与民族情结的奴化教育、语言强制、更改习俗、文艺垄断和"皇民奉公"运动,台湾人民进行了不屈不挠的抵制和斗争,并将这种斗争汇入中华民族抗战的洪流,体现了台湾人民不畏强暴,誓死捍卫和发展中华文化,以及强烈的炎黄子孙本根意识.  相似文献   

抗日战争时期,中国共产党在空前广阔的历史舞台上进行的波澜壮阔的伟大革命实践,极大地推动了马克思主义的理论创新,取得了极为丰富的理论创新成果,积累了具有深远意义的理论创新经验。这些成果和经验对于今天仍有着重要的历史启迪。  相似文献   

抗日战争是中华民族近代史上第一次取得完全胜利的民族解放战争,是世界反法西斯战争的重要组成部分。充分认识中国人民为夺取世界反法西斯战争的胜利做出的历史性贡献,正视日本军国主义曾经给我国及亚太地区人民带来的深重灾难,对于我们正确认识和牢记历史,反对日本右翼势力篡改和美化侵略战争,警惕军国主义势力东山再起,与各国人民一道共同维护世界和平,具有重要而深远的意义。  相似文献   

抗战爆发后,中日宣战是一个互相关联的问题,既存在中国的对日宣战,亦存在日本的对华宣战。国民政府在九一八事变后就曾调研过对日宣战问题,并取得了一些共识;全面抗战爆发后,国民政府进一步分析对日宣战的利害,认为不宜宣战。日本详细研究相关问题后,亦认为宣战弊大于利。德国突袭波兰,二战爆发后,宣战问题演变为国民政府如何应对日本对华宣战。在此前后,英国不建议中国对日宣战。太平洋战争爆发后,久悬不决的对日宣战问题终于明朗化,国民政府迅即对日宣战,而日本则并未做出对等的反应。从根本上言,中日双方是否相互宣战,取决于各自对利弊两端的判断。  相似文献   

抗日战争中,中国共产党和中国国民党分别在敌后和正面开辟了既相互依存又各具独立性的战场。与此相适应,国共两党分别采取了不同的战略指导。中国国民党战略指导的主要内容是:持久消耗,以空间换时间;开辟淞沪战场,打破日军速战速决的战略企图;层层设防,退据西南;保存实力,消极等待;加入世界反法西斯联盟。中国共产党战略指导的主要内容是:倡导和建立抗日民族统一战线;坚持游击战,但不放松有利条件下的运动战;造成犬牙交错的战略优势;贯彻兵民是胜利之本的方针;围绕建立国际反日联合战线实行抗日外交。  相似文献   

文化软战争是美国攻掠全球地缘战略枢纽的重要手段,本质是一种文化操纵,即通过改变人们的文化观念来实现美国的战略目标。文化软战争的实施一般要经过三个阶段:一是文化渗透,侵蚀目标国家的文化核心,改变民众的文化观念,最终接受美国所设定的文化观念。二是利用蜂拥战术发动街头政治,颠覆现政权。三是扶植亲美政权上台。防范文化软战争的关键是让美国从幕后现身,揭露其文化操纵的真实目标、手法和具体过程。  相似文献   

正Tycoon Wang Jianlin shares the secrets of his success in his best-selling biography One of Asia’s richest people,Wang Jianlin,who made a fortune with his giant real estate firm,Dalian Wanda,is now on a course to change the world of entertainment and sports.  相似文献   

Siemens shows its confidence in the Chinese market by continuing investment and focusing on developing local ties Two days before the Fourth Siemens  相似文献   

In a medical device market dominated by big names like GE and Philips Electronics,a little known Chinese company is gaining recognition from medical facilities and practitioners in the United States and Europe.Mindray,a Shenzhen-based medical instrument developer and manufacturer,caught the eye of U.S newspapers,particularly the Wall Street Journal,after it won over Hoboken University Medical Center in New Jersey with machinery priced 40-percent lower than mainstream equipment providers.  相似文献   

Traffic in China often resembles a real auto race. I used to be convinced that drivers in Moscow were the world’s worst, and later thought the same of New York cab drivers, but I am now convinced that Chinese drivers take the top prize in the competition. In July 2012, I was a participant of the UN Chinese language group traveling across northeast China’s Heilongjiang Province to  相似文献   

On the global economic recovery’s already unpredictable road,the latest threat comes from the possibility of a currency war.  相似文献   

China still faces formidable challenges while endeavoring to keep its commitments under the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control On November15  相似文献   

正Tibet pushes ecological protection amid harsh natural conditionsLobsang Dawa is a student at the Machu Vil age Primary School in Amdo County,southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region.He is also called a"little environment protector."After school or during breaks,he picks up the garbage on the street."There are more than 20‘environment protectors’like me at my school,"Lobsang said.  相似文献   

抗战时期的台湾籍民问题   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
抗战爆发后,居留福建的台湾籍民被集中迁往内地,并在崇安设立台民收容所,对其实行监视居住,但该收容所性质不同于集中营.台湾义勇队的主要成员即来自内迁台民,他们在投身抗战的同时,也针对台籍浪人在大陆胡作非为所留下的恶劣影响,积极进行"消毒"工作,一面宣传两岸人民的血脉联系,一面吁请民众分清台人之良莠及日人离间阴谋.他们的工作在一定范围内和一定程度上改善了台湾籍民的形象,并使人们对台胞刮目相看.  相似文献   

彭晓保 《理论月刊》2005,2(9):67-69
抗日战争时期是中国共产党干部队伍建设理论形成的重要时期,毛泽东等老一辈无产阶级革命家对培养和造就党的干部,加强党的干部队伍建设进行了难能可贵的探索,形成了许多重要的思想和理论,在今天仍具有现实指导意义。  相似文献   

Chen Fu,an associate research fellow with the Aerospace In formation Research In stitu te,the Chinese Academy of Sciences,studied the changes taking place along the Yangtze River Economic Belt by comparing satellite images of lights across the region.  相似文献   

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