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Balancing Act     
正China will continue regulating the real estate market in 2012 China's real estate market experienced challenges in 2011,with the overheated market starting to cool down and the exorbitantly high  相似文献   

A Balancing Act     
Li Long is a 39-year-old doctor in Beijing who still remembers sandstorms ravaging the capital during spring when he was a university student about 20 years ago."On the streets,everyone had to wear a mask or a scarf to cover their noses and mouths.The sand wasn’t only an outside menace,it also blew into people’s homes,”he recalled.  相似文献   

Since China and India established a strategic partnership in 2005, their bilateral economic and trade relations have seen rapid growth. Bilateral trade has increased at an annual speed of 40 percent, resulting in a record volume of $73.6 billion in 2011. However, the trade imbalance between the two countries has also increased over the years, reaching a record high of $53.2 billion in 2016. The trade deficit has become a hot issue demanding the attention of both governments as wel as analytical research.  相似文献   

When Donald Trump was elected president of the U.S.,the general sentiment in Europe was negative.Trump’s new path of unilateralism,his support for Brexit and his indifference to the European integration project raised concerns about the future of transatlantic relations.The concerns were vindicated.  相似文献   

<正>Reports in Western media on the huge amount of capital flowing out of China and the Chinese Government imposing restrictions over money outf lows in recent years had cast a shadow on the hearts of investors.But now they may feel relieved by a new set of statistics issued by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange(SAFE),which shows the demand for and supply of foreign exchange was approaching equilibrium in  相似文献   

Despite improvements in Viet Nam-U.S.relations,Viet Nam seeks to strike a balance between China and the United States  相似文献   

<正>President Xi Jinping stressed that China should reform and strengthen the structure of its supply front in order to increase the quality and efficiency of the supply system and provide a growth impetus for sustainable economic development,while speaking at the 11th meeting of the Central Leading Group for Financial and Economic Affairs on November 11.This lays  相似文献   

China is part of the global campaign against the novel coronavirus pandemic. When it faced a critical situation, the international community stood behind it, providing moral and material support. Now that the situation is under control in China but deteriorating in some countries, the Chinese authorities are reciprocating the support by urgently sending medical teams, supplies and sharing information.  相似文献   

Various revitalization plans seek to promote interactive development in China’s central and western regions  相似文献   

Rebalancing Act     
正China is making progress in addressing regional economic imbalances According to China’s provincial economic data for 2011,central and western regions outpaced the east coast in GDP growth last year.Ever since the reform and opening-up drive was initiated  相似文献   

Class Act     
IT'S perhaps the most common assumption made: tell a Westerner you are working in China and the .response will be "Oh, teaching?"In many cases it will be the right assumption (cliches exist for good reason), but this column has been looking at anything Westerners are doing here that isn't teaching. It remains a fact though, that the educational sector is a huge employer of native English speakers.  相似文献   

The Act     

正Growth and environment protection can be achieved in tandem Like many other countries,China suffered serious environment degradation in the early stages of its industrialization when its rapid economic growth came at a huge cost to its natural  相似文献   

Right to Act     
In the light of international conventions,governments of countries are entitled to investigate and catalog national cultural relics (including ones lost overseas) for the purpose of preservation and research. Countries  相似文献   

A Lawful Act     
正China's bid to regulate overseas NGOs'activities will promote developmentand social progress Regulating the activities of overseas non-governmental organizations(NGOs)by law is a universal practice in the international community.To better regulate their activities in China and promote their healthy development,the Chinese Government recently enacted the Law on the Management of the Activities  相似文献   

A Neighborly Act     
正Chinese organizations rush medical supplies to India in an act of solidarity amid its COVID-19 crisis Anti-pandemic supplies including oxygen concentrators and ventilators donated by the Red Cross Society of China (RCSC)arrived in India on May 9.  相似文献   

正Widespread concern exists both at home and abroad over potential layoffs accrued in China’s current cycle of cutting overcapacity.The coal,iron and steel industries are bearing the brunt of the ongoing capacity reduction campaign,with the number of employees pending resettlement estimated at 1.8 mil ion. However,such concerns may be unnecessary partly because the Chinese Government won’t allow huge layoffs to  相似文献   

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