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正China’s defense spending grows at slower rate this yearThe defense budget will grow at a rate of 7.6 percent in 2016,the lowest in six years,according to a budget report given to the Fourth Session of the 12th National People’s Congress,China’s top legislature,on March 5.This year,the budget is 954 billion yuan($146 billion),compared with last year’s budget of 886.9 billion yuan($136 billion).  相似文献   

Swedish-Chinese collaboration PK 14 are taking time out to learn photography, write their fourth album, and set a date with the recording studio by the end of year.  相似文献   

王晋堂 《北京观察》2007,(12):21-23
提案是参政议政的务实途径——这是我回首做第九届、第十届市政协委员的一点体会。政协有大会小会,也有与社会接触的场合。委员有一定  相似文献   

各位代表:受市人民政府委托,现将北京市2019年预算执行情况和2020年预算草案的报告提请市第十五届人大第三次会议审议,并请市政协各位委员提出意见。—、2019年预算执行情况2019年在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,在中共北京市委直接领导下,在市人大及其常委会监督支持下,我们坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,深入贯彻党的十九大和十九届二中、三中、四中全会精神,以及习近平总书记对北京重要讲话精神,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,深入贯彻新发展理念,坚决落实高质量发展要求,扎实推进供给侧结构性改革,有效应对外部复杂环境。  相似文献   

"It happened when 1 was nine years old," said Wang Yuhui. Though unclear about her age - perhaps 96 or 97- she remembered very clearly when she got her face and body tattoed.  相似文献   

执法为民既是公安交通管理工作的核心主题,更是践行"三个代表"重要思想的直接体现.进一步强化交警执法为民思想,一要打牢思想基础,提高执法为民的自觉性.二要正视存在的问题,增强执法为民的针对性.三要澄清模糊认识,调动执法为民的积极性.四要强化激励机制,增强执法为民的实效性.  相似文献   

Open Budget     
Government initiatives to publicize budgetary information allow for greater public supervision In an unprecedented move,four ministries under the Central Government recently posted their 2010 budgets on their official websites.  相似文献   

Budget Maneuvers     
正Prolonged financial crisis threatens UN’s role in global affairs The UN found itself with a deficit of$230million at the end of September. UN Secretary General António Guterres saidon October 8 that he had written to member states "about the worst cash crisis facing the UN in nearly a decade."  相似文献   

中国预算改革:未来的挑战   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1999年以来,中国启动了一场意义深远的预算改革,目标是建立现代公共预算制度。十余年的预算改革,取得了显著的成绩,中国基本上建立起现代公共预算制度的基本框架。但同时,也在预算权力结构、综合预算、总额控制、绩效预算、现金和债务管理、会计改革等方面面临着挑战。未来,中国应更加深入地推进预算改革,建立现代公共预算制度。  相似文献   

XINHUA 《人权》2011,(5):XINHUA-11
Zhang Side,a soldier of the Chinese Communist Party’s Eighth Route Army, did not die a hero’s death in the war against Japanese invaders. Instead,he lost his young life at the age of 29 when making charcoal in a woods in northwest China after a kiln collapsed.  相似文献   

ON October 1, 2009, the world's biggest birthday party was held in Tian anmen Square in central Beijing -200,000 people gathered to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the People's Republic of China. The rest of the public watched the live broadcast on TV or online, sharing the pride and confidence of a nation rejuvenating itself on its great joumey of opening-up and reform.  相似文献   

纵观今日之中国,对民生的关注之多,让人如沐春风,使人倍感温馨。弘扬亲民之风,倡导爱民之举,非常有助于营造良好的社会和谐之风。公安机关只有多听民声民意,多做好事实事,才能高扬新风正气,抵制歪风邪气,  相似文献   

每个时代的人们都有自己独特的历史经验,都会遭遇到独特的现实问题.学习问题突显成为当今时代的一个重要问题,在深层上与社会变革引发的人的问题、尤其是人的生存问题相关联.解决这些时代问题需要树立新的学习生存理念,使学习成为当代人的一种生存方式.马克思主义实践生存哲学思想为深层理解"学习是当代人的一种生存方式"的概念意旨和本质意蕴提供了科学的指导.  相似文献   

执政为民不仅具有鲜明的价值取向、理论色彩,也带有浓厚的实践品格。执政为民的价值取向是马克思主义政党在执政活动中形成并推崇的终极政治信念和奉行的根本政治目标,是执政为民内涵之核心。执政为民的理论色彩是指遵循了民有、民治、民享、人权等价值取向的基础上,并为实现这些基本价值而建立和发展起来的理论。执政为民的真正意义,不仅仅在于传达了一种爱民思想,更在于其实践品格。执政为民的价值、理论和实践三种形态是密切联系的、相互贯通的。  相似文献   

伴随我国社会主义市场经济快速发展和法制化进程的迅速推进,必须树立正确、科学的现代司法理念,体现社会主义法律为广大人民群众服务的本质.  相似文献   

The civil service is still popular but not as much as it once was chinese people in recent years have shown an increased interest in finding a red-collar job, a widespread Internet term nowadays meaning a public service job.  相似文献   

正Editor’s Note:Deputies to the National People’s Congress(NPC)—the highest organ of state power—are tasked with putting forward motions and suggestions based on surveys and research.NPC deputies are elected every five years and currently there are more than 2,900.During this year’s NPC session,held in Beijing from March 5 to 16,Beijing Review reporter Ma Li,China Today reporter Jiao Feng and China Report reporter Dong Yan interviewed several deputies to share their stories.  相似文献   

Serve the People     
正In late 2020,the Chinese Government announced that its goal to eliminate extreme poverty had been met. At the start of the targeted poverty alleviation program back in 2013, under 100 million people were identified as living below the poverty line;seven years later,that number dropped to zero.  相似文献   

2005年我国60岁以上的老年人口已达1.45亿,占总人口的11%,其中60—69岁的低龄健康老人占到70%多。1990年北京市进入人口老龄化城市行列。2000年第五次人口普查,全市老年人口为170.2万人,其中低龄健康老年人占到62%,约百万人口。这些低龄健康老年人大多有专业技能且社会阅历丰富,精力比较充沛,因此合理开发低龄老年人才资源,既可为国家和社会创造财富,又可提高老年人自我保障能力,同时有利于增强社会活力,维护社会的和谐与稳定。2005年6月~8月,民革北京市委就低龄老人在社区发挥余热问题在东城区200位低龄老年人中进行了问卷调查,其中65%的…  相似文献   

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